During a match in Tula, famous hockey player Sergei Gimaev died. Sergey Gimaev

  • 01.05.2024

The loss of Gimaev is a loss not only of all Russian hockey, but also of domestic sports as a whole. This was a man from a sports family. A professional with a capital P and a hard worker to the core. It’s no joke, but even at 62, Gimaev continued to commentate on matches and personally take to the ice in veterans’ tournaments. Yes, how he played! Young people will be jealous.

A well-known former CSKA defender, the eight-time USSR champion devoted his entire life to hockey. Gimaev began playing for the army team in the 1976/77 season. He ended his career after the 1985/86 season with the SKA team, so in the Northern capital Gimaev is also well known and remembered. In total, the hockey player played 305 matches in the USSR championships and scored 45 goals. It is no wonder that based on the results of his sporting achievements, Gimaev received the title of Honored Master of Sports. By the way, as a boy, he trained for a long time at the Salavat Yulaev school, going from the youth team to the adult team. Gimaev treated Ufa with special warmth. His opinion was listened to. He was respected.

Sergei Nailievich was known not only as a hockey player, but also as a coach. He loved to tinker with young players. He could shout, but he always did it with kindness and good intentions. A man who loved work also demanded work from others.

Gimaev became known to the general public from his work in the commentary department. His reports from hockey matches have become classics of the genre. Voice of Hockey! Many compared Gimaev with Vladimir Maslachenko, who was similarly adored in football. Sergei Nailievich never poured “water,” as they say in the journalistic community. Didn't work just for show. His opinions were always bright, and his criticism was sensible. The best hockey expert in the country. This is how the majority called the deceased.

Some clubs or leaders often took offense at Gimaev when he spoke the truth. Yes, a specialist could go through some command thoroughly. But completely to the point. Gimaev's opinion was extremely authoritative. It's no joke, but even the head coach of the Russian national team listened to him Oleg Znarok. After some matches, Oleg Valerievich could personally approach Gimaev and listen to his opinion regarding the game. Consult, ask for help.

Photo: Vladimir Bezzubov, photo.khl.ru

The master often admitted that he himself was a vulnerable person and was easily offended. Sergei Nailievich really took the words to heart. He almost never refused an interview with the journalistic fraternity, knowing full well that he shared the same bread with them. But he remembered and read every word he said. Because I understood that everyone would read it.

How many people play hockey at 63? Someone at that age prefers to lie on the couch and watch the game on TV. Gimaev, in turn, constantly remained faithful to his favorite game. He died there, at hockey. At the combat post. A veterans' match took place in Tula, in which Gimaev himself took part. He later left the game for the locker room without finishing the match. I felt unwell, I felt bad. Sergei Nailyevich never regained consciousness.

There are only positive memories left about Sergei Nailievich. We worked together, interacted on the team. He was a man who gave himself completely to his work. We even played together, and everywhere Sergei Nailievich showed his best side. This is a big loss for hockey. He did a lot of work on television, commentated on matches, and helped in every possible way. It's a shame that such a person is no longer with us. It’s night in Korea now, and we plan for the Russian Olympic team to come out tomorrow wearing mourning bands and hold a minute of silence. We will discuss this with our Korean colleagues in the morning. I’m sure they won’t mind,” the first vice-president of the FHR expressed his words of condolences. Roman Rotenberg.

Photo: Vladimir Bezzubov, photo.khl.ru

The clubs also express their condolences. Andrei Nazarov called with a request and expressed his deepest condolences on behalf of the entire Neftekhimik. Words of support were given to relatives and friends at Sibir, Dynamo Moscow, and CSKA. Everywhere. No one remained indifferent to this man with a capital M.

Just recently, domestic and world hockey suffered a huge loss, saying goodbye to the two-time Olympic champion Vladimir Petrov. Gimaev did not win Olympic gold, but his memory will also live forever. May you rest in peace, Sergei Nailievich.

“Championship” joins in condolences and expresses words of support to the relatives of the deceased.


November 27, 2014 at the funeral of the legendary army club coach Viktor Tikhonov journalists asked Sergei Gimaev: “Why were there a few tears at the send-off of the eminent mentor at the CSKA Ice Palace?

Then Sergei Nailyevich reacted with lightning speed: “It’s just that many of us perceived Viktor Vasilyevich not just as a living person, but as a celestial being who has now definitely ascended to heaven.”

Today, in the same CSKA Ice Palace on Leningradsky Prospect of the capital, the country said goodbye to Gimaev.

How did we, the fans, perceive Sergei Nailievich? As a celestial being - definitely not, he spoke to everyone as equals and without pathos...

If the thought is true Evgenia Yevtushenko If Vsevolod Bobrov is the “Gagarin of pucks in Rus',” then it is not difficult to agree with the statement: “Sergei Gimaev is the soul of Russian hockey.”

His outstanding teammates spoke about this today.


— Sergei Nailievich was a unique person, both on the ice and off it. There were no others in the CSKA hockey team at that time,” the famous defender shared his memories of his comrade Sergey Babinov. - Yes, he did not become an Olympic champion or world champion, and like any ambitious player, this really hurt him, but it also gave him motivation to constantly improve himself. Sergei Nailievich was a hard worker, first a player, then a coach and director of a sports school. This is probably why I was able to join the commentary department so easily - because I understood the actions of the players on the court better than many. I think this was his calling.

— Sergei Panteleimonovich, after the departure of Sergei Gimaev, did you have the feeling that the soul of Russian hockey had flown away?

“This is really so,” Sergei Babinov wiped away a tear.


Vyacheslav Fetisov continued this thought.

— Although we competed with Sergei Nailievich at CSKA “for a place in the sun,” he was always a reliable comrade and friend. An honest person in all respects. I think this was one of the main components of his success in the commentary field. He never acted on camera, but was himself. There were many outstanding hockey players, but not everyone was up to the job. It is very difficult to be interesting on television and become a bigger idol than more talented hockey players. He was the soul of Russian hockey, this is indisputable,” Fetisov emphasized.


Not only hockey players, but also many honored representatives of various sports from the friendly family of CSKA athletes and coaches came to the Ice Palace to see off their outstanding teammate on his final journey. For example, the deputy heads of the army club are two-time Olympic champions Svetlana Khorkina(gymnastics) and Svetlana Ishmuratova(biathlon), as well as the legendary figure skating coach Tatiana Tarasova.

- Nothing foreshadowed trouble. Svetlana Ishmuratova told me that on Thursday, March 16, she was photographed with Sergei Gimaev at an event at the CSKA Sports Glory Museum, and two days later he was gone. At the beginning of March, three weeks ago, I met with Sergei Nailyevich at a farewell to Vladimir Petrov. She showed Gimaeva where to go to the funeral service. This was my last meeting with him, and I am still in shock at the departure of such a wonderful person,” Svetlana Khorkina shared her experiences, noting the spiritual qualities of the deceased. — Sergei Nailievich was organic in everything. In addition to success in his career as an athlete, he became an honored coach of the country, and his commentator activity was going well. Things went well because he loved hockey and respected the fans. Everything he did for CSKA and for all of Russian hockey is priceless.

Say goodbye to the soul of Russian hockey, according to the president of HC CSKA Igor Esmantovich, about six thousand people came. But who could accurately count the waves of the endless human river, which did not dry up even at the Novoluzhinsky cemetery.

“I think the farewell was organized worthy of the personality of Sergei Nailievich,” Esmantovich told reporters and thanked the head of the big CSKA, Colonel Mikhail Baryshev, as well as the President of the KHL Dmitry Chernyshenko for serious assistance in organizing the ceremony.

The send-off is certainly worthy, but it is unlikely that any of us will name a worthy successor to Sergei Gimaev, one who is capable, since he can organically cope with the role of the spiritual leader of Russian hockey.

The applause at the coffin and the volleys of the guard of honor, echoing with pain in their hearts, died down in honor of Sergei Gimaev, but there remained bewilderment on the faces of the fans and a silent question over the fresh grave: how to continue to live without his usual wise hockey word?

“Did they take him to the hospital?” - “No, he died in the locker room...” How Sergei Gimaev left

His friend and colleague Dmitry Fedorov tells about the last hours of Sergei Gimaev’s life.

His friend and colleague Dmitry Fedorov tells about the last hours of Sergei Gimaev’s life.

Do you understand what is happening here...

I’m talking with Dmitry Fedorov, who is responsible for hockey broadcasts on Match TV and KHL TV. A close person and colleague for Sergei Gimaev. It is very painful and difficult to speak, but I ask a question:

- How did this happen, Dima?
- A “Legends of Hockey” match took place in Tula. During the game, Sergei Nailievich became ill.

He didn't fall - he just didn't feel well. I went to the nurse, and they went into the locker room together. Nobody was worried. Now Gimaev will get help. Maybe the pressure jumped.

After the game, no one is allowed into the locker room: “There is intensive care there.” And then they said that was it. Sergei Nailievich lies dead there.

Nobody could believe it at all. Denis Kazansky told me about this. I call Sasha Guskov back: “Did they take him to the hospital?”

No, not to the hospital. He died in the locker room.

- “Wait, that’s what they said, that’s it?”

I asked him ten times on the phone. - “Dim, what are you... Yes, that’s it, he’s dead.”

Maybe he complained about some kind of ailment before the game?

No, I didn’t complain about anything,” says Sasha Guskov. - Everything was fine. This is a shock for everyone. I'm now on the highway. I'm driving and don't understand what's happening. Just like that - and there is no person.

- When I talked with Sergei Nailievich in the summer, he said that he was admitted to a military hospital. But he didn't give details. Heart?
- Yes, in August he underwent surgery. I have no right to say what was there - I promised. But not the heart. And not something that leads to death.

Let's find out the medical report. However, Sergei Nailyevich was not exactly complaining. But somehow he mentioned that he was tired of frequent flights. He flew to Vladivostok...

- The other day I called Gimaev for an interview. He picked up the phone the third time: “I’m actually in the Arctic. But let's talk."
- Not really a complaint. But such a remark was made a couple of weeks ago. Like, my head is cloudy.

But no one could even think! I've seen Gimaev often lately. Cheerful, smiling. He usually told me if something was wrong and he wasn’t feeling well. I was the only one who told me about the operation... He didn’t complain, no.

- Were you on board with all your plans, were you ready to work to the fullest?
- Yes. Moreover, he is already preoccupied with the World Championship. He said that if no one goes and the question is open, he is ready to work in the studio at full capacity.

After all, when people feel bad, what do they say? “I’ll see how I feel.” There was nothing like that here. Maybe he confessed something to his family? At work, Gimaev was full of life plans.

- Words cannot describe what this loss means for Match TV...
- I was supposed to work tomorrow. I was on air. If I had felt unwell, I probably wouldn’t have gone to the match in Tula? He would call us: “Don’t install it, guys, replace it.”

We always substituted if there was such a request. There was a special attitude towards Sergei Nailievich, this is understandable.

They were waiting for him at the Igrotek... And now everyone is in incredible condition. When they told me, I didn’t know what to do or what to do for an hour. I need to say this on air, but I don’t know how to say it. Who should I give the order to?

During the first break we already knew everything about what happened. But they couldn’t say. Only in the second. How to approach this?

Now there was a special episode on Match TV. We wrote some text together for the news via intercom. It was such a blow that words didn’t come out.

- Gimaev was like a father to everyone who knew him.

Yes... And pay attention, no one from the team wrote first on social networks. This is a colossal shock for everyone. First, people wrote, as I understand it, who did not know Sergei Nailyevich very closely. None of my colleagues or friends had the strength to put the letters into words.

We are all shocked. This is a Teacher and Friend for the vast majority of employees. We have an ultra-competitive environment. And in order to also be a Friend in her, you need to have special human qualities. Gimaev had them.

I was just watching the news that Natasha Clarke was reading. I see her biting her lips and almost crying. And after the broadcast I burst into tears. We wrote the text together. How to say it? How to pronounce? I don’t know how Natasha spent this episode.

The guys in the KHL TV studio didn’t know what to say. They called each other back dozens of times and asked again. Dozens of calls from everywhere. Nobody can believe it. For everyone, this is the loss not of a colleague, but of a loved one.

P.S. After the conversation, a message came to the phone from Dima: “Can you imagine, I’m driving in the car now. He adjusted his baseball cap. And he realized that this was his gift. He brought it to me from the World Cup. Black. With the tournament emblem. He was not only sincere, but also caring.”

In 20 minutes.

“I should appoint someone for tomorrow’s broadcast instead of him, but I can’t. I can't call anyone. I just don't know what to do. You know, when they say that it is impossible to replace a person, it is often a figure of speech. And here we need a specific replacement for a specific tomorrow. And I can’t..."

source: "Soviet Sport"

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Trouble does not come alone... Following Vladimir Petrov, another symbol of national hockey passed away - Sergei Gimaev. Petrov was seven and a half years older than Gimaev, but two comrades passed away almost simultaneously. You could say they left together, but in different ways. The first is in the hospital, the second is practically on the hockey rink...

The death of Vladimir Petrov on the last day of winter shocked everyone, but many knew about the legendary striker’s health problems. The tragic news about Sergei Gimaev, which instantly spread around the hockey world on March 18, was simply shocking. A man who literally personified life force died suddenly during a veterans' hockey match in Tula. During the game, Sergei Nailievich became ill. He remained calm: they said, everything is fine, guys, I’ll go to the locker room and rest. Gimaev has always been like this - fearless, courageously enduring pain after the most severe clashes. Always said I was fine...

For several minutes, doctors tried to save him in the locker room - to no avail...

During the match, he felt bad, went to the first aid station, and was given an injection there,” said another participant in this veterans’ meeting, Calgary Olympic champion Ilya Byakin. “Everything seemed to be fine with him, but then the unexpected happened.” Doctors said the blood clot had broken loose. Sergei played the first period, everything went fine. During the second, he felt bad, he went to the locker room, and we continued to play. They didn’t see him, they didn’t know what was happening. And then, when they finished playing... they told us what happened. Everything happened so quickly... There are no words. Let me emphasize once again: Sergei Nailievich did not complain about his health. We played the match and, as usual, he was in good shape. Nobody expected this to be possible.

Gimaev was 63 years old, but he looked much younger. How do you remember him? A good-natured giant, well versed in the intricacies of the game, and at the same time always ready to explain its nuances. No snobbery - just a desire to help, to convey the right ideas to fans and journalists, an ardent desire to teach people to understand hockey. To truly understand this beautiful game, to comprehend its essence. To love her the way he loved her, at least in part. It is symbolic that Gimaev passed away during the game to which he was always devoted. He gave his whole life to her, and she did not let him go until the last seconds. And she took it.

They don’t make people like that anymore, and even less so hockey players. Tough, unyielding, selfless - the standard of a true defender, just like the same Petrov - the standard of a center forward. Both of their careers are mainly connected with CSKA, which is understandable: the strongest club in the Soviet Union gathered all the best. There is, however, another connecting thread: Petrov and Gimaev completed their performances in SKA, which means that a piece of Leningrad remains in their hearts. In hearts that have stopped beating...

A man with a big heart is about Gimaev. With it, he warmed everything and everyone around him, charged him with faith, hope and love. Here's a little touch to the portrait. During the recent KHL All-Star Game, Sergei Nailievich acted as a mentor to one of the squads. And how, damn it, the master looked organically on the coaching bridge. Despite the friendly status of the meeting, he was worried about the result and encouraged his players. Znarok, having listened to Gimaev’s instructions in the locker room, opened his mouth.

Yes, having spoken about him as a great defender and a brilliant commentator, one cannot fail to mention the wise coach Gimaev. In 1986, having hung up his skates at SKA, he switched to coaching juniors. Later, from the youth team of the country born in 1978, Nailich, being an assistant to Vladimir Shadrin, won the European champion title. Nine of his students played in that convocation. Gimaev loved to work with young people, and for a long time - almost 14 years - he headed the CSKA school. He gave everything of himself: he came to the arena in the morning and left late in the evening, attending training sessions for all ages.

Gimaev simply could not do otherwise. He - like the mythical Prometheus - gave people a wonderful flame by sacrificing himself. After all, even to this ill-fated veteran’s match in Tula, Gimaev had the opportunity not to go and then, probably, he would have remained alive... But how can you refuse the people who were waiting for him, waiting for the hockey festival?! No, this is not Nailich’s rules, even if he did not feel well the day before.

On the ice, on the coaching bridge, in the commentary booth, Gimaev gave everything. He burned himself, sparing no wood. It burned down, but for millions, for all of us, life became a little warmer from this bright Himayevsky fire.