Mio slice instruction manual. MIO Slice review

  • 18.04.2024

IT industry veteran Liz Dickinson founded Mio in 1999 to develop in-demand chestless heart rate monitors for the recreational sports community. The Canadian company gained fame for being the first to release a sports watch with an optical sensor and continuous heart rate tracking.

Since then, the market has changed, and fitness bracelets have become the main and best-selling type of wearable gadgets. The successes of Fitbit and Jawbone were followed by several generations of the mass-produced fitness tracker Xiaomi Mi Band.


During this time, Mio developed and released several new sports heart rate monitors: and the second generation. In 2016, when it became clear that consumers preferred fitness bracelets, the Canadians announced just such a device - .

To stand out from the motley field of competing gadgets, the heart of the new device was made into an optical heart rate sensor. And in order to make Mio Slice understandable and accessible, the manufacturer has supplemented it with a new activity monitoring technology called Mio PAI.

The abbreviation PAI simply stands for: personal activity index, that is, personal activity index. Its formula is based on the results of a series of HUNT studies conducted by the Norwegian Institute of Natural Sciences and Technology. Scandinavian scientists examined tens of thousands of people over the course of 20 years and identified a connection between longevity and constant physical activity.

PAI is calculated based on a person's gender, age, weight, height, and physical fitness, but changes mainly due to increased levels of cardiac activity.

For the user, the system is extremely simple: you need to collect and maintain the number of PAI points at 100 per week.

Compared to step counting, PAI measurement seems to be a much more logical system. In most cases, the step goal is 10k every day. This activity count doesn't include workouts without steps, but it does count slow walking that doesn't really get your heart pumping. But it is the condition of the main muscle of the body that determines how long a particular person will live and how well his body will cope with physical activity.

Additionally, PAI has a lot of flexibility built into it, as the 100 points are spread out over the entire week. Let’s say that on some day you may not have time to work out due to a huge number of things that have piled up. It's OK! A few short, high-intensity workouts over the weekend and you'll be back on top.

Results and activity data can be tracked in a special application. Mio Slice works with a separate enhanced application and shows the current score on the display.

Mio Slice: appearance and battery

In terms of design, the Slice continues in the tradition of other Mio heart rate monitors. This is a lightweight fitness bracelet made of polyurethane. The aluminum body of the device itself is rounded to fit the hand more securely. The gadget is protected from drops of water, but not waterproof: you can wash your hands with them, but absolutely not for swimming.

The strap does not change, but is available in two sizes: small for wrists with a circumference of 14 to 17 centimeters and large - up to 21 centimeters. Available colors: black, blue, gray and brown-orange.

The data is displayed on an OLED display. In its normal state it is turned off, but it reacts to raising your hand and turns on. Since the screen is not touch-sensitive, a large button is used to switch statistics. One press will show the PAI score for the week, two – for the current day, and after three presses the pulse will be displayed. The workout recording mode is activated by one long press of the button.

The bracelet is put on the hand and tightly fixed two fingers above the wrist. This is necessary to ensure that the optical sensor fits properly to the skin and takes accurate heart rate readings.

Everyone's hand shape is different, so some users may experience discomfort, so the Slice should be tried on before purchasing. Discomfort is least noticeable during training; the bracelet reminds you of itself only the rest of the time. There were no cases of skin irritation caused by the gadget.

The bracelet sizes are comparable to and. It's slightly thicker than the Fitbit Alta and has more rigidity. Like all of these trackers, the Slice pairs well with sportswear and casual styles.

It is designed for daily wear, so it was equipped with a long-lasting (by today's standards) battery. A full charge will last for 4-5 days of operation, and recharging is carried out via the included USB cradle.

The bracelet is set up quickly and easily. To get started, the new happy owner needs to download the PAI 2.0 mobile application. Mio has other apps that will work with Slice, but the functionality will be limited, so it's important to find the right version. PAI 2.0 will work on smartphones with Android 5.0 and higher or iOS 9.0 and higher.

Note to Russian-speaking users: a localized version will be released especially for them at the end of May.

Synchronization with a smartphone occurs via Bluetooth. Mio Slice also supports the ANT+ standard, which allows you to connect other sports devices to it. The gadget is equipped with built-in memory that stores data collected over seven days.

The configured and connected bracelet should be on your hand 24/7 (or 24/5, if we take into account the need for recharging). What metrics does it track? In addition to PAI and heart rate, this includes distance and steps traveled, calories burned, sleep duration and phases. Individual workouts are not divided by type; their duration and the number of points earned for each are recorded.

Of course, the PAI system comes to the fore, since this is what Slice was created for. One tab in the application is entirely occupied by a graph with activity statistics. The resulting “flower” clearly illustrates progress over the week and serves as a motivating mechanism. On days when activity is low, the “petals” turn out to be short, and on especially successful days, they turn out to be long.

New MIO Slice from the CES-2017 exhibition seemed like a sweet dream and a full-fledged replacement for the deceased Jawbone 3: built-in laser heart rate monitor, support for notifications from a smartphone, up to 5 days of work, water resistance of 30 meters, sleep analysis, mmmmm...

With the Mio Slice on my wrist, the belief in exceeding my daily activity limit seemed armor-piercing and resistant to argument. Of course, Apple Watch statistics and a bag of earned medals for determination served as proof of good physical fitness.

Medals from Apple Watch in the iOS Activity app

However, on the very first day of Mio I humiliated, “announcing” from the screen that the owner is a jerk, and the daily activity requirement has not been met. It’s strange, because I spent more than two hours in the gym and burned over 1100 kcal (according to Apple Watch). After a week of using the bracelet, I felt like the hero of the movie “Obsession” - I seem to play well, but in the eyes of the conductor I personify a complete insignificance.

A dangerous thought-bubble was inflating in my head: “How you stutter!”


The developers of Mio Slice do not prioritize calories and steps, but personal information about activity - PAI (Personal Activity Intelligence). This is happiness and misfortune at the same time. For dessert, let’s talk about a beautiful theory, and then I’ll tell you about the rake of reality.

Unlike most trackers' baseline goal of 10,000 steps, PAI is calculated for each user individually, taking into account age, gender, resting heart rate and maximum heart rate - data entered when the band is activated.

The norm is 100 PAI in seven days (or 14.3 PAI per day). I barely earned 91 despite going to the gym three times a week.

The use of heart rate as an indicator reflecting the level of load in cyclic sports has become generally accepted. The higher the intensity of the load, the greater the need of working muscles for oxygen, the more blood the heart must pump, the higher the heart rate.

Norm – 100 PAI
in seven days

For a tracker without a heart rate monitor, 10,000 steps on the street and on a treadmill are “the same.” Heart rate reflects the level of stress in cyclic sports, so having a heart rate monitor in a sports gadget is desirable. The higher the load, the greater the need of working muscles for oxygen, the more blood the heart must pump, the more energy is spent. A person can leisurely walk, say, 100 steps with a heart rate of 65 beats/minute, or maybe with squats and one-pound weights in each hand and a heart rate of 140. For the second exercise, the energy consumption and PAI value are many times greater.

PAI is based on 25 years of research by physicians at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and Technology. More than 45,000 people took part in the tests.

Mio Slice is the first tracker with a working heart rate monitor constantly. Let me remind you that on the Apple Watch it turns on once every 5 minutes if a workout is not running.

Control and functionality

Slice is controlled via a single button under the monochrome OLED display. Pressing changes the information on the screen: time (the bracelet can be used as a watch), earned PAI points for 7 days, PAI result for the day, pulse. Optionally, steps, calories, distance traveled and sleep time can be connected in the application settings.

Time: when we bring our hand to our face, the screen lights up, like the Apple Watch.

Notifications: we see the fact of a call, SMS, requests from instant messengers. Reply, content cannot be viewed. There is no repeated notification, as well as an LED about unviewed messages.

Pulse: At what frequency the heart is beating at the moment.

PAI: As soon as the activity bar reaches the right edge of the screen, the counter switches to the next number (12 → 13), the bar rewinds.

Steps, calories, distances: He thinks - and God be with them.

Dream: Analyzes sleep phases. You can't force it into this mode, like the Jawbone, so naps don't count. If closer to midnight you stop moving for a long time, the heart rate monitor switches to a 15-minute interval and sleep monitoring begins.

Switching to “Training” mode: Long press the button. The type of workout is not specified, but it is implied that it is running.

Working hours: stated 5 days, in reality 3.

Why do you need an always-on heart rate monitor?

Let's consider a life situation. You're wearing an Apple Watch on your left hand, and a Mio Slice on your right. Suppose, after turning off the laser sensor of the Apple Watch, gopniks roll up to you and ask the time... Using Van Damme’s “Very Fast Feet” technique, you rush from your place across the lawns to a crowded place. If you run fast, then both gadgets will remain with you. The Apple tracker will count your steps taking into account the last heart rate measurement, and the Mio bracelet will record more complete information about your sudden adventure.

As a result, in running, swimming, and aerobics, Mio Slice outperforms the Apple Watch and other trackers exactly, although it operates not with steps and calories, but with PAI. Nike pushed something similar in the Fuelband bracelet - that was the Fuel value, which was incomprehensible to many owners, including me.

PAI. Bitter practice

The questions start with weight training. The bench leg press does not count towards Mio Slice's stats. I was surprised, because in terms of energy consumption, there is little that compares with leg exercises.

Earned 3 PAI in a day... My strength was “enough” for only 20% of the daily requirement.

Result of the same day with Apple Watch. Exceeded the norm by 200%.

Mio Slice takes activity into account if your hands move. Fine? Thus, a relaxed two-hour game with my son on the playground completed the daily activity limit.

Given my lifestyle, why are the Mio Slice and Apple Watch readings so different? The fact is that the Mio tracker is designed for walking, running, and aerobics, where it outperforms Apple watches in overall accuracy.

In the gym, the Mio Slice is inferior to the more versatile Apple Watch, which has a Strength Training mode.

Once a day, the owner of Mio Slice can add an activity manually by selecting the load level (easy, medium, hard). Apparently, the manufacturer thus insured itself against imperfections in the calculation method.

The Russian version of the application is coming.

Bottom line

If you go to the gym, you don't need Mio Slice: the device can't track activity on exercise machines.

If you do jogging or aerobics, then the choice of a bracelet is justified: of all existing trackers with a built-in heart rate monitor, Mio Slice is most suitable for such activities.

We have at our disposal a new fitness tracker, Mio Slice, which offers a new activity monitoring system, different from what we are used to seeing before. Instead of calculating steps, heart rate, sleep phases, an innovative PAI function is announced here. And there really is a reasonable basis for its appearance; you will agree that walking 10,000 steps in a day at a measured pace and the same distance running or walking quickly will require different amounts of resources from the body. This is exactly what Mio Slice suggests taking into account, if we talk about the function in a few words and as simple as possible for understanding. At the same time, just like the previously reviewed MIO Alpha 2 and MIO Fuse, it is distinguished by the accuracy of determining heart rate and activity, corresponding to the level required by professional athletes.

MIO Slice review


MIO Slice comes in a nice and compact box with a transparent window, allowing you to get your first impressions of the bracelet’s appearance before unpacking. Can be useful for choosing a suitable color from several available ones. There is a metric on the side of the box to help you determine the size you need.

The package includes a charging cradle, detailed instructions and a warranty card.


MIO Slice is made in four versions; depending on the chosen one, the color of the strap changes. There are also classic black, flesh gray and stylish brown.

The design can be called strict. This bracelet will look good paired with a sports uniform or a business suit.

Appearance of MIO Slice

The bracelet body is inseparable from the strap. It won't get lost by accident. The strap is made of hypoallergenic rubber.

There really is no irritation observed during prolonged wear or during prolonged sports activities.

Attached with a metal clip and magnetic lock. It cannot be called the best solution available, although it is generally attached reliably, but during the tests, while putting on the sweater, it spontaneously came off several times.

The range of girth adjustment for MIO Slice is sufficient for both men's and women's hands. Plus, let me remind you, there are two separate sizes.

The main part is a one-piece body made of glossy plastic, reminiscent of ceramic in texture. The declared protection of the outer glass can be confirmed by the absence of scratches during the tests.

Fingerprints and dirt accumulated during wearing are removed either with a cloth or directly under running water. It is not afraid of water and can withstand diving to a depth of 30 meters.

Removal in the shower, while swimming in the pool, or when it accidentally starts raining while jogging or cycling will not lead to damage.

Information is displayed on a monochrome screen. The brightness is enough to make out the output data in direct sunlight. The time and collected activity results for the day are displayed sequentially on the screen.

Control is carried out by a single mechanical button, requiring little effort. MIO Slice supports automatic screen turning on when you turn your hand.

On the inside there is a heart rate sensor block and contacts for charging using the included cradle. It is also attached with a magnet.

MIO Slice underwater test


The previously tested bracelets from MIO used a common application, but most likely due to the new activity counting function, MIO Slice received separate software. Be careful: there are messages on the Internet related to the difficulties of installing the application on a number of smartphones. Before considering a purchase, we recommend that you try downloading MIO PAI 2 and check that the installation is correct. We installed it on several smartphones: OnePlus 3, Xiaomi Mi5, Xiaomi Mi Max and Highscreen Boost 3 SE; we were unable to reproduce this error, but its possibility cannot be denied either. For now, the application is only available in English.

Software MIO Slice

The operating principle is similar, communication is carried out via Bluetooth. Pairing is simple and takes just a few steps. Initially, age, height and weight are set. This data will be used to calculate PAI.

Subsequently, the main window displays a diagram with the output of PAI points and statistics for the week. There is also heart rate monitoring and battery data. You can control the level of load created and, if necessary, keep it in the correct mode.

In the current version, we will focus on information content and clarity. There are still not enough additional graphs, a general understanding of what type of load is required. This is partially displayed in the second tab with data on distance, calories burned, steps and sleep patterns. Activities are also added manually, in addition to those that the bracelet itself did not track.

The third tab is where you configure. Of interest, notifications for incoming calls and messages are activated (Cyrillic is not supported), and constant heart rate monitoring is enabled.


As mentioned above, MIO Slice offers a new type of activity control. The goal for each day is to obtain 100 PAI. These scores take into account different types of activity, including simple movements throughout the day. We were unable to identify the exact formula that can be used to cheat the bracelet or quickly get the required points. You really have to try, and you can feel the pressure. If you trust the manufacturer’s description, there is a whole range of data that is analyzed and calculated in a complex manner. Most other solutions are limited to simply counting your steps and, in rare cases, calculating the load level based on your heart rate.

MIO Slice review

MIO Slice is superior to Chinese bracelets in terms of pulse detection accuracy. Plus, the counting itself is carried out in a constant mode, offering monitoring, which will be especially useful for control. The accuracy of determining steps is also high, the data obtained is close to real. According to experience, one battery charge lasts for about 3.5 days with constant heart rate monitoring and notifications displayed on the screen, and 5 days in a more economical mode. Charging is fast.

Results for MIO Slice

MIO Slice is an interesting take on the already familiar format of fitness trackers, offering, instead of the boring pedometer function, a comprehensive assessment of activity throughout the day. According to personal feelings, the data obtained from it really corresponds to the real load and general condition of the body. The advantages include a nice design, an informative screen, accurate heart rate reading without external sensors, real-time monitoring, data analysis via the application, a waterproof case, and a comfortable strap. The lack of vibration in different cardio zones, the lack of Cyrillic support and potential problems with installation on a number of Android smartphones may not suit you.

Around March 8, my collection of fitness gadgets was replenished with several new items. The first of them is the Mio Slice fitness tracker, which was received as a gift by the eldest daughter, who very timely before the holiday mentioned that she would soon need a heart rate monitor, since she was starting practice at the fitness club. I have been interested in the new Mio model for a long time, as I was very pleased with the previous Mio Link and .

PAI - Personal Activity Intelligence

The main feature of this tracker, which distinguishes it from trackers Garmin, Fitbit and the like, is PAI - Personal Activity Intelligence, in Russian this can be called a personal activity analyzer. PAI doesn't just give you a goal of walking 10,000 steps a day, but based on your age, weekly physical activity, and fitness level, it calculates activity points based on your heart rate. The goal is to score 100 points.

Mio Slice technical specifications

Material: TPU

Display - OLED

Battery - li-poly, lasts about 5 days

Water protection - 30 meters, 3 atmospheres

Sensors – optical heart rate sensor, accelerometer and vibration motor

Communication - bluetooth and ANT+, but transmits heart rate data only via ANT+

Memory – 7 days of activity, heart rate data every 1 second in training mode, every 5 minutes during average daily activity and every 15 minutes during sleep.

Mio Slice measurements

  • pulse
  • resting heart rate
  • calories
  • distance

Mio Slice Dimensions

  • Small fits hands with a circumference from 13.97cm to 17.15cm. Size 1.35 cm x 2.08 cm x 21.5 cm. Weight 28g.
  • Large fits hands with a circumference from 17.15cm to 20.96cm. Size 1.35 cm x 2.08 cm x 24 cm. Weight 29g.

Mio Slice compatibility

  • iOS 9.0 or higher - iPhone 7, 7Plus, 6s, 6s Plus, 6, 6 Plus, SE and 5S
  • Android 5.0 or higher - Google Nexus 5, 5x, 6, 6p, Samsung Galaxy S5, S6, S7, Note 5

Experience using Mio Slice

Sleep tracking

For those for whom a fitness bracelet on their wrist does not interfere with their sleep, Mio Slice provides fairly accurate information about deep and non-deep sleep, based on heart rate data. Here's what I got -

Heart rate sensor for the Mio Slice fitness bracelet

For the test, I used 3 sensors at once -

  1. Actually Mio Slice transmitting heart rate to Garmin Fenix ​​3. I'm not sure if it's possible to export heart rate data directly from Slice. Also, my Xiaomi Mi 5S phone does not have ANT+, and Mio Slice did not find any devices on Bluetooth.
  2. TomTom Spark 3 with LifeQ sensor.
  3. Scosche Rhytm connected to the phone.

And here are the results I got during the 5km race, with 4 short accelerations of 30 seconds and the last fifth for 1 minute. You can see from the graph that Slice was a bit lagging from the start. This may be due to the fact that it was too close to the palm.

TomTom Spark 3 data

Scosche Rhythm + Endomondo data on Xiaomi MI 5S

Mio Slice heart rate data, everything else from Garmin Fenix ​​3

On my second run, I placed the Mio Slice further away from my palm and did 3 intervals. The differences in measurements with Scosche Rhytm, which transmitted data to my phone, are almost invisible.

The following graph was made during functional training - pull-up bar, kettlebells and TRX. There is a difference between Scosche and Mio Slice, but not as dramatic as the one.

Mio Slice Instructions

The instructions for the bracelet are available in 10 different languages, including Russian. You can download the Mio Slice instructions in Russian.

Pros of the Mio Slice fitness bracelet

  • Transmitting heart rate data in training mode via ANT+ (HR broadcasting)
  • PAI Personal Activity Analyzer. For 3 days, 2 of which I ran 5-7 km and once worked out in the gym for 1.5 hours, I was counted 85 PAI
  • Sleep detection accuracy
  • Design
  • Convenient charging with magnet
  • Automatically turns on the screen if you turn the tracker screen up
  • Excellent warranty support from the manufacturer, for example, they sent me a new Mio Fuse after I broke the strap on the old one, after only one year of warranty.

Cons of the Mio Slice fitness bracelet


If you need a high-quality and inexpensive fitness tracker, the presence of GPS is not so important - then you should seriously consider the Mio Slice bracelet as a possible purchase option.

The MiO brand is known for its accurate heart rate monitors, as well as supplying heart rate monitors for Garmin wearables. The company also created its own fitness bracelet, MiO Slice, which offers not just counting steps, but a comprehensive assessment of personal activity.

The device constantly monitors your heart rate and, analyzing all the loads for the day, determines Personal Activity Intelligence (PAI) - a personal activity index. It is calculated taking into account gender, age, body weight, basic training, but it is changes in heart rate in response to physical effort that are converted into PAI points (in a week, the owner of MiO Slice is asked to score 100 points).

Additional indicators for control

The bracelet also measures steps (using an accelerometer), distance, activity period, and calories burned. Additionally, you can specify types of activity that the wearable gadget did not take into account (for example, strength training with low arm activity). The bracelet analyzes sleep quite accurately, since heart rate is measured at night (every 15 minutes). But the model lacks a vibrating alarm clock in the morning.

Stylish and practical

MiO Slice is equipped with a monochrome screen with an OLED matrix and the ability to adjust brightness. The device has a non-removable rubber strap (2 sizes and several colors are available, including black, grey, blue, brown). For control, there is one mechanical button that responds to both short and long presses.

The model has a 60 mAh battery, the capacity of which is enough for 4 – 6 days of operation with average intensity of use. A convenient magnetic cradle is included for charging.

Control and synchronization

All Slice settings are performed in the proprietary Mio PAI 2 application. It is already Russified, but the quality of localization leaves much to be desired.

Bluetooth v 4.0 is used to synchronize data with smartphones. After connecting to mobile devices, the bracelet will notify you of calls and SMS. Additionally, support for the ANT+ wireless standard is provided. It is used to transmit heart rate readings in training mode and makes it easy to connect pro-level sports devices to the bracelet.

Note that the bracelet is protected from moisture and dust, waterproof up to 30 meters. But it is not recommended to swim in it, if only because you cannot press the mechanical button in the water.

MiO Slice is suitable for fans of running, aerobics, other cyclic sports and simply active people. By constantly measuring your pulse, the bracelet will also help monitor the state of your cardiovascular system and overall health.