Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup Italy. Absolute graces

  • 04.05.2024

:: 35th FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships Pesaro 2017 - Part 2

Album VFHG (Russian team) in VK: World Championship Pesaro (Italy) August 30 - September 3, 2017
Album of FGU (Ukrainian national team) in VK: World Championship 2017 (Pesaro, Italy)
rsport.ria.ru: Averins are beyond competition: the first day of the Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships in Pesaro
rsport.ria.ru: The phenomenon of the “artists” Averins: two golds, silver and bronze for sisters at the World Gymnastics Championships
rsport.ria.ru: There can never be too much gold: “artist” Dina Averina won the all-around at the World Championships
rsport.ria.ru: Conquering Italy: images of Olympic champion Alina Kabaeva at the World Championships in Pesaro
rsport.ria.ru: Two victories out of three possible: the results of the group team’s performance at the World Championships

The Averina sisters have applied for long-term leadership in rhythmic gymnastics

Viner-Usmanova: Russia is behind us, and it was impossible to let the country down

The head of the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics (VFKhG) Irina Viner-Usmanova summed up the results of the triumphant World Championships 2017, which ended in Pesaro, Italy, spoke about how the team was formed in group exercises, about the re-education of the sisters Dina and Arina Averin, about Russia’s merits in the successes of the Japanese gymnasts, and also emphasized: Russians do not have any secret weapons.

Congratulations to all our fans, all spectators who love rhythmic gymnastics. We feel your love for us, your desire and your desire for us to win,” said Viner-Usmanova.

The World Championship is over. Have you exhaled yet?
- No, still not. Everything was very difficult because when one team wins all the gold medals at the World Championships, it creates some medium-sized waves. Therefore, I am very happy that the Italian team took first place in the exercise with five hoops. Although, if you look at it very seriously, it’s a big question, because our girls did the exercise brilliantly. But this is very good, Italy performed with dignity, to Russian music, to Tchaikovsky. And the competition still ended with Balakirev’s Russian music. I told them before leaving: “Girls, everything is possible, you have already lost, and now the whole country, the whole of Russia is watching you. You must not retreat.” And they did everything, well done, they did a great job. Well done everyone!

The Russian team in group exercises arrived at the World Championships with a new lineup...
- We went to this for a very long time, it was very difficult. We made a lot of substitutions. The last replacement was the inclusion of Olympic champion Nastya Tatareva, who had an old injury. But she pulled herself together. And when Sofia Skomorokh was injured, but could still continue performing, I decided that Nastya Tatareva would stand up. Because she is more experienced. And she jumped in at the last minute and did everything. I am very grateful to her for this, she is a great fellow. She, pursing her lips, did everything - trained, performed. She's a great guy, God bless her! There was even a question about the operation. But I said that there would be no operation - either yes or no, but without surgery. And so she became the world champion.

The beauty with dimples, Ksenia Polyakova, was also very difficult with her. Evgenia Levanova is a girl from Nizhny Novgorod with sparkling eyes; our senior coach Tatyana Sergaeva did not believe that she would join the team. But I pulled her out of the third lineup and said: “Let’s perform, let’s train.” It was difficult to cope with her, but here she is - a two-time world champion. Masha Kravtsova - we fought for life and death! But in the end, advice and love prevailed for us. Maria Tolkacheva is our princess, a very beautiful girl! But for her to become a real princess, she needs to work a lot.

"Hurray! The Russians were wrong!"

Can we say that Russian rhythmic gymnastics is the first both in terms of results and training system?
- We must be the first in the system of light and love, we must be honest and decent, never wish harm to anyone. When the girls performed and did their first appearance, they made a minimal error, by one tenth of a point. But the people in the hall know rhythmic gymnastics so well, they are such strong specialists, that the whole hall gasped. Like, “Hurray! The Russians made a mistake!”, and they began to “root” for us to make a mistake. And I just had to turn on from this place, no one heard it, everyone was far away. I screamed so much, collected them so much... “Hold on! Stand! Take,” and so on. We don't allow this. But I took advantage of the fact that there was a long distance. And somehow the Lord helped, brought them together. And they endured, survived to the end.

Did you feel like you were with them at that moment, were you also worried?
- Well, when they come out, I think my pulse is much higher than theirs. I do everything with them. I'm in the flow with them. Sometimes I want to turn away, but I tell myself: “We are together. Look! You have to look, don’t be a coward.” And I look. My last words before the athletes entered the last exercise were that Russia is behind us, our fans are looking at you. And you must not let them down. I think maybe they managed to get their act together with these words. And I think they did it, and we ended the World Championship with Russian music by Balakirev “Islamey”. We also ended the Olympic Games with Stravinsky and Sviridov. This is all symbolic.

About the Averin sisters

Did Dina and Arina Averina perform above all praise at the tournament in Pesaro?
- Dina and Arina are heroes. They turned themselves around. The girls were little techies. They made interesting elements, but it was all “there is a living nightingale, and there is a clockwork one.” They were lively nightingales, but this is not quite the same. I tried very hard to breathe emotion into every exercise. And each image had to be brought to mind - without any stops or delays, according to our non-stop system.

Therefore, it was very difficult work. They are honest girls, they tried very hard, they began to smile and shoot with their eyes. We sat in front of the mirror, looked at how to work with our eyes and how to attract the public to us. And it was very cool, because at these competitions they showed themselves to be real actresses. It was a huge difference from May when they lost to an Italian girl who is now ranked 8th-9th. They lost precisely because they were not actresses then. And now they are “in the flow”, they have won everything.

The fact that they are together, they are sisters, does it really support them?
- Very. Before each exit, one stands and looks into the eyes of the other. And if, God forbid, she is late somewhere, we run to look for her. Quickly, quickly, "Arina or Dina!" Send it! But they usually sit in the corner and wait for the moment when they need to look into each other’s black eyes.

Can we say that these girls are our secret weapon?
- In fact, we don’t have any secret weapons. Now there is television, everything can be seen. And learn. People just need to learn and understand that rhythmic gymnastics is a performance. In each exercise, you need to show a whole performance in one and a half minutes! It is not easy, but it is necessary, then we will move forward.

About the secret of the Japanese team

The Japanese team won four medals at the World Championships, can we call this a breakthrough?
- This suggests that Japan has been training with us in Russia for many years. And today there was a razor's edge, because our slightest mistake - and Japan would have been the first. But I think that everyone concerned, even those who coached Japan, prayed that we would not make this mistake. The Lord God heard their prayers, and in this sense we also won. The Japanese will now train further, but that would be a big question (smiles).

It turns out that Russia has such a special training system?
- Of course, we have our own training system, which provides for everything - professional coaching staff, medicine, nutrition, weighing, and so on. And here's another. Where are your phones, girls? They don't have phones! It's been two weeks now. That's it, they don't have phones because they have to go to bed on time. And the phone is such disgusting! I also hand over my phone, of course. I do everything like they do. I try to make them do everything like I do. When they grow up, they will also be like me. And they will be real good coaches.


The World Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships ended yesterday in Pesaro, Italy. The Russian team won seven out of eight possible gold medals. The results of the tournament were summed up in an interview with SE by the head coach of our team.

Elena SOBOL from Pesaro

“Congratulations to all our fans, all spectators who love rhythmic gymnastics,” said Viner-Usmanova. - We feel your love, your desire and your desire for us to win.

Irina Aleksandrovna, have you exhaled now?
- No, still not. Everything was very difficult, because when one team wins all the gold medals at the World Championships, it causes some waves of medium size. Therefore, I am very happy that the Italian team took first place in the exercise with five hoops. Although, if you look at it seriously, our girls did the exercise brilliantly. Italy also performed with dignity, to Russian music, to Tchaikovsky. I told my athletes before going on the mat: “Girls, you may have already lost, but the whole of Russia is looking at you. You should not retreat.” And we did very well! Well done everyone! We finished the World Championship with Russian music by Balakirev “Islamey”. We also finished the Olympic Games with Stravinsky and Sviridov. This is all symbolic.


The team has been working towards this for a long time...
- We really walked for a long time, it was very difficult. We made a lot of changes in the lineup. The last replacement is Olympic champion Nastya Tatareva, who has a long-standing injury. But she pulled herself together. And when Sofia Skomorokh was injured, I decided that Tatareva would join the group because she was more experienced. And Nastya performed honestly - squeezing her lips, doing everything as it should. I am very grateful to her for this. Nastya is great, God bless her. After all, there was even a question about surgery. And in the end she became the world champion.

Our beauty with dimples, Ksenia Polyakova, everything was very difficult with her too, she was sick. Things weren’t easy for Evgenia Levanova, a girl from Nizhny Novgorod with sparkling eyes. Our senior coach Tatyana Sergaeva did not believe that she would join the team. But I pulled Levanova out of the third squad and said: let’s perform, let’s train. It was difficult to cope with her, but here she is - a two-time world champion. Masha Kravtsova - we fought for her tooth and nail! In the end, light and love won. Maria Tolkacheva is our princess, a very beautiful girl! But for her to become a real princess, she needs to work hard.

The Japanese women were next to us on the podium in the exercise with three balls and two ropes. What does this mean?
- This suggests that Japan has been training in Russia for many years. And today we walked along the razor's edge, because our slightest mistake - and Japan would have become the first. But I think that everyone concerned, even those who coached Japan, prayed that this mistake would not happen to us. The Lord heard their prayers and we won. The Japanese will now train further, but that would be a big question (laughs).

For the first time in history, the Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships have an ambassador. Olympic champion Alina KABAEVA was invited to this honorable role. In the photo she awards the Italian Milena BALDASSARI with a special prize in her name. In addition to the award, the 15-year-old gymnast received a cash prize from the Alina Kabaeva Charitable Foundation. Photo by Oleg NAUMOV


How does our training system work?
- It provides for everything - professional coaching staff, medicine, nutrition, weighing and so on. The girls haven't had their phones for two weeks now because we have to go to bed on time... I'm giving in my phone too. I do everything like they do, and I try to get them to do everything like me. When they grow up, they will become really good coaches too.

It turns out that we are the first both in terms of performance and training system?
- We must be first, first of all, according to the system of light and love, we must remain honest and decent, never wish harm to anyone. When the girls performed and did the first type of program, they made a minimal error of one tenth of a point. But the people in the hall know rhythmic gymnastics so well that the whole hall gasped! Like, hurray, the Russians made a mistake, and they began to “cheer” for us to lose the award... And I had to shout from my seat: “Hold on! Stand! Take!” And so on. In our country this is generally not allowed. But I took advantage of the fact that there was a long distance, and the Lord helped and gathered the girls. And they endured, survived to the end.

Were you mentally with the gymnasts on the mat?
- When athletes go out to perform, I think my heart rate is much higher than theirs. I do everything with them. Sometimes I want to turn away, but I tell myself: “We are together. Look! You must look and not be a coward.” And I look.


The Averina sisters won all the gold at this World Championships!
- Dina and Arina are heroes. They turned themselves around. The girls were little techies after all. They made interesting elements, but they were “clockwork nightingales”, and this is not the same. We had to (I tried really hard!) to breathe emotion into each exercise. Dina has “Flames of Paris”, Volare, “Swan Lake”, “Cossack Choir”. These are completely different images. And each image had to be brought to mind - without any stops or delays according to our non-stop system. It’s the same with Arina. They are honest girls, they tried very hard: they sat in front of the mirror, looked at how to work with their eyes and how to attract the public to them. As a result, at these competitions the Averins showed themselves to be real actresses. A huge difference from the May starts, when they lost to the Italian girl, who now took 8th - 9th place. They lost precisely because they were not actresses then. And now everyone has won.

Does the fact that they are always together help them a lot?
- Very! Before each exit, one stands and looks into the eyes of the other. And if one of them, God forbid, is late somewhere, we run to look for our sister. They usually sit in the corner and wait for the moment when they need to look into each other's black eyes.

Are these girls our secret weapon?
- In fact, we don’t have any secret weapons. Now there is television, everything can be seen. And learn. People just need to understand that rhythmic gymnastics, every minute and a half exercise, is a performance. It's not easy, but it's necessary. Then we will move forward.

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The Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships have started in Italy. The southern country warmly welcomed the best gymnasts on the planet, who this week will identify the strongest and compete for eight sets of awards

Elena SOBOL from Pesaro

The heat during the days of the World Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships in Pesaro is not only on the street - despite the comfortable temperature, local fans heat up the atmosphere in the hall to the limit. Surprisingly, even the morning qualifications, which began at 10 a.m. local time on a working Wednesday, attracted the attention of spectators.

Traditionally, a large support group from Russia arrived at the main start, occupying an entire sector of the arena. Flags, tricolor T-shirts and face painting are constant attributes. Fans and posters were prepared in support of Russian gymnasts - twin sisters Dina And Arina Averinykh.

The highlight of the qualification was the appearance on the podium of the silver medalist of the Rio Olympics and the constant world champion of the last three years in the all-around Yana Kudryavtseva. As soon as there was a pause between streams, she was immediately surrounded by impatient fans, eager to take a photo or get a coveted autograph. Many of the girls specially keep separate notebooks where they collect autographs of their favorite gymnasts. As soon as the next participant's performance is announced in the hall, the crowd takes their seats, patiently waiting for their next chance to touch the star.

But as soon as they appear on the carpet Dina or Arina Averina, the Russian sector is becoming the loudest at the Adriatic Arena - our young athletes are so ardently supported.

Fans from other countries are also well prepared - you can see many different flags in the hall. Here are Bulgarian fans with a poster in support of Neviana Vladinova and the national flag. Here is a piece of the “Japanese tribune”, from where words of support for their gymnast can be heard. By the opening ceremony and the first finals, there were fewer and fewer empty seats. This is why the gymnasts themselves love to perform in Italy - the public here loves and understands this sport.

Pesaro hosted 9 World Cups, there was a European Championship in Turin - the Italians have enough experience in holding competitions, says the 2012 Olympic bronze medalist and head of the FIG athletes commission Lyubov Cherkashina. - Finally, the World Championship is taking place here, I’m very happy. And I think it will be very cool for the gymnasts - there is a good audience here. They really love every athlete who steps on the mat. This is very important, because it’s easy to root for the favorites, but you have to be able to support everyone else. The tournament is long-awaited both for the organizers and for the girls - it seems to me that many gymnasts love Italy, Pesaro - including me! I like the arena, the audience, I like that you live with a view of the sea - it takes away negative emotions, you recover faster. There are many advantages that the World Championship is here.

And in Pesaro the sea is nearby and the weather is beautiful in August. But the athletes will be able to enjoy it only after the end of the tournament.

The World Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships ended in Pesaro, Italy. Once again the Russian school has proven that it has no equal.

Our “artists” have once again proven that they simply have no equal in the world. Photo: RIA Novosti

The debutants of tournaments of this level - twin sisters Dina and Arina Averina - became a real discovery. The girls shared all the gold medals in individual exercises. Dina became the best in exercises with a hoop, clubs, and also in the all-around. Arina had no equal in programs with the ball and ribbon.

It is worth noting that the girls competed at the championship with injuries, but even the risk of relapse did not stop them from performing risky elements. According to Arina Averina, the emotional mood was such that neither she nor her sister thought about pain.

This is a special condition. There is such a rush of adrenaline that you only think about how to do everything better than everyone else. Everything else doesn't matter anymore. You go to the carpet and do your job. As Irina Aleksandrovna Viner-Usmanova says: “After you come off the pedestal, you are nobody again, and you have to work again and again.” Gold words!

Another success awaited us in the group all-around exercises. Here Anastasia Bliznyuk, Anastasia Tatareva, Maria Tolkacheva, Maria Kravtsova, Ksenia Polyakova, Evgenia Levanova won gold medals.

The head coach of the Russian national team, president of the Russian Rhythmic Gymnastics Federation, Irina Viner-Usmanova, told reporters that she was pleased with the girls’ performance: “The whole team worked very hard to achieve such a result. This is hard and painstaking work, but we are used to living and working this way.” .

A separate championship prize - "Miss Elegance" - went to the Italian gymnast Alexandra Ajurgiuculese, who took eighth place in the all-around. The award was presented to the hostess of the competition by Olympic champion and World Championship ambassador Alina Kabaeva. After the ceremony, Kabaeva talked to reporters and shared her emotions from the performance of the Averin sisters.

“When I watched them, I told myself: don’t worry, everything will be fine! These girls are not afraid to take risks, and this distinguishes them from their competitors. They raised the bar very high, and therefore the high marks that the girls received during their performances, They are completely justified. They are great fellows for continuing our winning traditions,” the tournament’s official website quotes Kabaeva as saying.

Another of our wonderful gymnasts, Rio Olympic champion Margarita Mamun, who went to Italy to support her friends, told the RG correspondent that she had no doubt about the success of the Russian gymnasts:

Everything was just great! We have a great team growing up. The girls showed real champion character. Their fate was in their own hands, and with coaches like Irina Viner, it is impossible to lose.

Were there any concerns that the Averina sisters would not be able to cope psychologically with the burden of leadership?

Margarita Mamun: No. They have a core, and the girls knew exactly what was expected of them. This is their finest hour and I applaud them for a great job.

During the championship, you said several times in interviews with news agencies that you had not yet decided on your future in gymnastics. Should we wait for the queen's return?

Margarita Mamun: What competition - just look! I don’t know yet, I need time to decide on my future. But I'm still part of our team. So let's take our time.

PESARO (Italy), September 3 - R-Sport, Sergey Smyshlyaev. The renewed Russian rhythmic gymnastics team triumphantly completed the event held in Pesaro, Italy, taking seven gold medals out of a possible eight.

The Russian national team, consisting of sisters, won five gold, four silver and one bronze medal in individual events, and the team in group exercises (Anastasia Bliznyuk, Evgenia Levanova, Ksenia Polyakova, Anastasia Tatareva, Maria Tolkacheva and Maria Kravtsova) won two out of three possible victories .

Right off the bat

Many fans were worried about the question: will Averina’s gymnasts be able to cope with the excitement at their debut world championship? And the sisters proved that their resounding success at the European Championship was not accidental and they have already fully accustomed themselves to the role of the new leaders of the national team. On the very first day of the competition, the Russians set a pace that their competitors were unable to compete with.

And again the best

But the next day was not so successful, although one can hardly say so, when the Russians again won two gold medals. Arina Averina made a slight misfire in the finals of the exercises with clubs, giving the silver medal to Belarusian Ekaterina Galkina. At the same time, she won, and in the next event, an exercise with a ribbon, Arina was completely rehabilitated out of four possible.

“I didn’t allow any losses with the clubs, I caught it incorrectly, and I was punished - points were taken off for this,” . - The upcoming all-around is difficult mentally and physically, but we will find the strength to prove that Russia is the best. My sister helps a lot, after the performance She praises, if there are any mistakes, she speaks immediately to correct them."

“We always expect that we will only have gold, but still this is a sport, this is a matter of chance, these are children, after all, who entered the world stage for the first time - . - But the fact is that the first time they did not made mistakes and won all the gold, this shows that these are real champions! It’s such a blessing that we have two of them and two medals.”

“They only recently passed the European Championships, they have a colossal responsibility. But they grew up, as they say, “among the oak trees”: they watched how Yana (Kudryavtseva) and Rita (Mamun) were preparing for the Olympic Games, and worked very hard,” noted Gorbunova.

On the decisive day of the competition, the Averin sisters again had no equal: the Russians supplemented the Russian team’s collection with gold and silver in the individual all-around, and.

“Pleasant fatigue! These are medals earned so hard,” I am very happy, there were tears of joy, and when Arisha met me and we hugged, then we began to cry together with happiness (smiles). I am very happy! First of all, what It’s all over. Secondly, everything turned out so well. I want to say a huge thank you to everyone, and now, of course, we’ll rest (laughs). It was such a thrill that it was all over!”


The Russian team in group exercises arrived in Pesaro with a half-renewed composition: young Kravtsova, Polyakova and Levanova were added to the Olympic champions Bliznyuk, Tatareva and Tolkacheva, but they also managed to maintain the highest bar. In the group all-around, the Russians won an unconditional victory.

“We work very, very hard, with pleasure, the whole team, including me, - . - We all love rhythmic gymnastics very much, we always want to show something new, we work like slaves in the galleys. There are no complaints today, they did everything That’s right, they were, as I say, “in the flow.”

“Our girls are real well done! - . - Congratulations to the champions on their well-deserved gold. They really showed themselves in the group all-around and proved that they are rightfully the strongest in the world by a large margin. Behind this success lies many years of painstaking work, which bore fruit in in the form of gold medals."

The Russians started the final day of the tournament with silver in the exercise with five hoops. At this moment, I immediately remembered the words of Amina Zaripova, spoken before the start of the World Championship: “It will be an interesting fight, they will compete in Italy, and the Italians are very good now. Moreover, in front of their own audience, in their own hall. This is a big psychological load on the girls.”

In the last event, an exercise with three balls and two jump ropes, the Russian team completed the World Championships in Pesaro on a golden note.