Carrying out a warm-up exercise in a physical education lesson. Warm-up in motion, methodological development for physical education on the topic

  • 02.05.2024

Warm-up is a mandatory set of exercises that should not be neglected before training. It is aimed at preparing muscles for sports games, training and other activities that require muscle tension.

Why do you need a warm-up?

As you know, all organs and systems of the human body are in an inert state and do not begin to function at the required level immediately. Performing simple warm-up exercises is designed to prepare the muscles for the main exercises. If you neglect this set of exercises, you can get serious injury during training. Warm-up is a mandatory stage of any workout. Morning exercises, evening exercises, aerobics, yoga and even dancing begin with a light warm-up. If you don't warm up before your workouts, they will not only become traumatic, but will also be ineffective. Every body needs moderate physical activity every day. Warm-up exercises take from 3 to 15 minutes, while they raise tone, charge you with positive energy and improve health. They activate muscles and joints, stimulate blood circulation, improve the body's oxygen balance and metabolism. To achieve good results, they must be performed regularly.

How to choose warm-up exercises

The choice of exercises depends on which muscle groups will receive the main physical activity. Each person, when carrying out physical activity, pursues specific goals: some want to lose weight and exercise mainly on cardio equipment, others want to achieve sculpted muscles and practice squeezing weights, others play sports such as football or hockey and their main load falls on their legs. The complex is selected depending on which muscle group needs to be trained, but even if training is not planned, it is worth doing warm-up exercises to improve the body’s functioning, relieve stress and relax. There are even a special set of exercises for relaxation. The positive effect from them will be noticeable with 2 classes per week, but it is still better to train daily.

How to warm up

Charging begins and ends with breathing exercises. Typically the exercises are performed in the following order:

  1. Breathing exercises;
  2. Warm up the neck muscles;
  3. Shoulder warm-up;
  4. Exercises for the muscles of the back and chest;
  5. Warm up the torso and lower back;
  6. Leg warm-up;
  7. Exercises for the pelvic girdle;
  8. Warm up the calf muscles and ankle joints;
  9. Breathing exercises.

Breathing exercises

  • Breath of the sun. While inhaling, you should stretch your whole body upward, and while exhaling, return to the starting position. Repeat 8 times.
  • Moon extension. Place your right hand on your belt, pull your left hand up and, as you exhale, bend to the right. Repeat on the other side. Perform the exercise 8 times left and right.
  • Dolphin. While inhaling, spread your arms to the sides, while exhaling, bring them together in front of you, tilt your head and stretch forward.

Warm up the neck muscles

  • Turn your head. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your waist. Turn your head alternately left and right.
  • Head tilts. Starting position as described above. Tilt your head alternately forward and backward.

Warm up your shoulders and arms

  • Shoulder rotation. The starting position is similar. Rotate your shoulders up, back and down. Then change the direction of rotation.
  • Shrug. The position is the same as described above. Taking a deep breath, raise your shoulders as high as possible, then, exhaling sharply, sharply lower your shoulders.

Exercises for the pectoral muscles and back

  • Raise of hands. Bring your hands together in front of you, keeping your feet shoulder-width apart. Inhaling deeply, raise your arms above your head and exhale as you return to the starting position. Lifting back is done in the same way. In the starting position, the hands are joined behind the back.
  • Raising hands. Feet shoulder width apart. The arms are straightened at chest level directly in front of you, then, while inhaling, they are spread as far behind the back as possible, bringing the shoulder blades together. During exhalation, the arms return to their original position, the shoulder blades move apart, and the back rounds.

Exercises for the torso muscles

  • Tilts. The hands are connected above the head. Bend from side to side, keeping the pelvic girdle motionless.

Warm-up the lower back If you are concerned about complications in the lower part of the spine, then such exercises should be avoided.

  • Bend forward. The legs are placed in the same way. Lower your chin to your chest and gradually bend down as low as possible, then also straighten up and without changing the position of your feet, turn your torso to the left and repeat the bend. Repeat in the same way on the right side.

Leg exercises

  • Straightening your legs in a standing position. The left hand is placed on the belt, the right is used to maintain balance. You should straighten your left leg forward, raising it as high as possible. Then the same is repeated for the right leg. In this case, you should maintain tension on the supporting leg.
  • Dive. Place your hands on the floor with both hands, left foot on the floor. Raise your right leg back, bending it at the knee. Then bend and straighten your left leg. The left foot is kept flat on the floor. Then you should change legs and repeat.

Warm up the pelvic girdle

  • Mahi. While maintaining balance with your right hand, swing your left leg forward and backward. After performing the swings several times, do the same to the left side. Then change legs and repeat everything for the right leg.
  • Lunges. Legs to the sides, hands on the belt. Make a deep lunge, first in one direction, then in the other direction. The feet do not leave the floor and the torso does not lean forward.

Exercises for the ankle and calf muscles

  • Rotation of the feet. Holding the support with one hand, lift your leg off the floor and rotate your foot, first in one direction, then in the other. Then change legs and do the same with the other leg.
  • Calf raise. Rise onto your toes, holding onto the support. Lower and raise your heels, first with your toes turned in different directions, and then inward.

There are many different general strengthening exercises that you can perform to prepare your muscles for training, tone up and recharge your mood for the whole day. Daily exercise does not take much time, but allows you to feel great all day and strengthens the body.

Article: “Warm-up in physical education lessons.”

One of the important conditions for ensuring the effectiveness of physical exercises (educational, competitive, training) is taking into account the dynamics of the functional state of the student’s body during classes. It is important for teachers and trainers to have a good understanding of what changes occur in various organs and systems of children’s bodies, what is needed to increase their performance and the effectiveness of their classes.

Structural educational and training sessions are divided into three parts: introductory (preparatory), main and final. The correct organization and methodologically competent conduct of the introductory part are especially important, since the main tasks solved there - the gradual introduction of the body to muscle load, mental and physical preparation for it, accelerating the process of getting used to the main work - largely determine the effectiveness of the entire subsequent lesson. High demands suddenly placed on the body (difficult physical exercises, heavy physical activity) can lead to a deterioration in the functional state and even mental and physical injuries.

What problems are solved during the water part of the lesson? This is, first of all, pedagogical preparation - the creation of a favorable situation for solving pedagogical problems. The next task is psychological adjustment, ensuring mental readiness for classes. No less important is functional adjustment - strengthening the activity of the respiratory and circulatory systems, increasing body temperature, etc. Motor tuning is of great importance - entering the pace and mode of motor acts, achieving optimal motor reactions.

The entire complex of physical exercises carried out in the introductory (preparatory) part of classes with the aim of comprehensively mobilizing the body’s functions and preparing them for the upcoming exercises is usually called a warm-up.

Warm-up should not be confused with warm-up - functional changes that occur in the body during the initial period of work (for example, when performing a set of physical exercises to develop basic physical qualities). The less prepared the body, the longer and more intense the period of training. A properly organized warm-up facilitates the process of getting used to it and ensures a higher readiness to perform the main group of physical exercises.

There are regular and sports warm-ups. A regular warm-up consists of general and special parts. General warm-up exercises should have a multifaceted effect, including the creation of a positive emotional mood. The purpose of these exercises is to increase the function of the central nervous system, enhance metabolism, and activate the respiratory and circulatory systems. The program of such a warm-up usually includes exercises of moderate intensity with gradually increasing power: general developmental and running, combined with gymnastics and games.

The introductory part of physical education lessons at school can be limited to a general warm-up using exercises that are close to the upcoming main activity.

What are the features of sports warm-up? Its main difference from the general warm-up is that it consists of three parts.

In the first part of the sports warm-up, the joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles are prepared for the upcoming work. For this purpose, the complex includes exercises of moderate intensity. First, dynamic exercises with increasing amplitude are used, and each exercise is repeated 8-12 times. Then they perform several static exercises lasting 5-8 seconds. In general, the first part of the warm-up takes about 5 minutes.

In the second part of the sports warm-up, it is good to use moderate-intensity running for 5-10 minutes.

The third, special part includes exercises that are close in their biomechanical structure to the exercises performed in the main section of sports training. This warm-up is 15-20 minutes long.

As already noted, warming up has a significant impact on the state of the student’s central nervous system. The mobility of nervous processes increases, the perception and processing of information improves.

Under the influence of warm-up, joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles are prepared for the upcoming work. As a result, the elasticity of ligaments, tendons and muscles increases, and joint flexibility improves. All this prevents injuries, ruptures, and cracks.

One of the important effects of warming up is to increase the work of the heart. To increase the efficiency of the heart, it is necessary to increase not only the heart rate, but also its stroke volume, which leads to an increase in minute blood volume. However, this is not achieved immediately. The circulatory functions also have a certain intensity: the body can achieve greater blood circulation values ​​compared to the resting state only after 3-5 minutes of warm-up.

When warming up, as a rule, the body temperature rises, especially the working muscles, and therefore the warm-up is called warming up. An increase in temperature helps to reduce muscle viscosity, which makes it easier to perform movements with greater amplitude and a higher rate of contraction and relaxation.

Warm-up mobilizes all parts of the respiratory and circulatory systems. The muscle capillaries open, their lumen increases, and the blood supply to the muscle increases tens of times.

When warming up, the “blood depot” vessels of the spleen, liver, and subcutaneous tissue contract. As a result, the total volume of circulating blood increases, which also improves blood supply to working organs, and primarily muscles.

During warm-up, breathing functions are also significantly intensified: the frequency and volume of breathing increases, the network of working and lung capillaries increases, thereby ensuring greater oxygen consumption and improving the removal of metabolic products from the body.

It should be emphasized that the role of warm-up is not only to enhance the readiness of physiological systems for work, but also to increase their interconnection. This is necessary for more effective performance of motor actions of varying complexity and intensity.

In conclusion, we once again emphasize that the importance of the physiological patterns of warm-up is necessary for the teacher to more effectively structure the educational process, increasing the effectiveness of classes, strengthening the health of schoolchildren, and increasing their performance. An improperly organized warm-up can give the opposite result.


1. Dubrovsky, V. I. Sports physiology: textbook. for medium and higher textbook manager in physics culture / V. I. Dubrovsky. – M.: Human. IC VLADOS, 2005. 462 p.

2. Nishi K. Improvement of blood vessels and blood. - St. Petersburg: Nevsky Prospekt, 2004. - 124 p. (Ser.: Classics of natural medicine) 3. Solodkov, A. S. Human physiology: general, sports, age: textbook. / A. S. Solodkov, E. B. Sologub. – M.: Terra-Sport, Olympia Press, 2001. 520 p.

Warm-up in physical education class is a simple but necessary thing. It is this that allows you to prepare your muscles for physical exercise and protects children from getting all sorts of injuries during exercise.

Warm-up in physical education

Warm-up is the basis of physical education, and it should cover the entire body to the maximum. However, this does not require a long time, and the standard option covers only 10-15 minutes of lesson time. In addition to the main program, it is worth including an enhanced warm-up for those muscle groups that will be involved in the exercise: for example, before running, pay great attention to warming up your legs.

So, the standard warm-up for school is performed from the basic position of legs shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other, arms along the body or on the hips:

  • tilt the head back and forth for 4 counts (8-12 times);
  • tilt the head to the right and left for 4 counts (8-12 times);
  • turns the head to the sides for 4 counts (8-12 times);
  • rotation of the head in a circle 2 times in both directions;
  • hands to shoulders, rotate shoulders back and forth for 4 counts (8-12 times);
  • warming up the wrists - rotating in both directions 2-4 times;
  • warming up the elbows - rotating in both directions 4 times;
  • rotation in the lower back in a circle 2-4 times in each direction;
  • bending the body back and forth for 4 counts (8 times);
  • body tilts left and right for 4 counts (8 times);
  • warming up the ankle joints - rotating clockwise and counterclockwise 4 circles in each direction;
  • similar warm-up for the hip joints;
  • place your hands above your knees and rotate the knee joint 2-4 circles in each direction;
  • performing classic forward lunges - 8 times for each leg;
  • leg swings - 10-15 swings for each leg.

If there is a need to conduct a physical education minute in another lesson, for example, a warm-up in an English lesson, you can leave only those exercises that affect the neck, shoulders and arms, and also add clenching and unclenching your fists to warm up your hands.

Fun workout for kids

Small children don’t really like regular warm-ups, but if you turn on some cheerful, upbeat music for a while, then even the most ordinary warm-up will go off with a bang. Another good move is to invite one of the students to do the warm-up themselves (of course, you need to suggest the correct exercises). In this case, in elementary school, warm-up is also treated with great interest.

Physical education has a beneficial effect on the human body. But many people, especially in old age, do not pay due attention to it. And to be more precise, they don’t exercise at all. It is very important for children to exercise to develop their strength and improve their health. This is the only way they will grow up healthy and strong.

Schools always do a warm-up before physical education class. This is the most important stage in preparing the body for a load, even the lightest one. But before classes, the body must be prepared for the load. Warm-up helps to raise the overall tone of the body, charge it with energy, activate muscles before a stronger load, and improve blood circulation.

Without preparation (warm-up), it will be more difficult for the muscles to accept physical activity. And this can lead to undesirable consequences. This is a proven fact.

Below we will consider warm-up in a physical education lesson (exercises).

Neck exercises

The neck is the part of the body that is least exposed to stress. And it must be kneaded thoroughly. For some reason, many people forget to do this. In simple terms, the student does not understand the importance of warming up the neck.

There are not many exercises for this to provide good muscle training. These are tilting the head, turning it to the sides, up and down, forward and backward, rotating the head clockwise and counterclockwise. In the latter case, it is important to move your head slowly so that it does not become dizzy. If this happens, you should stand for a while and relax.

The neck does not require a large number of repetitions of exercises. It is enough to do each exercise 10 times. It is important to feel how your neck is warming up, and you should pay great attention to warming it up.

An interesting warm-up during a physical education lesson on the neck and other parts of the body will charge you with positivity for the whole day.

and breasts

Hands are the parts of the body that people use the most. You shouldn't knead them particularly thoroughly unless you have to do a lot of physical work on your arms, such as push-ups or pull-ups. In this case, carefully stretch the muscles of your arms and chest. They will help you prepare for increased stress. And if you perform push-ups in several stages, then it will be useful to warm up each time after the next portion of push-ups.

It is performed simply: the usual swings of the arms to the sides, up, twisting the arms clockwise and counterclockwise. We recommend doing a few simple push-ups. You should not do pull-ups during warm-up.

Related to And when you stretch your arms, you also stretch your chest muscles. Everything in the body is interconnected, you should always remember this when you warm up.

Back exercises

Every person is aware of how important it is to take care of their back health. But not everyone does this.

Already at school, from the early grades, you should pay special attention to strengthening your back in order to grow up to be a healthy person. And the first thing you should do is in physical education class. Exercises should be selected in such a way as to evenly distribute the load on all parts of the back, especially on the spine, which is the “main center” of strength in the human body. If a child begins to take care of his health from childhood, then he must constantly train his spine and back muscles.

Particular attention should be paid to the lower back - as the weakest point of the back. The more often a child gets used to stretching his lower back, the healthier his back will be. A healthy back means good health and a lot of vitality.

Abdominal exercises

Nowadays, not only adults, but also children do not pay much attention to their belly. The abdominal muscles are closely interconnected with. At school, there is always a warm-up during physical education class. Exercises (3rd grade were performed by 11th - no matter) help strengthen the abdominal muscles.

Abdominal exercises are beneficial at any age. They prevent excess fat from being deposited on the sides, strengthen the back and make the spine healthy. And, if a child does such exercises constantly from elementary school, he will grow up to be a healthy and strong person who values ​​his life. Unfortunately, today's youth do not value their health; there are many teenagers who drink and smoke and are indifferent to sports and physical education.

The simplest exercises that also develop the back muscles: bending down, to the sides, rotating the back and bending the legs while lying down.

The best option would be a complex that contains several exercises for the back and abdomen, performed without breaks.

Leg exercises

Strengthening your legs should always be given special attention at any age. Even in a physically weak person, the legs are loaded more than other parts of the body. Constant training allows them to become stronger and more resilient.

Just like at school, in colleges and institutes there is a warm-up during physical education class. Exercises for students are selected in such a way as to maximally load the leg muscles, which will make them even stronger in the future. It is only recommended to do a light jog first. It will be a good workout for your legs. This is relevant when you have to run a long distance or students will play basketball, football, etc.

Constant training

Anyone who regularly plays sports must prepare the body for further stress before training. You can remember what a warm-up is like in a physical education lesson, the exercises of which are selected taking into account further physical activity.

But at school the load is one, and at training it is different, higher, and in this case you should conduct a more active warm-up than in a physical education lesson.

Constant muscle warm-up not only prepares the body for increased stress, but also activates blood circulation, improves metabolism, improves tone, and improves mood. Remember how the warm-up goes in a physical education lesson, the exercises for which are not difficult, but effective.

What prevents a child or student from stretching their muscles at home? The advantage of home warm-up is that it does not take much time, does not require large energy expenditures, and can be done at any time, anywhere, for any amount of time. And the most important thing is that warming up has a beneficial effect not only on the health of any person, but also on his well-being, which today and has always been the most important thing in human life.

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Doing a warm-up can protect you from injury and is an important part of your workout. Exercises that will generally prepare your body for training and specifically warm up the muscles that you plan to work in each individual session.

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The warm-up is divided into two parts – general warm-up and special. The general developmental part consists of walking (2-3 minutes), slow running for 4-6 minutes and general developmental gymnastic exercises for all muscle groups.

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Special warm-up

The special part of the warm-up aims to prepare certain muscle groups and the osseous-ligamentous apparatus for the main part of the class and to ensure the neuro-coordination and psychological adjustment of the body for the upcoming exercises in the main part of the class. In the special part of the warm-up, individual elements of basic physical exercises, imitation, special preparatory exercises, and performing the main exercise in parts and as a whole are performed. This takes into account the pace and rhythm of the work ahead.

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Where to start

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Warm-up sequence

Each exercise consists of fairly simple movements that should be performed several times in a row before stopping in the approach. The warm-up portion of your session should take 3 to 4 minutes.

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Warm up the neck muscles

Head turns Body position - basic stance. Turn your head from side to side several times, trying to turn it as far as possible. Head tilts Basic stance. Smoothly tilt your head forward, then return it to an upright position. Don't shrug your shoulders.

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Warm up the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms

Shoulder rotation Basic stance. Rotate your shoulders up, back and down, forward several times. Then change direction. "Shrugs" (shrug) Basic stance. Raise your shoulders as high as possible while inhaling, then exhale sharply, lowering your shoulders just as sharply. Swing your arms Basic stance. Swing your arms, starting above your head and moving them down to the sides and crossing them in front of your chest. Then swing your arms up and continue.

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Warm up the chest and back muscles

Raise your arms forward Basic stance. Bring your hands together in front of you. Inhale deeply as you raise your arms above your head and exhale as you return to the starting position. Raise your arms back Basic stance. Connect your hands below your back. Inhale, raising them as high and back as possible, exhale, returning to the starting position. Do not lean forward under any circumstances. Standing raises Basic stance. Start by straightening your arms in front of you at chest level. Extend your arms as far back as possible, squeezing your shoulder blades together and inhaling. As you exhale, return your arms to the starting position, round your back and shoulders forward, spreading your shoulder blades to the sides.

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Warm up the torso muscles

Twisting Main stance. Keeping your arms out to the sides, rotate your torso from side to side as quickly as possible, keeping your pelvic girdle motionless. At the same time, try to spread your hands back further. Twisting with Bent Arms Bend your elbows and grab your shoulders with the fingers of each hand. Rotate your torso from side to side. Side bends Main stance. Place your hands behind your head and bend from side to side. Keep your pelvis motionless. Torso Rotation Basic stance, except with the feet slightly pointed outward rather than parallel. Hands on hips. Keeping your pelvic girdle still, first lean forward, bending at the waist. Then return to the starting position (stand). Then do the same in turn to the right, back, left. Repeat 3 times, then change the direction of movement. Bent-over Torso Twist Caution: If you have any problems with your lower spine, avoid this exercise. Spread your feet wide, bend your knees slightly and lean forward, bending at the waist so that your torso is parallel to the floor. Bring your hands together behind your head. Bring your left elbow to your right knee, then your right elbow to your left knee. As when doing a warm-up, repeat several times. Be careful not to round your back. It is allowed to twist the pelvic girdle from side to side.

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Warm-up the muscles of the lower back (lower back)

Forward Bends: Caution: If you are concerned about any complications in your lower spine, avoid this exercise. Main stand. Place your chin on your chest and bend literally along the vertebrae, bending as low as possible, then straighten up in the same way. Next, without changing the position of your feet, turn your torso to the left and repeat the tilt, then turn to the right and bend. Be careful not to strain the muscles of the shoulder girdle when straightening after bending the torso. All core exercises are also very good for warming up the lower back muscles.

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Warm up the leg muscles

Straightening your legs forward while standing Using your right hand to maintain balance, place your left hand on your waist. Straighten your left leg forward, lifting it as high as possible. Then bend your left leg at the knee and do the bending and straightening several times. Repeat the procedure with your right leg, now using your left hand to maintain balance. Do not relax the knee joint of the supporting leg.

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Warm-up the muscles of the pelvic girdle

Swings Maintain balance with your right hand. Swing your left leg forward and backward, repeating this several times; then do the same from right to left. Switch legs and repeat. Side lunges Hands on the waist, feet parallel, wide stance. Take a deep lunge to one side, then to the other, without lifting your feet off the floor or moving them. Don't lean your torso forward.

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Warm up the ankle and calf muscles

Foot Rotation Holding onto something with your hand to maintain balance, lift your leg off the floor and rotate your free foot first in one direction, then in the other, doing this several times with each leg. Calf Raise Rise onto the toes of both feet, maintaining your balance while holding on to some stable support. Lower and lift your heels, keeping your feet parallel. Repeat with toes turned outwards, then with toes turned inwards.

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Healthy running

Running leads to the restructuring of bones, which leads to a reduction in injuries in a person in everyday life. Running makes all the main muscle groups of the body work and compensates for missing energy costs, which leads to weight loss and a beautiful figure. Running strengthens the circulatory system, which is excellent for preventing heart disease.

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Running also changes the oxygen and biochemical composition of the blood, which leads to the absence of oxygen starvation and a reduced risk of cancer. Running stimulates your metabolism. Running stimulates the release of special substances that lift your mood and improve the functioning of your nervous system. Running has a positive effect and normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. Running relieves headaches, relieves insomnia, steadily lowers blood pressure, slows down the aging process in the body, eliminates frequent colds, increases endurance and performance.

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Self-control when running

When running, you should definitely breathe through your nose. If you start breathing through your mouth while running, then the load is excessive and you should reduce the intensity of the activity. It is optimal to run with a heart rate of 120 to 150 beats per minute. Below or above these limits, classes will not give any effect or even cause harm. After running, your heart rate returned to its original state in about 5-10 minutes. A slower heart rate recovery will tell you that the load is excessive.

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How to breathe correctly while running?

While running, you need to breathe calmly, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.

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