Where do they take physical examination? Physical standards

  • 06.05.2024

Modern armies are equipped with weapons that do not require special physical effort to use. Pressing a button or moving a joystick is ready to set in motion and direct multi-ton missiles or tanks to the target, or bring a missile-carrying submarine cruise to the starting position. But as before, the final argument, which comes into force when all reserves of weapons have been exhausted and one cannot rely on technology, is the personal confrontation of opponents, when victory depends only on the physical strength of the dexterity and endurance of the soldier.
The criteria for good physical fitness are especially relevant for employees of “special forces” - airborne and reconnaissance units who most often have to engage in direct physical combat with enemy soldiers.
Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 21, 2009 No. 200, on the approval of the Regulations “Manual on Physical Training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” is perhaps one of the few orders signed by the former Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation A. Serdyukov, which was not subject to devastating criticism. However , this Order did not introduce anything new into the practice of physical training of soldiers of the Russian army. He only consolidated the forms and methods of physical training of military personnel in the Russian Army, proven over decades, and made some adjustments taking into account the changing living conditions and physical training of the population.

The provision provides for multi-stage criteria for assessing the physical fitness of employees depending on service life, the group to which the soldier belongs:
Emergency service;
Service under contract;
Students of military universities;
Officers and warrant officers (midshipmen);
Special forces employees.

Due to the fairly large number of female military personnel serving in the Russian army, not only in staff or technical positions, but in some combat units, standards for assessing physical fitness depending on age have also been developed for them. There are also standards for female applicants to military universities.

Physical fitness standards for conscripts

In accordance with Chapter 7 of the said Manual, testing of the physical fitness of conscripts arriving at military units for replenishment is carried out during the first two weeks. Wherein general indicators are assessed physical training: strength, endurance, speed.
For this purpose, standards developed for contract employees of the corresponding age group up to 30 years are used.
Recruit screening includes:

Table 1
Physical physical fitness standards for military personnel

Since in the Russian Federation only men under the age of 27 are subject to conscription for military service, when checking the degree of physical fitness, only the indicators of the first line of the table are used - men under the age of 30.
Tests must be carried out under favorable weather conditions (no heavy rain, snow, gusty winds) at air temperature in the range from + 15° to + 35°С. If weather conditions do not allow these requirements to be met, the tests must be carried out in an indoor sports or equipped room.
Considering the low level of physical fitness of modern conscripts, hypodynamism, a lot of time spent in front of computer monitors or other gadgets should be known to the test manager - the sergeant or officer responsible for accepting the test results external signs of fatigue This is necessary in order to interrupt the military personnel’s physical exercises in time and prevent fainting or loss of consciousness.

table 2
Assessing external signs of fatigue

The manual recommends the following test order (sequence):
For dexterity;
For speed;
Strength exercises;
Hand-to-hand combat;
For endurance;
Group exercises within the unit.

Usually all types of tests are carried out within one day. But, in some cases, group exercises and hand-to-hand combat may be carried out on another day.
The serviceman is given one attempt and repeated retaking of the standards in order to improve results is not allowed.

Physical standards for contract military personnel

Contract service implies a higher level of professional and physical training of a military personnel compared to conscripts.
For the duration of the contract, military service becomes the main place of “work”, and the performance of combat missions inevitably requires certain physical costs.
Therefore, for everyone wishing to conclude a contract for military service, professional, psychological and physical tests are established, which make it possible to determine the degree of suitability of the candidate for service in certain troops and recommend him for assignment to a certain position.

Level physical fitness requirements varies significantly depending on the type of military service in which the candidate is applying for service.
There are three categories:
1 – for candidates for service in the airborne, air assault, reconnaissance, special units and marines;
2 – for personnel of combat units and combat support, formation management, students (applicants) of military universities.
3 – for employees of material support units, medical and repair services, surface and underwater combat ships, military musicians, employees of military command units, cadets of training centers for contract employees.

Because Women aged 19 to 35 have the right to enter contract service designed for them as well standards. They are shown in Table 1
Instrumental control during testing is carried out by a medical professional present at the testing site by measuring blood pressure and heart rate (pulse).

Table 3
Physical activity intensity by heart rate (for men)

Table 4
Physical activity intensity by heart rate for female military personnel

Physical Fitness Test Results candidates for contract service are assessed in points awarded according to tables No. 14 and 15

Appendixes to the Manual.
In those cases when the exercises performed cannot be measured in units , their assessment is made on the following grounds:

Physical fitness standards for applicants to military universities

When entering a military university, a young man or woman plans to connect his life with service in the armed forces for many years. The officer corps is the elite of the armed forces. Officers have always been distinguished by excellent bearing, smartness, excellent physical fitness and filigree possession of personal weapons.
These traditions are unshakably maintained in Russian universities that train officers for all branches of the military.
The general requirement for admission to a military university is to pass physical physical education standards at the 2nd category level. The increased requirements are due to the significant physical activity experienced by cadets during the training process.
The standards for boys and girls are slightly different.

Table 5
"Physical physical education standards for male applicants"

Table 6
"Physical physical education standards for female applicants"

General requirements for physical training and passing standards for military personnel of the Russian Defense Ministry

Periodic checks of the physical fitness of personnel are carried out in the troops according to the established plan, twice a year.
In the daily routine of military personnel, physical training is an integral element of service. A set of exercises has been developed that every soldier should perform during morning exercises:

Table 7
Option for morning physical exercises for a military personnel

The results of physical training are taken into account and assessed during complex testing activities for combat and physical training, during which both the individual physical fitness of each serviceman and the coherence of actions within the unit in conditions close to combat (during exercises) are assessed.

Table 8
Exercises and standards for control classes

Features of physical training of female military personnel

Taking into account the physiological characteristics of the female body, for female military personnel there is a minimum physical activity per week, which they must adhere to.
Physical training of women is, in most cases, complex, general strengthening in nature and is not aimed at training specific muscle groups or developing hand-to-hand combat skills.
When drawing up a physical training program, the specifics of the unit and branch of the military in which the woman serves is taken into account.
Exercises No. N 1, 2, 15, 16, 17, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 53, 57, 58 from the Manual must be included in the physical activity complexes, as well as the following specifically female exercises How:
Jumping rope;
Standing long jump;
Acrobatic exercises.

Table 9
Amount of physical activity per week for female military personnel

Physical training standards developed and applied in the Russian Army make it possible to maintain a high level of combat effectiveness and strong physical health of military personnel.
It is thanks to the high physical stability and good combat training of soldiers and officers that the Russian Army is one of the strongest armies in the world; no state risks entering into open confrontation with it.

Recently, the contract forces of the Russian Army have been increasingly replenished with new personnel. The reasons for this are quite simple; the fact is that since the beginning of the 2010s, the government has significantly improved material support and introduced a number of criteria, for the fulfillment of which military personnel are entitled to a bonus in one amount or another. One of these surcharges is for excellent physical fitness to encourage military personnel to stay in shape. Today we’ll talk about what the military is paid extra for and look in more detail at what constitutes an additional payment for any level of physical fitness.

What does the military salary consist of at the moment?

There are several criteria that determine the salaries of military personnel who serve on a contract basis. As we said above, the government previously took care of this issue in order to attract more military personnel into the ranks. Let's talk in more detail about what people who are the stronghold of our country's security get paid for:

  1. Bid.
  2. Awards for excellent service.
  3. Salary for obtaining various military ranks.
  4. Bonus based on length of service and qualifications.
  5. Additional payment for military service under special conditions.
  6. An allowance awarded to military personnel who have a higher legal education.
  7. Material aid.
  8. Bonus for working with state secrets.
  9. Other.

The category of other payments also includes additional payment for excellent physical fitness. In addition to all these allowances, the state is also concerned with significantly simplifying the conditions for military personnel to obtain their own apartments. Military personnel receive special subsidies intended for the purchase of housing, the size of which may depend on several factors. You can calculate their size using calculators posted on the websites of the Ministry of Defense, Nachfin and many others.

This is precisely what forms the basis for supporting the Russian army. Next, we’ll talk in more detail about what the bonus for excellent physical fitness at various levels is.

How is the surcharge for FIZO calculated?

Every soldier must take care of himself and keep himself in excellent shape. However, not relying on the consciousness of some personnel, the Ministry of Defense in 2010 issued a decree according to which military personnel are entitled to a monthly bonus for success in physical education. The same order also established the amount of these same additional payments, the interest rate on which remains valid in 2018 and will remain in 2019. Let's talk in more detail about how much is due to military personnel who were able to achieve certain success in this matter (all percentages are calculated at the official rate):

  • for those contract soldiers who meet the third level of training, a bonus is given, amounting to 50% of the official salary;
  • persons whose physical fitness is rated at the second level will receive an additional payment equal to 60%;
  • for the 1st level of qualification in FIZO, a serviceman can count on receiving a monthly amount equal to 80% of the salary;
  • If, based on the test results, a military man is assigned the highest level of qualification, the bonus will be 100%.

However, additional payments for physical training are assigned not only based on the results of assignment of qualification levels. There is an additional allowance for privates, sergeants and officers who achieve success in sports. In particular, for military personnel who receive sports ranks, the following monthly incentives are provided (as a percentage of official salary):

  • holders of the first sports category in a military applied sport receive an additional payment of 150%;
  • candidates for master of sports in certain sports disciplines will receive a salary increase equal to 200%;
  • 300% of the official salary is due to military personnel who managed to achieve the title of Master of Sports (MS), Honored MS or MS of international class.

As for the timing of payments to military personnel, persons who were able to fulfill a particular level of qualification and confirm it at least once receive a mandatory monthly additional payment in a certain amount for one year. Regardless of whether a private, sergeant or officer receives the bonus, the basis for its assignment is the order of the immediate commander or superior. Those military personnel who have passed two inspections during the past year, of which one is considered intermediate, and the other - inspector, are entitled to receive such an incentive.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has developed and adopted special evaluation criteria, which consist of a certain number of points. All of them are assigned for performing certain exercises, provided that the soldier fulfills the minimum threshold for each and them. A special table of the smallest criteria was adopted, upon fulfillment of which a certain score is assigned, which can range from three to five. Based on their results, the overall qualification level is determined at the end. Requirements may vary depending on:

  • gender;
  • age;
  • military categories.

After both checks are carried out, if the person fulfills all the requirements, the level of the allowance is determined. If the results shown to the military differ, the payment is established according to the lowest result shown. Then the senior officers issue an order to assign additional payments. It is based on:

  • physical form sheets, which are filled out based on the results of inspections;
  • documents that confirm the military has any sporting achievements, assigned ranks and ranks.

As for students and cadets who study at higher military educational institutions, they pass all the necessary tests during the sessions. The principle is similar: to receive bonuses, you must pass the standards in both periods. At the same time, cadets are also divided into three categories, in particular:

  1. First course.
  2. Second course.
  3. Third year and older.

The principle of calculating bonuses is no different for either military personnel or cadets. After the order is issued based on the release of the relevant documents, the incentive is paid monthly throughout the year. Funds for such payments are allocated from the budget column, which is aimed at providing cash for military personnel. The payment is made along with the calculation of the monthly salary along with all other allowances.

The state takes care of its own security, so the military has fairly good living and working conditions. At the same time, for those who do not sit in a desk chair, but regularly work on themselves and maintain physical fitness, additional incentives are provided, which are calculated based on the official salary. Therefore, keep yourself in excellent physical shape, gain sporting achievements and ranks, and earn much more than you received before!

A responsible approach to any business is the key to success. Even upcoming military service by conscription or contract requires a citizen to... It consists of psychological training, collecting documents, personal belongings, as well as regular physical exercise. Good physical shape will be useful to a conscript in everyday life, and will generally be a determining factor for a future contract soldier.

After considering the application for the desire to serve under a contract, one of the tests for the applicant is passing physical fitness standards. Many applicants for signing an agreement search on various resources for information where individuals are indicated. standards for contract workers. According to their assumption, they are presented in the form of certain absolute indicators for all provided exercises, but even the fact that the same requirements cannot be imposed on people of different ages indicates a more complex distribution of physical standards.

Legislative aspects of introducing standards for military personnel

All issues of physical training of military personnel are reflected in a special regulation approved by Order of the Minister of Defense No. 200 of April 21, 2009. This document was called: “Manual on physical training in the RF Armed Forces” and is an appendix to this order. According to it, FP is considered the basis of military readiness. Increasing the level of preparedness entails improving the combat effectiveness of all armed forces.

The main goal of the FP is to improve the quality of training of personnel to perform any combat missions. In the process of sports activities, qualities such as endurance, speed, and agility are improved. The fighter must move freely over rough terrain and overcome various obstacles, including water and snow. A meeting with an enemy can result in direct contact, so during classes there are elements of hand-to-hand combat.

When conducting classes, as well as when checking the level of physical fitness, all military personnel serving under a contract, or applicants for signing a contract, are divided into catch age groups:

  • Group 1 – up to 25 years;
  • Group 2 – up to 30 years;
  • Group 3 – up to 35 years old;
  • then, at intervals of five years, the serial number of the group increases. The last group, 8th, corresponds to ages over 55 years.

A similar division is implied for women, with the difference that the last 6th group covers the category of people over 45 years old.

The level of physical fitness tested upon entry into contract service is assessed by performing certain exercises using a point system. This provision establishes the minimum limits for making a positive decision on the suitability of a candidate. Citizens already enrolled in contract service periodically undergo a similar check. If physical training standards in the RF Armed Forces have higher values ​​than the obtained indicators, then the serviceman is given a five-month period to correct the situation. Repeated retake will allow you to avoid the certification commission, at which the issue of exclusion from the Armed Forces may be decided.

Physical fitness requirements when entering contract service

The level of physical fitness of candidates applying to sign a contract is determined based on the results of passing entrance tests. They are held on a separate day so that the citizen has the opportunity to pass the standards in sportswear and comfortable shoes. Indicators for different age categories are defined in the appendix of the manual on AF. The meanings are different for men and women.

On the appointed day, the applicant chooses one of the exercises to pass, which determines a particular quality. There are three exercises in total. If a military man fails to cope with at least one of them, then you can’t count on admission.

After a six-month break, which it is advisable to spend on intensive training, the citizen has the right to again apply for signing a contract. Passing the standards practically ensures passing the examination. All results are stored in a specially created card until dismissal from service.

Endurance, strength and speed are assessed based on the results of running at different distances, performing exercises on the horizontal bar and “push-ups”. Applicants whose age has not exceeded the 30-year mark are required to do at least 45 push-ups. For the older generation, the norm is reduced by 5 units. The correct name of the exercise is flexion and extension of the arms, for women it sets the norm only 12 times. Pull-ups on the bar for men are defined as 10 or 8. Only two age categories are considered here. Women do not pass this strength exercise.

Endurance is tested by a 1 km run, a 3 km run and a 5 km cross-country ski race. A young man must run one kilometer in 4 minutes and 20 seconds. The older category receives a concession in the form of an additional 25 seconds. The female figure is 5 minutes 20 seconds and 5 minutes 45 seconds, respectively. Speed ​​exercises include the 100 meter sprint, 60 meter sprint and 10x10 shuttle run. A man should run the 100-meter dash in 15.0–15.8 seconds, a woman in 19.5–20.5. Applicants must show maximum acceleration at a distance of 60 meters. Passing the test will provide a figure of 9.8 seconds. It must be emphasized that women do not participate in the 3 km run or cross-country skiing.

Qualification level of a military man

The implementation of NFP by the RF Armed Forces by military personnel can occur to varying degrees. In order to reward high achievements, persons who pass physical examination above the minimum score are entitled to an increase in the monthly allowance. Here we are talking about those who are already in the service. The fact is that performing a set of exercises will periodically “threaten” the contract soldier. Exceeding the threshold can be assessed by the number of points awarded. The evaluation table is given in the same position in Appendix No. 17. According to this table, based on the sum of points, a citizen is assigned a certain category (qualification level). There are four levels in total: highest, 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

This practice is gradually being introduced into the standards for entering contract service. Having the highest category, a citizen can enlist in special forces, airborne forces or become a marine. They can also join the Marine Corps with the first category. It all depends on the vacancies, and the division into levels is quite arbitrary.

The criteria for selecting candidates to serve in the army are quite strict, especially with regard to physical health, since during this service you will have to face heavy stress, regardless of the type of military service. In order to have a greater chance of successfully passing the tests, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the existing standards in advance, and for this it makes sense to use the services of our consultants who will answer all your questions regarding this topic.

What do you need to know about the physical standards required for contract army service in 2018?

In addition to the level of physical fitness, a candidate for service must fall within the age limit of 19 to 35 years, have at least a secondary education, as for professional suitability, it is necessary to have the first or second category, although if there are no suitable candidates, then they will come into view and people who have the third category.

As for health, all employees will be divided into two groups: the first will not have any problems or contraindications, and the second will have minor restrictions that allow them to serve under a contract, with some reservations.

And if everything is in order with your health, only then can you submit documents to the local military commissariat or to the appropriate selection point. The first step is to conduct a consultation conversation to identify abilities and predispositions for a particular branch of the military, after which the procedure for passing all commissions, including passing standards, will be determined, in addition, the list of necessary documents will be clarified, but all this happens only after submission statements from the candidate.

When all the necessary commissions have been passed, within three days the candidate will find out whether he passed the service or not. Standards affecting the physical fitness of a potential serviceman are mandatory for passing, but the candidate is given the opportunity to choose what exactly he will take.

The standards themselves are divided into several categories. There are exercises for strength training, testing speed and endurance levels, in addition, there are divisions by age and gender. The exercises themselves look like this:

1. For men under 30 years old, you need to do 45 push-ups and 10 pull-ups, run 60 meters in 9.8 seconds, 100 meters in 15.1 seconds, and a 10 by 10 shuttle run in 28.5 seconds. Endurance exercises: running up to 3 km – 14.40 minutes, running 1 km – 4.20 minutes, skiing (5 km) – 28 minutes.

2. For men over 30 years old, you need to do 40 push-ups and 8 pull-ups, run 60 meters in 10 seconds, 100 meters in 15.8 seconds, and a 10 by 10 shuttle run in 29.5 seconds. Endurance exercises: running up to 3 km - 15.15 minutes, running 1 km - 4.45 minutes, skiing (5 km) - 29 minutes.

3. For women under 25 years old, you need to do 12 push-ups and bend your body forward 25 times, run 60 meters in 12.9 seconds, 100 meters in 19.5 seconds, and a 10 by 10 shuttle run in 38 seconds. Endurance exercises: 1 km run – 5.20 minutes.

4. For women over 25 years old, you need to do 10 push-ups and bend your body forward 20 times, run 60 meters in 13.9 seconds, 100 meters in 20.5 seconds, and a 10 by 10 shuttle run in 39 seconds. Endurance exercises: 1 km run – 5.45 minutes.