How to reduce muscle pain after exercise. Why muscles hurt after training and how to get rid of pain

  • 06.05.2024

To begin with, it is important to know that soreness is not dangerous; it indicates that the muscles are adapting to the new load. And to get rid of pain, you should start with.

So, what exactly will help get rid of pain?

Proper nutrition

After intense training, muscles need protein and carbohydrates: protein produces amino acids that are necessary for healing, and carbohydrates provide glycogen. You can get protein by eating chicken, fish, soy, turkey, and egg whites—the most concentrated sources of protein.

Drink plenty of fluids

Support . Drinking plenty of fluids is necessary, you should drink at least two liters per day. Dehydration leads to muscle fatigue. In addition, water helps remove toxins from the body.

Recovery training

Doing light aerobic exercise. This helps relieve painful muscle stiffness and increases blood flow, which in turn provides oxygen and nutrients to the muscles.

Relaxing massage

An effective way to relieve pain is a relaxing massage. It also promotes better blood circulation in the muscles, relieves stiffness and muscle tension.

Rest from intense training

It is necessary to give the body time to recover. It is enough just to avoid intense physical activity, and after a few days the pain will go away on its own, without special treatment.


A cold compress will help relieve pain and discomfort. This compress will be most effective on the first day after exercise. The compress should be applied for 15-20 minutes every 5-6 hours.

A warm compress dilates blood vessels and brings relief. A bath, shower, heating pads, and warming cream will be effective. You can warm the muscles for 20-30 minutes 1-3 times a day.

Alternating heat and cold

In this case, the cold will reduce inflammation, and the heat will increase blood circulation. You can alternately apply an ice pack (for 10 minutes) and a heating pad (for 20 minutes). A contrast shower is also effective: alternating 40-60 seconds of cold water and 1-2 minutes of warm water.


It is often recommended to take aspirin or ibuprofen in case of muscle pain. However, taking these medications will only temporarily reduce pain and will not speed up healing. And if taken frequently, it can slow down recovery.

It is always easier to prevent discomfort and pain than to treat them. Krepatura usually occurs after such a load to which the muscles are not yet accustomed and are not ready. This leads to the main method of prevention - gradually increasing the load so that the muscles can adapt to new exercises. Warm-up is also very important. It will not only reduce the risk of injury, but will also increase blood flow to the working muscles.

To learn how to warm up properly, watch the video.

Most people have had to deal with muscle pain for various reasons. The home remedies described here will help you get rid of muscle pain, back pain, and bruised shins.

What causes muscle pain, cramps, sprains and joint distortion?

Nonspecific painful sensations after physical overexertion (krepatura), as a rule, are caused by micro tears in the muscles. Over time, as the muscles recover and become stronger to accommodate the stress, the soreness decreases. A cramp, that is, a strong, painful spasm or contraction of a muscle that comes suddenly and lasts from a few seconds to several minutes, can be associated with a number of reasons:

  • exercise, injury or overuse;
  • blood flow disorders;
  • lack of microelements such as calcium, potassium and magnesium;
  • dehydration;
  • taking certain medications.

Joint distortion is damage to a ligament (the tissue that connects two or more bones to form a joint). With distortion, one or more ligaments are stretched or torn. A sprain is an injury to a muscle or tendon (the tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone). When a muscle or tendon is strained, it lengthens or tears. Sprains and strains are usually caused by injury (fall, torsion, external impact) or excessive physical activity. In this article you will learn how to reduce muscle pain after exercise.

12 tips to relieve muscle pain after exercise

Always remember: if the pain is severe or makes it difficult to move, you should seek professional medical help. This post is for informational purposes and cannot replace medical advice.

#1 – Epsom salts and magnesium oil

A glass or two of Epsom salts dissolved in a bath of warm water will work wonders for sore muscles. Use warm, not hot water. Warm water dehydrates the skin less. Sit in the water for about 15 minutes or until the water cools, up to three times a week. This method is not recommended for those with heart problems, high blood pressure or diabetes.

Magnesium oil is usually applied using a spray bottle, making it easier to use in a specific area, such as calf or foot pain.

How does Epsom salts and magnesium oil help muscle pain? Epsom salts are made from magnesium sulfate, while magnesium oil is made from magnesium chloride. Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant, and in salt form these compounds help remove excess fluid from tissues, reducing swelling.

No. 2 - Warm or cold

A warm shower or bath is a natural muscle relaxant that can be helpful for muscle tension in the shoulders or soreness after exercise.

If there is bruising or inflammation, apply an ice pack to the affected area for 20 minutes to reduce swelling and soreness.

No. 3 – Drinking magnesium

Low levels of magnesium in the body can lead to generalized pain and cramps. You may want to consider magnesium supplements, but it's best to start with foods high in magnesium. The best sources of magnesium are blackstrap molasses, squash and pumpkin seeds, spinach, cocoa powder, black beans, flax seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds and cashews.

#4 – Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is effective for muscle pain and leg cramps. Most people add one or two tablespoons to a glass of water and drink it, some take pure vinegar internally. You can rub it directly into the skin over sore muscles. Similar results can be achieved by drinking brine. The recommended mixture recipe is to mix well 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon of honey, a sprig of fresh mint and 250-300 ml of cold water.

No. 5 – Molasses

Another way that can relieve muscle pain is 1 tablespoon of molasses in a cup of coffee every day. This effect is likely due to its high magnesium content. Another way to get the combination of apple cider vinegar and molasses is in an old-fashioned drink called "Switchel", which was used before the era of colorful sports drinks and juices.

Recipe "Switchel"

  • 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar;
  • 1/4 cup molasses;
  • 1/2 cup sugar or honey;
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons ground ginger;
  • water up to 1 liter.

Mix the first four ingredients until smooth, then add water and stir until dissolved. Serve chilled or with ice cubes.

#6 – Coconut oil

Like apple cider vinegar, coconut oil is recommended for many ailments. Basically, 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil per day can be used during cooking or spread on bread like butter. If you want to eat even more of it, include some coconut fudge in your diet, which contains coconut oil and cocoa powder.

#7 – Essential oils

A number of essential oils and essential oil blends may be useful in relieving muscle pain. For cramps, try lemongrass oil, mint and oregano. For muscle spasms, basil, marjoram and Roman chamomile oils are recommended. To relieve tension, try oils of marjoram, mint, helichrysum, lavender or Roman chamomile.

Add one to two drops of essential oil to one tablespoon of a base oil, such as coconut or olive oil, and apply to the affected areas.

#8 – Movement

If you have tense and sore muscles, exercise can be very helpful. Over time, the muscles will recover and strengthen, and you will be able to do more with less discomfort. If you sit too much, your muscles become stiff. Just get up and move around, do some stretching. Our muscles, as a rule, reflect our internal state. If you are tense, they will remain tense. Get up, walk around, run, stretch, go outside - do whatever you can to be active (age-appropriate).

#9 – Massage

Massage stimulates blood circulation in the affected area, which speeds up the healing of damage. By combining it with the healing oils and essential oil blends listed above, or with pepper rub, you get double the benefits.

No. 10 – Rub with hot pepper

Capsaicin, which causes hot peppers to burn, is used to relieve pain from arthritis, joint and muscle pain, and sore throat. You can buy a pre-made remedy with it or make your own by mixing 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper with one cup of olive or warm coconut oil. Some people combine pepper with aloe vera gel.

Apply the rub to the affected area and wash your hands thoroughly at the end. Keep it away from your eyes, nose and mouth because pepper is an irritant. Test on a small area of ​​skin before use to make sure it doesn't make you feel worse as this option isn't for everyone.

No. 11 – Rest

Sometimes the best thing you can do is do nothing at all. If you rest for a few days, general muscle soreness will go away on its own. Of course, for those who work a lot in the garden or vegetable garden, rest is not an option. But everyone chooses what suits them best.

No. 12 – Concentrated cherry juice

The British Journal of Sports Medicine described a study in which volunteers drank a mixture of cherry juice or a drink that did not contain cherry juice. According to the researchers:

“There was a significant difference in the rate of loss of muscle strength between those drinking the cherry juice mixture and those taking the pacifier. Muscle strength decreased by almost 22% in those who drank the dummy mixture, and only 4% in those who drank cherry juice.

Muscle strength even increased slightly after 96 hours in those who drank cherry juice. The degree of pain did not differ much between the two groups, but the average pain score was significantly lower in those drinking cherry juice. The average pain rating was 3.2 for those who drank the dummy mixture and 2.4 for those who drank cherry juice.

"Pain peaked after 24 hours in those who drank cherry juice, but pain continued to increase in intensity in those who drank the pacifier over the next 48 hours."

You can buy either fresh or frozen cherries. And cherry juice concentrate can be bought in the supermarket all year round.

Based on materials:

When tense, muscle fibers may begin to hurt immediately or within the next 3 days. Special medications and folk remedies will help remove the cause of pain and calm the muscles. If you are worried about muscle pain after training, read below on how to get rid of it.

Why do muscles hurt after training?

Any pain during exercise occurs due to lactic acid in the muscle structures. The substance accumulates during exercise as a product of physiological processes. When muscle fibers contract more and more, then the substance increases burning and pain, as its concentration increases. When you stop training, the blood removes lactic acid from the muscles, the pain goes away, and enzyme activity increases.

Muscle pain after exercise is called delayed soreness. It affects people who have experienced unusual stress. Pain occurs due to small tears in muscle structures. The human body reacts to such microtraumas with pain. Healing after tears allows the muscle to continue to grow: protein synthesis and hormones serve as building material for the muscles, which gain weight and volume.

How to reduce muscle pain after exercise

An integral indicator of the effort exerted during exercise is unpleasant pain, which can be avoided by proper nutrition, careful exercise, warm-up before training and a cool-down with static muscle stretching, relaxation, and good sleep. The following steps can help reduce muscle pain after exercise:

  1. Elimination, or breakdown of metabolic products through heavy drinking.
  2. Contrast shower at the end of the workout for 10 minutes.
  3. Taking antioxidants, vitamin complex, anti-inflammatory drugs.
  4. Massage the sore, damaged area of ​​muscle fibers.
  5. Ensuring muscle movement for speedy recovery.
  6. Swimming (any slow water procedures).

Ointment for muscle pain after exercise

External use helps athletes alleviate their condition. Not just any post-workout muscle ointment will do. Based on the intensity and duration of the pain, you can choose one of the types of creams: cooling, warming, with a strong analgesic effect. It is important to determine the nature of the pain syndrome. It is impossible to warm up the muscles in case of acute injuries; in case of swelling, the condition is alleviated by products with a cooling effect.

How to relieve muscle pain after physical activity in the abdomen and other areas? List of effective ointments that affect pain receptors:

  • Fastum;
  • Capsicam;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Venoruton;
  • Voltaren;
  • Dolobene;
  • Finalgon.

The effectiveness of ointments is proven by their effect on muscles in the form of:

  • increasing elasticity, relaxing tissue;
  • treatment of discomfort;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • getting rid of metabolic products;
  • restoration of the metabolic process.

Tablets for muscle pain

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs relieve severe discomfort, eliminate swelling and inflammation. You should not regularly take such pills for muscle pain after training: they cause harm to organs (the human liver and stomach), and can also weaken and slow down recovery processes. NSAID medications work temporarily. These include:

  • Aspirin;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Nurofen.

Hot bath after workout

Some people believe that taking a hot bath after a workout helps relieve muscle stress. It has been scientifically proven that it will not produce a regenerating effect on muscles. Inflammation in the muscular structure occurs during exercise, so it is not recommended to warm up the body even more. How to quickly recover muscles after training? A warm bath with sea salt is recommended. A contrast shower will help provide pain relief. Alternating cold and hot water invigorates, gives energy and strength.


Post-workout massage will help regenerate muscle cells, supply oxygen and improve performance. A quick solution to relieve joints and soften muscles is an ice massage. Cooling will provide relief from pain that may appear after a couple of days. How to relieve muscle pain after training? To do this, you need to apply ice to the location of the pain for three minutes. Then you can swim or do light exercise.

Sports massage is done 12 hours before the next lesson. General rules for performing the procedure:

  1. Movements should be light and uninterrupted.
  2. Pressure is applied in the areas of the lymph nodes.
  3. After stroking and lifting the muscles, rubbing is done.
  4. Initial discomfort is common; the pain will subside by the end of the procedure.
  5. Direction of massage: start from the proximal end of the body part, and end from the bottom to the top (proximal from the distal end).

Do you hate leg workouts because they leave you with 2 days of pain? Then you know what delayed onset muscle soreness syndrome is like. Learn about the science behind pain and how to relieve pain!

In this article we will talk about lactic acid: how it is formed, and what role it plays in delayed onset muscle soreness syndrome (delayed onset muscle soreness). I will explain what sore throat is, why it develops, and what science says about methods of dealing with pain.

For me personally, it doesn't matter how long ago I trained - my legs always kill me within two days after. This partly explains my dislike for this exercise, which is as strong as my love for training in general. In general, a lucky few like to crawl out from under the squat rack completely exhausted and fight the onset of nausea until the start of the next set (which is inevitable if you do everything right).

I hate to admit it, but if I can find an excuse to “skip” a leg workout, I will skip it. I can’t say that I have very muscular legs and there is no need for training. I just don't like it. I don’t feel any “joyful anticipation” on leg training days.

Instead, I always try to find a way to turn a workout into a day. This way I lift a lot more weight and feel much more confident. True, I can no longer gain muscle mass with this exercise. I know I have to suck it up and start squatting before I can get a little bigger.

I train each body part twice a week using a training rotation, but I only squat once a week. Therefore, if I skip a squat workout, I end up with two weeks without squats.

I can always find leg muscles that were previously dormant and will be included in the next squat workout; hence the pain for the next few days. These days, my daughter often thinks this is the perfect time to run and dive into my lap while I'm sitting on the couch. Sometimes it seems to me that she follows my training better than me and notices the smallest details. Either she loves me very much, or she is growing up to be a sadist and gets pleasure from causing me hellish pain.

Many people avoid squats only because they don’t know how to cope with pain the next day.

What is delayed onset muscle soreness syndrome?

Delayed onset muscle soreness (LDMS) syndrome is familiar to most of us who have been exercising for a period of time. Usually it overtakes us after a long break in training. It also happens when we start using new pieces of training equipment.

Any “new thing” that creates an unusual load on our body is useful, but it comes at a cost. We've all experienced muscle pain, but what causes it and how can we speed up recovery?

The term soreness describes the phenomenon of muscle pain that is felt within 12-48 hours after exercise, especially at the beginning of a new training program, after a change in the type of sports activity, or after a sharp increase in the duration or intensity of training. This pain subsides after a few days.

Symptoms can range from increased muscle sensitivity to severe, debilitating pain. Soreness is a normal response to an unusual load and part of the adaptation process in the body. The question is how does this pain develop?

Lactic Acid and Its Role in Post-Workout Muscle Soreness

Your body breaks down carbohydrates to synthesize them using the glycolytic system (ATP is the main source of energy for most cells). The energy generated is used mainly during moderate to high intensity exercise.

These processes are based on fast or slow glycolysis. In rapid glycolysis reactions, the salt of pyruvic acid (pyruvate) is converted into lactic acid.

The accumulation of lactic acid in muscles leads to increased acidity of muscle cells. Increased acidity, in turn, slows down the reactions of rapid glycolysis, as a result of which the body produces less energy and you begin to feel tired. It sounds counterproductive, but the accumulation of fatigue is a natural mechanism for protecting muscles from damage from overuse. In addition, lactic acid and other byproducts of glycolysis that accumulate around muscle fibers irritate the receptors and you begin to feel a burning sensation.

Until recently, lactic acid was considered the main culprit in causing muscle pain. However, recent studies do not directly confirm this fact. Lactic acid levels return to normal within a few hours after exercise, which does not explain the pain delayed for a day.

So what then causes pain if not lactic acid?

Scientists now believe that pain occurs as a result of swelling of muscle fibers caused by the influx of white blood cells, prostaglandins and other nutrients that are involved in “repairing” muscles after exercise. An unusually large load causes micro-tears in muscle fibers. Just don’t confuse micro-tears with real tendon ruptures. Microtrauma is a completely natural part of the muscle growth process.

Treatment of muscle pain after exercise

We have figured out the causes of pain, now let's see what can be done to treat it.


There are several recovery strategies designed to reduce soreness and get the athlete back on his feet in the shortest possible time. The effectiveness of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen, depends on the dose as well as the timing of the drug.

I have nothing against the use of NSAIDs in cases where the patient takes them occasionally to relieve symptoms, but I recommend using them only when other methods have failed. Excessive use of these medications can cause many problems that nullify the benefits of their use. The key word in relation to NSAIDs is TEMPORARY.


Massage has also shown some results in the fight against muscle pain. Its effectiveness has a lot to do with timing and technique. I love the benefits of massage, and I tell my patients that a course of massage in any case will bring enormous benefits to the health of the entire body.

In a scientific study published in the Journal of Athletic Training in 2003, ten healthy subjects (5 men, 5 women) with no strength training experience performed 10 sets of 6 repetitions to failure with both arms. One arm was massaged for 10 minutes 3 hours after the exercise; the second hand did not receive any influence. The results showed that massage was effective in relieving symptoms of muscle pain and reducing swelling by approximately 30%.

Hot bath with salt

A hot bath is great for relaxing muscles after a workout. And a hot bath with magnesium salts makes it even better. Magnesium penetrates the skin, soothing and repairing damaged muscles, and hot water increases peripheral blood flow.

For the best effect, dissolve 250 g of salt in the bath and immerse yourself in the water for 30 minutes.

Post-workout nutrition

Muscles need nutrients to recover. This sounds obvious, but for some reason, many people neglect the most important meal of the day - post-workout. Make sure that within 30-40 minutes after training your body receives a portion of protein and high-quality carbohydrates. And it’s even better if you purchase a full-fledged one.

What does NOT help with muscle pain?

According to a study published by the Institute of Health and Sports Research, cryotherapy (ice application), pre-exercise stretching, homeopathy, ultrasound and electrical currents (muscle stimulation) did not have a positive effect on reducing muscle pain.


Your body is designed to adapt to any stress, so if you want to grow or be in better shape, you must make changes to your training program periodically. This will help you avoid a training plateau and save you from monotony. Any significant changes to your workouts increase your risk of developing pain. When this happens, use the guidelines above and don't give your kids any reason to think it's "wrestling day."

Now, get up and go to training!

Painful sensations in the muscles can occur for various reasons - severe overexertion during exercise, an accidental sprain or bruise. Professional athletes are especially susceptible to injuries to the musculoskeletal system, but a person leading a normal lifestyle can also encounter this problem in different situations. To relieve discomfort, pain-relieving ointments are used for muscle pain. Depending on the composition, they can have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Read more about the different means below.

How to choose an ointment or gel for muscle pain

Special ointments help to cope with pain affecting muscles and joints, however, in order for them to have a therapeutic effect, they must be chosen correctly. It is not recommended to buy pharmaceutical drugs on your own without first consulting a doctor. Pain-relieving ointments for muscles and joints are prescribed taking into account the following factors:

  • during severe inflammation, a specialist prescribes medications containing substances that remove puffiness and swelling;
  • for muscle pain and post-traumatic syndromes, analgesic drugs are used;
  • if stagnant processes occur in soft tissues that provoke pain, ointments with a warming, irritating, cooling effect are prescribed;
  • Ointments with chondroprotectors help relieve joint pain.

Which doctor should I contact?

To begin with, if you suffer from muscle or joint pain, you need to contact a local therapist, who will conduct a preliminary examination, and then refer you to a suitable specialist for a more detailed diagnosis of the disease. Pain syndrome can be treated by a rheumatologist, if it is arthrosis, arthritis, if the patient is suffering from pain due to neuralgia, you need to consult a neurologist. And an osteopath will help you cope with pain from osteochondrosis.

Types of pain relieving ointments

There are many types of remedies that help relieve inflammation, reduce swelling, improve blood circulation and relieve a person from pain. They need to be selected correctly, preferably done together with a professional doctor. Below you will find out what types of painkillers there are and how much they cost in Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities). Having familiarized yourself with popular drugs, you can find a suitable one or select the necessary analogue.

Painkillers and anti-inflammatory

Most muscle pain is associated with inflammatory processes occurring in soft tissues. In case of severe inflammation, it is not recommended to use medications that have a warming effect. Warming ointments are used in the next stages of treatment, after swelling has reduced. Drugs designed to relieve swelling usually contain analgesics that reduce pain. However, sometimes the disappearance of pain is achieved by a significant anti-inflammatory effect, which is provided by the components of the drug. Read more about the types of medicinal ointments below.


Ingredients: Ketoprofen, excipients.

Acts as an analgesic, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and helps relieve swelling. Does not allow enzymes involved in the inflammatory process to be released. When applied, the active substance of the drug penetrates the subcutaneous tissue, where it causes a therapeutic effect.

Application: take a few centimeters of cream squeezed out of the tube in your hands and apply to the skin over the affected area. The layer should be thin. This amount must be applied three times a day. Without consulting a doctor, use Ketonal for no more than two weeks.

Cost: 30 grams - from 280 rubles.

Composition: Ketoprofen, additional auxiliary components.

The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug "Fastum-gel" helps relieve inflammatory processes in tendons, muscles and joints, reduce pain, and improve blood circulation at the site of the lesion. Thanks to the gel base, the medicine quickly penetrates the soft tissues and relieves severe pain. Used for injuries, sprains, bruises, dislocations.

How to use: Apply a small amount of the product to the affected area so that it forms a thin layer. Repeat the procedure once or twice a day. It is necessary to rub in the anesthetic until the gel is completely absorbed into the skin. The course of treatment should not exceed ten days. The product is not addictive and does not have a systemic effect.

Cost: 100 grams - from 215 rubles.


Ingredients: Ibuprophenum, auxiliary components.

It has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect, reduces edema and swelling. The drug is intended for people suffering from pathologies of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, articular syndrome due to gout, osteoarthritis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome, lumbago, tendovaginitis, sciatica. “Dolgit” is also indicated for muscle pain of a rheumatic and non-rheumatic nature. It is used for dislocations, sprains, muscle tears, post-traumatic swelling.

How to use: five to ten centimeters of gel are applied with gentle massage movements to the affected area. You need to rub in until the product is completely absorbed. Duration of use: three times a day for up to two to three weeks.

Cost: gel 5% - from 100 to 160 rubles.


Consists of: Dimethylsulfoxydum, Camphora, Terbinthinae oleum rectified, excipients.

Used for joint and muscle pain, arthritis. The active ingredient dimethyl sulfoxide promotes deep penetration of the remaining components into soft tissues. The product helps improve blood circulation, making recovery of the affected areas faster. Can be used during a warming massage for athletes, for osteochondrosis, neuralgia, radiculitis. Before use, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to the components of the drug.

Application: apply no more than three grams of the drug to the affected area, this must be done using a special applicator. Then you need to rub in the product. Repeat the procedure three times a day for ten days.

Cost: from 190 to 230 rubles.


Consists of: Nonivamide, Nicoboxil, excipients.

Nonivamide has an analgesic effect, nicoboxil, a B vitamin, helps dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation at the site of muscle pain. The combined action of these drugs provides a vasodilating effect. Thanks to it, the redness of the skin at the site of pain lasts much less. During application, a local increase in temperature appears, which indicates the penetration of these substances into the soft tissues.

How to use: Apply the cream using the included applicator (half a centimeter to an area approximately the size of your palm). To make pain relief substances more effective, you can cover the affected area with a woolen scarf. Repeat the procedure three times a day, ten days.

Cost: 20 grams from 280 rubles.

Consists of: Terbinthinae oleum rectified, auxiliary components.

Acts as an antiseptic and has an irritating effect on the affected area. The active substance of a herbal medicine, penetrating under the upper layer of the epidermis, irritates the tissue, ensuring blood flow to the affected area. It is used against neuralgia, muscle pain, radiculitis, rheumatism and neuritis.

The product is applied twice a day to the affected area, rubbing the skin during application. To enhance the effect of the drug, the skin is covered with a special warming bandage.

Price: for 25 grams from 40 to 70 rubles.


Ingredients: Capsicum annuu, ethyl nicotinate, hydroxyethyl salicylate, other excipients.

The active ingredients of the anesthetic ointment have an analgesic, vasodilating, and warming effect. The drug has an irritating effect, which promotes blood flow to the affected areas of soft tissue. The anti-inflammatory effect of the drug helps to quickly reduce pain. The analgesic effect lasts about an hour after applying the product. Joint mobility improves.

Apply the cream to the area where it hurts in a thin layer, carefully and gently rubbing it in. Before and after use, wash your hands. You need to use Nikoflex once a day, for a total period of three days.

Price: 50 grams – from 200 rubles.


Ingredients: Ibuprophenum, excipients.

It has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, penetrating deep into muscle tissue. When applied, it improves blood microcirculation, normalizes vascular permeability, as a result of which inflammation decreases. The drug reduces swelling and removes redness of the skin. Joints become more mobile, which is especially important for arthritis. Ibuprofen is used for muscle pain, osteoarthritis, and osteochondrosis.

Squeeze out five to ten centimeters of the product, depending on the size of the area of ​​inflammation, apply to it, and rub gently. Repeat the procedure three times every day, the duration of the course will be determined by the doctor.

Price: for 25 grams from 26 rubles.


Ingredients: Ibuprophenum, additional components.

Due to inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis, the drug has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect on the affected area. Intended for the treatment of arthritis, osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, back pain, sprains and swelling, muscle pain. Effective for neuralgia. After use, upon penetration of the active substance, slight redness of the epidermis and slight tingling are possible.

Application: take the required amount of gel (up to ten centimeters), apply a thin layer to the affected area, rub. Use no more than four times a day for a maximum of two weeks. After application, wash your hands.

Cost: 50 grams from 150 rubles.


Ingredients: Diclofenac, other components.

Indications: the active ingredient of the drug helps to anesthetize the affected areas, relieve emerging inflammation, improve blood circulation, which leads to a reduction in swelling and edema. In case of injuries, Voltaren helps regenerate connective tissue cells, restores ligaments, tendons, and muscles. The medicine is effective for osteochondrosis of the lumbar and thoracic spine, arthritis, muscle pain, and sprains.

Application: apply the gel to previously cleansed, dry skin. The layer should be thin. Repeat the procedure up to four times a day, the treatment period should not exceed two weeks. Wash your hands after application.

Price: from 160 to 600 rubles.

Ingredients: Nimesulidum, methyl salicylate, Menthlumi, other excipients.

Local anesthetic medicine helps relieve inflammation, remove swelling, and relieve pain. Able to effectively combat unpleasant pain in joints and muscles. After using the drug, blood circulation in the affected area noticeably increases, and the menthol contained in the composition has a cooling and soothing effect on the upper layers of the epidermis.

Application: squeeze three centimeters of gel into clean hands, apply to the place where you feel pain, it is not necessary to rub the drug. Repeat the procedure up to four times, the treatment period is usually one to two weeks.

Cost: gel 20 grams - from 160 to 180 rubles.


Composition: Indomethacinum, excipients.

Indications: this anesthetic helps to remove the inflammatory process, relieve swelling, and get rid of swelling of the skin. For joint pain, it helps increase range of motion, and is good for arthritis during an exacerbation of gout, osteochondrosis, muscle pain, inflammation of soft tissues, and damage to ligaments.

Application: children can apply no more than a centimeter of the drug per day, from the age of twelve - a maximum of three centimeters, adults - no more than fifteen centimeters. It is allowed to use no more than twice a day. Treatment period is one to two weeks.

Cost: 30 grams - from 45 rubles.

Warming up

Warming ointments to relieve muscle and joint pain are used for injuries and bruises. Their action is to increase the filling of damaged tissues with blood. Doctors say that warming ointment should not be used directly at the time of injury. It has an effective warming effect only after a couple of days, during the rehabilitation period. These drugs are good to use to prevent injuries, before visiting the gym, for example. Read on to find out the most effective remedies for muscle pain from this group.

Composition: hydroxyethylrutosides, active ingredient – ​​rutin (belongs to the vitamin P group).

Widely used by athletes who engage in race walking, marathons, triathlons or all-around events. Used to treat varicose veins, venous ulcers, dermatitis, superficial thrombophlebitis. Additionally, Venoruton-gel improves the tone of the veins well and is popular as an effective remedy in the fight against diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Use it if you need to relieve swelling that has occurred in a damaged area of ​​the body. It is a good remedy for muscle pain.

Application: Apply the gel to the skin in the painful area twice a day. Rub the ointment in with massage movements until it is completely absorbed into the tissue.

Cost: 150 rubles for 40 grams of warming gel.

Deep relief

Ingredients: active ingredients – ibuprofen, levomenthol.

Effectively relieves even severe pain of various origins, for example, with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, radiculitis, rheumatic lesions of soft tissues, inflammatory processes in the joints and muscle injuries. In addition to pain relief, it has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is used as an effective remedy for relieving morning joint stiffness.

Application: pierce the sealed tube with the spike in the cap from the back. Apply the ointment to the sore spot, rub lightly until completely absorbed by the skin. Repeat this procedure two or three times daily. Maintain an interval of use - at least four hours. The course of treatment should not exceed 10 days. If the doctor deems it necessary, treatment can be extended. Protect your eyes from getting the gel on the mucous membranes.

Cost: 100 grams of 5% gel costs 490 rubles.


Ingredients: sodium heparin, dimethyl sulfoxide, dimethyl sulfoxide, rosemary oil, trometamol, isopropanol, citronella oil.

The medium not only relieves pain, but also relieves swelling and swelling. Widely used to relieve bruises, inflammation of muscles, soft tissues, tendons. It helps well in the treatment of closed injuries, bruises, and sprains. Prescribed for epicondylitis of the shoulder, periarthritis of the shoulder joint, acute neuralgia.

Apply a thin layer to the damaged area of ​​the body two to four times a day. If you are using this numbing agent with a bandage, apply the gel and allow a couple of minutes for the medication to be absorbed before you can tie the cloth tightly. The course of treatment depends on the duration of the illness or rehabilitation after injury.

Cost: for 50 g you will pay 313 rubles.


Ingredients: medicinal plants, oils and other excipients.

Athletes use this product after training to relax muscles, as well as before physical activity for a warming effect. Used during restorative therapeutic massage. Additionally, the cream is good for treating various muscle and tendon injuries. Has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

How to use: apply a small amount to the affected area of ​​the muscle or tendon, rub well, because the medicine has a greasy consistency.

The price of a 50-gram tube is 400 rubles.


Any cooling ointment should be used immediately after receiving a closed type injury or bruise. This is a first aid that will be an effective aid in relieving pain due to its cooling effect. These drugs are also good at relieving inflammation and swelling at first. They usually contain anesthetic, anticoagulant substances, menthol, and essential oils. You can get acquainted with them in more detail further.


Ingredients: menthol, methyl salicylate.

A remedy for relieving pain in joints and muscles. Has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves body stiffness in the morning. Doctors prescribe ointment to eliminate pain in different parts of the spine that is caused by stretching. “Ben-Gay” is also called a sports balm because it relieves muscle fatigue after intense physical activity and training.

Application: squeeze out a large amount, rub into sore areas. It is quickly absorbed by the skin. The procedure is repeated up to four times a day at intervals of several hours. The course of treatment is at the discretion of the doctor, depending on the duration of symptoms.

Cost: 248 rubles for 50 g.


Ingredients: in addition to the auxiliary components of the drug - aloe vera extract, vitamin E, camphor oil, menthol.

Indications: an effective, powerful remedy, known throughout the world. It is used mainly in professional sports to warm up muscles before training and relieve muscle fatigue after. An excellent preventive method against injuries during physical activity, for example. Flexall ointment is quickly absorbed into the subcutaneous layer and immediately begins to affect sore spots. It has an anti-inflammatory, rapid analgesic effect.

Application: apply the ointment to the surface of the skin, spreading it over the concerned area in a thin layer. Do not use rubbing movements - the cream should be absorbed by itself (you should wait a couple of minutes).

Cost: 700 rubles per tube of 113 g.


Ingredients: main active ingredient – ​​ketoprofen, auxiliary – rectified ethanol, trometamol, essential oils: lavender, neroli.

Indications: effectively used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the joints, traumatic lesions of tendons, muscles, and ligaments. Prescribed by doctors as an aid to relieve pain, inflammation, swelling due to torticollis, bursitis, arthritis, tendonitis, lumbago. An effective drug during the treatment of bruises, dislocations, damage to the ligaments or meniscus of the knee.

Application: apply and distribute the ointment evenly in a small amount over the entire area of ​​the sore spot twice daily. Rub the product in smooth movements until it is completely absorbed into the skin. To increase the effect of the product and speed up the effect of the medicine after application, use a dry bandage.

Cost: for 50 g of gel you will pay 227 rubles.

Ingredients: escin, salicylic acid.

Indications: used during injuries, bruises of soft tissues. Effectively helps with sprains or ruptures of ligaments, hematomas. Doctors prescribe this drug during post-traumatic or postoperative hematomas. Well relieves swelling of soft tissues. Used to relieve severe symptoms of diseases of the veins in the legs (varicose veins), venous insufficiency. It has proven itself to be an excellent remedy for severe pain, heaviness in the legs, calf cramps in the lower extremities, and swelling. Used in combination with other medications.

Application: Apply with rubbing, lightly massaging movements to the affected areas of the body. Use up to four times daily. The course of treatment is no more than 14 days.

Cost: 116 rubles for 50 g.

Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic remedies are used with the addition of components of plant, mineral or animal origin. The principle of action of these drugs is to cause certain symptoms of diseases that help cope with the existing disease. Not all doctors welcome this method, but according to reviews, many homeopathic medicines help effectively fight muscle pain. Read below which ointments from this group will help with muscle pain.

Traumeel S

Composition: Arnica montana, Aconitum napellus, Atropa bella-donna, Bellis perennis, Echinacea, Achillea millefolium, Echinacea purpurea, Hamamelis virginiana, Hepar sulfuris, Matricaria recutita, Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni, Symphytum officinale, Calendula officinalis, Hypericum perforatum.

Indications: complex action product - helps relieve pain, inflammation, regenerate tissue, stop bleeding. When applied, vascular tone increases, local blood circulation improves, and it relieves pain. The product is indicated for the treatment of muscle pain, burns, injuries, operations, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the oral cavity, and skin diseases.

Application: apply a small layer over the affected area, repeat the procedure two to three times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the pathology.

Price: from 500 rubles per 50 grams.

Goal T

Ingredients: Placenta totalis suis, Rhus toxicodendron, Sanguinaria canadensis, Acidum silicicum, Acidum Thiocticum, Arnica montana, Cartilago suis, Solanum dulcamara, Sulfur, Symphytum officinale, Coenzymum, Embryo totalis suis, Funiculus umbilicalis suis, Nadidum, Natrium diethyloxalace ticum.

Indications: anesthetic ointment is a chondroprotector, helps eliminate the inflammatory process, and acts as an analgesic. It helps well against muscle pain, osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, chondropathy, rheumatic arthritis.

Application: children over six years of age are allowed to take the drug. Apply 3-4 centimeters of product onto the skin and rub in. Apply up to five times a day. The course of treatment is up to six weeks.

Price: 50 grams from 240 rubles.


Ingredients: olivae oleum, Comarum palustre, oleum de lignis abiegnis, peppermint oleum, eucalyptus oleum, oleum lini, Matricaria chamomilla, lanolin, glycerol.

Helps against tumors, edema, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Helps cleanse blood, lymph, improves blood circulation in affected areas. Doctors prescribe this drug for arthrosis, radiculitis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, inflamed lymph nodes, and muscle pain.

How to use: Apply a thin layer to skin up to four times a day. The maximum course time is thirty days.

Price: 40 grams from 250 rubles.


Ingredients: Symphytum officinale, Apitoxin, excipients.

Indications: Larkspur contained in the preparation “Larkskin bee venom” helps reduce the inflammatory process, restore bone tissue, heal microtraumas and remove toxic substances. Bee venom has a warming, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and bactericidal effect. The substances in the ointment relieve muscle pain and help with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and joint pathologies.

Application: Rub a little ointment into the affected areas in a circular motion until it is completely absorbed. Repeat the procedure three times a day. Use the medicine for up to five weeks.

Price: from 70 rubles for 50 ml.


If you want to learn more about how joint restoration processes occur and what lies behind the popular methods of getting rid of joint pain, watch the following video. The presenter talks in detail about the ways in which you can get rid of severe pain, spending a minimum amount of money and effort. After watching this interesting video, you will learn about the types of medications that are prescribed by doctors to reduce muscle and joint pain, and how to help yourself restore your joints at home.