Muscle myostimulator Butterfly BUTTERFLY MASSAGER wholesale. Butterfly muscle stimulator for weight loss Butterfly Massager (Butterfly) Why you need to order a muscle stimulator for weight loss

  • 02.05.2024

In addition to the usual ways to combat excess weight, there are many additional ones. They allow you to get rid of excess fat deposits, reduce cellulite, improve skin tone and blood circulation, and give your body a toned look. Massages, in particular, with the help of special devices, occupy a place of honor among such methods. Recently, a belly massager for weight loss, the Butterfly Massager, has gained popularity. At its core, it is a myostimulator that forces muscles to work and burn excess fat. Next, we will understand the principles of its operation, rules of use and results.

The Butterfly massager for weight loss receives exclusively positive reviews. In particular, for making the dream of many come true - losing weight in strictly defined places. Going to the gym and grueling exercises contribute to the gradual thinning of the fat layer, but it leaves problem areas (abdomen, thighs) extremely reluctantly. And a belly massager for weight loss helps to further stimulate the burning of excess fat in the most difficult areas of the body.

You can use it at any convenient time: at work, doing household chores or lying in front of the TV. In addition to thinning the fat layer, it has the following positive effects:

  • improves blood circulation in the stimulation area;
  • relieves fatigue, muscle pain;
  • reduces overall body stress;
  • smoothes stretch marks, improves skin tone, gives it elasticity;
  • reduces blood pressure.

The principle of operation of the device is to supply electrical impulses to the muscles so that they begin to contract. Just like in the gym, when working out they use fat for energy, breaking it down. The only difference is that a specific muscle group is loaded without your direct participation. The impulses themselves are so small that they are not felt by a person, but are sufficient to burn fat.

The device is attached to the body using a silicone insert, which is shaped like the wings of a butterfly, for which the massager received the corresponding name. If it accidentally comes off the body, it automatically stops working after 20 seconds. It also turns off after 12 minutes of operation so as not to overload the muscle that is currently being stimulated.


There are many muscle stimulants on the market. Butterfly Massager differs from other analogues in the following advantages:

The effectiveness and positive effect on the body has been proven by reviews not only from customers, but also from doctors. He earned them thanks to the specific focus of each of his six programs:

  • A rhythmic effect that lowers blood pressure and relieves stress.
  • Deep - improves blood circulation and nutrients in the affected area.
  • Training mode - works on problem areas, stimulates muscle tone.
  • Light tingling sensation - relaxes, relieves fatigue and tension.
  • Long-term exposure - improves skin elasticity and tone.
  • Massage aimed at reducing body fat.

Thanks to such a wide selection of programs, the massager can be used not only to get rid of fat, but also as a general strengthening and tonic. It helps reduce cellulite formations, improve blood circulation in the pelvis, relieve stress, and to some extent compensate for a sedentary lifestyle.

Rules for choosing a device

Be sure to check the stated delivery set with the actual one. Make sure you have all the necessary parts. In addition to the electronic block control system, this massager is equipped with a silicone butterfly pad, two batteries, packaging for transportation and storage, protective film, and instructions in Russian.


Like any other massage, Butterfly Massager has its own contraindications. So, it should not be used if you feel unwell and have a high temperature. Contraindications are:

  • malignant tumors;
  • pregnancy;
  • infectious, gynecological diseases;
  • diseases of the abdominal organs;
  • blood diseases.

It should not be used in areas where there are injuries or damaged skin. In general, before using it, you should consult with your doctor, who, knowing the overall picture of your health, will be able to assess the advisability of using a massager.

Preparation for the procedure

Despite the fact that using a massager will not cause any difficulties, it is important to know how to properly prepare for the procedure. As with any other massage, do not overeat before using it. The last meal should be approximately 2 hours before the massage.

To get the maximum effect, it is advisable to preheat and cleanse the skin. The best way to do this is by taking a warm bath and rubbing your skin with an anti-cellulite washcloth. It’s also a good idea to scrub it before the massage.

Can you trust?

It is difficult to guarantee the expected result from a massager, since everyone has their own goals. And they are not always adequate and achievable. In addition, a lot depends on where and from whom you buy the device. A fake will not give you even minimal results. Therefore, whether to purchase a massager or not is up to you personally. But if you are ready to make a purchase, make it at trusted points of sale.

To help you decide whether the device is necessary for you personally, we suggest that you read customer reviews.

Marina, Krasnoyarsk, 31 years old:

I am a distrustful person, so I did not immediately decide to buy a Butterfly massager. At first I rented it from a friend. And only when I noticed pleasant changes, I decided to buy it. After I began to use it with the necessary regularity, I got the desired effect - I fit into my favorite dress. Now I use it less often, for prevention.

Galina, Orel, 47 years old:

I bought this massager for my husband. He is slow to move, so he was overweight, and the doctors predicted that he would soon develop diabetes. Little by little I began to move more, but it was not enough. Therefore, in addition, I attached a myostimulator to it. In just a couple of weeks the first positive result was noticeable. Now I’m thinking of using the device for my tummy.

Angelina, Voronezh, 27 years old:

From a young age I have been trying different ways to lose weight. Since I like to get results quickly, no diet or going to the gym inspired me. During one of the periods of despair, reviews about “Butterfly” caught my eye, and I decided to try it. Surprisingly, after just a couple of weeks I noticed positive changes. I got inspired and continue to wear it. I like that you don’t have to change your usual lifestyle.

Myostimulator Butterfly - Butterfly massager for weight loss

This is an electronic muscle trainer that will become a real helper for you! In just a few months you will be able to achieve ideal shape, and most importantly - you will not spend a lot of time and a lot of money on training! You will be able to practice at home in just a few weeks, and your progress will leave no doubt about the effectiveness of the Butterfly!

How does Butterfly work for weight loss?

Surely, you have seen motivational photographs on the World Wide Web, showing a girl with lean muscles weighing 60 kg and a girl standing next to her weighing the same 60 kg, but with an ideal athletic figure. Do you want to look like the second representative of the fair sex? No problem! The Butterfly massager will help you and will not require colossal willpower or a lot of time and money.

The main task of “Butterfly” is to reduce fat deposits on the body by strengthening muscles and shaping the relief. Blood circulation in tissues is stimulated, and most importantly, you can exercise even after work. The device will relieve fatigue and relax different muscle groups. And if you prefer to train during the daytime, then you can take a compact exercise machine with you to work. Go about your business in the office, and the unit will do everything you need for an ideal figure.

The electrical stimulator has 6 different programs and 10 intensity levels. You simply attach it to the problem area of ​​the skin (thanks to a special adhesive layer). No overtraining (this concept is familiar to every athlete after excessive loads. Apathy sets in, the person breaks into junk food and feels very bad). The “smart” trainer has a self-shutdown function. If the pad does not touch the skin and the Butterfly myostimulator is turned on, then after 12 minutes it will automatically turn off. Experts recommend applying the device to the problem area for a maximum of 30 minutes a day. You don't need to buy additional conductive gel or other accessories!

What do owners of the Butterfly massager say?

  • Getting rid of extra pounds is easy. You can play sports at any convenient time. Simply attach the device to your body and press the button;
  • Butterfly effectively fights insidious cellulite and stretch marks after childbirth;
  • There is no need to use additional devices or wires;
  • You can start with the weakest load levels, and over time you can go further to achieve amazing results;
  • The price for "Butterfly" is very reasonable. If you are taking your first steps towards an ideal figure, then it will become simply irreplaceable. Perhaps after 4-6 months you will understand that myostimulators can really bring you closer to your dream, so you will be able to purchase a more advanced device, because the Butterfly will last that long;
  • This is a great gift for a girl who wants to become a better person, but doesn't know where to start!


Package size: 15 X 10 X 3 cm

  • Control block;
  • Electronic butterfly overlay;
  • Protective film;
  • 2 batteries;
  • Gift wrap.

The butterfly muscle stimulator, reviews of which explain its popularity among consumers, is a device that allows you to effectively cope with excess weight, cellulite, improves muscle tone in general, and in order for the results of using the device to meet your expectations, you should know how to use a butterfly for the press, which does it bring benefits, what contraindications are there...

Butterfly myostimulator is one of the popular types of myostimulators that affect muscles through electrical impulses, strengthening them, restoring tone, relieving pain after training, etc. According to customer reviews, the butterfly myostimulator is convenient to use not only at home, but also anywhere else, since the device is compact, lightweight and does not require connection to an electrical network, running on batteries.

The myostimulator received this name because of its shape - it is made in the shape of a butterfly, in the center of which the working mechanism is located. The butterfly wings have a sticky base, which allows you to conveniently and firmly attach the device to the body.

You can use the butterfly myostimulator on any part of the body whose muscles need training. In addition to maintaining the tone of the muscular system, this type of myostimulator does an excellent job of correcting your figure, smoothing out the cellulite crust, making your body ideal.

You will feel the first visible results after 15-20 daily uses, and if necessary, you can use several of these muscle stimulators simultaneously on different areas. Instructions for using the butterfly myostimulator indicate that the device can operate in several modes:

  • Tingling – effective for relieving fatigue and muscle pain;
  • Rhythmic influence - the mode helps relieve tension in the nervous system and reduce internal pressure;
  • Deep penetration of impulses – improves body processes such as blood microcirculation and lymph flow;
  • Training mode – tones muscles, increasing their endurance;
  • Intensive mode – aimed at improving the condition of the skin, making the skin firm and elastic;
  • Massage helps to cope with excess calories.

Butterfly muscle stimulator - reviews and benefits of use

Reviews about the use of the butterfly myostimulator once again confirm its high effectiveness, and regular use of this device allows you to solve a number of health and appearance problems, namely:

  • Helps cope with excess weight and shape your figure;
  • Helps destroy cellulite crust;
  • Tones the muscular system;
  • Has a positive effect on the skin, making it smooth, elastic, eliminating sagging;
  • Relieves muscle pain after physical activity and gym work;
  • Helps cope with depression and nervous stress.

Reviews from real people about the work of the butterfly myostimulator also allow us to highlight its important advantages and advantages over other types of myostimulators, and these include:

  • The butterfly myostimulator operates on batteries, and therefore does not include wires, chargers, or power supplies. The same condition allows you to use the stimulator anywhere without being connected to an electrical outlet;
  • Selecting the most suitable mode and controlling the intensity of exposure;
  • The presence of a timer that signals that the training procedure should be completed;
  • The versatility of the butterfly myostimulator, the possibility of using it on any part of the body, for example, on the abs, hips, arms, back, etc.;
  • The ability to use several butterfly muscle stimulators simultaneously on different parts of the body;
  • No need to use ;
  • Affordable cost of myostimulator.

The price of the Butterfly massager is indeed attractive - the most budget model of the butterfly muscle stimulator will cost about 350 rubles.

Myostimulator butterfly - contraindications

Despite its high efficiency, in some cases the use of an electrical stimulator of this type is not recommended by doctors, and among the main contraindications to the use of a butterfly myostimulator are:

  • Diseases of the circulatory system;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • The formation of tumors in the body, both benign and cancerous;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Tendency to regular bleeding;
  • Active tuberculosis;
  • Stones in the kidneys, bladder, etc.;
  • The presence of an implantable pacemaker in the body;
  • Inflammation.

Taking into account doctors’ reviews about the butterfly myostimulator, it is important to note that the device is prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation, since any physical activity, diets and other activities that promote weight loss can negatively affect the child’s health. You should not use a myostimulator during menstruation - this can lead to increased bleeding and a sharp deterioration in well-being.

It is not recommended to attach the butterfly myostimulator to unhealthy areas of the body that are affected by infection or have mechanical damage, since this will not only not promote their healing, but can also significantly worsen the condition.

You cannot use the butterfly myostimulator for more than half an hour a day, since using the device can cause muscle strain and acute pain.

And don’t forget, the butterfly myostimulator, reviews of which, although mostly positive, are not always successfully and correctly used. The above is not a complete list of contraindications, so before purchasing and using the device, be sure to consult with your doctor and read the instructions.

The Butterfly massager will give you excellent athletic shape and get rid of extra pounds!

  • WITHeffortless sports activities: YOU are busy with your own business (reading, watching TV shows, etc.), and he is busy with his.
  • “Burns” excess reserves in “problem” and any other places, ensures a flat stomach.
  • Improves appearance and restores skin elasticity.
  • Able to affect muscles of any part of the body.
  • Local effect on fat deposits in a specific area.
  • Ideal for restoring your figure after pregnancy.
  • Stimulates muscle contraction with light electronic impulses.
  • In 15 minutes the muscles contract up to 600 times, and you don’t spend any effort on it! Choose what is better - attaching a small apparatus to your body or doing 600 pull-ups on the horizontal bar in 15 minutes!
  • Besides “burn” fat deposits, muscles and skin acquire high tone and elasticity - signs of HEALTH and YOUTH!
  • Effective for both women and men at any age!
  • Can be used anytime and virtually anywhere!
  • No wires, battery powered!
  • Can be attached to any area of ​​the body at any angle.
  • Weighs only 50 g!!! Wear it under your clothes! Turn on at a time convenient for you!

We recommend using two Butterfly massagers at the same time, achieving an ideal figure 2 times faster!
Besides! The Butterfly massager is an excellent, original gift for your loved ones, friends, and loved ones. Upon purchase, YOU receive a 6-month warranty on the device!!!
Designed for training and increasing muscle mass, as well as burning fat deposits and relaxing massage.
The work of the massager is based on electrical impulses, under the influence of which the muscles contract. Muscle stimulation with the Butterfly massager is identical to the loads received during intense strength training.
The Butterfly massager has five different training programs:
1. Pumping up muscles
2. Muscle endurance training
3. Losing weight
4. Maintaining muscle tone
5. Massage.
Myostimulation allows you to strengthen muscles and form an ideal figure in a short period of time, as it also promotes the breakdown of fat in the most “problematic” areas, and also improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. The design of the myostimulator allows the device to be placed on any “problem” area of ​​the body, and its power is sufficient to affect any muscle groups. “Butterfly” causes deep muscle contractions, strengthens flabby muscles, and improves their tone. The device effectively removes fat deposits, improves metabolism, skin structure (the skin becomes firm and elastic) and reduces the appearance of cellulite. "Butterfly" has a timer, six operating modes (reinforced - combines fast and slow impulses, massage - "patting", with variable impulse frequency, developing - short cycles of variable frequency, fat burner - constant low impulse frequency, iron muscles - complex with high number of fast elements) and intensity adjustment in ten levels. The attached instructions describe in detail how to work with different muscle groups.

Functions and characteristics of the Butterfly muscle stimulator massager:
. Relieves pain in the shoulder joints, back and lower back, as well as in other parts of the body.
. Reduces fatigue, improves blood circulation
. Improves skin appearance: restores skin elasticity, relieves muscle pain, promotes fat burning
. reduces and eliminates the appearance of cellulite
. manages weight loss processes, affecting primarily the areas that most need it; 10 levels of action intensity
. Automatic shutdown after twelve minutes of operation
. 6 operating modes from “A” to “F” with LED display:
Mode A - “patting” - softens or even completely eliminates muscle pain;
Mode B - “rhythmic kneading” - relieves muscle tension;
Mode C - “deep kneading” - improves blood circulation and promotes health;
Mode D - “pressure” - increases muscle load
Mode E - “slow stroking” - smoothes out fine wrinkles and restores skin elasticity;
Mode F - “continuous long pressure” - gives the pleasant sensations of a real massage

Technical characteristics of the Butterfly myostimulator:
Power supply - DC 3V / CR2032
Signal frequency - 2-100HZ
Current consumption - 25 mA
Battery life - 48 hours

How the Butterfly massager works:
1. When using the Butterfly massager for the first time, remove the housing cover, insert the battery into the housing with the positive (+) pole facing up, then close the housing cover. Note: When the battery is inserted, the power supply will turn on, press the "OFF/DOWN" button to turn off the power.
2. Make sure the skin is well cleansed.
3. Remove the clear protective cover and leave it in the box.
4. Apply the pads to the selected area of ​​skin.
5. Press the “ON/UP” button to connect the power supply, the standby mode for mode A will automatically turn on.
6. Press the “ON/UP” button again to switch the massager from standby mode to operating mode; The current will automatically be set to the first (1) level. Each subsequent press of the ON/UP button will increase the current supplied by one level until it reaches the final, tenth (10) level.
7. Each press of the OFF/DOWN button will decrease the current by one (1) level until it reaches standby mode. Pressing the "OFF/DOWN" button in standby mode will turn off the device completely.
8. The device remembers the last operating mode, and the next time it is turned on, it plays it by default.

Complete set of myostimulator Butterfly:
-regulating device - 1 pc.
-massage pad - 1 piece.
-battery - 2 pcs.
-operating instructions - 1 pc.


Myostimulator Butterfly cannot be used
1. people with heart disease.
2. on infected or irritated parts of the body.
3. during menstruation and pregnancy.
4. more than 30 minutes. in a day.

Compact and powerful accessory for your beauty!

Myostimulator Butterfly - Butterfly massager for weight loss

This is an electronic muscle trainer that will become a real helper for you! In just a few months you will be able to achieve ideal shape, and most importantly - you will not spend a lot of time and a lot of money on training! You will be able to practice at home in just a few weeks, and your progress will leave no doubt about the effectiveness of the Butterfly!

How does Butterfly work for weight loss?

Surely, you have seen motivational photographs on the World Wide Web, showing a girl with lean muscles weighing 60 kg and a girl standing next to her weighing the same 60 kg, but with an ideal athletic figure. Do you want to look like the second representative of the fair sex? No problem! The Butterfly massager will help you and will not require colossal willpower or a lot of time and money.

The main task of “Butterfly” is to reduce fat deposits on the body by strengthening muscles and shaping the relief. Blood circulation in tissues is stimulated, and most importantly, you can exercise even after work. The device will relieve fatigue and relax different muscle groups. And if you prefer to train during the daytime, then you can take a compact exercise machine with you to work. Go about your business in the office, and the unit will do everything you need for an ideal figure.

The electrical stimulator has 6 different programs and 10 intensity levels. You simply attach it to the problem area of ​​the skin (thanks to a special adhesive layer). No overtraining (this concept is familiar to every athlete after excessive loads. Apathy sets in, the person breaks into junk food and feels very bad). The “smart” simulator has a self-shutdown function. If the pad does not touch the skin and the Butterfly myostimulator is turned on, then after 12 minutes it will automatically turn off. Experts recommend applying the device to the problem area for a maximum of 30 minutes a day. You don't need to buy additional conductive gel or other accessories!

What do owners of the Butterfly massager say?

  • Getting rid of extra pounds is easy. You can play sports at any convenient time. Simply attach the device to your body and press the button;
  • Butterfly effectively fights insidious cellulite and stretch marks after childbirth;
  • There is no need to use additional devices or wires;
  • You can start with the weakest load levels, and over time you can go further to achieve amazing results;
  • The price for "Butterfly" is very reasonable. If you are taking your first steps towards an ideal figure, then it will become simply irreplaceable. Perhaps after 4-6 months you will understand that myostimulators can really bring you closer to your dream, so you will be able to purchase a more advanced device, because the Butterfly will last that long;
  • This is a great gift for a girl who wants to become a better person, but doesn't know where to start!


  • Control block;
  • Electronic butterfly overlay;
  • Protective film;
  • 2 batteries;
  • Instructions in Russian;
  • Gift wrap.
  • Package size: 15 X 10 X 3 cm