Valeria. Valeria: Yoga with Valeria Valeria's beauty secrets

  • 18.04.2024

Yoga with Valeria


Valeria is a famous singer, mother of three children, charming and energetic woman. How does she manage to stay in good shape, maintain youth and beauty with such a busy pace of life? Valeria has been seriously practicing yoga for six years now.

Her successes were highly appreciated not only by close friends, but also by professional athletes. Today she acts as your personal instructor. Thanks to this book you will learn all the subtleties and delights of yoga.

Do you want to look younger, forget about illnesses, cope with depression? This book is for you!

About the book

Do you want to feel better than you did when you were 17? It's real! Based on my own experience, I can tell you that now, after 6 years of yoga, I feel in much better physical shape than at my high school graduation. It seems to me that this is the best proof that yoga is a universal system of exercises that can literally work miracles and is suitable for absolutely everyone. In addition, yoga allows us to be proud that we create these miracles ourselves, making ourselves flexible and strong not only physically, but also morally, which is at least 5 important in modern life.

In this book I want to tell you about my experience - this is how I fulfill the behest of one of the most respected experts and the founder of Iyengar yoga, guru B.K.S. Iyengar: he believed that it was necessary to attract as many people as possible to yoga who would like to recover from diseases, learn to control their own body and replenish it with energy that helps prolong youth. You can’t say better than a guru: “The body is the temple of the soul, and we must make it a perfect temple.”

Just look at Valeria - and you get the feeling that this young, beautiful, calm, strong woman knows perfectly well how to achieve an ideal shape, both with regard to her creativity, her family, and especially her body.

Julia Vysotskaya

actress, TV presenter

I am a sporty and dynamic person, and my friendship with “slow” sports, such as Pilates or yoga, has not yet materialized. But I understand very well how useful and exciting they are. I really envy Lera, who has enough energy and time for creativity, for children, and for sports - and even at such a serious level. And also because she has some kind of inner glow, positive energy comes from her. This is the most important thing in life and in sports. She is pleasant and easy to communicate with. Lera simply infects with her energy. She is a symbol of not only femininity and softness, but also tone.

Yulia Bordovskikh

athlete, TV presenter, writer

Lera and I have been friends for a long time. We have many common interests, including yoga. For example, to relax after a hard day and relieve tension, I stand on my head. Sometimes Lera and I even organize competitions, and without exaggeration I want to say that Lera is never inferior to me. She has a very high level that many yoga teachers could envy. She is on par with the professionals. Actually, it is yoga that allows her to be not only a beautiful, slim and charming woman, but also a strong, purposeful and resilient person. Which is very important for a mother of three children and a sought-after singer!

I admire Lera’s talent and efficiency.

Kostya Tszyu

Russian boxer, ex-absolute world champion, European amateur champion, Honored Master of Sports

Photo by Victor Derbenev and Rustam Vagapov.

Consultant Lyubov Yatsenko, yoga trainer.

Sport forever

I must honestly warn you - so that you are not too surprised - I have always been extremely active by nature. And I have been involved in some type of fitness all my life. I tried everything from shaping to bodybuilding, as this or that hobby became fashionable.

I think if you spend your leisure time in the daily struggle for good shape and well-being, then you also happened to do callanetics, aerobics or Pilates and regularly promise yourself to start morning jogging. Fortunately, I was lucky and I still found my type of physical activity for every day - yoga.

You might think that this attitude towards physical education was instilled in me as a child. Against! True, I have never been lazy, but I was terribly busy at music school. And my parents, unfortunately, did not push me to pay more attention to physical exercise. On the contrary, it was I who attracted them to classes.

Valeria doesn't go to the gym. She has everything she needs for classes at home. The singer devotes at least one hour a day to training. And so that you can start your home workouts, we have selected videos of suitable exercises. We invite you to a sports master class from Valeria!

Instagram @valeriya

And before you warm up, here are some tips that may inspire you. The singer spoke about them in an interview with HELLO! magazine.

Instagram @valeriya

No violence against yourself. The main thing is not to confuse this with ordinary laziness.

“Sport is a positive charge and an incredible feeling from the knowledge that you are improving yourself every day.”

Kefir, two spoons of cottage cheese with tea are a good trick to avoid going to bed on an empty stomach.

Instagram @valeriya

Instagram @valeriya

So, a set of exercises for slender legs, a flat stomach, firm buttocks and the fight against “ears” on the hips:

  • bending forward with feet shoulder-width apart;
  • squats with a fitball behind your back;
  • swing your legs and arms with weights;
  • squats on one leg using a step platform.

Exercises with dumbbells:

  • squats;
  • swing your arms.

And singer Valeria is one of those stars who are sure: not only fitness, but also yoga will prolong the youth of body and spirit!

How does the famous Russian singer Valeria manage to keep her figure in such great shape, despite the fact that she is the mother of three children?

The Russian show business star can be called a yoga fan. She regularly attends seminars held in Russia by Indian masters.

Valeria begins every morning with stretching. The singer’s favorite morning exercise is “birch”; it is very beneficial for the body of any woman. Firstly, with the help of this exercise, the skin of the face is actively saturated with oxygen as a result of a rush of blood. Secondly, “birch” has a beneficial effect on the condition of the female reproductive system.

Valeria tries to go to the gym every day. She often alternates aerobic exercise with yoga, while not forgetting to regularly visit a massage therapist. As Valeria admits, her yoga classes contributed to an even distribution of the load on each of the involved muscle groups during strength exercises.

The famous singer has been practicing yoga for the 7th year. Not long ago, the book “Yoga with Valeria” was even published.

The star of Russian show business claims that it was thanks to yoga that she acquired ideal physical shape - so now, at her age, she looks even better than at school prom.

Valeria began her now favorite yoga classes with a trainer. It is quite difficult to master the asana on your own. According to the singer, the fundamental pose is the “mountain” pose. This position creates excellent posture. This incredibly athletic and beautiful woman tries to do yoga every day. However, of course, she does not always succeed in this due to numerous tours.

Many journalists gave Valeria the status of a real fan of a healthy lifestyle. The singer's children are proud of their mother's remarkable appearance and figure.

Valeria can easily take the “Lotus”, “Eagle”, “Snake” pose. Although earlier, before the yoga singer appeared in her life, she worked hard at the gym.

Basic, universal exercises developed by the popular singer - Dandasana, Virasana, Urdhva Hastasana Dandasana. We present to your attention a description of the Dandasana exercise from the book “Yoga with Valeria”.

So, the initial position is sitting on the floor. With this pose, the body is prepared for the most difficult asanas. While sitting on the floor, you need to keep the inside of your heels, big toes and knees together. We activate the muscles near the kneecap (around it), tighten our knees, tighten our hips. The entire lower surface of the legs should be in contact with the floor. We move the pelvic bones forward, at the same time, we pull the heels away from us. The main rule is not to arch your lower back. The spine needs to be pulled up. Body weight should be distributed evenly between the sitting bones. The chin must be kept parallel to the floor - this will make it easier to stretch the back of the neck.

In addition to yoga, Valeria pays great attention to nutrition. As the singer admits, at some periods of her life she resorted to a diet. In a short period of time, the celebrity lost 6 kilograms.

The main “advantage” of the proposed diet: not only rapid weight loss, but also effective, quick cleansing of the body.

The first rule of the diet: meals should be fractional. You can eat 5 times a day. Basic, soluble foods are fruits and vegetables, low-fat kefir (1%). Only at lunchtime can you allow your body to taste fish, chicken and meat (no more than 0.25 kg), steamed or boiled. We forget about sweets, flour, sugar, bread, alcohol, and various sauces. It is prohibited to eat after 19.00.

You should not drink any liquid after or during meals. But before eating you need to drink 1 glass of water. The daily volume of fluid consumed should be 2-2.5 liters. Suitable drinks include green tea or still mineral water. Once a week, do a fasting day - on kefir.


Valeria is a famous singer, mother of three children, charming and energetic woman. How does she manage to stay in good shape, maintain youth and beauty with such a busy pace of life? Valeria has been seriously practicing yoga for six years now.

Her successes were highly appreciated not only by close friends, but also by professional athletes. Today she acts as your personal instructor. Thanks to this book you will learn all the subtleties and delights of yoga.

Do you want to look younger, forget about illnesses, cope with depression? This book is for you!

About the book

Do you want to feel better than you did when you were 17? It's real! Based on my own experience, I can tell you that now, after 6 years of yoga, I feel in much better physical shape than at my high school graduation. It seems to me that this is the best proof that yoga is a universal system of exercises that can literally work miracles and is suitable for absolutely everyone. In addition, yoga allows us to be proud that we create these miracles ourselves, making ourselves flexible and strong not only physically, but also morally, which is at least 5 important in modern life.

In this book I want to tell you about my experience - this is how I fulfill the behest of one of the most respected experts and the founder of Iyengar yoga, guru B.K.S. Iyengar: he believed that it was necessary to attract as many people as possible to yoga who would like to recover from diseases, learn to control their own body and replenish it with energy that helps prolong youth. You can’t say better than a guru: “The body is the temple of the soul, and we must make it a perfect temple.”

Just look at Valeria - and you get the feeling that this young, beautiful, calm, strong woman knows perfectly well how to achieve an ideal shape, both with regard to her creativity, her family, and especially her body.

Julia Vysotskaya

actress, TV presenter

I am a sporty and dynamic person, and my friendship with “slow” sports, such as Pilates or yoga, has not yet materialized. But I understand very well how useful and exciting they are. I really envy Lera, who has enough energy and time for creativity, for children, and for sports - and even at such a serious level. And also because she has some kind of inner glow, positive energy comes from her. This is the most important thing in life and in sports. She is pleasant and easy to communicate with. Lera simply infects with her energy. She is a symbol of not only femininity and softness, but also tone.

Yulia Bordovskikh

athlete, TV presenter, writer

Lera and I have been friends for a long time. We have many common interests, including yoga. For example, to relax after a hard day and relieve tension, I stand on my head. Sometimes Lera and I even organize competitions, and without exaggeration I want to say that Lera is never inferior to me. She has a very high level that many yoga teachers could envy. She is on par with the professionals. Actually, it is yoga that allows her to be not only a beautiful, slim and charming woman, but also a strong, purposeful and resilient person. Which is very important for a mother of three children and a sought-after singer!

I admire Lera’s talent and efficiency.

Kostya Tszyu

Russian boxer, ex-absolute world champion, European amateur champion, Honored Master of Sports

Photo by Victor Derbenev and Rustam Vagapov.

Consultant Lyubov Yatsenko, yoga trainer.

Sport forever

I must honestly warn you - so that you are not too surprised - I have always been extremely active by nature. And I have been involved in some type of fitness all my life. I tried everything from shaping to bodybuilding, as this or that hobby became fashionable.

I think if you spend your leisure time in the daily struggle for good shape and well-being, then you also happened to do callanetics, aerobics or Pilates and regularly promise yourself to start morning jogging. Fortunately, I was lucky and I still found my type of physical activity for every day - yoga.

You might think that this attitude towards physical education was instilled in me as a child. Against! True, I have never been lazy, but I was terribly busy at music school. And my parents, unfortunately, did not push me to pay more attention to physical exercise. On the contrary, it was I who attracted them to classes.

I remember that as a child I was fascinated by the performances of gymnasts - and, as best I could, I practiced gymnastics at home. On Sundays there was gymnastics on TV for children, and every day for adults. And I called my parents to create a campaign for me. I tried to do all the exercises, although I was only 5–6 years old. I did it all with pleasure, one might say, with gusto.

Everything related to plasticity and flexibility literally fascinated me. And in the elementary grades of school, I decided that I would be a ballerina - I began to actively exercise, stretch... I had pointe shoes, and I myself, singing something, danced at home, choreographed numbers, I perfectly heard the music to which I danced. I was the only one in our class who knew how to do the splits. True, this did not help me much - I had a C in physical education. You remember: everyone must run the same, everyone must pass the GTO standards, everyone must definitely climb a rope - but I’m afraid of heights. So what should we do now? At school, unfortunately, there was a common approach for that time: if you can’t do like everyone else, you’ll get a C at best. Of course, this attitude repulsed me, and I did not like physical education lessons.

I saw myself in my dreams on the ballet stage, in pointe shoes... I think every little girl dreams of something similar. But there was no choreographic school in our city, so, alas, I could not realize this dream.

In general, with all my passion for movement in physical education, I always got a C grade. In all other subjects - excellent, but in physics - a C, can you imagine? Well, they told me at the very beginning of the 9th grade: “You won’t see the gold medal like your ears!” This would be too unreasonable, and I decided to do something urgently.

And already then, in high school, I became interested in aerobics and shaping - it was very fashionable in those days. And I began to lead school physical warm-ups myself. Before the start of classes, all the guys lined up and I explained how to do certain exercises from the aerobics complex: it was a real workout! It was very interesting for all of us, and now I’m 11 and it’s nice and a little funny to remember it.

This is how I myself got involved in sports, corrected my C in physical education and became friends with fitness forever.

Yoga for the first time

I think now it’s time to tell you how I started doing yoga and why I became a fan of it - I think for many years.

It all started a few years ago in America. There I attended a yoga lesson - everything seemed so simple to me! After all, I was quite flexible, stretched out, everything worked out so well for me... Although it later turned out that I did everything completely wrong. I really liked the lesson, and before returning home I bought myself a disk with an exercise program. True, when I tried to practice this disc at home again, not a trace of the former admiration and pleasure remained. And that time I quit – I didn’t persist and practice yoga.

And six years ago in Dubai I bought another disc, which I just incredibly liked. Firstly, because three short forty-minute programs were recorded on it - you must agree, any woman can find forty minutes in her schedule. Yes, I forgot to say that then I saw three disks on sale: on the first - simple poses, on the second - the same ones, but a little more complicated, and the third disk was intended for experienced practitioners.

Singer Valeria is 47 years old, and she has never hidden her age, believing that it is impossible to hide age-related changes, but it is quite possible to delay them by playing sports. HELLO! I attended the singer’s training session and admired her form.

Valeria says she rarely goes to the gym: “Everything I need is at home: a treadmill, a Power Plate and a yoga mat.” But if the singer drops into a fitness club, she works out there exclusively under the supervision of a personal trainer, Erica Levinskaya. “The only place where I can’t go without the help of professionals is a fitness club,” admits Valeria. “It’s not a matter of the variety of equipment; it’s just that as long as you set up the machine for yourself, all the heat can go away. And I decided a long time ago: no violence against myself. The main thing is not to confuse this with ordinary laziness. In such cases, you can and should deceive yourself a little. For example, if you don’t want to run, just put on new sneakers - and this is already an incentive!

Valeria, looking at your sculpted figure, I find it hard to believe that you need special motivation to do fitness.

Everyone needs motivation. In general, I have not been friends with physical education since childhood. This was the only subject in which I got a C grade. I couldn’t be like everyone else - jumping over a goat, climbing a rope (by the way, I still haven’t managed to overcome my fear of heights), fulfilling all the GTO standards. My mother’s friend worked as a doctor and constantly “drew” me certificates exempting me from classes. But in order to get a gold medal, I had to overcome my dislike for sports. I joined the volleyball and skiing sections, began to show good results, and participated in regional competitions. At the age of 17, I could no longer imagine how to live without movement. I fell in love with video courses on aerobics by Jane Fonda, Elle MacPherson, Claudia Schiffer and took the tapes with me on tour. I also started doing yoga - watching video tutorials. Of course, I did a lot of things wrong, injured my ligaments, and yet even such exercises helped me not only strengthen my body, but also heal my back after pregnancy. In general, sport is a positive charge and an incredible feeling from the realization that you are improving yourself every day.

Valeria begins her warm-up on the Power Plate exercise machine. Thanks to the vibrating platform, even a simple squat will warm up your leg muscles in a few minutes. It is important to ensure that your thighs are parallel to the floor and your knees are bent at 90 degrees.

You can prepare your upper body for strength exercises by squeezing the vibration platform with your hands. The back should remain straight. “15 minutes of exercise on the Power Plate can replace a full workout,” the singer assures

Many people believe that practicing yoga requires natural flexibility. Do you agree with this statement?

“I’m not flexible, so yoga is not for me” is a common excuse from many, including my husband. But we must understand that none of us will become the kind of yogi who twists himself into a knot - we live in different climatic conditions, we have naturally more “hard” bodies. Moreover, even the simplest yoga asanas can be very effective. For example, mountain pose, in which a person just stands straight. It would seem, what’s wrong with that?! But when you stand correctly—shoulders down, knees tucked, ankles over the center of your feet, and all your weight in your heels—the spine is strengthened. And it's not that easy! Try to stand statically for two minutes - it won’t work right away, you’ll fall.

Pulling the upper block behind your head works your back even more, and also helps to quickly give your arm muscles a beautiful definition. You need to lower the bar while exhaling and so that it lightly touches the back of your neck. Pause and tense your back. Inhale and return to the starting position.

You haven't fallen for a long time. And you can easily perform the most difficult asanas - stand on your head!

Spectacular poses that can be boasted have backfired on me more than once. I remember I mastered the elbow stand against the wall and decided to show it to the children. Arseny, who was 11 years old at the time, wanted to repeat it. My son swung his leg and hit me square in the jaw! For the first time I understood the expression “Sparks from the eyes.” (Laughs.)

You exercise every day, but how much do you limit yourself in food?

Now I'm completely omnivorous. I just watch my portion sizes and try not to overeat at night. Kefir, two spoons of cottage cheese with tea are a good trick to avoid going to bed on an empty stomach. There are foods that I don’t like - fatty meat, butter cream. Yosya is eating a cake, and I’ll try a piece, but it doesn’t taste good to me. Eight years ago, my husband and I were on a diet; I, of course, was more for the company. What a slender Yosya was - 69 kilograms! And I was very thin. However, now, at 54 kilograms of weight, I like myself no less.

The bridge (or pada chakrasana) is one of the most difficult and useful asanas in yoga; it strengthens the muscles of the arms, shoulders, back, abdomen and hips, restores mobility to the joints and flexibility to the whole body, improves memory, and relieves stress. For those who easily and correctly do a bridge, you can complicate the exercise - perform it with a raised leg

Text: Elena Redreeva. Photographer's assistant: Yulia Gorbacheva. We thank Wellness Club Nebo for their help in organizing the shooting