Former world figure skating champion Maxim Stavitsky has escaped prison. Hero of the day: figure skater Maxim Stavisky Figure skater Stavitsky biography

  • 01.05.2024

Maxim Stavisky is a Bulgarian and Russian figure skater. He is well known to viewers of the television program Ice Age. He performed in pairs with A. Denkova.


Stavisky Maxim was born on November 16, 1977 in Rostov-on-Don. He grew up in an intelligent family. Father, Evgeny Markovich, worked as a researcher at the Moscow Electrical Engineering Research Institute. Mother, Rachel Moiseevna, engineer, candidate of science, wrote many scientific works on radio broadcasting. She studied at the Moscow Electrotechnical Institute. Then she worked for some time as a researcher at the Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. She was the chief engineer and deputy chairman at the Federal State Budgetary Institution RGRK “Voice of Russia”.

Among Stavisky's relatives there were many famous doctors. The grandfather is a reputable military surgeon, the mother’s brother is a candidate of medical sciences at the Rostov University. But Maxim did not follow in the footsteps of his relatives and chose his own path - creativity.

Figure skating

When Stavisky was four years old, Rachel Moiseevna enrolled her son in figure skating. She wanted Maxim to be well developed physically. But skating became not just a hobby for him, but the meaning of life. At school age, Maxim broke his leg. But this injury did not prevent him from continuing to figure skating after recovery. The first partner at the skating rink was Anastasia Belova.


Until 2006, Maxim Stavisky competed in pair skating for Russia. In 1996 he changed his partner to Albena Denkina. He received Bulgarian citizenship and began playing for this country. Maxim and Albena trained with A. Gorshkov in Odintsovo. In 2005, the skaters left for the USA. In 2006 and 2007 under the leadership of N. Linchuk and G. Karponosov, Albena Denkova and Maxim Stavisky won the World Championship twice. In October 2007, at the height of his career, the skater announced his desire to retire from the sport.

Car accident

The cause was a car accident, which was caused by Stavisky in Bulgaria. He exceeded the speed limit while driving a car and drove into oncoming traffic. As a result, a collision occurred with a car in which two young people were traveling. The 21-year-old driver died on the spot, and the girl fell into a coma for a long time.

Long legal battles followed. As it turned out, alcohol was found in the skater’s blood. Interestingly, Maxim Stavisky starred in a Bulgarian advertisement that promoted driver sobriety. But the sentence given to Stavisky was lenient - a suspended sentence of 2.5 years with a five-year probationary period. Plus compensation for moral compensation to victims in the amount of 150 thousand euros. Maxim was deprived of his rights for a period of four years.

In 2008, the Burgas prosecutor's office protested the too lenient sentence and demanded 2.5 years in prison. The victims' lawyers simultaneously demanded more compensation, especially for the girl, demanding almost a million euros. A new hearing took place, but the court upheld the verdict. Then the prosecutor's office filed an appeal to the Bulgarian Supreme Court.

And the case was again returned for additional investigation. In 2009, the punishment was changed. The term remained the same, but Maxim had to serve it in a colony. The amount of compensation was increased in favor of the victims. Another appeal followed. And the court made a final decision: Maxim does not need to serve time, but he will have to pay increased compensation.

A television

In 2008, Albena Denkova and Maxim Stavisky were invited to the television show “Ice Age”. At first he performed with Albena, his former partner. In 2008, he skated with Olga Arntgolts. In 2009 - with Alisa Grebenshchikova. And in 2013, Ekaterina Shpitsa became a temporary partner. Then the audience was pleased with the appearance of a former Comedy Club participant on the show.

In 2016, Natalya Medvedeva and Maxim Stavisky took to the ice. The audience remembered this performance for a long time. The room was amazing, although Tatyana Tarasova still underestimated the rating somewhat. But the skaters perceived her as tall. Many viewers in the discussion of “Ice Age” on social networks rated the number shown by Natalya Medvedeva and Maxim Stavisky as the best of the entire program.

The couple looked very harmonious. The performance was bright, artistic and fun. And the room turned out very beautiful. Although Tarasova, explaining the assessment, said that the skaters were unequal and Natalya “slowed down” the performance, the audience did not agree with her professional opinion. They study to become professionals for years. And for the show, the skaters skated at 100 points. Moreover, in “Ice Age” the couple consists of a professional and an amateur.

Maxim Stavisky: personal life and long-awaited event

Maxim met his future wife at figure skating. At first, the young people were bound by strong friendship and a common cause. After a long time, feelings grew into love. Despite the fact that Maxim and Albena are very different in character, this does not bother them. Stavisky is always lively and cheerful, he “warms up” his significant other. And Albena, responsible and serious, often reins in Maxim. Therefore, they complement each other perfectly.

Finally, a message appeared that Albena Denkova and Maxim Stavisky were expecting a child. The couple had been planning a baby for a long time, but due to constant employment it was impossible. In 2011, the long-awaited child was finally born. During the last stage of her pregnancy, Albena lived in Sofia. Maxim's son was born in January and was named Daniel. Parents and grandparents help young parents.


Since childhood, Maxim Stavisky has loved collecting various models. One of the last is a huge sailboat. It must be assembled from miniature pieces of wood. The model is so large that it will probably take two years to assemble it completely. But Maxim painstakingly and persistently tinkers with every detail.

Although the little son often distracts his father's attention. And Maxim, laughing, shared in one of his interviews that he would probably have to finally assemble the sailboat together with his grown-up son. Stavisky used to really like drawing with pencils. But this temporary hobby quickly passed.

Maxim likes to relax in Bulgaria, by the sea. Or flies with his wife to Turkey. But a skater cannot just lie on the beach doing nothing. Therefore, sometimes he and his wife choose extreme holidays - safari, parachute jumping and water skiing. Maxim loves adrenaline. He believes that this is how rest should be.

The family, like most people, prefers to celebrate the New Year at home. And only then meet friends. And not just to sit at the table - they go to winter barbecues, heat a bathhouse or tumble in the snow.

Maxim has two main dreams. The first is to raise your son to be a real man. And the second - Stavisky really wants a second child - a daughter. And he dreams of his wife becoming pregnant again.

Maxim Stavisky. Biography

He began his career in tandem with Albena Denkova, together they represented Russia in competitions. Since 1996, Maxim became a citizen of Bulgaria, replacing his Russian citizenship. At subsequent championships the athlete competed for Bulgaria.

The pair’s coach until 2005 was Alexei Gorshkov, but after returning from the next championship, the athletes decided to change their coach. They moved to live in the USA and began to work under the leadership of Gennady Karponosov and Natalya Linichuk. Thanks to new teachers, Maxim Stavisky and Dekova began to show good results, won the world championship in 2006, and the following year consolidated their success, again taking first place.

2007 was not only successful for Maxim, but also difficult. The athlete was in a car accident, the culprit of which was himself. Then there was an investigation, and the skater announced his retirement from the sport. When the investigation was completed, Stavisky was found guilty and sentenced to 2.5 years of probation, imposed an obligation to pay a large sum of money to the victims and deprived of his driver's license. This event forced Maxim to reconsider his life position and reevaluate it. But overcoming all the difficulties, the skater did not leave the sport; he decided to become a coach.

Today he trains skaters together with Alexander Zhulin, and they are now working with the French couple Nathalie Pechalat and Fabian Bourzat. In addition, Maxim Stavisky works as a choreographer; it was he who helped stage the program for Brian Joubert in the 2009-2010 season.

He took part in the filming of shows such as “Ice Age” on Channel One. In 2008, the skater performed with actress Tatyana Arntgolts, and then with her sister Olga. In 2009, Maxim again took part in the glacier show, where he skated together with Alisa Grebenshchikova.

Photo by Maxim Stavisky

Video. Maxim Stavisky

Video: Albena Denkova - Maxim Stavisky on the Channel One show.

Video: Elena Leonova - Maxim Stavisky.

Albena Denkova and Maxim Stavisky are considered national heroes in Bulgaria, despite the fact that Maxim was born and raised in Russia. There is even a figure skating club in Sofia, which is named after the skaters. Not so long ago, the couple was experiencing such a serious crisis that experts even predicted their imminent oblivion. Maxim was injured last year and the skaters missed part of the season. But the guys returned to the ice, changed coaches before the Olympics in Turin, and won gold medals in the Grand Prix series finals recently held in St. Petersburg.
“We were told for a long time that we needed to change our mentor by experts, fans, and all our friends,” says Maxim, “but we were devoted to Alexei Gorshkov and did not want to leave.” I don’t understand why he didn’t talk to us himself, he would have said honestly that he couldn’t work, that he didn’t see any prospects in us. We would understand everything and leave. However, we don’t regret anything; there were many good and pleasant moments. And in general you can’t hold a grudge against anyone.
- How was your relationship with new coaches Natalya Linichuk and Gennady Karponosov?
- There was, of course, a period of adaptation, but now we are happy that they agreed to work with us. They are not only great coaches, but also wonderful psychologists. It is their merit that we skate and even take prizes. Although I admit honestly, after fifth place at the Olympics it was very difficult to get on the ice again. The coaches inspired us with confidence in our own abilities, we feel their experienced gaze on us, their support even with our backs when we skate at competitions. You have no idea how important this is!
- What goals do you set for this season?
- We won’t chase medals, we want to ride for our own pleasure and bring joy to the audience. After all, they are the ones who evaluate us in the first place. And of course, we are pleased to hear good words from the coaches. And the medals are probably a consequence of our skating. If everyone likes you, then of course you will win.
- In Bulgaria you have no competitors, is it difficult to keep yourself in good shape?
- We fight primarily with ourselves, and our coaches, great workaholics, do not allow us to relax. Their faith in us and their love is simply inspiring.
- You train in America, represent Bulgaria, and are originally from Russia. Where is your home?
- In recent years, in Boeing (laughs) or in hotels. I really want to live at home. We have no personal life, just flights. But I never gave up on Russia. I love coming to Moscow and St. Petersburg. Although Bulgaria has become home to me. This is a very good country, warm people live there. I'm not even talking about Albena and her parents. We want to develop figure skating in Bulgaria. After all, in fact, we are the only ones who represent this country at a high level. I think when we stop skating, we start living and working in Bulgaria, and we’ll create our own show.
- Recently, many skating rinks have appeared there, is this your merit?
- Partly. Nowadays they often start showing broadcasts of figure skating competitions, people root for us, worry about us, and live our lives. They don't care what place we take. When the whole country stays up until three in the morning because they are waiting for our performance, it costs a lot. One day the police stopped us and said that they were late for work because they had been watching the competition until late. Can you imagine? We are national heroes there! And winning a gold medal for Bulgaria is probably a feat.
- Bulgarian spectators appreciate any location. In Russia, after all, only winners are revered.
- This is true. When we make a mistake, they don’t rub our faces in the dirt, but, on the contrary, they try to support us. At the airport we are greeted with flowers, everyone loves us there: both spectators and journalists. In general, figure skating is a good sport. It’s worse for football players, only fans of their team love them; fans of other clubs, as a rule, don’t treat them very well. In figure skating there is no such division among spectators.
- Do you plan to remain an amateur until the next Olympics?
- Don't think. We want to do something that is no less important to us than sports. For now we want to perform well at the European Championships, but we’ll see. Of course, we don’t yet look like pensioners on the ice, we don’t smell like mothballs yet, but we are tired. I already hate planes!
- Albena said that she wants to train children.
- I want her to give birth to them as soon as possible (laughs), and then think about coaching.
- What language do you communicate with each other?
- I speak Bulgarian well. But sometimes funny things happen when Albena explains something to me in Russian, and I try to answer in Bulgarian. Her parents laugh at us, and when we start speaking Russian at home, they ask again.
- You are becoming more and more similar to each other, is it only external resemblance?
“They’ve been telling us this for a long time.” Although we are completely different people. Albena is serious and organized, she is a responsible person. And I’m a slob, although when it comes to work, I become serious. In fact, we complement each other in every way.

Dossier "nv"

Albena Denkova was born in Bulgaria in 1974, Maxim Stavitsky - in Russia in 1977. World champions in 2006, silver medalists in the 2004 World Championships. Silver medalists of the European Championship (2003, 2004). Champions of Bulgaria from 2000 to 2006. Winners of the 2006 Grand Prix Final.
Interviewed by Valentina KARELOVA

Former figure skating world champion Maxim Stavitsky avoided prison time after the Bulgarian Supreme Court confirmed his sentence of 2.5 years probation, reports.

In July 2007, a 31-year-old figure skater was involved in a car accident that killed a man and left a young girl in a coma. Stavitsky was driving while drunk.

Last year, the court of first instance sentenced Stavitsky to 2.5 years of suspended imprisonment with a probationary period of five years, payment of compensation in the amount of about €150 thousand, and was deprived of the right to drive a vehicle for three years. However, she considered the punishment too lenient and protested the verdict, insisting on effective punishment with Stavitsky’s detention. The court reviewed the case and satisfied it, sentencing Stavitsky to real prison time.

The skater immediately filed a counter-appeal and on Tuesday the court granted it.

In August 2007, Stavitsky, while intoxicated, drove his Hummer into oncoming traffic and collided with a Honda car. As a result of the accident, the driver of the Honda, a 21-year-old boy, died, and an 18-year-old girl is currently in a comatose state; several other people were slightly injured.

Maxim Stavitsky was born on November 16, 1977 in Rostov-on-Don. Initially, the athlete competed for Russia and, together with him, achieved that he became considered one of the best partners among juniors in ice dancing. But in 1996, due to his age, Maxim could no longer compete in junior competitions, and therefore he needed to find a new partner. Unexpectedly, one was found in Bulgaria in the person of Albena Denkova. By that time, the athlete broke up with her partner because she could not achieve great success with him.

Although Bulgaria did not achieve serious success in figure skating, Maxim Stavitsky decided to move there and, having received citizenship of this country, began performing together with Albena Denkova.

Albena Denkova and Maxim Stavitsky // Reuters

Every year this couple took higher and higher places at the European and World Championships. Stavitsky and Denkova never managed to win the Old World Championship - in 2003 and 2004 they were second there, in 2006 - third. But in 2006 and 2007, this dance duo achieved the greatest success of their lives, winning the world championship. The sporting successes of this couple were noted by the country's leadership, which awarded them the most prestigious order in Bulgaria - Stara Planina.

The future life of Maxim and Albena did not foretell any troubles. Their age allowed them to continue their performances in amateur competitions until the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, where they would be the most experienced athletes and due to this they could finally win medals (at the Games in 2002 they were seventh, and four years later - fifth). After completing their amateur careers, Stavitsky and Denkova would also not be left without work, turning professional and performing in various shows.

But in August, Maxim was involved in the same accident, as a result of which one person died, and the other is still in a coma.

After this, Stavitsky ended his career, and only a year later he took part in one of the currently so popular ice shows in Russia, performing together with the actress.

During this time, the police conducted an investigation, the court made several decisions, which were appealed by different parties.

Now, having received not a real prison sentence, but a suspended one, Stavitsky can continue to do what he loves. The main thing is not to repeat previous mistakes and not to drive while intoxicated.

The protracted case of the world champion has come to an end.

The Supreme Court of Bulgaria supported the appeal of the famous figure skater Maxim STAVISKY. The two-time world champion was facing a prison sentence of 2.5 years, since it was his fault that a person died.


This story has been going on since August 2007. The Hummer SUV he was driving Stavisky, drove into oncoming traffic and collided with a Honda car. The 23-year-old driver of the Honda was taken to hospital, but his life could not be saved. An 18-year-old girl sitting in the same car was in a coma for many months after the accident. In total, five people were injured in the accident, and Stavisky was found to be the culprit of the incident. The skater got behind the wheel after drinking alcohol - the level of alcohol in his blood was twice the legal limit in Bulgaria.

First, the famous athlete was sentenced to a suspended sentence. But the relatives of the victims, especially the deceased guy, were outraged, and the case was reconsidered. In January 2008, in the Bulgarian city of Burgas, judges turned out to be very harsh. Instead of a suspended sentence, Maxim Stavisky was given 2.5 years in prison. But the skater’s lawyers did not sit idly by. They filed an appeal to the country's Supreme Court, which eventually pardoned Maxim.

Inspired by Tchaikovskaya

Stavisky was born in Russia, in Rostov-on-Don, and ended up in Bulgaria only by chance. He began his sports career as a singles skater, and then moved on to ice dancing, where he performed in pairs with Anastasia Belova. But this duet broke up. The Bulgarian figure skater was also left without a partner Albena Denkova. Maxim started skating with Albena in 1996 thanks to the patronage of our famous coach Elena Tchaikovskaya. It was difficult for them to get into the Russian national team then, so the skaters decided to compete for Bulgaria. But they lived and trained with us, in Odintsovo, near Moscow. According to some experts, Denkova and Stavisky at the peak of their careers skated no worse than the Olympic champions Tatiana Navka And Novel Kostomarov. In his interviews, Maxim has repeatedly stated that he and Albena are simply being sued.

By the way, after the departure of Navka and Kostomarov, Denkova and Stavisky won gold medals at the world championships twice in a row.

When Maxim became the culprit of a terrible accident, he was terribly worried. The skater no longer drives while drunk.

This sad incident became a good lesson for me,” Stavisky said. - I was a real goofball. It’s just a pity that you can’t bring back the life of that guy on the Honda...