Inspiring spinning dervishes. A child lives by training and does not want to go to school: what to do Auxiliary shoulder exercises

  • 08.05.2024

In the book "Eye of Revelation" Colonel Bradford indicates clockwise rotation:

“The First Ritual,” said the colonel, “is quite simple. It is intended to accelerate the movement of the Whirlwinds. As children, we used this in our games. Your actions: stand straight, with your arms extended horizontally along your shoulders. Begin to spin around your axis until you feel slight dizziness. One warning: you must rotate from left to right. In other words, if you place the watch on the floor with the dial facing up, your hands should move in the direction of the hands."

Note that Colonel Bradford defines the "clockwise" direction as the direction in which a person rotates from left to right, regardless of his location on the planet.

Given that Bradford was in the northern hemisphere when he wrote that you need to rotate from left to right (clockwise), some people wonder whether to adapt his instructions and rotate counterclockwise while in the southern hemisphere.

When I ask them: " Why do you think we should change the direction of rotation?"

Their answer is usually along the lines of " Water in the southern hemisphere swirls counterclockwise, while in the northern hemisphere it swirls clockwise.".

However, this concept itself is based on a popular misconception, and therefore the reason for the change in direction of rotation is also not convincing.

Alistair B. Fraser Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Meteorology, Penn State University, USA, explains in detail:

"Compared to the rotations we see every day (car tires, CDs, sink drains), the Earth's rotation is almost imperceptible - only a revolution per day. Water in a sink rotates in a few seconds, so its rotation speed is ten thousand times higher than that of the Earth. This is not surprising, given that the Coriolis force is several orders of magnitude smaller than any of the forces involved in these everyday examples of rotation. The Coriolis force is so small that it affects the direction of rotation of water no more than the direction of rotation of a compact particle. disk.

The direction of rotation of the water in the sink drain is determined by how it was filled, or what turbulence was created in it during washing. The size of these rotations is small, but compared to the rotation of the Earth, they are simply huge."

It is difficult to describe the Coriolis effect in more detail without resorting to mathematical equations or complex concepts such as angular mechanics. First of all, our frame of reference is: “ What we see depends on where we are" This means that we are standing on a solid surface, when in fact this is not the case - after all, the earth is a rotating ball.

Coriolis effect

In physics Coriolis effect is the obvious deviation of moving objects when viewed from a rotating frame of reference. As an example, consider two children on opposite sides of a rotating carousel throwing a ball to each other (Figure 1). From these children's point of view, the ball's path is bent sideways by the Coriolis effect. From the thrower's perspective, this deflection is directed to the right as the carousel rotates counterclockwise (as viewed from above). Accordingly, when moving clockwise, the deflection is directed to the left.

If you are really interested in a detailed explanation of the Coriolis effect, enter “Coriolis effect” into a search engine and study this issue thoroughly.

Direction of chakra rotation

Peter Kalder did not describe the direction of movement of the vortices (chakras):

“The body has seven centers, which can be called Vortexes. They are a kind of magnetic centers. In a healthy body they rotate at high speed, and when their rotation slows down, this can be called old age, illness or decline. The fastest way to restore youth, health and vitality is to make these vortices spin again at the same speed. There are five simple exercises to achieve this goal. Any one of them is useful on its own, but all five are needed to get the best results. Lamas call them rituals, and I will treat them the same way.” - Peter Kalder, edited by Alina and Mikhail Titov, “The Eye of Revelation”, 2012.

I wonder if Calder deliberately avoided mentioning the counterclockwise direction? According to Barbara Ann Brennan, a former NASA scientist and authority on human energy, healthy chakras should rotate clockwise; and closed, unbalanced ones are counterclockwise.

In her successful book, Hands of Light, she says:

"When the chakras are functioning normally, each of them will be open and will rotate clockwise to absorb the specific energy needed from the global field. Rotating clockwise to receive energy from the Global Energy Field into the chakras is reminiscent of the right hand rule in electromagnetism, which states, that a change in the magnetic field around a wire will cause a current in that wire.

When the chakras rotate counterclockwise, there is an outflow of energy from the body, causing metabolic disorders. In other words, when the chakra rotates counterclockwise, we do not receive the energy we need, which we perceive as psychological reality. Such a chakra is considered closed to incoming energy."

Possible influences of traditions

(a) Traditional Tibetan "trul-hor" yantra yoga

Chogal Namhai Norbu, one of the great masters of Dzogchen and Tantra, was born in Tibet in 1938. His book " Yantra Yoga: Tibetan Yoga of Movement"Published by the publishing house "Snow Lion".

"Trul-hor" means "magic wheel", says Alejandro Chaul-Reich, a faculty member at the Ligmincha Institute and an assistant professor at the University of Texas Medical School. He says:

"The characteristic trul-hor movements arose from the deep meditation practices of Tibetan yoga practitioners. Traditionally practiced in remote Himalayan caves and monasteries, the trul-hor movements are now available to serious Western students. They are a powerful cleansing tool, balancing and harmonizing the subtle aspects of your energetic dimension."

Ryan Parker specialist in Five Tibetan Rituals, is currently conducting research comparing the Five Rituals and the Trul-Hor. According to Peter Kelder in The Eye of Revelation, the rituals, like the trul-khor, date back about 2,500 years.

In his latest Comparative Table he states:

"The Buddhist trul-hor suggests the existence of energy centers that rotate clockwise. The "trul-hor" is sometimes called a stimulus for the rotation of energy centers. Moreover, they begin to rotate in unison. Although this rotation can be caused in many ways, the rotation of the body is special associated with the stimulation of the centers. Clockwise rotation is considered beneficial, and is the suggested direction of rotation in the Buddhist "trul-hor."

(b) Pradakshina

Throughout history, Tibet and India exchanged ancient knowledge, and it is possible - but not proven - that the First Ritual may have been influenced by the practice of Pradakshina.

In Hinduism Pradakshina means the act of worship - walking clockwise around a holy place, temple, shrine. Dakshina means right, so you go to the left, with the spiritual object always on your right.

During Pradakshina, you walk clockwise around a temple, shrine, person, mountain, place or even yourself. Hindu temples even have special passages so that people can perform these movements around them in a clockwise direction.

The purpose of such circular movements is to focus or purify oneself, or to honor the object of worship.

Circling is so common that it is found in the cultures of the Greeks, Romans, Druids and Hindus. This is usually associated with a sacrifice or purification process. The interesting thing is that for all these cultures the direction of movement is always the same - clockwise!

Other interesting facts about clockwise rotation

During one of my classes, a dance teacher told me that children are initially taught to spin in a clockwise direction. Obviously, it's easier for them (although there are exceptions). He said it was well known among dance teachers - If you need to calm children, make them spin counterclockwise. And so that activate them - let them spin clockwise!

This energetic effect is exactly what people experience when performing Ritual No. 1, as described by Colonel Bradford. It seems to me that if the lamas gave instructions to rotate clockwise, then this is how it should be!

Who practices counterclockwise rotation

However, I am familiar with a certain Marina who rotates counterclockwise due to a life-threatening health condition that she is trying to correct. She is very committed to meeting her body's needs, as you can read below:

"According to Qi Gong and Traditional Chinese Medicine, clockwise movement speeds up life processes by increasing the speed of movement of the chakras to the original. Counterclockwise movement slows down the chakras. Most of those who practice rituals want to speed up chakras that have slowed down due to age, weight and so on, because it is logical that they rotate clockwise. However, one day, during morning prayer, I realized that in my case, the acceleration of the chakras would only have negative consequences, since the chakra affecting my lungs was incapable of acceleration. So, I started spinning counterclockwise, and soon I noticed that it became easier to perform other rituals!”

To summarize, until documents or teachers are found, all attempts to understand the motives of Ritual No. 1 will only be theoretical. Therefore, you should do what you personally feel is good for you!

Nowadays, the meditation practice of the Whirling Dervishes has lost its original purpose. Today, it is primarily a beautiful and bewitching show that serves to attract tourists. However, the true meaning of this unusual activity is completely different.
Once upon a time, quite a few years ago, I read about this practice from Gurdjieff. It seems that it was also mentioned somewhere by Osho. I no longer remember what exactly Gurdjieff and Osho wrote, but the point was that in Sufism the technique of continuous long rotation was used to achieve a state of higher awareness, the manifestation of global Consciousness. (After researching this topic on the Internet, I learned that the state denoted in Sanskrit by the word “samadhi” is called “Amal”, “Khahut” or “Hal” in Sufism. Although, for example, the Arabic word عمل (amal, with an emphasis on first syllable) in its usual use has the meaning “work”, “labor”, “action”, “occupation”, “business”, “practice”, “creation”, “work”.) However, no details, details of this Neither Gurdjieff nor Osho revealed the techniques.
I myself, in my daily practice of hatha yoga, have been performing a similar exercise for a long time - rotation around its axis with arms spread to the sides. But I always did it without any connection to meditation practice - only as an exercise for stability and balance with the aim of training and developing the vestibular apparatus. The main thing in this exercise is to feel and hold your axis around which the rotation occurs. I usually do 40-50 revolutions, achieving a stable rotation and maintaining it for some time. I can rotate longer, but there is no particular point in this anymore - at least if you focus on the goals that I pursue when performing this exercise.
However, today this exercise suddenly brought a completely different, unexpected result - exactly the one that the Sufis who practiced a similar technique sought. And I instantly realized the true meaning of this technique, as well as the correct way to perform it.
Much to my surprise, the spinning technique turned out to be very effective in achieving the state that all seekers strive for. And the person who invented or accidentally discovered this technique is truly a genius! But you need to perform this technique correctly, with a correct understanding of what, how and why it is being done and why it is being done this way and not otherwise. Otherwise there will be no result.
So what is the meaning of this technique, what is its purpose? The goal is to force a person to concentrate in his spiritual center - in the heart (more precisely, in the heart chakra) - to help him concentrate, to concentrate his attention and his entire being in the heart, to help him find, discover his spiritual center. And for this purpose this technique is perfectly suited. If you perform it correctly, finding and maintaining your axis of rotation, which passes through the heart chakra, then concentration occurs by itself, the rotation itself contributes to this. At the same time, it is absolutely possible at some point to discover and realize your main spiritual center, which will lead to its disclosure and the manifestation (entry into you through it) of global Consciousness.
Thus, the main condition for correctly performing the rotation technique is to find and maintain your axis, the axis of rotation, concentrating on it as much as possible, and concentrating not somewhere in some incomprehensible place, but in your spiritual center, in the heart. At the same time, the rotation itself, the very process of holding it, holding the axis of rotation helps concentration (and, again, in the right place - in the spiritual center), helps achieve one-pointedness of the mind, which ultimately contributes to the implementation of the technique of entering samadhi, which I described earlier. (By the way, I recommend paying attention that the technique of concentration in one’s spiritual center is practiced by hesychasts, and many adherents of other teachings and spiritual practices. Only they use different means to perform this technique.)
Let's now see how this technique is performed, so to speak, by professionals participating in performances staged for tourists (if anyone is interested, they can easily find many more similar video clips on YouTube).

I would not like to engage in criticism, but from the examples given it is clear that the dancers participating in the performances (they can hardly be called practitioners) perform the rotation technique incorrectly, without understanding its essence and the meaning of the problems solved with its help. Firstly, they do not make sure that the axis of their rotation passes through the heart (more precisely, through the center of the chest, the heart chakra). Moreover, for some reason they bow their heads, thereby breaking rotational symmetry, helping to move the axis of rotation away from the heart chakra. Secondly, they clearly do not focus their attention in the heart - and it seems that they do not focus their attention anywhere at all, they are not “here and now”, they wander around unknown where, for which reason they will never be able to find what they are looking for (if , of course, they are generally looking for something).
The whole beauty of the rotation technique (of course, when performed correctly) is that it helps you to be “here and now”; the very process of performing rotation and maintaining your axis of rotation contributes to this. In the process of performing this technique, you automatically concentrate, automatically acquire one-pointedness of mind, automatically identify with your spiritual center - and then that’s it! - the technique of entering samadhi has been completed!
I'm not telling you all to drop everything and start doing this technique right now. Perhaps it will not suit someone, perhaps something will not work out for someone. But as one of the methods - and very successful methods for achieving the desired state - this technique can and should be used. Of course, you shouldn’t make 50 or more revolutions at once, you need to start small - for those who have never rotated, three to five revolutions will be enough for you to start getting dizzy and, as they say, “led” and begin to feel nauseous. Make as many turns as you can. Gradually, as your training increases, you can begin to increase the number of revolutions. However, do not rush to do this. You can increase the number of revolutions only when you feel that the previous number of revolutions is given to you completely easily, without causing any trouble, and the main thing is that you perform your rotation completely consciously, being “here and now”, aware of yourself at every moment rotation and, no less important, finding and holding your axis, concentrating on it, and concentrating precisely in your spiritual center, in the heart chakra. Well, of course, you should maintain a strictly vertical position of the body, without any deviation of the head or anything else, so that the axis of rotation passes strictly through your heart spiritual center.

Straighten your back and head, keep your body strictly vertical, spread your arms horizontally to the sides (this will help rotation) and begin to slowly rotate. The direction of rotation, in my opinion, does not play any role; rotate in the direction that is convenient for you. Dervishes always rotate counterclockwise, I personally always rotate clockwise, it’s more convenient for me from the point of view of maintaining the axis of rotation, although this is purely a matter of habit. Don't strive for a high rotation speed - it doesn't matter at all. And don’t try to spin for a long time right away - this will also not bring the desired results. This technique must be performed easily and naturally, and this can only be achieved through training. It is clear that people who have never engaged in such practice are unlikely to immediately feel their axis of rotation. This is also achieved through long practice and training. But over time you will definitely succeed. And with the right approach, after a year or two of practicing this technique, you can quite hope for some results to appear.

Types of dizziness

There is, perhaps, no person who would not experience dizziness. There are different types of dizziness, but it manifests itself in different people in different ways: some experience internal tremors or are thrown in one direction or another, others complain of an unsteady gait and the inability to maintain balance.

But most often, with dizziness, the illusion of violent rotation occurs: either the surrounding objects “rotate”, or the person seems to feel the rotation of his body. Sometimes, during dizziness, the vision becomes dark, nausea, vomiting, and palpitations appear, and the person stops orienting himself in space.

Dizziness can suddenly occur in completely healthy people on a swing, while climbing to a great height (while looking down), or while watching fast moving objects.

Some people complain that they feel dizzy in a car, plane, or on a boat.
This type of dizziness is called seasickness. It passes quickly as soon as a person enters a different environment and does not pose a health hazard. Those suffering from such dizziness can get rid of it with appropriate training. The state of higher nervous activity is of great importance in the occurrence of seasickness.

It is characteristic that in people who once traveled by sea and suffered from seasickness, signs of it appear already at the moment of entering the ship along the ladder or with one memory of the upcoming voyage. Their health may worsen due to nervous tension, the smell of lubricating oils, and gasoline vapors. It is also interesting to note that people who suffer from severe seasickness on a ship or on an airplane immediately recover when a danger signal is given.

To prevent seasickness people predisposed to it are recommended to train on swings and carousels. Useful systematic exercises included in the complex of morning exercises, and especially those in which you need to tilt your head forward, tilt it back, and turn it to the sides. As a result of such training, the symptoms of seasickness gradually disappear.

You should not travel by ship, plane or car on an empty stomach, but 1%-2 hours before the start of the trip you should eat a little and under no circumstances take alcohol into your mouth. Seats on an airplane and a car should be taken closer to the front, and on a ship - to the middle part. When traveling, it is not recommended to look out of windows for a long time; It's good to have something to distract yourself with. If possible, you need to lie down more. As for medications, it is recommended to take nautizan, or vazano, or aeron an hour before travel. For nausea, validol has a beneficial effect - 6-8 drops with water or sugar.

But there are people who experience persistent, often painful dizziness very often and for no apparent reason. It can be caused by diseases of the central nervous system, ears, anemia, poisoning, overwork, cardiovascular and endocrine diseases.

Why does the feeling of dizziness occur and how to eliminate it?

Most often, the appearance of dizziness is associated with congenital hypersensitivity (as is observed with seasickness) or with dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus. The vestibular apparatus gets its name from the Latin word “vestibulum” - vestibule. It is located in the inner ear, which is a complex labyrinth of numerous passages and canals. It is possible to distinguish semicircular canals located at an angle to each other in mutually perpendicular planes. These channels, together with the central part of the inner ear, are collectively called the “labyrinth”.

Inside the bone labyrinth there is a thin film. It seems to float in a liquid that fills the entire space of the inner ear cavity. Special nerve cells are located in the semicircular canals and the vestibule of the labyrinth. Each of them has a nerve fiber attached to it. When joined together, these fibers form vestibular nerve, connected to many areas of the brain. Therefore, impulses from painfully altered nerve cells of the labyrinth can not only disrupt balance, but also cause increased blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, palpitations.

The nerve cells of the vestibule and semicircular canals differ from each other in their structure. On the nerve cells of the vestibule there are otoliths - ear pebbles; in the semicircular canals there are none. At. movement of the head, the nerve cells of the vestibule are irritated by the action of moving otoliths, and the nerve cells of the semicircular canals are irritated by the movement of the fluid washing them. These irritations cause nerve impulses that are transmitted along the cranial nerve to the cerebral cortex, and from there to the muscles, internal organs and eyes.

Scientists have found that the nerve cells of the vestibule, which together with the ear pebbles are called the otolith apparatus, control body movements in straight lines: up, down, forward, backward, right, left, and the nerve cells of the semicircular canals become excited by circular movements of the body.

The bony and membranous labyrinth with all the formations included in it, the vestibular nerve and those areas of the brain in which it ends form the vestibular system.

Dizziness due to disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus differs from dizziness caused by other causes. With this type of vestibular vertigo, a person, as a rule, can characterize the condition he is experiencing. Some patients periodically experience the illusion of rotation of surrounding objects, in others the feeling of movement of their own body around a vertical axis predominates, in others the illusion of rotation of surrounding objects is combined with a sensation of rotation of their own body, with objects and the body rotating in opposite directions.

At rest, these sensations usually disappear or become less noticeable than when moving the body and especially the head. Therefore, such patients try to move as little as possible. In addition to complaints of dizziness, they often experience a feeling of a “push” in one direction or another.
In the clinic, the types of vestibular vertigo are divided into peripheral associated with diseases of the inner ear, and central, caused by disorders of the nervous system.
The first is usually caused by various painful changes in the labyrinth and is characterized by severe attacks, often accompanied by hearing impairment.
The causes of disturbances in the labyrinth and the appearance of peripheral dizziness can be inflammation of the inner ear, atherosclerosis, poisoning of the body with alcohol, nicotine, helminthic poisons, endocrine and other diseases.

But sometimes peripheral dizziness appears without any noticeable changes in the ear. This is, for example, illness Meniere, named after the French physician Prosper Meniere, who first described its symptoms in 1861. People suffering from this disease, before an attack of severe and painful dizziness, usually experience tinnitus, hearing gradually deteriorates, unsteadiness of gait appears, balance is disturbed when turning the head sharply or if they fix their eyes on some point. The time for the appearance of harbingers of an approaching attack varies: from several days to several months.

An onset of dizziness can last a few seconds, and sometimes many hours. In some cases, after an attack, patients feel healthy, in others they feel a loss of strength and weakness. The frequency of attacks varies from person to person. Once they occur, attacks sometimes do not recur for 10-15 years. The causes of this disease are not yet clear enough. Most scientists believe that dizziness may be a consequence of increased fluid pressure in the labyrinth. In people predisposed to this disease, another attack is possible after drinking alcohol, overeating, or overwork.

Meniere's disease is not life-threatening, but those suffering from it should be exempted from work at heights or requiring constant balance, or long-term fixation of the gaze (watchmaker, draftsman).

To combat this disease, therapeutic exercises and medications are used. Treatment in each specific case is prescribed strictly individually, so such patients must be under the supervision of a doctor. After long and persistent treatment, attacks become less frequent and gradually stop completely.

A few words about the so-called central vestibular vertigo. Patients complain of a feeling of rapid fall, rocking of the bed. These sensations can be so “real” that patients, frightened, grab the edge of the bed or the people around them.

The cause of central vestibular vertigo can be vascular brain diseases a, tumors, mental disorders, encephalitis.

The doctor prescribes a method for treating dizziness depending on the causes that caused it. With long-term, chronic inflammation of the middle ear, there is often a need for surgery. In patients with hypertension or atherosclerosis, dizziness may be an indicator of deterioration of the condition: these patients require long-term and persistent treatment of the underlying disease. In cases where dizziness is associated with diseases of the central nervous system, appropriate neurological or neurosurgical treatment is recommended.

Dizziness is a serious sign that should be addressed immediately. Timely and persistent treatment in most cases relieves a person of this disease.

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This simple exercise, which can be performed at any age and with any body type, will develop your energy in the shortest possible time, strengthen the functioning of all body systems and launch the internal process of self-healing. Requires only 5 minutes. But it has a colossal impact. Doing it just 3 times a day will replace full-fledged physical training. In this case, the exercise does not lead to fatigue, but only increases the supply of energy.

Doing it consistently over several weeks will lead to progressive changes in your sense of self. The levels of perception and control over internal energy that Indian yoga masters wrote about in legends will become accessible.

The exercise is actually not new. We are not reinventing the wheel. It is part of the ancient Tibetan system of self-improvement of the body. Its main secret is that it can be performed completely in isolation and combined with any type of physical activity or even with its complete absence. It has no contraindications and does not require knowledge of yoga volumes. Everything you need to know will be outlined below.
You can engage in fitness or bodybuilding, and adding it to your schedule, raise the level of your physical strength, revealing the subtlest levels of energy. Or be a busy office worker or housewife, completely unable to take care of yourself - and use it throughout the day to restore your strength and renew yourself internally. There are no restrictions.

You will only need a few square meters and preferably a ventilated room.

Clothes should not be restrictive. Ideally, there will be a minimum of it.
No one should be watching you. Concentration and inner peace are required.

Before performing it, it’s good to warm up slightly for a minute or two. Run in place, stretch your joints.

Stand up straight, make sure that there are no places nearby that you could accidentally bump into.

Spread your arms out to your sides, palms down. Start rotating clockwise around your axis. (If the imaginary dial under your feet is looking at you). Perform 10-12 rotations at medium speed. And then 3-5 turns counterclockwise.

Stop. Place your palms together in front of your chest (as in prayer), and fixing your gaze on some point exactly in front of your eyes, inhale and press your palms firmly against each other as you exhale. Inhale deeply and press again as you exhale. And so on several times. This will stop dizziness and stabilize the unwinding of energy spheres. This is the stage of stabilizing the speed of energy rotation. Next, lower your arms and just stand relaxed and straight for one or two minutes, looking with defocused eyes in front of you.

Such rotation around itself spins the invisible energy spheres of our body (located at the level of the spine and at the joints), and causes them to intensively absorb energy from the surrounding space. The fact is that they constantly rotate and our health and the actual amount of our internal energy depend on how correctly they do this. Rotation can get confused and slow down as a result of experienced mental stress of various natures, deposited in the subconscious. And this can progressively affect well-being and health in a negative way.

Performing this exercise daily restarts and stabilizes the rotation of energy spheres, gradually bringing all systems back to normal. You need to do the exercise consistently and daily. It’s very good if you can devote time to it 3 times a day: morning, lunch and evening. Daily practice for several weeks will undoubtedly bring results. You will see it for yourself, feel the inner energy, and notice that you are no longer tired. In the future, you can reduce the number of approaches to two per day: morning and evening. And then, when you feel that your condition has returned to normal (“you are constantly at the peak of your form”) - up to once a day. But don't stop doing it completely. Do this exercise preventively at least once a day, maintaining the stable functioning of your energy spheres.

The indicated number of revolutions (10-12 + 3-5) is the minimum level to start practice. Next, the number of revolutions needs to be increased, and you can also increase the speed of rotation around its axis. The measure of quantity is normal well-being: during and after the rotation, nausea and dizziness are unacceptable. If, even after the rotation stabilization procedure, you feel nauseous, you need to reduce the number of revolutions and rotation speed! There is no need to drive the horses. A week or two and gradually your results will invariably creep up. Gradually increase the number of revolutions to 30 (+ 7-8 in the opposite direction). Again, avoiding unpleasant sensations, stopping dizziness in time.

Gradually, the chakras will unwind, grow, come into a harmonious state, and with them your condition will progressively improve. Just clearly remember the following: when rotating clockwise, the spheres open up to the collection, and when rotating counterclockwise, they close and encapsulate what has been accumulated. If you mix up where to turn, you may even lose consciousness. Be careful! First, you open up to gain energy and fill the energy system with particles of energy from the surrounding space; then you close the system and distribute what has accumulated, directing it inwards into yourself - rotating counterclockwise and then stopping.

This is the whole principle. You need to understand it and competently build your studies on it. Only you can find out how many revolutions you need and how much is enough for you. At an advanced level, after a month or a little more, you will be able to spin freely 30 or more times without any dizziness or nausea and will completely forget about them. Over time, you can even increase the number of revolutions to 100 or even more, but the trick is that this is not particularly necessary. Less effort is enough, the main thing is constant.

The highest level of this exercise that can be achieved is performing it for a long time with a consistent change in the direction of rotation. For example: 30 clockwise - 10 counterclockwise, then without stopping, clockwise again, then counterclockwise again. And so several times, back and forth. The chakras are trained in a very tough mode at the same time. If you do this at high speed, having previously done breathing exercises, you can literally feel how the energy is sucked inside and begins to vibrate in the body! This is a very high level. And the best part is that you can achieve it yourself! Without a guru and reading volumes of specialized literature. With this single 5 minute exercise.

The only nuance that will be useful for you to know: later, having accumulated energy, your body will begin to give you signs that you will need to distribute it to some lagging, blocked areas of the body. You'll want to do some stretching, crunching, joint massage, or just exercise your muscles with regular exercise. You will want to give excess energy an outlet, perhaps through sports, running, or dancing. Don't resist it. Follow your inner guidance and sensations, and your body will guide you to optimal well-being.

3 comments on “ An ancient Tibetan exercise for instantly restoring vital energy«

  1. Olga
    2:35 pm on May 15th, 2015

Hello! I did this exercise before and still do it with morning warm-up, but only in one direction - 21 times. I'll try your recommendation. Question: can you practice with varicose veins of the legs, is it harmful?

Thank you for the effective practice.
I started doing it. It doesn’t work out slowly, it carries right away!

I tried it! It really works! Don't cheat! I was spinning my chakras myself! The most interesting thing is that the brain begins to work differently! To create! And the worldview changes towards the positive! Believe me!

Rotation around its axis dizziness

It happens that a person only notices his instability and the instability (staggering, trembling) of the space around him, a feeling of throwing back his head, moving his legs and torso in one direction (usually upwards), and his head in the other (usually downwards when lying on his back), a feeling falling into the abyss. Dizziness occurs when there is inconsistency in the functioning of the organs of vision and the central nervous system, which is responsible for the sense of the body’s position in space (kinesthetic) and the sense of balance (vestibular).

Symptoms and course:

There are many causes of dizziness. It can also occur in absolutely healthy people, for example, when looking down from a great height or when looking at clouds, if you stand near a high-rise building - then there is a feeling that it is not the clouds that are moving, but the building is tilting. Dizziness occurs if you spin around your axis for a long time and then stop.

Dizziness as a manifestation of the disease can be caused by a disease of the inner ear, when the vestibular (equilibrium) apparatus is affected by an inflammatory or tumor process. Such patients usually suffer from inflammation of the inner ear (otitis) for a long time; first, their hearing decreases, and then dizziness appears. With tumor damage, attacks occur against the background of hearing loss, ringing in the ear, and attacks of dizziness gradually become more frequent and intensify.

Dizziness is very common when you sharply turn your head to the side, when getting out of bed in the morning, throwing your head back (while wallpapering, hanging laundry, removing a book from the top shelf), when tilting your head to the side or forward for a long time (weeding, car repairs, long sleeping on a train or bus), sometimes “throws to the side” when walking. Such dizziness is caused by spasm or compression of the vertebral artery, which supplies blood to the parts of the brain responsible for balance.

Dizziness can occur with high or low blood pressure; poisoning, loss of fluid (vomiting, diarrhea) or blood loss (bleeding). Accompanied by dizziness and anemia (lack of red blood cells in the blood) and high temperature.

It is not difficult, based on the patient’s complaints, characteristic symptoms (drunk gait, the patient’s attempts to grab surrounding objects, inability to stand or sit, frequent rhythmic twitching of the eyes (when looking to the side or up).

Treatment and first aid:

If dizziness occurs, place the patient on his back so that his head, neck and shoulders lie on a pillow, because in this position, kinking of the vertebral arteries is eliminated. You should avoid turning your head to the side, you need to open the windows, ventilate the room, put a cold bandage on your forehead, you can slightly moisten it with vinegar. Having measured the pressure and temperature, take measures to normalize them; if the heart rate is more than 100 beats per minute or an irregular heartbeat appears, and if dizziness is accompanied by nausea and repeated (more than 3 times) vomiting, you must call an ambulance.

The choice of treatment tactics for dizziness is based on the cause of the disease and the mechanisms of its development. In any case, therapy should be aimed at relieving the patient of discomfort and associated neurological disorders. Therapy for cerebrovascular disorders involves monitoring blood pressure, prescribing antiplatelet agents, nootropics, venotonics, vasodilators and, if necessary, antiepileptic drugs. Treatment of Meniere's disease involves prescribing diuretics, limiting the intake of table salt, and in the absence of the desired effect and ongoing attacks of dizziness, deciding on surgical intervention. Treatment of vestibular neuronitis may require the use of antiviral drugs. Since in case of BPPV the use of drugs that inhibit the activity of the vestibular analyzer is considered inappropriate, the main method of treating benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is the Epley technique.

Vestibulolytics (betagistine 48 mg/day) are used as a symptomatic treatment for dizziness. The effectiveness of antihistamines (promethazine, meclozine) in the case of primary damage to the vestibular analyzer has been proven. Non-drug therapy is of great importance in the treatment of non-systemic dizziness. With its help, it is possible to restore coordination of movements and improve gait. It is advisable to carry out therapy for psychogenic dizziness together with a psychotherapist (psychiatrist), since in some cases it may be necessary to prescribe anxiolytics, antidepressants and anticonvulsants.

The prognosis depends on the nature of the dizziness.

The information provided in this section is intended for medical and pharmaceutical professionals and should not be used for self-medication. The information is provided for informational purposes only and cannot be considered official.

Is it possible to get rid of dizziness?

Why is my head spinning?

Scientists who studied this phenomenon found that the vestibular apparatus is responsible for spatial perception. When turning, turning over and other movements of the body in space, it sends signals to the brain. Such measures are necessary to maintain our balance.

The vestibular apparatus is a complex organ located in the inner ear and is a collection of neurons. Due to its intricate shape, it was called a “labyrinth”. In a certain part of the “labyrinth” there is a gel-like liquid with microparticles “floating” in it (otoliths). When we move, microparticles also move, catching sensitive hairs. The latter instantly send signals to the brain, and we feel any tilts, turns, accelerations, and the like.

When rotating, the otoliths move quickly, and when the movement of the body suddenly stops, they inertially continue their “dance.” The brain compares visual and vestibular signals, and a contradiction in incoming data is diagnosed: the eyes say that you are standing still, and the inner ear says that you are moving! This creates the feeling that the ground is disappearing from under your feet.

Is it possible to get rid of dizziness?

Some people manage to overcome “seasickness” with multi-day training. But not everyone is destined to become a sailor or astronaut. The tendency to dizziness and nausea sometimes turns out to be stronger than persistence, and the body takes its toll.

From early childhood, parents can physically develop the child for preventive purposes. The vestibular apparatus is activated if you visit:

  • ice rink,
  • swimming pool,
  • dance clubs,
  • various children's entertainment and sports complexes (swings, carousels, slides, horizontal bars, trampolines and more).

Also, regular rotations around its axis and walking “back to front” help to reduce dizziness after rotation. In general, everything that makes you fight to maintain balance.

How to make progress in shoulder training. The deltoids are a difficult muscle group to gain mass and increase strength. In this article, we will list all the most effective shoulder exercises and give guidelines on how to perform them correctly in order to build huge, round shoulders.

What are shoulders in terms of anatomy?

By shoulder we mean the deltoid muscle (deltoid – deltoideus), consisting of three bundles (or heads): anterior, middle and posterior. The shoulder is a unique muscle unlike most others; it is involved in both pulling and pressing movements. Important: the shoulder joint has a rather fragile structure, so pay special attention to warming it up before performing heavy exercises.

Shoulder functions

Anterior deltoid: Raises the arm forward. Brings the hand from a position to the side to the center, turns the hand around its axis inward; Middle deltoid: Moves the arm to the side; Rear deltoid: Abducts the shoulder, extends the shoulder backward, and externally rotates the shoulder.

What is the effect of developed, pumped up shoulders?

Why pump your shoulders? The answer is obvious - pumped up deltoids visually make the upper body wider, creating that very inverted triangle shape that all athletes strive for. But this is not all the advantages of pumped up shoulders - by increasing their volume, you visually separate them from the arm muscles - biceps and triceps, which makes the latter look more impressive.

Specifics in shoulder training

We obviously perform most of the exercises with our hands, and our arms are attached to us with the help of our shoulders. These obvious facts allow us to conclude that in many exercises for other muscle groups our deltoids are trained. Many horizontal deltoids on the back involve the posterior deltoids.

Basic shoulder exercises



  • Front dumbbell raise (front deltoid)
  • Lateral dumbbell raises (medium delta)
  • Bent-over dumbbell abductions with head support (rear delta)
  • Back raises in the simulator (rear delta)
  • Alternate abductions of arms in a crossover Raises of arms through the sides in the simulator

Assistive shoulder exercises

As already mentioned, the shoulders are quite difficult muscles to pump, and to create enough stress for their growth, it is often not enough to perform one set of exercises with a linear progression. Use unusual methods of intensification. Use trisets with dropsets. Use unusual equipment - expanders, combinations of free weights with block exercise machines. Use unusual exercises, come up with them yourself - the main criterion is that you must

If your shoulders don't grow

The shoulders are quite a difficult muscle to train. Many beginners and even experienced athletes complain about the lack of significant progress in pumping the deltas. You need to find your personal way to which the shoulders will “respond” as well as possible. It is necessary to vary the intensity, volume, order of basic and isolation exercises and find out which option works most effectively on your shoulders. Use periodization of loads. Choose the most effective shoulder exercises!

An interesting shoulder workout from Stas Lindover.

"Rotation around its own axis"

Despite the fact that this exercise is familiar to everyone since childhood, it is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Surely each of you, as a child, loved to spin in place, arms outstretched to the sides. I don’t know about you, but when I did this, adults scolded me all the time and said that I would feel dizzy. But adults did not understand one thing: it is precisely for the sake of this feeling of dizziness that children love to spin around their own axis! When I stopped after spinning, the world around me seemed different, as if I was in another dimension. Of course, I didn’t know then that spinning around myself was a quick way to enter a state of self-hypnotic trance. And in this state you can perform self-tuning for any action.

I want to warn you right away: this exercise is allowed to be performed only by those who have a well-developed vestibular apparatus. If you ride a bicycle well, you don’t get motion sickness on ships and carousels - you can safely rotate around your own axis.

Important: This exercise must be done on an empty stomach. Under no circumstances should you perform it while intoxicated, even the slightest! Execution technique Stand in the middle of the room. Raise your arms above your head and stretch upward, as if you are tied by your hands with a rope. Stay in this position for 20 seconds. During this time, you can say to yourself a short self-hypnotic setting for what you want to do that day. For example, you need to get ready for a serious conversation. You tell yourself, “I am focused and persuasive. My words have an effect.” The installation should not be long; one or two short phrases are enough. Then lower your arms to shoulder level, spread them to the sides and throw your head up. Choose a certain point on the ceiling and look only at this point the entire time you are spinning. Start spinning very slowly. Men should rotate to the right, women - to the left. During the rotation process, you can speed up a little, but the speed should not be high. For the first session, 10–15 rotations will be enough, in the future their number can be increased to 50. The stop must be performed by gradually reducing the rotation speed. Slow down for the last 2-3 laps. When you stop completely, stretch your arms up again and repeat the self-hypnotic setting. After this, you can sit on the floor for a while in the “lotus” position. If your head feels very dizzy, stand leaning against the wall for a few minutes.

In its structure and functional characteristics, the shoulder joint is significantly different from other joints of the human body. Increased loads on it can provoke the development of an inflammatory process, which is characterized by joint effusion, local swelling, and in some cases, rupture of the tendons that surround the joint.

Mechanism of occurrence and types of pain

According to the mechanism of painful sensations, pain in the shoulder joint is divided into several types, each of which is caused by certain reasons. If the pain affects the upper part of the shoulder (sometimes coming from the neck), then in most cases an X-ray examination will show herniated discs in the thoracic or cervical region. The pain spreads from the top of the shoulder to the entire arm, and may get worse with neck movements. Sometimes the arm and shoulder go numb. In this case, the shoulder hurts due to pinching of the nerve roots by damaged spinal discs, the distance between which decreases due to loss of elasticity. Painful sensations intensify due to swelling that occurs at the pinched site.

Capsulitis, which is characterized by stiffness in the movements of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, does not allow the patient to freely place his arm behind his back, fully raise it, or move it to the side. This condition is rare. Its main danger is that development can occur gradually, while the patient does not notice the changes. In severe cases, the patient cannot even bring a spoon to his mouth due to pain in the shoulder joint.

Shoulder pain may be due to damage to the rotator cuff muscles

After performing uncharacteristic loads with the arm raised high, the rotator cuff of the shoulder can be damaged. As a rule, immediately after exercise a person does not feel pain, only the next day sharp pain appears when raising his arm. However, there are no changes on the x-ray. The main task in diagnosis is to determine whether a person can move the damaged joint, and also to determine the degree of tension in the shoulder muscles.

Reactive inflammation of the shoulder joint bursae, which is caused by calcification of the tendons of the shoulder girdle muscles (tenobursitis), is accompanied by sharp pain in the shoulder, stiffness of movement, and pain spreading to the arm, shoulder girdle, and neck.

Main causes of pain

Pain in the shoulder joint can be caused by various reasons. The most common of them are:

  1. Injuries and damage to joints and muscles. If a person falls, the humerus seems to fly out of the joint, and various injuries can lead to rupture of the tendons responsible for rotating the arm. If such injuries occur, they require immediate treatment, otherwise permanent dysfunction of the joint may occur.
  2. Collision syndrome. Calcium deposits may occur in the tendons that run under the shoulder blade and collarbone. Most often people aged 30-50 suffer from this. Severe pain occurs suddenly and accompanies every attempt by the patient to move his arm 30 degrees or more to the side.
  3. Tendenitis. Due to the friction of the tendons on the bone, which occurs with excessive loads, inflammation occurs in the tendons surrounding the shoulder joint.
  4. Bursitis. This disease often accompanies tendinitis. An additional symptom is swelling in the area of ​​the joint capsule.
  5. Biceps tendinitis. When the tendons of the muscle running from the elbow to the shoulder become inflamed, the pain is chronic and intensifies with palpation and movement. When a tendon ruptures completely, a lump may appear at the site of the rupture.
  6. Recurrent shoulder dislocation. Such damage occurs periodically even under minor loads. This causes the bone to fall out of the joint. Osteoporosis or tissue wear can lead to this pathology.
  7. Tumors. Not the most common reason, but quite likely.
  8. Intense loads during bodybuilding. Due to shoulder sprains that occur as a result of regular exercise program, joint instability develops.
  9. Diseases of internal organs. With a heart attack, liver disease, angina pectoris, tumors of the chest organs, aching pain can radiate to the shoulder.
  10. . Pain in the shoulder joint appears gradually. Determining the clear factor that causes it is difficult. It gradually progresses, making it difficult for the patient to perform normal activities. Any direction of movement causes pain. The pain spreads to the back and shoulders, hand and forearm. The nature of the pain can be aching, sharp, burning, tingling.

Humeroscapular periarthritis

The main cause of severe and persistent shoulder pain is glenohumeral periarthritis. The disease is characterized by inflammation of the shoulder joint capsule and shoulder tendon. The disease does not damage the deep structures of the cartilage and joint in the shoulder and shoulder blade.

Approximately a quarter of the world's population suffers from glenohumeral periarthritis

It begins to develop after injury or increased stress. However, symptoms may appear several days after overload or damage.

Other causes of glenohumeral periarthritis:

  • previous myocardial infarction;
  • undergone surgery to remove the mammary gland;
  • lesions of the cervical spine.

In addition to pain, the disease causes other symptoms in the shoulder joints, which depend on the form of the disease and the stage of development of the disease. A mild form of the disease - simple humeroscapular periarthritis - is characterized by the occurrence of mild pain during movement or exercise. You can’t put your arm completely behind your back or raise it high up - your shoulder crunches and hurts. Trying to rotate the arm around its axis in any direction can be painful.

If left untreated, in 60% of cases the mild form develops into acute glenohumeral periarthritis. Most often, the transition of the disease to the next stage is triggered by injury or excessive stress on the shoulder joint, which is already damaged.

Sometimes acute glenohumeral periarthritis occurs immediately, bypassing the mild form. This may be caused by complex trauma. The body's response to this is severe, increasing pain in the shoulder, which hurts more at night. The arm can be moved forward almost painlessly; any other movements only increase the pain in the shoulder and arm.

The patient tries to maintain a characteristic position: the arm is pressed to the chest and bent at the elbow. A swelling forms on the front of the shoulder, and body temperature may rise slightly - up to 37.2-37.5 degrees. Over several weeks, the intensity of the pain decreases. In the absence of adequate treatment, the disease becomes chronic.

The chronic form of glenohumeral periarthritis is characterized by moderate pain, which most patients simply endure and do not seek medical help. My shoulder hurts the worst in the morning. This may cause sleep disturbances.

There are known cases of self-healing of glenohumeral periarthritis

However, in every third patient the disease progresses to ankylosing periarthritis, which is characterized by irreversible processes. The disease is also called “frozen shoulder”. The joint becomes immobile and the shoulder even looks frozen. The joint is dense and hard to the touch, since the bones that form it grow together.

Treatment of shoulder pain

The effectiveness of treatment is directly related to its timely start, so it is very important to consult a doctor at the first manifestations of pathology. The doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis, determine the causes of the ailment and relieve pain.

The main method of treating the shoulder joint is manual therapy. If the cause of pain is a circulatory disorder caused by surgery or myocardial infarction, the doctor prescribes angioprotectors. If the disease is infectious, appropriate medications are prescribed to stop the infectious process. Sometimes it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs that will relieve swelling and eliminate the inflammatory process. To increase the effectiveness of drug treatment, it is often necessary to follow a special diet.

At the initial stages of development of the inflammatory process, it is sufficient to use non-steroidal drugs. Depending on the characteristics of each case, laser therapy and compresses with medicine may also be prescribed.

The use of hirudotherapy helps to quickly eliminate swelling and relieve inflammation, but it is prescribed only if there is no allergy to leeches

In case of severe pain, if the patient cannot lift his arm up at all, the doctor prescribes injections of hormonal drugs. Injections are given directly into the periarticular bursa or into the area of ​​the damaged tendon. In advanced cases, when the patient’s pain does not stop, post-isometric relaxation can help.

Regular exercise therapy will help reduce shoulder pain. You can perform the following effective exercises:

  1. While sitting on a chair, place your hands on your waist and begin to slowly rotate your shoulders. First I work my hands alternately, then together. Next, the shoulders are brought forward and the position is fixed for 2 seconds, and the same is done backwards. Each action must be repeated 5 times.
  2. Sitting on a chair, put your hands behind your back. The healthy hand clasps the wrist of the injured hand. The affected arm is gently pulled to the side as far as possible. The position is fixed for 10-15 seconds. Muscle relaxation should be felt. If painful sensations appear in the shoulder and forearm, the hand is slowly returned to its original position.
  3. The palm of the affected hand is placed on the healthy shoulder, pressing the elbow to the chest. With your healthy hand you need to take your elbow and lift it, straightening your sore arm. In this case, the elbow does not come off the chest. With your arm completely straight, you need to sit for 20 seconds, then tense it for 5 seconds and slowly return to the starting position.

Therapeutic exercises are an important element in getting rid of shoulder pain

Folk remedies for pain

To reduce pain, you can prepare an ointment from pork fat (200 g) and marsh cinquefoil (6 tsp). The grass needs to be chopped and poured into the melted fat. Additional components can be chili pepper (2 tsp) and dry St. John's wort (6 tsp). the ointment should be applied at night.

You will need to heat honey (2 tbsp) mixed with mustard powder (2 tsp) and olive oil (2 tbsp) in a water bath. Keep the compress for 25-40 minutes.

Baths with the addition of pine decoction help well. To prepare the decoction, take several cones, 100 g of needles of any coniferous plant and 400 ml of water. The mixture is boiled for 30 minutes and left for 2 days. A bath requires 100 ml of product.

You should not delay seeing a doctor or self-medicate if you experience pain and crunching in the shoulder joint. Timely treatment will allow you to accurately determine the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon and get rid of it in a short time.

Humeral periarthritis is inflammation of the tendons of the shoulder. Other names for this disease are capsulitis, frozen shoulder.
One of the treatment methods is special therapeutic exercises.
This video presents a set of exercises to treat shoulder pain.

The exercises in this video are useful:

  • for the treatment of glenohumeral periarthritis and capsulitis;
  • for the treatment of arthrosis of the shoulder joint;
  • to improve shoulder mobility after chronic arm injuries;
  • with limited mobility in the hand after breast surgery;
  • for shoulder pain caused by poor circulation in the shoulder joint.

Often, when a patient complains of pain in the shoulders, doctors immediately diagnose “arthrosis of the shoulder joints.”

But in fact, arthrosis of the shoulder joints is quite rare. If we were to make a ranking based on the causes of pain in the shoulder joints, then arthrosis would only take 3rd or even 4th place in this ranking - arthrosis accounts for only 5-7% of the total number of all cases of pain in the shoulder joints.

The first two places in this ranking would be firmly occupied by glenohumeral periarthritis and injuries of the cervicothoracic spine with radicular symptoms.
These two diseases account for up to 80% of all cases of shoulder pain.

Another approximately 5-7% is due to arthritis. And a few more percent of people suffer from shoulder pain for other reasons: due to vascular disorders, stiff neck muscles, liver disease, heart disease, etc.

Humeral periarthritis is an inflammation of the tendons of the shoulder and the capsule of the shoulder joint.. But the deep internal structures of the joint, the joint itself and the cartilage of the joint are not damaged. This is the difference between glenohumeral periarthritis and arthrosis of the shoulder joint or arthritis.

Causes of glenohumeral periarthritis

Humeral periarthritis is very common. Sooner or later, up to a quarter of the entire world's population faces this disease. Moreover, everyone gets sick - both women and men.

The disease usually develops after some injury, blow to the shoulder, fall on the shoulder or outstretched arm. Or starts after excessive physical activity.

For example, one patient fell ill after walking her dog - for two hours she threw a stick, which the dog gladly brought back. The second one got inflammation of her shoulder tendons after ten hours of continuous and unusual painting work.
And the home-grown “athlete”’s shoulder became inflamed after an impromptu arm-wrestling session - he was testing his strength with his friends while drinking vodka.

That is, in all these cases, the cause of glenohumeral periarthritis was unusual activity And overload shoulder joints that have not been trained for a long time. This is a typical scenario for the development of the disease, although many patients find it difficult to remember their “exercises” that led to illness - after all, with periarthritis there is always some delay. For example, overuse or injury occurs today - inflammation and pain occur 3-7 days later.

Surprisingly, Some diseases of internal organs can also contribute to the development of periarthritis. For example, left-sided glenohumeral periarthritis sometimes occurs as consequence of myocardial infarction. During a heart attack, a spasm or death of a group of blood vessels occurs, which often leads to deterioration of blood circulation in the left shoulder area. Without proper blood supply, tendon fibers become brittle, spasm, tear, swell and become inflamed.

Liver diseases, in turn, can provoke the development of periarthritis in the right shoulder.

Periarthritis also often occurs in women who have had surgery to remove the mammary gland. Sometimes this is due to the fact that such an operation changes the blood flow in areas adjacent to the breast, and sometimes because important nerves or vessels are affected during the operation.

And, of course, the development of glenohumeral periarthritis is facilitated by diseases of the cervical spine. Displacement of the intervertebral joints in the neck or chronic spasm of the neck muscles leads to the pinching of the nerves of the cervicobrachial nerve plexus. Pinched nerves cause a response reflex spasm of the vessels going into the arm.

As a result, blood circulation in the arm (and shoulder) is impaired, shoulder tendons become swollen and inflamed. Due to the fact that the shoulder joint is very complex, inflammation of the tendons around it is sometimes extremely difficult - after all, a large number of tendons, ligaments, small muscles, blood vessels and nerve trunks are intertwined in the shoulder area. And this entire complex structure very quickly “responds” with inflammation to any damaging effect, be it overload, tear or inflammation of individual ligaments and tendons.

Symptoms of glenohumeral periarthritis

The disease can occur in several ways and take different forms.

For example, there is a mild form of this disease - simple glenohumeral periarthritis. With simple humeroscapular periarthritis, pain in the shoulder is very weak and occurs only with certain movements of the arm.

The mobility of the arm is not much, but it decreases: there is a restriction of movement in the shoulder - it is impossible to stretch the arm up or move it far behind the back, or touch the spine with the knuckles.

Pain also occurs when the patient tries to move his arm while the doctor is fixing it. After all, at this moment the affected tendon becomes tense. Particularly painful in such a situation are the patient’s attempts to raise his arm up, overcoming resistance doctor. Or attempts, overcoming resistance, to rotate the arm straightened at the elbow around its axis - clockwise or counterclockwise.

Surprisingly, the same movements, performed without resistance, bring absolutely no discomfort.

This form of the disease is easily treatable, and sometimes the discomfort disappears on its own within 3-4 weeks. However, without treatment, simple glenohumeral periarthritis can easily transform into spicy glenohumeral periarthritis. This transformation occurs in approximately 60% of cases, and is usually preceded by additional trauma or overuse of the affected shoulder.

Although sometimes acute glenohumeral periarthritis occurs on its own, as an independent primary disease - against the background of severe damage to the arm and a sharp response of the body to this damage. The consequence of this response of the body is sudden, increasing pain in the shoulder that radiates to the neck and arm.
At night the pain intensifies. Movements of the arm through the side upward, as well as rotation of the arm around its axis, are difficult and cause sharp pain, while moving the arm forward is more free and almost painless.

The patient's appearance is characteristic - he tries to keep his arm bent at the elbow and pressed to his chest. When examining the patient, a slight swelling may be noted on the anterior surface of the shoulder.
The general condition of patients often worsens due to severe pain and insomnia caused by it. There may even be a slight temperature (within 37.2-37.5ºСº).

An acute attack lasts several weeks, then the intensity of pain decreases slightly, and movement in the shoulder is partially restored.

Alas, in about half of the cases the disease progresses to the next stage - chronic glenohumeral periarthritis. Chronic glenohumeral periarthritis manifests itself as moderate pain in the shoulder, which many patients could easily come to terms with. But periodically, with unsuccessful movements or rotation of the arm, the sore shoulder shoots with acute pain. In addition, some patients have disturbed sleep due to a feeling of aching in the shoulder, which most often manifests itself especially strongly in the second half of the night, in the morning.

In this form, chronic glenohumeral periarthritis can exist for quite a long time, from several months to several years, after which the disease in some cases “resolves by itself” - sometimes even without any medical intervention.

However, in a third of patients, chronic glenohumeral periarthritis transforms into ankylosing periarthritis (capsulitis, frozen shoulder). This form of the disease is the most unfavorable, and it can develop not only as a continuation of other forms of glenohumeral periarthritis, but also independently.
With this form of periarthritis, pain in the affected shoulder is initially dull, but it is accompanied by a severe deterioration in shoulder mobility. The shoulder becomes very tight to the touch and indeed looks frozen.

Most arm movements that involve the shoulder result in severe pain. Some patients say that compared to the pain of frozen shoulder, toothache is like nothing. Although there are also forms of “frozen shoulder”, in which there is practically no pain, but the shoulder is blocked and immobilized.

In any case, whether there is pain or not, with a frozen shoulder, the sick person is always deprived of the ability to normally raise his arm up - forward, the straightened arm does not rise above shoulder level; and from the side it rises even worse - it happens that it is impossible to raise the arm from the hip to the side by more than 40-50 centimeters. In addition, the arm practically stops rotating around its axis, and it is impossible to move it behind the back.

Another form of glenohumeral periarthritis, inflammation of the long head of the biceps, occurs mainly in men due to microtrauma that occurs after a sudden movement of the hand, or after a blow to the front surface of the shoulder. Pain from inflammation of the long head of the biceps shoots into the front surface of the shoulder. It is rarely permanent; Most often, pain occurs unexpectedly, with some movements.
Lifting weights from the floor, as well as bending and straightening an arm bent at the elbow, are usually painful, especially when carried out with resistance - that is, when someone interferes with these movements.


Normally, you should be able to move your shoulder in all directions without pain or strain. To test your shoulder mobility, do the following exercises:

  • Raise both straight arms up;
  • Raise your arms straight out in front of you;
  • Spread your arms on both sides of your body;
  • Reach your hand behind your back (imagine trying to adjust the back of your dress or take your wallet out of your back pants pocket).

It is advisable to begin treatment of glenohumeral periarthritis as early as possible, before the disease is advanced. Humeral periarthritis is treated with painkillers from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs diclofenac, piroxicam, ketoprofen, indomethacin, butadione, meloxicam, Celebrex, nimulid and their derivatives), physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture.
Along with the therapeutic methods prescribed by the doctor, therapeutic exercises with special exercises aimed at improving the mobility of the joint capsule are necessary.

Contraindications to therapeutic exercises

Despite their usefulness, these exercises cannot be performed:

  • for fresh shoulder injuries, shoulder dislocations and shoulder sprains;
  • for chronic and habitual shoulder dislocations;
  • at elevated body temperature (above 37.5 ºС);
  • for influenza, ARVI and sore throat - you need to wait for recovery and wait another 3-4 days;
  • in the first 2-3 months after breast surgery;
  • at least 3 months after neck surgery;
  • at least 3 months after shoulder surgery; in the future - only in agreement with the operating surgeon.

Attention! If a particular exercise causes sharp pain, it means that it is contraindicated for you or you are doing it incorrectly. In this case, it is better not to do it, or at least postpone it until you consult with your doctor.

A set of exercises against shoulder pain

An expanded, slightly more extensive than in the video, set of exercises for the treatment of shoulder joints

❧ Control 1. slow and smooth Make circular movements with your shoulders: about one minute in a circle forward and then one minute in a circle back.

❧ Control 2. Sitting on a chair. Place your palms on your waist. Spread your elbows to the sides. Maintaining the original position, very slow and smooth move your shoulders as far forward as possible. Then - all the way back. Repeat moving your shoulders back and forth 5-6 times.

❧ Control 3. Performed while sitting. Place your affected arm behind your back as far as possible. Behind your back, grab the sore hand with your healthy hand by the wrist and pull the sore hand towards the opposite buttock as far as possible without pain - only until you feel muscle tension. In the extreme position, hold your hands for 7-10 seconds, then, while inhaling, strain your sore arm as much as possible and hold this tension for 10-12 seconds.

Then exhale, and as you exhale, relax your sore arm. While the sore arm is relaxed, soft pull it with your healthy hand a few centimeters further (towards the buttock on the healthy side) - again until you feel a slightly painful muscle tension. Re-fix the achieved position for 7-10 seconds. Then again perform the stage of tensing the sore arm and then relaxing it. In just one approach, 4-5 cycles of tension and relaxation of the sore arm are performed.

❧ Control 4. Performed while sitting. Place the hand of the affected arm on the opposite shoulder, pressing the elbow of the affected arm to the body. With your healthy hand, clasp the elbow of your affected arm. Now smooth and soft pull the elbow of your sore arm up. In this case, the elbow of the affected arm should not be torn away from the body; it seems to slide along the chest. And the palm of the sore hand slides over the healthy shoulder, as if going around it.

Having pulled the elbow of the sore arm as high as possible without pain, but until you feel muscle tension, hold the achieved position for 10-15 seconds. Then, while inhaling, strain your sore arm as much as possible, as if resisting movement with your sore arm. The tension lasts 7-10 seconds, after which the sore arm needs to be relaxed, and with the healthy hand you need to move the elbow of the sore arm up a little more, until you feel slight pain and muscle tension.

Fix the position again for 10-15 seconds, then repeat the stage of tensing the sore arm and then relaxing it. Each time, move the elbow of your affected arm at least 1-further up. Repeat the entire technique 5-6 times.

❧ Control 5. This exercise should be done by those patients who have severe limitation of the mobility of the shoulder joint and the arm is poorly abducted to the side. The exercise is performed in two versions: simplified and standard. For the first few days, you need to do a simplified version, and only then, if the simplified version is given to you without any problems, you need to move on to the standard exercise.

Simplified version performed on the floor, lying on your back. The affected arm is straightened at the elbow, moved to the side and lies on the floor, palm up. Without changing the general position of your arm, lift it above the floor by 2 degrees, and strongly strain your entire arm. Make sure that your arm remains straight at the elbow and your palm faces straight up. Hold the tension for 7-10 seconds, then lower your hand and completely relax it for 10-15 seconds.

Then inhale, while inhaling, again slightly raise your arm 2-3 cm from the floor, and tense it strongly. Hold the tension for 7-10 seconds. As you exhale, lower your arm again and completely relax it for 10-15 seconds. Perform 4-5 cycles of tension-relaxation on the sore arm. Alternating tension and relaxation will allow the tendons of the sore shoulder to gradually stretch.

It is performed in much the same way as the simplified one, but lying on the sofa (or bed). The shoulder of the affected arm should be located at the very edge of the sofa (or bed), the affected arm, straightened at the elbow, is pulled to the side and hangs slightly down. The palm still faces upward.

Without changing the position of your hand, tense your hand very tightly. Hold the tension in your hand for 7-10 seconds, then relax your hand and let it move freely, under the influence of gravity, until you feel tension (but not pain). Make sure that your arm remains straight at the elbow and your palm faces up. Let your relaxed arm hang freely for 10-15 seconds, then inhale, slightly raise your arm (2-3 cm from the previously achieved position) and tighten it again. Hold the tension for 7-10 seconds.

Then, as you exhale, relax your hand again and allow it to freely fall down under the influence of gravity another few centimeters down. Perform 4-5 such cycles of tension-relaxation of the sore arm.

❧ Control 6. This exercise should be done by those patients who have severe rotational limitation of the mobility of the shoulder joint, that is, the arm does not rotate well in the shoulder joint. Like the previous exercise, it is performed in two versions: simplified and standard. The first days you need to do a simplified version, and only then, if the simplified version is given to you without problems, you need to move on to the standard exercise.

Simplified version performed on the floor, lying on your back. The affected arm is bent at both the shoulder and elbow at approximately an angle of 90°, palm facing up. The part of the arm from the elbow to the palm is relaxed and, if possible, lies freely on the floor. Without changing the position of your hand, strongly strain your sore arm, lifting your palm 1-2 cm from the floor, and hold the tension for 10-15 seconds. After 10-15 seconds, completely relax your hand and let it rest freely back on the floor.

Relaxation continues for about 10 seconds, after which again tense your hand and hold the tension for 10-15 seconds, again raising your palm by 1-2 cm. Then repeat relaxing your hand again. Perform 4-5 cycles of tension-relaxation on the sore arm. Alternating tension and relaxation will allow the rotator cuff tendons of the sore shoulder to gradually stretch.

It is performed in much the same way as the simplified one, but lying on the sofa (or bed). The shoulder of the affected arm should be located closer to the edge of the sofa (or bed). The affected arm is bent at both the shoulder and elbow at approximately an angle of 90°, palm facing up. The part of the arm from the elbow to the palm is relaxed and hangs freely. Without changing the position of your hand, strongly strain your sore arm and hold the tension for 10-15 seconds. After 10-15 seconds, relax your hand and let your hand from the elbow to the palm fall freely under the influence of gravity.

Relaxation lasts for about 15 seconds, after which tense your hand again and hold the tension for 10-15 seconds. Then repeat relaxing your hand again (again for 10-15 seconds). Perform the technique 3-4 times, allowing your hand to fall lower each time, turning around its axis.

❧ Control 7. This exercise should also be done by those patients who have a strong rotational limitation of the mobility of the shoulder joint, that is, the arm does not rotate well in the shoulder joint. Like the two previous exercises, it is performed in simplified and standard versions. The first days you need to do a simplified version, and only then, if the simplified version is given to you without problems, you need to move on to the standard exercise.

Simplified version performed on the floor, lying on your back. The affected arm is bent at both the shoulder and elbow at an angle of approximately 90°, but is now turned palm down.

Without changing the position of your hand, strongly strain your hand, lifting your hand 1-2 cm from the floor, and hold the tension for 10-15 seconds. After 10-15 seconds, completely relax your hand. Relaxation continues for about 10 seconds, after which tense your hand again and hold the tension for 10-15 seconds, again lifting your hand by 1-2 cm. Then repeat relaxing your hand again.

Perform 4-5 cycles of tension-relaxation on the sore arm. Alternating tension and relaxation will allow the rotator cuff tendons of the sore shoulder to gradually stretch.

Standard version of the exercise: It is performed in much the same way as the simplified one, but lying on the sofa (or bed). As in exercise No. 6, the shoulder of the affected arm is located closer to the edge of the sofa; the affected arm is bent at both the shoulder and elbow at an angle of approximately 90°, but is now turned palm down. The part of the arm from the elbow to the palm is relaxed and hangs freely.

Without changing the position of your hand, tense your hand very tightly and hold the tension for 10-15 seconds. Then completely relax your arm, allowing your arm from elbow to palm to fall freely under the influence of gravity. Relaxation continues for about 10 seconds, after which you tighten your arm again for 10-15 seconds. Then repeat relaxing your hand again (10-15 seconds). Perform the technique 3-4 times, allowing your hand to fall lower each time, turning around its axis.

❧ Control 8. Standing near a chair, lean forward and rest your healthy arm on the chair. Lower your sore arm and let it hang freely for 10-20 seconds. Then begin light pendulum-like “swinging” movements with a relaxed sore hand in different directions: back and forth, then in a circle - clockwise and counterclockwise. Gradually increase the range of motion, but do this without causing any obvious pain. Perform these movements for 3-5 minutes.

❧ Control 9. Stand facing the wall. Raise your affected arm as far as you can without pain. Select a point at the top of the wall that is still difficult for you to reach with your sore hand - about 10 times higher than the place that you reach with your fingers now.

Now, moving your fingers along the wall, begin to slowly move towards the cherished point. Naturally, you need to stretch with your hand, and not by lifting on your toes. And, as always, the main rule is to avoid pain during the exercise. Stretch your hand up slowly, gradually. And follow the rule of alternating tension with relaxation: we actively stretch for about 20 seconds, then slightly relax our arm for 10 seconds (but without lowering it too much down). We stretch again, then slightly relax our hand again. And so on several times.

By performing the exercise daily, 2-3 minutes a day, you will gradually significantly expand the range of motion in your sore arm.

Rules for performing exercises

You need to do the exercises daily, 1-2 times a day, for at least 3-4 weeks.
When performing exercises, be careful and avoid sudden pain. Although moderate, tolerable pain caused by tendon stretching is almost inevitable when performing these exercises. The main thing here is not to “overdo it”.
You need to increase the load and increase the mobility of your hands gradually.

Attention! When performing the exercise, do not follow your hand with your gaze, throwing your head up too actively.
In people with an “unstable” cervical spine, throwing back the head can lead to dizziness and even loss of consciousness - due to impaired blood flow in the basilar artery!

And remember that even if you perform gymnastics correctly, improvement does not come immediately. In the first 2 weeks of training, joint pain may even intensify slightly, but after 3 - 4 weeks you will feel a clear improvement in your well-being.

I wish you the will and perseverance necessary to regain your former ease of movement!

Scoliosis is a curvature of the spinal column in relation to the vertical axis of the body, with one shoulder higher than the other. In most cases, the disease manifests itself in childhood. If the pathology progresses slowly, symptoms appear in adulthood (with increasing physical activity). To develop an optimal treatment regimen for scoliosis, it is necessary to take into account the provoking factors, the degree and rate of development of pathological changes in the structure of the spine.

Classification of scoliosis

This pathology manifests itself in various ways. Spinal deformity due to development:

  1. 1. Acquired - manifests itself at the age of 6-15 years during the period of intensive bone growth and skeletal formation. In girls, the disease is more common, but the reasons for its development have not been studied.
  2. 2. Congenital - develops when the fetus develops incorrectly in the womb. Scoliosis often occurs due to disturbances in the formation of the hips and spine, and fusion of the ribs. Sometimes, during intrauterine development, a child develops an extra vertebra.

Disturbances in the structure of the spine according to the type of curvature:

  • c-shaped scoliosis - the spine is curved to the left or right side in the shape of the letter c;
  • z-shaped curvature of the spine - curvature of one or 2 parts of the spinal column in opposite directions;
  • S-shaped deformity of the spinal column - curvature in 3 places, affecting the cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae.

Division of scoliosis according to the degree of development of the disease:

  1. 1. Scoliosis 1st degree - a barely noticeable curvature with a slight stoop, with the right shoulder slightly higher than the left or vice versa. This type of disease can be detected when examining the patient.
  2. 2. Scoliosis 2nd degree - characterized by back pain and asymmetrical shoulder blades. It is the most common form of pathology.
  3. 3. Scoliosis 3rd degree - unbearable back pain occurs. There may be a change in the shape of the body, manifested in the form of protrusion of the ribs.
  4. 4. Scoliosis 4th degree - a rib hump is formed against the background of severe deformation of the back. This form is characterized by retraction or protrusion of parts of the rib skeleton.

Other types of pathology

Types of diseases divided by age categories:

  • infantile vertebral deformity - manifests itself in children under 3 years of age;
  • juvenile vertebral deformity - diagnosed between the ages of 3 and 10 years;
  • juvenile deformity of the spinal column - found in adolescents under 15 years of age;
  • spinal deformity in adults - recorded in mature patients after the complete formation of the skeleton.

Having noticed a stooped position in a child, worried parents resort to self-medication. Scoliosis is a serious disease of the spine. Therefore, unskilled therapeutic intervention can lead to impaired musculoskeletal functions. Incorrect posture can be evidence of various pathologies of the spine. An accurate diagnosis can be made by performing an X-ray examination.

The causes of the disease are associated with abnormalities of the central nervous system and musculoskeletal system. Spinal deformity can be caused by:

  1. 1. Intervertebral hernias.
  2. 2. Osteochondrosis.
  3. 3. Rickets.
  4. 4. Violations of tone and muscle spasms in the back and neck.
  5. 5. Congenital curvature of the neck.

Symptoms of the disease

When examining a patient's back, one can see the curvature of the spinal column, while in a healthy person the spine forms a straight axis. The main symptom of the pathology is pain when walking or standing. The longer a person stands, the worse the pain becomes.

Signs of scoliosis appear when the child begins to walk. There is a stoop, with the left shoulder lower than the right. Signs of illness:

  1. 1. If you look at the child from the back, there is a deviation of the head to the left or right along the axis of the spinal column.
  2. 2. Asymmetry of the shoulders, with an unequal distance between the shoulder and ear (both right and left). Due to the uneven line of the shoulders, one arm appears longer.
  3. 3. The shoulder blades are at different levels, and one of them protrudes. With a slight tilt, they can stick out in different directions.
  4. 4. The spine is curved along a vertical line from the occipital to the sacral region. Using a thread and a weight, you can determine the curvature. It is necessary to attach the thread to the central point of the cavity (on the neck), releasing the weight. The thread should pass strictly through the center of the post.
  5. 5. In a straight stance, in a healthy child, the distance between the arm and the hip line is the same on both sides.
  6. 6. If the child has a curvature of the spine, the hip line is uneven horizontally, that is, one hip is higher than the other. Possible asymmetric displacement of the hip bone.

Once one or more signs are detected, you should seek professional medical help.

Diagnostics and therapy

To confirm or refute the diagnosis of scoliosis, an X-ray machine is used, which makes it possible to identify other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. When conducting diagnostics, it is important to determine the degree of curvature:

  1. 1. Initial form (1st degree) - up to 10º.
  2. 2. Medium form (2nd degree) - up to 25º.
  3. 3. Moderate form (3rd degree) - up to 50º.
  4. 4. Severe form (2nd degree) - up to 25º.

Treatment methods for spinal curvature include:

  • massage;
  • gymnastics;
  • physical therapy.

Surgical intervention is used in complicated cases of scoliosis. The disease puts pressure on internal organs, which leads to their deformation. To eliminate grade 1 curvature of the spine, it is necessary to pay attention to the development and strengthening of muscles. Exercise therapy, swimming and massage help normalize muscle tone.

Treatment of grade 2 scoliosis involves not only physical exercise, but also wearing a specialized corset. It is created in accordance with the individual parameters of the patient’s skeletal structure. The corset must be worn for several hours at first, and then throughout the day.

To cure stage 3 disease, long-term wearing of a corset is indicated. When the angle of curvature is more than 44º, surgical intervention is used. Specialists install a corrective system on the spinal column. It allows you to suspend and correct curvatures.

Prevention and treatment of the last degree of pathology

For grade 4 scoliosis, radical treatment methods are used, the main objectives of which are:

  • eliminating the causes of scoliosis;
  • maximum correction of spinal curvature;
  • suppression of pain in the back and limbs;
  • return of vertebral mobility.

Therapy is prescribed by a qualified specialist depending on the picture of the disease. In particularly severe cases (against the background of the rapid development of pathology), doctors resort to the use of a muscle corset and surgery. The likelihood of recovery increases if you provide psychological support to the child.

Mud and sun baths, hydromassage, and baths with sea salts have a positive effect. It is necessary to constantly monitor the child’s posture and remind him that correct posture will make him feel better. Additionally, exercises are performed to correct flat feet and harden. At the same time, walks in the fresh air and active recreation are recommended.

Congenital scoliosis cannot be prevented, but measures should be taken to prevent acquired scoliosis:

  1. 1. Active lifestyle.
  2. 2. Swimming.
  3. 3. Regular physical education.