Causes and treatment of tension in the jaw muscles: how to relax the muscles with the help of exercises and physiotherapy? Hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles, causes and treatment. The jaw gets tired of chewing for a long time.

  • 08.05.2024

Increased muscle tone can be temporary or permanent. Hypertonicity is a persistent increase in muscle tone. Hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles is only a symptom of some more general problems of the body, so you need to deal with them, understand “where the legs grow from.”

Causes of hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles

As a rule, tension in the masticatory muscles is an expression of general mental stress. Remember the expression “gritting your teeth.” Endures, gritting his teeth or makes his way through obstacles, gritting his teeth, etc. And also: grinding, grinding his teeth out of anger or powerlessness.
The jaw clenches in situations involving the need to defend or compete.
But in case of psychological shock, confusion, experience of failure or loss, the muscles relax. In such cases they say: “the jaw dropped.”
Daily stress associated with work, business, family matters, etc. can cause hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles.
On the other hand: joy, smile and laughter, pleasure and love relieve tension by relaxing the jaw.

Changes in other parts of the body also provoke hypertonicity, most often this is a pathology of the cervicothoracic spine. The incorrect position of the cervical vertebrae disrupts the symmetry of the face, the chin moves forward, which causes compensatory tension in the masticatory muscles. Malocclusion, treatment at the dentist, etc.

A temporary increase in tone can occur as a result of muscle fatigue during prolonged dynamic or static load. For example, after running or being in an uncomfortable position. Tension of the muscles of the eyes and neck during prolonged work at the computer also involves the masticatory muscles in this process. Prolonged and frequently repeated exercise can cause hypertension.


The chewing muscles can be relaxed with medications. But there is little point in this, because... muscle relaxants do not eliminate reason hypertonicity, which will find a way out elsewhere. “We treat one thing and cripple another.” Botox injections make sense in severe cases where there is pain and tooth decay. Therefore, treatment must be comprehensive.

  1. Elimination of the cause that caused the tension in the masticatory muscles.
    1. First of all, remove obvious causes, for example, dental ones.
    2. It is necessary to relieve general mental stress. Avoid chronic muscle fatigue.
    3. Take breaks from computer work or other sedentary work every hour for 15 minutes.
    4. Mandatory physical education, at a minimum - morning exercises, mainly with flexibility exercises.
      At the end of gymnastics or as a separate relaxation exercise - shavasana.
  2. Local effect on muscles to relax them.

It is difficult to simply relax tense muscles, so you must first stretch them using a wooden wine bottle stopper.
The plug is inserted between the front teeth and held there for 10-20 minutes. Its height should be such that the stretched muscles do not hurt due to overexertion. If necessary, the plug can be shortened. As the chewing muscles relax, a larger plug can be inserted.

First, warm up your muscles by moving your lower jaw from side to side and back and forth for about a minute.
Take a comfortable position: lying on your back or sitting with your head slightly thrown back so that saliva does not flow out of your open mouth. Also try to relax the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle. Place the plug between your teeth.

Imaginative work. Catch the feeling of tension, feel it - what lies behind it, what deeper and more subtle feelings. What mood accompanies it? Perhaps it will be possible to understand * reason, connection with other bodily sensations or suppressed emotions. Acknowledge (accept) these sensations and the tension itself. Smile at them internally and notice how the tension melts and dissolves. The muscles relax and become soft and weightless.
* It is unlikely that you will be able to understand everything right away, but the process itself is important here.
Trace the relationship between the eye and masticatory muscles. How they tense up synchronously (it’s more convenient to do this with your eyes closed. Try to relax your eyes and temporal areas.

Do a light massage of the chewing muscles, especially where the muscles attach to the jaws. Massage techniques: stroking and tapping with fingertips along the muscles. The gentler the touch, the better the relaxation. But you can experiment, it is possible that stronger kneading can have a good effect. Just do it gently and carefully.

Stroke your face with your palms: forehead - from the center to the temples and down to the corner of the lower jaw, cheeks - from the nose to the ears. Use deep but soft circular movements of your fingers to massage the muscles of the cervical spine. The general direction of movement is down, from head to shoulders.

Periodically, you can remove the plug, maintaining and enhancing the feeling of lightness and relaxation in the masticatory muscles. (When you remove the cork, you will immediately feel this lightness and relaxation.)

You can, of course, do other things at this time. But still, efficiency will be higher if your attention is on what you are doing. By working with tension here, according to the feedback principle, you will also influence the cause. Even if the mind is not aware of it, the body knows.

It is useful to stretch the muscles of the neck and torso without removing the plug from your mouth. Head movements left and right and tilts from one shoulder to the other. For the body also: bends and turns to the sides. Remember: everything in our body is interconnected and we need to work on not only a narrow “problem” area.
Try, lying on your back, strongly stretch your chewing muscles by inserting a long plug between your teeth. If you relax your neck and quickly roll your head from side to side, you will notice how tension is released from your jaw.

Advice. In everyday life, try to notice: in what situations, during what actions, you involuntarily clench your teeth. Having noticed, relax, paying special attention to the chewing muscles.

Constant psycho-emotional stress leads to contraction of the smooth muscles of internal organs and narrowing of blood vessels. Therefore, it is important for health to be aware of oneself, to observe what is happening in the body and in the head. Thus, from working with a local problem comes an understanding of the causes of illnesses throughout the body and the search for a path to health.

Clenched jaws have a strong impact on a person’s appearance - depending on the position of the jaws, the oval of the face changes, the nasolabial folds shift, and a second set appears.If symptoms associated with discomfort and even pain in the maxillofacial area are constant, this may indicate the presence of serious pathologies. The patient needs to seek help from specialists as soon as possible.

Why does tension appear in the jaw?

Pain when chewing food, yawning or grinding teeth during sleep can be associated with certain diseases (we recommend reading: grinding teeth in sleep: causes and treatment). Pain is a kind of signal from the body about the presence of pathology. An experienced doctor will be able to quickly identify the cause of the disease. Sometimes the patient simply does not notice a jaw spasm, but such a symptom cannot be ignored, because it can signal serious problems.

The jaw can cramp for various reasons, here are the main ones:

  • fracture of the jaw joint, leading to a defect in the bone structures;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • sarcoma;
  • sinusitis;
  • gum diseases (gingivitis, periodontitis);
  • malocclusion;
  • use of dentures and braces;
  • trigeminal neuralgia;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • stress.

Common problems

Spasms in the jaw can be single or multiple. Women often experience a similar symptom during pregnancy. This condition can be short-term or last for a long time.

Usually a spasm occurs:

  • while yawning;
  • in the presence of a disease such as bruxism or osteochondrosis;
  • during nervous or muscle strain;
  • in the presence of oral diseases.

A person may experience discomfort on the right or left side of the jaw. Both children and adults are susceptible to spasms of the jaw muscles; sometimes this condition is associated with a previous injury. Why does the jaw cramp, what disease is this condition a symptom of? A highly qualified doctor will be able to answer this question when a patient goes to specialized medical institutions.

Tension in the lower jaw

Sometimes a person feels his lower jaw cramping. This symptom may indicate the onset of an inflammatory process in the trigeminal nerve, which supplies innervation to the face. Pain may radiate to one or another part of the face. Sometimes toothaches occur. As a rule, the chewing apparatus reduces within 10-20 minutes, after which the pain goes away.

If such symptoms are intermittent, you should consult a doctor. The specialist must examine the patient for the presence or absence of malignant neoplasms in the maxillofacial area. Then appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Cramps when yawning

Muscle spasms can be caused by injury, and sometimes the injured area swells. You can cope with unpleasant sensations in the muscles with the help of cold compresses and special exercises.

Sometimes a cramp occurs against the background of constantly tense muscles, when a person eats solid food, which must be chewed for a long time and thoroughly. When yawning, individual muscle groups lose their tone, and when this process is completed, on the contrary, their hypertonicity appears.

The appearance of a headache

Headaches can occur for a number of reasons:

  • due to sedentary work;
  • when overworked;
  • due to spinal injuries or jaw bone fractures;
  • the pain may be due to a migraine.

Often such unpleasant symptoms appear in people working at a computer. Headaches can occur due to a lack of oxygen in a stuffy, unventilated room. You can manage the pain by applying a cold compress to your head or massaging it. If a person is tense for a long time, he should relax - a break from work will relieve tension and the pain will go away.

Ear congestion

If the ears are blocked, then a person should seek advice from an otolaryngologist. The doctor must rule out tonsillitis, inflammation of the larynx and tumor processes, the symptoms of which are similar to ear congestion due to trismus. Neuralgia also cannot be ruled out - it can lead to spasms.

If the whole issue is the tension of the masticatory apparatus, then you can cope with the problem if you refuse long telephone conversations, during which the apparatus is squeezed between the auricle and the shoulder. You need to get rid of the habit of constantly supporting your head with your hands; this position can also lead to spasms. You can get rid of the discomfort by applying heat or performing a light massage of the muscles under the ear.

Cramps in the jaw from nerves

Stress can cause dramatic changes in the human body. The muscles spasm, pain and discomfort appear in the jaw area. Sometimes there may be no nerve damage, but due to the resulting spasm, the muscles are in constant tension and cannot relax. In other cases, the symptoms may be completely different. The muscles are weak and there is no tone. Often, nervous overstrain leads to the fact that a person’s trismus manifests itself during sleep; mild sedatives will help to cope with this problem. Stress for the body does not go away without leaving a trace; the patient may experience cramps and pain. A person may experience anger uncontrollably and may experience panic attacks. In such a situation, you cannot do without consulting a neurologist.

During or after meals

Often, people who eat hard foods can injure the jaw joint. Every time they eat, they experience spasms in the masticatory apparatus. If there is even a slight dislocation of the joint, eating will be accompanied by involuntary muscle contractions.

Sometimes eating certain foods leads to spasm of the esophagus, which is a provoking factor for tension in the jaw muscles. Difficulty swallowing food and impaired salivation also contribute to the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms.

Teeth grinding (bruxism)

Sometimes the manifestations of bruxism are invisible to the patient, nothing bothers him, but night teeth grinding can lead to serious health problems. During bruxism, the teeth of the lower jaw often cramp in the morning; after waking up, the patient may experience headaches and discomfort in the jaw area. This disease leads to loosening of teeth and abrasion of enamel. If a patient does not pay attention to the symptoms of bruxism for a long time, then he may soon encounter a new problem - dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint.

Due to deformation of the joint, a person can have both lower and upper jaws cramped (we recommend reading: the structure of the upper jaw, its differences from the lower jaw). The pain subsides when the masticatory apparatus is at rest.

How to treat?

Whenever during a spasm of the jaw muscles, it is necessary to pay attention to their localization and the nature of the course. The help of specialists will be required in the following cases:

The patient needs to relieve the jaws of the load: talk less, eat softer foods, do not yawn, opening the mouth too wide. Until the patient can be examined by a doctor, it is better to refrain from taking painkillers. The specialist must examine the patient and take an x-ray to identify a jaw injury or joint dislocation (we recommend reading: the jaw hurts on the left: possible causes of pain and ways to eliminate it).


If the cramps that occur are associated with dental problems, then the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. As a rule, visiting a dentist helps get rid of trismus. If the joint is damaged due to the development of arthrosis or arthritis, the patient should start taking non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Jaw muscle tension is relieved with the help of muscle relaxants. They help reduce tone. Nervous disorders and stress are treated with sedatives that have a sedative and anticonvulsant effect. Special exercises will help you relax your muscles.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

With trismus, the main focus should be on relaxing the muscles. In addition to the use of medications, good results can be achieved by performing physiotherapeutic procedures. A relaxing massage and alternating cold and warm compresses reduce muscle tone and pain subsides. Electrophoresis has a therapeutic effect, produces a calming effect and relieves spasms. With the help of UHF, heat is applied to tense chewing muscles, which leads to a decrease in pain.

Relaxation exercises

If the tension in the masticatory muscles is mild, the inflammatory process does not develop, and there are no injuries, then you can cope with the unpleasant sensations at home.

According to experts, to relax, it is better to use various meditation methods or do a light massage of the masticatory apparatus. Movements should be careful and smooth. By gently stroking and kneading the painful area, as well as performing special exercises, you will be able to quickly get rid of the spasm and return to your normal lifestyle.

Preventing spasms in the jaw muscles

To prevent the occurrence of such symptoms, you need to treat bad teeth in a timely manner and regularly visit the dentist’s office. If possible, avoid jaw injuries and stressful situations and take care of your mental health.

Often, dehydration can provoke a spasm of the masticatory apparatus, so you need to drink more, consuming at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day. By eating right and leading a healthy lifestyle, you can strengthen your muscles and improve your body's immune system.

If your jaw is cramping, then it is extremely important to find out the causes of muscle spasm and what to do in such a situation in the near future to avoid complications.

This happens suddenly and disappears on its own, but whether there is a threat to health is difficult to answer right away. If symptoms recur frequently and cause you pain, get tested to find out the cause.

Why does my jaw cramp?

Women may experience single or multiple symptoms of jaw spasms during pregnancy; they can be short-term or long-lasting. They occur in the following cases:

  • when yawning;
  • if you suffer from bruxism ();
  • for nervous tension;
  • for osteochondrosis and other lesions of the cervical spine;
  • with muscle strain;
  • for some dental problems.

The reasons for the appearance of unpleasant sensations on the right or left side of the jaw in a child or an adult may be associated with injury. What causes jaw cramps and how to cope with this condition – a specialist will tell you.

Lower jaw only

If you have cramps in the lower jaw, this may indicate a lesion responsible for the innervation of the face. Therefore, such pains radiate to the teeth and one half of the face; they differ in average duration from 10 to 20 minutes.

It is necessary to exclude oncological diseases of the head, muscles, nasopharynx and oral cavity. If you suspect oncology, contact your surgeon, he will adjust your examination and prescribe treatment.

Jaw and cheekbones

The jaw may also become cramped due to the following diseases:

  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • joint dysfunction.

The same symptoms are observed in vascular diseases, when they are insufficiently supplied with blood. It is enough to start treatment on time and you can avoid surgical intervention. Contact a vascular surgeon and use the latest technologies to treat the disease.

Jaw muscle spasm when yawning

Convulsive muscle contractions during yawning or at the end of the process occur frequently. A dentist, neurologist or surgeon will help you find out the cause of the disease. There may have been an injury, but now only a spasm when yawning or the appearance of slight swelling reminds of this. In this case, cooling compresses can help.

Try changing your diet and switching to soft foods, because chewing hard foods causes severe muscle tension. When you yawn, some muscles lose their tone, and then become hypertonic at the end if they were tense before.

Jaw cramps and headache

There are many reasons for the appearance of pain in the temples or throughout the head when there is a contracted jaw. It could be:

  • fatigue;
  • long sedentary work;
  • migraine;
  • nervous tension;
  • consequences of injuries to the spine and jaw;
  • working on a computer;
  • lack of fresh air.

Try to eliminate the causes or simply take a break from work when your temples are pressing, a light massage and a cold compress on your head if the back of your head hurts.

Tightens jaw and stuffy ears

With such symptoms, consultation with an otolaryngologist is necessary. The cause may range from tonsillitis and damage to the larynx, to tumors in this area. Neuralgia can also provoke spasm and congestion in the ears.

Get rid of the habit of propping your head up and talking on the phone, holding it between your ear and neck. Massage under the ear and apply heat to relax the muscles.


It is easy to identify this disease: if your jaw is clenched tightly in a dream, there is grinding of your teeth. As a result, after waking up, a person experiences severe pain in the jaw and head. Teeth lose part of their enamel, crowns wear off, the position of the teeth is unstable, they become loose.

It is impossible to notice bruxism on your own, but if someone from the outside hears teeth grinding in a dream, then its presence will be obvious.

Jaw spasm from nerves

The nervous system always reacts to any changes in our body, and this can manifest itself as discomfort in the jaw and spasms. Psychosomatics explains the presence of such symptoms by the fact that there may be no nerve damage, but muscles that are under constant tension result in spasm.

If there is no tone, we panic because of numbness and weakness in a certain place. With nervous tension, the jaw may clench in sleep. Then it is necessary to take mild sedatives and consult a neurologist. Nervous stress does not go away without leaving a trace if you experience the following symptoms, such as cramps or muscle pain:

  1. Intense fear.
  2. Anger.

Try to distract yourself and relax by massaging your jaw yourself. Cramps in the jaw may indicate neuralgia, inflammation of the nerves, or the presence of mental illness.

While eating while chewing

Spasms can occur with minor damage or trauma to the joint. It can occur when chewing hard food.

If you have had one, even a minor one, then muscle tension while eating leads to involuntary muscle contraction.

Pay attention to when and in what place you experience cramps and what causes them. A visit to the doctor is necessary if:

  • spasms in one part, there is a rise in temperature,
  • swelling;
  • severe pain;
  • cramps in the lower part of the face and pain radiates to the eye;
  • persistent, lingering pain;
  • throbbing pain with spasm.

Take the load off your jaw: don't talk too much, don't eat solid foods, don't open your mouth wide. If the pain can be tolerated, do not take analgesics until examined by a doctor, so as not to blur the symptoms of the disease. Take an x-ray of the jaw to rule out dislocation or bone damage.

Video: how to relax your jaw muscles?

Pain related to the jaw region brings a lot of inconvenience to a person, especially when it intensifies during communication or eating.

There are many reasons for their occurrence: dental disease, jaw injury, damage to nerve endings.

At the same time, the problem may be non-dental in nature, but indicate the presence of a certain disease.

To understand which specialist can help in this situation, it is worth paying attention to the nature and location of the pain.

Accurate and timely identification of the cause of pain when chewing food contributes to the correct diagnosis and provision of appropriate therapeutic procedures.

There are several large groups of factors that influence the occurrence of pain in the jaw apparatus.


Mechanical injury to the jaw is often due to the following reasons:

  1. Bruise caused by a strong blow or fall. The bones of the jaw apparatus retain their integrity, however, damage to the soft tissue occurs. When opening the mouth, pain occurs, a bruise forms and slight swelling of the damaged area of ​​​​the skin. As a rule, all symptoms disappear within 2-3 days.
  2. Dislocation. This situation is possible with a sharp opening of the mouth, yawning, laughing, or opening a bottle with the teeth. Pathology often occurs when a person has joint diseases. The dislocation looks like this: the lower jaw is fixed with a skew to one side when the mouth is open. To get rid of a dislocation you will need the help of a traumatologist.
  3. Fracture of the upper or lower jaw. This problem is a consequence of mechanical trauma, such as a strong blow, an accident, or a fall from a height. There are fractures of both one and both jaws at the same time. In addition to acute pain, a fracture is characterized by the inability to chew, swelling and bruising.
  4. Traumatic osteomyelitis. The main cause of this disease of the jaw bones is an untreated fracture, complicated by low immunity and the presence of foci of infection in the oral cavity. Often the cause of the development of pathology is an infected tooth, from which the infection spreads into the jaw tissue. Osteomyelitis is characterized by throbbing pain and increased body temperature.
  5. Chronic subluxation of the lower jaw. This condition occurs as a result of certain actions, such as coughing, yawning, laughing, and is characterized by a displacement of the jaw forward or to one side. The situation is a consequence of stretching of the fibrous tissue surrounding the joint between the lower jaw and the socket of the temporal bone, as a result of the lack of proper fixation of the articulation of the bones.

Consequences of wearing dentures or braces

The use of various orthodontic structures designed to correct the bite may be accompanied by minor pain, especially during the adjustment period.

Such devices are located on the teeth and promote their movement relative to the dentoalveolar line, which leads to the formation of uncomfortable sensations. This indicates that the process of correcting a pathological bite is proceeding correctly.

Important! If pain when using orthodontic appliances increases over time and interferes with eating or communicating, you should consult a dentist.

Installation of prostheses to restore lost crowns can also lead to slight pain during the initial stages of their use. After some time, the pain will disappear.

If this does not happen, you should consult a dentist to eliminate the possibility of incorrect installation of the orthopedic structure and the presence of an inflammatory process.

Dental diseases

The presence of certain dental diseases can cause pain when chewing:

  1. Pulpitis. The inflammatory process affecting the dental nerve is accompanied by the occurrence of paroxysmal pain, intensifying at night. In addition to the affected tooth, pain often spreads to the zygomatic, occipital region or to the opposite jaw.
  2. Periodontitis. Jaw pain in this disease is acute in nature, which is characterized by an increase and pulsation with an exacerbation of the process. When eating and pressing on the jaw, the pain intensifies.
  3. Alveolitis. The pain from the inflamed hole can radiate to the entire jaw, interfering with chewing food. In the absence of timely treatment, the disease can develop into the form of limited osteomyelitis, accompanied by purulent melting of the jaw bones.

Wisdom teeth eruption

The growth of molars is often accompanied by pain. This is due to the fact that the jaw is already formed and there may not be enough space for the growth of additional molars.

This can lead to the appearance of impacted or dystopic crowns.

The eruption of these molars may be accompanied by aching pain in the cheek area, spreading to the throat and ear, difficulty chewing and swallowing, and inflammation of the bones and muscles located in the area of ​​tooth growth.

If you experience pain associated with the eruption of molar crowns, you should contact your dentist to avoid the formation of inflammatory processes due to their improper location.


The pathological location of the crowns relative to the line of the dentition can cause pain during chewing. This is due to improper distribution of loads and the need to apply additional effort.

A pathological bite may be accompanied by pain when opening the mouth, chewing, talking, headaches, and spasms of the jaw muscles.

This situation requires immediate attention to the dentist, since if left untreated, it can lead to the formation of dislocations caused by weakening of the ligaments due to improper positioning of the temporomandibular joint.

Purulent-inflammatory diseases

An acute purulent process is another possible cause of pain in one of the jaws. The most common diseases are:

  1. Osteomyelitis characterized by inflammation of soft and bone tissue. It is accompanied by sore teeth, spreading to the entire jaw, swelling of the face and its asymmetry.
  2. Furuncle accompanied by the development of acute purulent inflammation of the skin. Often the focus of the disease is limited, but has pronounced pain.
  3. Abscess most often develops against the background of mechanical damage to the jaw and concomitant infection. When the disease occurs in the upper jaw, difficulties in opening the mouth and swallowing are characteristic; in the lower jaw, pain occurs when chewing. Externally, the abscess is expressed in swelling of the submandibular triangle and distortion of the shape of the face.
  4. Phlegmon. The symptoms of this pathology resemble osteomyelitis - sharp pain in the jaw row or under it, swelling of the face, fever. The area of ​​inflammation in this disease tends to spread.


Soreness of the jaw during chewing in the absence of any trauma or inflammatory processes may indicate the presence of a benign or malignant neoplasm in the body.

Often such pain is mildly chronic, regardless of the type of tumor.

The following types of tumors are considered benign:

  • adamantium characterized by an increase in the size of the jaw, which leads to difficulty and pain in the process of chewing food, which gradually intensifies as the tumor grows;
  • osteoma– a tumor that slowly grows from bone tissue and is accompanied by malocclusion, jaw deformation and limited opening of the oral cavity;
  • osteoblastoclastoma is accompanied by a slight aching pain, which gradually increases, and with the increase of the tumor becomes incessant.

Malignant neoplasms include osteosarcoma and cancer. These diseases are accompanied by pain when pressing on the jaw, severe pain near the ear or in the neck area, and deformation of the jaw bones.

In this case, the area with the most severe pain can be found in the chin area.


Damage to certain nerves can also cause pain that radiates to the jaw. This often occurs due to the following inflammations:

  1. Damage to the ternary nerve causes sharp paroxysmal pain, which is concentrated on one side and intensifies at night. In this case, the pain does not extend to the back area of ​​the jaw.
  2. Inflammation of the superior laryngeal nerve accompanied by severe pain on one side of the submandibular region, which can move to the area of ​​the face and chest. The greatest intensity of painful sensations occurs when chewing or yawning.
  3. Key symptom neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve– severe pain in the tongue, gradually spreading to the lower jaw and face. It usually occurs during communication or eating. The pain is paroxysmal in nature, lasts about 2-3 minutes, after which it subsides.
  4. Carotidynia is a type of migraine caused by diseases of the carotid artery. The pain occurs in attacks and lasts up to several hours. It is usually localized on one side of the upper jaw, gradually radiating into the lower dental row, face, and ear.

Pain near the ear

Painful sensations when chewing, radiating to the ear, are characteristic of diseases of the temporomandibular joint - arthritis, arthrosis and dysfunction.

These joint pathologies can be caused by infection, hypothermia, high load, mechanical damage, or malocclusion.

Joint diseases of the jaw are characterized by incessant aching pain that flows into the ear area, discomfort and crunching when opening the mouth and chewing. In some cases, pain can spread to the entire face.

For more information about the causes of pain in the jaw joint, watch the video.


To find out the cause of jaw pain associated with eating, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination.

An examination by a dentist will determine whether these symptoms relate to dental diseases. In some cases, additional consultation with a neurologist, otolaryngologist or cardiologist may be required.

Treatment options

The method of eliminating jaw pain depends on the cause of its occurrence, established during the preliminary examination:

  • if there is a bruise, a fixing bandage is applied and compresses are prescribed;
  • a dislocation requires the jaw to be realigned by a traumatologist and a bandage applied;
  • acute purulent diseases are treated in a hospital setting with antibiotics;
  • in the presence of abscesses, they are opened and the purulent filling is removed;
  • carotidynia requires the prescription of painkillers and antidepressants;
  • pain caused by an impacted wisdom tooth is eliminated after its complete eruption, which is facilitated by a small surgical incision;
  • in the presence of neoplasms that cause pain in the jaw area, they are treated surgically using chemotherapy if necessary.

With the permission of the attending physician, folk remedies can be used as an addition to drug therapy. Here is one of them:

  1. 20 grams of crushed coltsfoot and oregano herbs are placed in a small container, 500 ml of vodka is poured in and infused in a dark place for 3-4 days.
  2. After this time, the tincture is filtered and used to rub the area with high pain.
  3. The duration of such treatment should not exceed 10 days.

Therapeutic gymnastics also helps to cope with jaw pain. Orthodontists recommend performing the following exercises:

  1. Smile with closed lips.
  2. Sequential lifting of the upper and lower lips until the teeth are exposed.
  3. Puffing and retraction of the cheeks.
  4. Closing lips with a tube.

Each exercise must be performed 8-10 times twice a day. After finishing the gymnastic procedures, the face should be relaxed and lightly massaged.


To avoid jaw pain, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • avoid hypothermia;
  • timely cure viral and dental diseases;
  • consume enough vitamins;
  • stop using chewing gum;
  • apply local self-massage of the jaw;
  • perform myogymnastic exercises;
  • Make sure that while sleeping your head is raised above the bed by 30 cm.

Pain in the jaw is an unpleasant symptom that can indicate many diseases. This is not an independent disease, but only a physical manifestation indicating that some pathological process is developing in the body.

If you experience any discomfort, you should not self-medicate; you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Home methods can only temporarily alleviate the symptoms, but the very cause of the pain will be treated by a highly specialized specialist, who in some cases can be a dentist.

If left untimely, inflammation affects the pulp of the molars, and this part of the crown is extremely saturated. nerve endings. Inflammation can spread to the bone tissue of the jaw, leading to the formation of ulcers and abscesses. In this case, the pain occurs in the jaw joint itself or under it, it is sharp and sharp.

The pain can be severe, throbbing, accompanied by a headache, and a general deterioration in well-being.

If unpleasant symptoms are of this nature, then you should consult a doctor to rule out suspicion of osteomyelitis of the jaw.

An aching pain occurs after, and it can radiate to the jaw or ear, especially if a molar has been pulled out.

With advanced caries, or pain in the jaw joint may also occur.

It is characterized by a sharp, persistent throbbing pain that can radiate to the ear, to the area of ​​the opposite gum.

If unpleasant symptoms occur during sleep, are aching in nature, and pain appears when pressing on the gums in the area of ​​the tooth root, then there may be chronic inflammation resulting from untreated caries.

Most often, with dental problems, pain in the jaw is acute.

When the third molars are cut, the pain is nagging and severe, radiating to the upper jaw and head.

By the nature of the pain you can understand its nature

By how exactly and where the jaw hurts, you can understand what causes this syndrome:

All the main reasons are listed

All the main reasons why the jaw may hurt and cramp are as follows:

How to relieve pain at home

In order to temporarily reduce pain due to dental problems, it is advisable to take the painkillers available in the medicine cabinet: Analgin, Ibuprofen, Tempalgin, Ketorol and others.

It should be remembered that they only temporarily relieve symptoms. In order to find out the cause of the pain and begin to treat it, you need to consult a doctor.

You can apply ice packs to the painful area to help temporarily relieve the pain.

The compress must be applied every hour, but for no more than 10-15 minutes. Otherwise, there is a possibility of hypothermia of the maxillary sinuses. Alternating warm and cold compresses will also help reduce pain.

If your jaw hurts, then you need to try to relax your facial muscles and open your mouth. The unpleasant symptoms will subside slightly.

Baths made from decoctions of medicinal herbs can help relieve symptoms of caries and pulpitis. To do this, you need to brew chamomile and St. John's wort flowers in boiling water in equal proportions, let the broth cool, and then take the cooled liquid into your mouth and hold it there for a while.

You should not rinse your mouth, as this can create a vacuum in the cavity of the diseased tooth and increase pain.

If the hole at the site of the extracted tooth aches and the pain radiates to the jaw, then a special rinse will help relieve the pain. Dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda and ¼ tablespoon of salt in a glass of water and rinse your mouth up to 3 times a day. However, such rinsing will be ineffective.

Providing medical care

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor carries out diagnostic measures. Appointed. Based on the finished image, the dentist will be able to identify the cause of pain and prescribe adequate therapy.

Sometimes an X-ray examination alone is not enough: a blood test is required to identify the presence of an infectious-inflammatory process and some other diagnostic procedures at the discretion of the attending physician.

Depending on the cause of the pain, the following set of measures is prescribed:

  1. If the cause of the pain is bone displacement, jaw dislocation, then the doctor sets the jaw by sharply moving it down and back, and then the jaw is immobilized for up to 2 weeks.
  2. Pain in the jaw near the ear is most often observed with dental problems. In case of pulpitis or periodontitis of a wisdom tooth or molar, the doctor opens and cleans the inflamed canals. These conditions may require several dental appointments to treat. However, if the therapy is carried out correctly, then after the first canal cleaning session, the patient will feel a reduction in pain and relief of symptoms.
  3. If near the molars, the doctor may perform a surgical intervention, during which a tooth root resection will be performed. The patient will be prescribed antibiotics. Treatment is carried out in several stages.
  4. If the pain is caused by spreading malignant tumor, then the doctor will prescribe chemotherapy, surgery or radiation therapy.

Pain in the jaw area, a feeling that the jaw seems to be cramping - all these unpleasant symptoms may indicate one of many diseases.

If such symptoms occur, it is not recommended to independently diagnose and prescribe treatment, since self-medication can only worsen the situation. Timely medical care will help stop the disease at an early stage and minimize the risk of possible complications.