How to do cat exercise correctly. Why do the exercise “Cat”

  • 08.05.2024

Unfortunately, every year there are more and more people who experience pain in the back in one way or another. The main reason is physical inactivity (sedentary lifestyle) and scoliosis (curvature of the spine). You can forget about back pain and even improve your posture if you do various exercises. We will talk about one of them in more detail in this article.

Features of the exercise "Cat"

It was originally used in yoga. Now quite common in fitness and physical therapy. The peculiarity of the “Cat” or “Dog” exercise (a less common name) is that it can safely and effectively affect the entire body. Firstly, with the help of this exercise you can reduce pain in the back. Secondly, the “Cat” exercise for the spine has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the respiratory system. Therefore, those who often suffer from bronchitis or who have reduced immunity are also recommended to pay attention to “Kitty”.

What muscles work?

When performing the exercise, all the back muscles, the rectus abdominis muscle, as well as the external and internal oblique muscles are involved.

Beneficial properties of exercise

Of course, when performing any set of exercises, you are primarily interested in the effect it gives. The "Cat" exercise has a number of advantages. Which ones? More about this below.

How to do the exercise correctly?

Take your starting position.

  1. To do this, you need to get on the mat on all fours.
  2. Arms should be extended, palms pressed firmly to the floor surface. Fingers point forward.
  3. Bend your legs at a right angle. Make sure the load is evenly distributed between your knees and palms.

After taking the correct position, you can begin the exercise.

  1. Exhale deeply while drawing in your stomach. Arch your back upward, lower your head. Try to stretch your back up as high as possible. Make sure your abdominal muscles are tense.
  2. Remaining in this position, count to eight. After taking a deep breath, slowly return to the starting position. Relax.
  3. Inhale again. But this time arch your back in the opposite direction. The head should be raised. The pectoral muscles and abdomen are stretched during this process.
  4. Also, after counting to eight, exhale and return to the starting position.

Repeat the "Cat" exercise for the back 5-10 times. Let's consider another option for performing "Cats" in the classic variation.

To perform the exercise, lean on your palms and knees. Lowering your head and pelvis down, arch your lower back upward. Remaining in this position, count to ten. Then lower your pelvis onto your heels. Your arms should remain extended on the floor. Rest your head on your hands, doing an asana, which in yoga is called child's pose. Relax. Do two or three repetitions.

Exercise options

Along with the classic "Kitty" there are other variations. Among the most popular are the following:

  1. Japanese "Cat".
  2. "Sphynx cat"
  3. "The cat moves its tail."

Let's look at how to do the "Cat" exercises in more detail.

"Sphynx cat"

Get on your knees.

  1. You need to rest your elbows on the floor. They should be parallel to the shoulders.
  2. Point your hands forward.
  3. Alternately take deep breaths and exhales.
  4. This type of exercise, putting stress on the thoracic spine, will be useful for those who suffer from bronchial diseases.

Japanese "Cat"

  1. Kneeling, sit with your pelvis on your heels.
  2. Place your hands near your knees.
  3. Lean your torso slightly forward.
  4. This variation of the “Cat” exercise will help work out the lumbar-thoracic region.

"The cat moves its tail"

  1. Take the starting position, as in the classic version.
  2. Bend at the waist.
  3. Perform pelvic movements to the right and left.
  4. At the same time, bend your spine from side to side.

First, about the general rule. When performing any back exercise, the actions should be smooth. Everything is done at a slow pace. No jerking! The correct position in the exercise is important.

The starting position implies a clear positioning of the knees parallel to the pelvis, and the palms parallel to the shoulders. The abdominal muscles should be tense throughout the exercise.

  • To better arch your back, lift your head as high as possible.
  • As you arch and arch your spine, hold the position for about eight to ten seconds.
  • When tilting your head down, try to point it as close to your elbows as possible.
  • It is best to perform the “Cat” exercise on an empty stomach. You can do it every morning. If you train in the evenings, then wait a few hours after eating and then start exercising.

Common Mistakes

When performing the exercise, you need to listen to your body. With the correct technique, there should be no pain in the neck and spine. If you feel pain, you should stop exercising.

  • Jerking is another common mistake. Making sudden movements can cause serious injury to the vertebrae.
  • Bent knees and elbows. When performing the exercise, your arms should be straight. And the knees of the legs should form a right angle with the shins.
  • When describing the exercise, it is indicated when it is necessary to inhale and exhale. Failure to comply with these rules is also quite common. The fact is that sagging restricts the flow of air from the lungs. So before you do the backbend, take a deep breath.
  • No need to throw your head back. First of all, there is no need to do this at all. And secondly, you risk getting a neck injury.

Once again about the exercise "Cat"

As you can see, it is very effective. Requires a minimum of effort, but gives amazing results. Include the “Cat” exercise in your workout routine and you won’t regret it. After all, by doing it at least every other day, you will see the results of your training within two weeks.

Let's talk about the "cat" exercise - this is one of the basic exercises that will be appropriate in any workout. It belongs to the category of static exercises, and can be easily performed at home, without requiring additional equipment. Represents alternate extension and flexion of the back. It is recommended to perform at least 5-10 repetitions per workout.

Who is it suitable for?

“Cat” is suitable for everyone, regardless of age and level of training. The exercise is recommended even for pregnant women - during its execution, the spine is well warmed up and an additional massage of the abdominal cavity occurs. The abdominal muscles are kept in good shape, which contributes to an easy birth and quick recovery.

Add it to your daily training program and you will feel the results very quickly.

Effect on the body

During the exercise, the muscles of the back and abdomen are used. The internal muscles of the core and lumbar region are strengthened, the spine is stretched, and the posture is straightened. Improves coordination and flexibility of the neck, back and shoulders.

The “cat” exercise with abdominal pumping allows you to make your stomach beautiful and flat no worse than the famous “vacuum”. Regular exercise will help you get rid of back pain.

Execution technique

The initial position is on all fours, hands exactly under the shoulders. We rest our palms on the floor. The distance between the legs should be small, no more than 10 centimeters. At the beginning of the exercise, the lower back and pelvis should be relaxed:

  1. In the starting position, you need to take a deep breath and exhale sharply.
  2. As you exhale, you need to round your back as much as possible, pull in your stomach as much as possible and squeeze your buttocks. At the same time, the pelvis should remain straight, the tailbone should look down, the head should be lowered. In this way we become like a wild cat.
  3. In this position, count to 8, then bend your back at the waist and lift your head up. Pull your pelvis up. Count to 8.
  4. After this, return to the original position and inhale.

Execution option.

Variations of the exercise

There are several variations of the “cat” exercise, slightly different from each other:

  • The “Japanese cat” is performed sitting on your heels, with your hands on your hips.
  • The peculiarity of the “sphinx” is in the position of the hands - you need to stand not on your hands, but on your forearms.
  • In the “cat moves its tail” exercise, movements of the pelvis to the left and right are added.

Common Mistakes

While the technique may seem simple, in fact, beginners often make mistakes that affect their effectiveness. First of all, you need to monitor the starting position and prevent the knees and palms from moving.

Also, novice athletes forget to keep their stomach tense and disrupt their head movements. Try not to press your chin to your chest during the first part, and do not touch the back of your head as you arch your back.

Don't forget to watch your breathing - arching your back as you inhale limits the air flow. Control your movements and avoid jerking. Perform the exercise regularly, then the “cat” will be as effective as possible.

Execution secrets

There are several useful tips that will help you master this exercise faster and more successfully.

First, remember to relax. The exercise should be performed in a calm state, putting aside emotions and experiences.

If the mechanics of the execution are not too clear, during training, try to mentally imagine that you are trying to recoil from someone’s palm while protruding your back. And while bending, try to get away from her touch.

Good luck with your training!

Oh, these cats! With what pleasure they know how to relax, sleep, stretch sweetly and generally derive pleasure from every minute of their independent life!

Do you want the same? Start small - by stretching them gracefully!

The spine is the core of our health. Both domestic doctors and adherents of Japanese, Indian, and Tibetan healing techniques clearly agree on this opinion. Well, I’ll modestly join in.

❗️ Those who read to the end get a traditional bonus! The video I like best for this exercise❗️

What does the Kitty give us?

I mean, of course, exercise. Although a pet gives us a lot, besides purely physical joy. But more on that later.

So, the famous “Kitty” is capable of a lot. In particular:

✅ getting rid of back pain;

✅ reducing waist and belly volumes;

✅ strengthening the abdominal and back muscles;

✅ improving the functioning of housing and breathing organs;

✅ strengthening blood and lymph circulation;

✅ relieving fatigue of the whole body and heaviness in the back - in particular;

And this is only the main benefit of the exercise.

Why I do "Pussycat" every day

Because do this exercise:

👍 Just! You don’t need any equipment at all, achieving Zen (crossed out) complex techniques.

👍 Nice! Stretching is generally a very useful and enjoyable activity, especially for women. And this exercise is doubly so! All muscles are stretched: the back, the chest, the buttocks, and the arms.

👍 Easily! The exercise does not require any physical preparation at all.

👍 Fast! You can always allocate a minute of time for a cat. Fluffy or as an exercise.)

👍 Effectively! Read below why.

I am currently regaining youthful flexibility in my spine. About 5 years ago I still stood on the bridge, bent into a fish and did other simple steps from my gymnastics past. And then I forgot/forgot (underline the required letter).

The steadfast tin soldier is at your service! Or a wooden Pinocchio. Where is my ideal crease? Has the fish retrained itself into a straight pole lazily floating through the water? And what is this shaky bridge? You won't get far like this!

When I started doing “Kitty” every day, even without other stretching exercises, the memories of what it was like began to return to the spine. Well, finally I'm getting closer to the crease in the floor ( when you need to sit in line with your feet). And I can make a bridge for at least a few seconds.

In general, all the most interesting things about stretching are still to come in my articles!

I invite you to join the fans of a flexible body! Stock up on a rug (however, you can do without it) and kick your husband out of the room. For no living man can withstand such a seductive spectacle. If he is a man.😄

Exercise "Cat". Looked at from nature, applied to humans

How to do "Kitty" correctly. Basic exercise

If you think that it is enough to get on all fours and bend your back up and down, then I have to disappoint you:

Well, true, in the case when you want to get the maximum benefit from this exercise. Let's make the most of it!

Starting position

We end up on all fours. But not just like that:

✅ Hands should be exactly under the shoulders, fingers - forward(and not like the girl in the b/w picture above).

✅ Legs are bent at an angle of 90%. The knees are directly under the pelvis.

✅ The stomach will be tightened throughout the exercise.

Nuances of performing the exercise

✅ Deflection in the lower back and arching of the back upward always begins from the tailbone. Not from the neck.

✅ Do not press your chin to your chest and do not press the back of your head to your back.

✅ Breathe evenly. It is recommended to do bending in both directions while exhaling. And inhale only when returning to the starting position. But opinions differ. Listen to your body. It’s easier for me to inhale when arching my lower back, and exhale when I’m hunching over. This is not a standard.

Perejo d them to the basic exercise:

1. Take over IP. Standing on all fours. For details, see the paragraph above about the starting position.

3. Inhale again. On the exhale round your back from the tailbone to the neck to the maximum. To do this, you need to tuck your buttocks and push your pelvis forward. Lower your head down, stretching the back of your neck.

4. Inhale back to IP .

5. Exhale and bend in the lower back maximum. We raise our heads (but don’t lift them up!), and the chest muscles stretch. The pelvis is raised up. We feel the muscles stretch.

6. Return to IP while inhaling.

When the exercise is mastered, bending and arching replace each other only with a short return to the IP.

Versions of the Kitty

1. The cat wags its tail. Lateral movements of the pelvis are added to the basic exercise.

2. Sphynx cat (not to be confused with the classic Sphinx!) . Performed as basic, but the elbows are on the floor (i.e., the hands are on the forearms).

Completing the exercise

The most pleasant way to complete the exercise is in “child’s pose.” From a position on all fours, sit with your buttocks on your heels, fold up. The arms remain extended on the floor, the head is between the hands, we pull the upper back muscles following the shoulders.

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In the meantime, here is a selection of other articles on the topic:


Exercise "cat" for the back

How to achieve beautiful posture and get rid of unpleasant pain in the lumbar region? Be sure to include the cat exercise for your back in your personal training program. This is one of the simplest elements, but if performed correctly, you can achieve unprecedented results by improving your body health and working important muscle groups.

If you have been suffering from back pain for a long time and want to improve your posture, start arching and bending correctly.

Features of the exercise

“Cat” is an exercise for the back that came to us from yoga, becoming one of the main ones in the fitness program and in medical training. It is this that acts as safely, gently and effectively as possible on all major muscles, which makes it a mandatory element of most training methods.

The main feature is the complex effect. “Cat” helps eliminate back pain, supports respiratory function, saturating organs with oxygen. Most doctors recommend this exercise to their patients during bronchitis to improve immunity.

What muscles are involved?

During the implementation of the “cat”, all the muscles involved in extension and flexion of the back are involved.

The movement does not require any initial physical training. Any beginner can do it without the participation of professional trainers. If you have set a serious goal for yourself, which can only be achieved with the help of this movement, then it is important to observe regularity in performing the element.

Helpful advice. Ideally, do the exercise every day, combining it with others. In this case, the time of the event does not matter.

The “cat” is performed without the use of additional sports equipment at home. To make it as comfortable as possible, it is advisable to lay out a special mat during exercise or place a towel under your knees.

Execution technique

This exercise is very easy to perform. To do this you need to take the correct position:

  • We lay out the gymnastic mat and get into the “on all fours” position.
  • Place your palms on the surface. In this case, the fingers should point forward.
  • We make sure that the body forms the correct geometric figure - the arms are fully straightened, the legs are bent at the knee joint at an angle of 90 degrees.

Have you taken the right position? Let's get straight to the exercise:

  • Let's exhale. We twist the pelvic area inward, rounding the back as much as possible and lowering the head down. It is important to tense your abdominal muscles. The back is stretched and in a relaxed state.
  • As you inhale, we return to the starting position.
  • Then, exhaling, we bend the back in the opposite direction. In this position, the abs are relaxed and the back is tense.
  • The exercise ends with the adoption of the original position.

Doing it right

Even though it is easy to perform, beginners often make mistakes. While performing this exercise, you must not allow pain to occur in the cervical and spinal regions. The movements are performed slowly. Any sharpness or jumps are not welcome. In order for the “cat” to give the desired result, we take into account some subtleties:

  • We take the most correct starting position - the result and effectiveness of the exercise depends on this. The hands are strictly under the shoulders, and the knees are under the pelvis.
  • Keep your stomach in a taut position throughout the entire workout.
  • We bend to the maximum. To do this, you need to pull your head as high as possible.

The benefits of "cat"

If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, “cat” should definitely be included in a set of exercises to develop flexibility, etc. The benefits are enormous:

  • The exercise helps in working out the spinal column. All, even deeply located, back muscles are perfectly worked out - pain and heaviness that occurs during active movements are relieved. No medication is needed to relieve discomfort.
  • Improved flexibility of the neck, back and shoulder girdle.
  • This is an excellent start to any day and prepares the body for more serious loads - tension of skeletal muscles, saturation and acceleration of blood throughout the body, activation of lymph, and removal of toxins.
  • Prevention of respiratory diseases, development of rhythmic breathing.
  • Acceleration of metabolism. The fat burning process not only starts, but also accelerates to the limit.
  • Relieving muscle tension and fatigue.

Note. This movement is especially recommended during pregnancy. It perfectly relieves the lumbar region and effectively massages the abdominal area.

There is nothing difficult in doing the exercise. It copes with its tasks perfectly, while being accessible to people in any physical form.


How to do the cat exercise correctly

“Cat” is a very simple yoga exercise for the spine that is very easy and beneficial to do regularly at home. However, it is not always done correctly. Important tips on how to make "cat" for maximum health benefits.

Initial position

- stand on the mat on all fours so that your hands are under your shoulders;

- place your palms firmly on the floor, point your fingers forward;

- make sure that your arms are straight, your legs are bent at right angles, and your center of gravity is evenly distributed between your knees and palms.

Now you can start the exercise:

  • Take a deep breath, twist your pelvis inward. Pull your stomach in so that your back arches upward, lower your head. The abdominal muscles in this position are tense, and the back is stretched upward. Stretch your back up as high as possible.
  • Mentally count to eight and, while inhaling, slowly return to the starting position and relax.
  • Inhale again and bend your back in the opposite direction, lifting your head and pelvis up. Stretch your stomach and pectoral muscles.
  • The exercise ends with returning to the starting position while inhaling. If you wish, you can go into “child’s pose,” but this is not necessary. In the pose, the back muscles are additionally stretched - the arms are pulled forward and the pelvis is pulled towards the heels.

The entire described cycle should be repeated 5–10 times. In intermediate positions - above and below - linger for 8-10 counts.

Main rules for performing the exercise

When doing any back exercises, avoid jerking and stick to a slow pace; transitions from one position to another should be smooth. Avoid severe pain in your back and neck while performing movements.

Please note the following points:

  • It is advisable to do the cat on an empty stomach.

Another option for making a cat:

Get on all fours, resting on your hands and knees. Arch your lower back upward, lowering your head and pelvis down. Count to 10. Then lower your pelvis onto your heels, keep your arms extended in front on the floor, lower your head into your hands and relax as much as you want. Repeat 2-3 times.

Benefits of exercise

“Cat” helps to stretch the spine, gently stretch the deep muscles of the back, so the exercise helps relieve back pain and remove heaviness in the lower back without the use of drugs. In the long term, the “cat” helps improve posture. When performing the exercise, the pectoral muscles are also actively involved (they stretch, the body is intensively supplied with oxygen), and the rectus abdominis muscle. With regular exercise, you can improve the flexibility of your neck, shoulders and back.

We recommend starting and ending more active sets of exercises with the “cat”, since by stretching we awaken our muscles and prepare them for work. When the body slightly tenses almost all skeletal muscles, capillaries open, blood flow throughout the body increases, lymphatic function is activated, toxins are removed from the body, and lactic acid leaves the muscles.

Take an example from cats! Stretch often!

If there were a stretching Olympics, cats would take all the gold. Cats constantly stretch their muscles. Why do they do this?

Scientists reasonably explain: this way they immediately feel better, blood circulation improves, and the body prepares for activity after rest - sleep or a long sedentary position. Modern man should take an example from animals, whose instincts have not yet been crushed by civilization! Stretching in the morning is especially pleasant and beneficial.

Make an appointment for a consultation at the Kazan Kinesitherapy Center by phone: (843) 570-55-25 . Call! Our specialists will be happy to answer all your questions.


Cat - exercise for back and abdominal muscles

If you want to achieve perfect posture and forget about lower back pain, be sure to include exercises to strengthen your back muscles in your workout. For example, the cat exercise with abdominal pumping, which not only effectively works the muscles that support the spine, but also has a noticeable impact on the abdominal muscles.

Features of the exercise

The cat exercise is an exercise that came into the world of fitness and physical therapy from yoga. It allows you to safely and effectively target the entire central part of the body. This has made it a mandatory part of many training programs.

An important advantage of this classic exercise is its complex effect on the body. It not only relieves back pain caused by scoliosis and a sedentary lifestyle, but also supports the functioning of the respiratory organs, intensively supplying them with oxygen. The cat is recommended for those who suffer from frequent bronchitis and low immunity.

Muscle work

What muscles are affected when performing a cat?

  1. The entire group of muscles responsible for straightening the back.
  2. Muscles that flex the back, namely: rectus abdominis, external and internal oblique muscles.

The exercise does not require serious physical training, so it will be effective even if you practice on your own. If you are determined to get noticeable results, do not forget about the importance of systematic training.

It is advisable to do cat exercises daily, combining it with exercises for other muscle groups. The time of training does not play a fundamental role, but it is still not recommended to do it immediately after eating. Ideally, 1.5–2 hours should pass between eating and performing the exercise.

You don't need any special equipment for the workout, so you can do it at home. For your comfort, you can use a gymnastics mat or a soft towel to reduce the stress on your knees.

Execution technique

In order to do the exercise correctly, take the correct starting position. For this:

  • stand on the mat on all fours;
  • place your palms firmly on the floor, point your fingers forward;
  • make sure your arms are straight and your legs are bent at right angles.

Now you can start doing the exercise.

  1. Exhale deeply and twist your pelvis inward, while rounding your back and lowering your head. The abdominal muscles in this position are tense, and the back is stretched.
  2. As you inhale, slowly return to the starting position.
  3. Inhale again and bend your back in the opposite direction, lifting your head and pelvis up. Now, on the contrary, the back muscles work, and the abs relax.
  4. The exercise ends with returning to the starting position while inhaling.

Execution technique.

The entire described cycle should be repeated 5–10 times. In intermediate positions it is necessary to linger for 8–10 counts.

Eliminating common errors

Despite the apparent simplicity of the exercise, beginners often perform it incorrectly. Avoid pain in your back and neck while performing movements. The pace should be slow, and transitions from one position to another should be smooth.

In order to avoid mistakes and make your back training as effective as possible, pay attention to the following points:

  1. The correct starting position assumes that the knees are located strictly under the pelvis, and the palms are located under the shoulders.
  2. Make sure to keep your stomach tucked throughout the exercise.
  3. For better arching, try to raise your head as high as possible.

The cat exercise is indispensable for those who want to reduce back pain and improve posture. Just a few months of doing it every day is guaranteed to improve your well-being and appearance.


How to do the “Cat” exercise for the back and spine - technique with abdominal pumping

What makes a healthy and confident person stand out? That's right, perfect posture. To achieve this, you must include exercises to strengthen your back in your workouts. If you haven’t played sports at all, then it’s time to start.

A suitable movement is the cat exercise for the back with abdominal swing, which comes from yoga.

It is aimed at strengthening the muscular corset of the body, namely the spine and abdominal area. By the way, a well-developed abs helps reduce unnecessary stress on the spine during training and in everyday life. Moreover, by performing cat movements, you saturate the entire body with oxygen, get rid of muscle tension and pain, improve immunity and the general condition of the body as a whole.

7 Benefits of Exercise

  1. Relieves back pain. Thanks to systematic loads, the back muscles, which were previously stagnant, are exposed to movement, thereby reducing pain.
  2. Suitable for pregnant women. A mixture of breathing exercises and gradual muscle stretching is the best way to help mothers feel better and prepare for a successful birth.
  3. Suitable for training both experienced athletes and beginners. The training does not require the use of special sports accessories and devices; it can be performed in any conditions and with any degree of athleticism. The main thing is to choose the right load specifically for your body.
  4. Tightens the abs and strengthens the back. The main rule of execution is the tension of the abdominal muscles in particular. A static load without any special body movements can create the long-awaited cubes on your body. And if the abs are trained, then the muscular frame of the back becomes stronger.
  5. Helps relax the spine and cervical area. A sedentary lifestyle is the cause of various pains and problems in the cervical-vertebral region. Muscles and ligaments are in a tense and stagnant state most of our time. In the cat pose, they seem to open up and acquire a second life.
  6. Increases the endurance of the body as a whole. During the implementation of the cat pose, the maximum number of muscle groups is included in the work. And as you know, the larger areas of the body are involved at the same time, the greater the “exhaust” from such an activity. Loading up all together, they allow the body to sweat and withstand such pressure. And therefore, it is a natural phenomenon to increase the endurance and resistance of the body to any kind of difficulties.
  7. Increases the speed and quality of metabolic processes throughout the body. Thanks to high-quality oxygen saturation, blood circulates throughout the body many times faster and carries all nutrients to the organs that need them.

Technique for performing the classic version

Only by performing the cat exercise for the back according to the exact instructions of the execution technique can you get the correct results that influence your health in a positive way.

How to do the classic version correctly?

  1. Place a gymnastic mat/tourist foam/towel on the floor, lower yourself to the floor with emphasis on your knees and straight arms, fingers pointing away from you, back straight;
  2. Inhale deeply and push your pelvis inward, keeping your abs tense, your neck down, and your back in a stretched position;
  3. As you exhale, stand in a position where your back is well arched in the lower back;
  4. Then return to the starting point.

The movement should be repeated 8 to 12 times, gradually gradually increasing the load.

For detailed techniques, watch the video:

3 more types of this movement

In the world of training, there are also several other varieties of this exercise:

1. Japanese cat

When performing this type, the legs are also resting on the knees, but are spaced wider. In this case, the hands rest their elbows on the floor. The deflections themselves are performed in the same way. The difference is that in this position it is better to work out chest area.

2. Sphinx

This time the pelvis should lie completely on the surface. Hands should be placed, with emphasis on the elbows, in front of you. This way, again, the thoracic region of the body is better loaded. This movement is known from yoga, another name for it is “Cobra”.

3. The cat moves its tail

The starting position corresponds to the classic one. But, having made an upward bend, you should make wave-like movements to the side with your pelvis, while your shoulders are also in the same direction and move towards one or the other hip.

Such movements have a beneficial effect on the spine.

Common execution errors

  • Be sure to pay attention to your feelings! Excessive pain and strain in the neck and spine should alert you and make you doubt the correct technique. All actions must be at least smooth and slow;
  • The knees of the legs should be located exactly under the pelvis and form an angle of 90 degrees with the shins. The palms are clearly placed under the shoulders and straightened at the elbow;
  • The stomach must be pulled in during the entire training;
  • Help your back in arches: when arching your back upward, try to lower your neck and head as low as possible, twisting it towards your chest; when bending backwards, the crown of the head should stretch upward as much as possible;
  • Bending restricts the flow of air from the lungs, so first take a deep breath, then perform bending actions so as not to deprive your body of oxygen;
  • There is no need to throw your head back, because this is not only inconsistent with technique, but can also seriously injure your neck;

  • When tilting your head, try to keep it as close to your elbows as possible;
  • You need to stay at the bending points for about 8 seconds. This is the optimal time for beginners and beginners in sports, but old-timers of training can increase this time period;
  • When performing an upward bend, in order to load your back as thoroughly as possible, imagine that you are trying to push someone's hand away from you. Bending down, trying to dodge an unpleasant touch;
  • It is better to perform the exercise on an empty stomach or at least a few hours after eating.

By including a cat in your usual workouts or morning exercises, you will save yourself from hated pain, give yourself royal posture and at the same time unlimited self-confidence.


Exercise “Cat” for the back - description, features and recommendations

Unfortunately, every year there are more and more people who experience pain in the back in one way or another. The main reason is physical inactivity (sedentary lifestyle) and scoliosis (curvature of the spine). You can forget about back pain and even improve your posture if you do various exercises. We will talk about one of them in more detail in this article.

Features of the “Cat” exercise

It was originally used in yoga. Now quite common in fitness and physical therapy. The peculiarity of the “Cat” or “Dog” exercise (a less common name) is that it can safely and effectively affect the entire body. Firstly, with the help of this exercise you can reduce pain in the back. Secondly, the “Cat” exercise for the spine has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the respiratory system. Therefore, those who often suffer from bronchitis or who have a weakened immune system are also recommended to pay attention to “Kitty”.

What muscles work?

When performing the exercise, all the back muscles, the rectus abdominis muscle, as well as the external and internal oblique muscles are involved.

Beneficial properties of exercise

Of course, when performing any set of exercises, you are primarily interested in the effect it gives. The “Cat” exercise has a number of advantages. Which ones? More about this below.

  1. Relieves back pain. Those who suffer from pain simply need to do this exercise. Due to the uniform load on the back muscles, which are subject to active movement, pain is reduced.
  2. Recommended for pregnant women. "Cat" has a double effect. Combining both breathing exercises and healing properties, that is, gradual muscle stretching, the “Cat” exercise for pregnant women is one of the recommended ones.
  3. The “cat” helps tighten the abs. Along with relieving pain, the exercise has another property that will be very appealing to those who want to have a toned tummy. The fact is that when performing the “Kitty” exercise, a person’s abdominal muscles are always tense. The exercise itself does not require any special body movements. In other words, you can get graceful abs on your stomach without straining.
  4. Helps relax the spine and neck. So much has been written about the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle, but nevertheless, people are in no hurry to follow doctors’ recommendations and diversify their lives with exercise. But problems in the cervical-vertebral region arise precisely because of this. Performing the “Cat” exercise helps stretch the muscles and ligaments in the neck and back.
  5. The exercise can be performed by both experienced athletes and beginners. “Kitty” is not a difficult task. It does not require any special devices, so it can be performed in any conditions. Due to this, the exercise is suitable for both athletes and beginner amateurs. The only thing that needs to be observed is to regulate the load in accordance with the characteristics of your body. The “Cat” exercise for children is also recommended.
  6. Increases the endurance of the body as a whole. Despite the simplicity of the exercise, a huge number of muscle groups are involved in its various variations. The usual pattern applies here: the more parts of the body we use at the same time, the greater the impact. Working together, the muscles exert enormous pressure on the entire body. And so the natural consequence is that his endurance and resilience increases.
  7. Increasing the speed and quality of metabolic processes. Due to the special technique of performing the exercise, our body is saturated with oxygen. As a result, blood begins to circulate faster, and nutrients reach the necessary organs more quickly.

How to do the exercise correctly?

Take your starting position.

  1. To do this, you need to get on the mat on all fours.
  2. Arms should be extended, palms pressed firmly to the floor surface. Fingers point forward.
  3. Bend your legs at a right angle. Make sure the load is evenly distributed between your knees and palms.

After taking the correct position, you can begin the exercise.

  1. Exhale deeply while drawing in your stomach. Arch your back upward, lower your head. Try to stretch your back up as high as possible. Make sure your abdominal muscles are tense.
  2. Remaining in this position, count to eight. After taking a deep breath, slowly return to the starting position. Relax.
  3. Inhale again. But this time arch your back in the opposite direction. The head should be raised. The pectoral muscles and abdomen are stretched during this process.
  4. Also, after counting to eight, exhale and return to the starting position.

Repeat the "Cat" exercise for the back 5-10 times. Let's consider another option for performing “Cats” in the classical variation.

To perform the exercise, get on all fours, while leaning on your palms and knees. Lowering your head and pelvis down, arch your lower back upward. Remaining in this position, count to ten. Then lower your pelvis onto your heels. Your arms should remain extended on the floor. Rest your head on your hands, doing an asana, which in yoga is called child's pose. Relax. Do two or three repetitions.

Exercise options

Along with the classic “Kitty”, there are other variations. Among the most popular are the following:

  1. Japanese "Cat".
  2. "Sphynx cat"
  3. "The cat moves its tail."

Let's look at how to do the "Cat" exercises in more detail.

"Sphynx cat"

  1. You need to rest your elbows on the floor. They should be parallel to the shoulders.
  2. Point your hands forward.
  3. Alternately take deep breaths and exhales.
  4. This type of exercise, putting stress on the thoracic spine, will be useful for those who suffer from bronchial diseases.

Japanese "Cat"

  1. Kneeling, sit with your pelvis on your heels.
  2. Place your hands near your knees.
  3. Lean your torso slightly forward.
  4. This variation of the “Cat” exercise will help work out the lumbar-thoracic region.

"The cat moves its tail"

  1. Take the starting position, as in the classic version.
  2. Bend at the waist.
  3. Perform pelvic movements to the right and left.
  4. At the same time, bend your spine from side to side.

First, about the general rule. When performing any back exercise, the actions should be smooth. Everything is done at a slow pace. No jerking! The correct position in the exercise is important.

The starting position implies a clear position of the knees parallel to the pelvis, and the palms parallel to the shoulders. The abdominal muscles should be tense throughout the exercise.

  • To better arch your back, lift your head as high as possible.
  • As you arch and arch your spine, hold the position for about eight to ten seconds.
  • When tilting your head down, try to point it as close to your elbows as possible.
  • It is best to perform the “Cat” exercise on an empty stomach. You can do it every morning. If you train in the evenings, then wait a few hours after eating and then start exercising.

Common Mistakes

When performing the exercise, you need to listen to your body. With the correct technique, there should be no pain in the neck and spine. If you feel pain, you should stop exercising.

  • Jerking is another common mistake. Making sudden movements can cause serious injury to the vertebrae.
  • Bent knees and elbows. When performing the exercise, your arms should be straight. And the knees of the legs should form a right angle with the shins.
  • When describing the exercise, it is indicated when it is necessary to inhale and exhale. Failure to comply with these rules is also quite common. The fact is that sagging restricts the flow of air from the lungs. So before you do the backbend, take a deep breath.
  • No need to throw your head back. First of all, there is no need to do this at all. And secondly, you risk getting a neck injury.

Once again about the “Cat” exercise

As you can see, it is very effective. Requires a minimum of effort, but gives amazing results. Include the “Cat” exercise in your workout routine and you won’t regret it. After all, by doing it at least every other day, you will see the results of your training within two weeks.

If you are tired of struggling with aching back pain during prolonged exercise or while sitting for a long time,

And we also began to notice that it was becoming more and more difficult to maintain a beautiful and graceful gait, then it’s time to pay attention for the “Cat” asana (Marjariasana).

It will help you strengthen not only the back muscles, but also the muscles of the hips and abdominals, “work” on correct posture and allow you to return ease to your movements.

Marjariasana literally means “Stretching Cat Pose”, but is better known as Cat Pose. Sometimes the back arched position is also called “Cow Pose” (Bitilasana)
“Cat” is a universal and, perhaps, the most useful exercise of all, as it involves several areas of the body at once. Marjariasana is one of the simplest asanas in yoga and is suitable for every beginner. Moreover, I advise everyone who has just started their journey in yoga to include it in their daily routine.

Purpose of the asana

Make the movements of the spine smooth;
- increase back flexibility;
- strengthen control over each vertebra;

Working out the thoracic spine;
- relieves pain in the cervical and thoracic spine;
- “massage” of internal organs;
- strengthens the abdominal press.

The deep back muscles work like the stays of a suspension bridge. They are responsible for stabilizing the spine.

Main working muscles

This exercise is aimed at stretching the entire length of the spine and stretching the back muscles (especially the erector spinae).

Back extensor muscles: erector spinae muscle (spinalis muscle, longissimus muscle, iliocostalis muscle), semispinalis muscle, group of deep spinal muscles.

Muscles that flex the back : rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique.

Accessory muscles

Abdominal muscles that stabilize the spine: transverse abdominis muscle.

Muscles that extend the leg at the hip joint: gluteus maximus, hamstrings.

Muscles that flex the arm at the shoulder joint: anterior bundle of the deltoid muscle, pectoralis major muscle (clavicular bundle).

Muscles that extend the arm at the shoulder joint: latissimus dorsi, teres major, pectoralis major (sternocostal band).

Muscles that abduct the shoulder blades: serratus anterior muscle.

Muscles that extend the arm at the elbow joint: triceps

Recommendations for execution technique

  • From the starting position of the cat stretch exercise, gently pull your abdominal muscles toward your spine and toward your ribcage to bring your pelvis and spine into a neutral position.
  • In phase 2, pull your stomach in more to bend your spine. At the same time, slightly lower your tailbone and tilt your pelvis back by contracting the hip extensor muscles and abdominal muscles.
  • With your hands on the mat, use your shoulder flexor muscles to slightly lift your torso while your serratus anterior pushes your shoulder blades apart.
  • In phase 3, smoothly return to the starting position, eccentrically engaging your abdominal muscles.
  • In phase 4 of the stretching cat exercise, use the erector spinal muscles, trying to lift and extend your head and upper torso as high as possible. At the same time, the abdominal muscles limit the anterior tilt of the pelvis and excessive flexion in the lower back. With your hands on the mat, push your shoulder blades apart and use your shoulder extensor muscles to arch your back and lift your upper body.
  • Mental image. Imagine that someone puts their hand on your lower back. Try to push away this palm by arching your back in the 2nd phase, and move your back away from contact with it by arching it in the 4th phase.

Initial position

Get on all fours, resting your knees and palms on the mat. Try not to tilt your head and look ahead.

The knees should be directly under the hip joints (thus the hips are perpendicular to the floor), and the palms should be under the shoulders (straight arms should be perpendicular to the floor, they should not be slightly in front or slightly behind). Your fingers should be pointing forward and your toes should be pointed out.
Also make sure that your hands and knees are in line.

Place your pelvis and spine in a neutral position. The natural curves of the spine are preserved.

Your body weight should be evenly distributed throughout your body.


Bent back position
1. Fill the chest with air. Pull your lower abdominal muscles back and up.

2. Now exhale.
In one smooth motionn tilt your head down and at the same time arch your back up, raising it as high as possible, like a stretching cat, so that your spine turns into an arch, press your chin to your chest. Looking down at your knees
“Twist” your head under yourself as much as possible and stretch your forehead towards your pelvis. The pelvis should also stretch forward towards the head. You should feel your spine and back muscles stretching.
The head and neck should be relaxed.
Make sure your thighs remain perpendicular to the surface.

3. Hold this position for ten seconds, then inhale, return to the starting position and relax your back. As you stretch your back, imagine the crown of your head moving away from your tailbone.

Extended back position or Cow Pose (Bitilasana)

4. As you exhale, lower your back as low as possible, while stretching your abdominal area down, your chest and head up. The back should be bent downwards as much as possible. The gaze is directed forward.
A common mistake is throwing your head back. This should not be done so as not to harm the cervical spine. Raise your head slightly up, looking at the ceiling. Please note that you do not throw your head too far on your back; you only need to lift it to stretch your neck. The face should look at the floor or straight ahead

5. Smoothly return to the starting position and relax your back.

In each position (i.e. when you bend your back either up or down) you need to “stretch” for 10 seconds (you can count them to yourself).
Upward deflection and downward deflection together are one cycle.

There are 10 cycles in one approach. In other words, you should stretch 20 times for 10 seconds per set.
The number of approaches is from three to five. Rest between sets for 1-2 minutes.

The “Cat” asana should be performed very slowly and smoothly, without sudden movements. When performed correctly, the movement should look like one smooth rolling wave from the stomach to the back.

Before performing Marjariasana, you should lightly stretch your back.

Dynamic form

Variations of Marjariasana

Cat Pose with Bent Elbows

The asana is similar in every way to the classical one (including the dynamic form), except that here we rely on the elbows rather than the hands. At the same time, make sure that the forearm is in line with the knees.

It is not critical here that the shoulder is perpendicular to the floor, on the contrary: play with the position of the elbow (of course, moving it only forward and back). By changing the position of your elbows, you change the area of ​​the spine that will be worked. The farther the elbows are, the closer to the neck.

Complications of the Cat asana

Complication 1. We turn our palms inward.

Complication 2. Add neck turns in both positions.

Complication 3. For a deeper study of the spine in the thoracic region (add twisting to flexion-extension):

For palm pose

  1. We turn the body to the right as much as possible (twist).
  2. In a neutral position (back straight), place your right hand behind your back and place its back side on your lower back.

3. We make 10-15 rocking movements with the shoulder, increasing the twist.

4. Repeat the same thing in the other direction

For the elbow pose

Similarly, with the difference that we fix the right shoulder with our right palm. Next, also, 10-15 movements that strengthen the twist

The purpose of physical therapy: acceleration of rehabilitation after illness, pain relief, restoration of temporarily lost skills, prevention of chronic diseases. Exercises in physical therapy are prescribed taking into account the patient’s condition, based on the clinical picture.

Specially developed complexes help increase body tone, improve metabolic processes, and raise the level of compensation. They are aimed not only at increasing joint mobility and stretching muscles.

With their help, the muscles in the problem area are strengthened, and individual segments of the musculoskeletal system are unloaded. They are designed to relieve soreness and reduce weight.

The cat-dog exercise belongs to the group of pain-relieving exercises. It is included in the complex for pregnant women and those suffering from osteochondrosis. It is advisable that a physical therapy specialist help develop a method of training in these conditions. This technique must be followed throughout the training. Deviation from it leads to a deterioration in the general condition.

Features of exercises for pregnant women

Special exercises for pregnant women necessarily include those that help relieve the back muscles, strengthen the abdominal muscles, increase, if possible, the volume of the lungs, or teach the lungs to use their full capacity. During their implementation, the permissible load on the body is taken into account depending on the period.

What does an expectant mother need to know when starting to perform the complexes?

  • Before classes, you must consult a doctor;
  • It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the condition - for example, the loads of the first trimester are unacceptable in the third;
  • The intensity of the training process is adjusted depending on the duration;
  • If the condition worsens, palpitations and pain occur, stop training immediately.

Exercises are performed at a slow pace, the loads are increased gradually. There should be no fatigue or muscle pain after exercise.

Special exercise – “cat”

One of the effective exercises for pregnant women that helps strengthen the back muscles is the cat breathing exercise.

In the classic version, it works like this:

  • You need to get on all fours, leaning on a horizontal surface with your knees and palms. You should keep your head straight;
  • Take a deep breath, tilting your head down, arching your back up;
  • Count to yourself to 8, exhale, return to the starting position, relaxing your back muscles as much as possible.

This exercise is extremely useful for the female body. During it, all organs that will be involved during labor receive a load.

As the period increases, the cat exercise for pregnant women is adjusted. Already at the end of the first trimester, it is not recommended to bend too much, and by the 20th week it is performed only as a breathing and relaxing exercise.

Get into the starting position - on all fours. Breathe slowly and evenly, relaxing the abdominal and back muscles as much as possible. This exercise is especially recommended for women with increased body weight and, accordingly, a heavy load on the spine. Exercise cat reduces stress on the back and kidneys.

“Cat-dog” for osteochondrosis

How is the cat exercise done for lumbar osteochondrosis? After the exacerbation is relieved, it is recommended to add the “dog” pose to the standard position.

Improving the exercise is simple: while inhaling, arching your back, you need to try to lower your stomach as deeply as possible, bending over. It is possible to go into emphasis on the elbows.

Breathing should not be smooth, but jerky; it is enough to fix the position for up to 4-6 seconds, no more. The air is exhaled through relaxed lips. It is advisable to learn how to tense your abdominal muscles when arching your back – in the “cat” stage.

It is recommended to do the “cat-dog” exercise with emphasis on the elbows to relieve pain:

  • in the coccyx area;
  • in the lumbar region - with radiculitis and pyelonephritis;
  • between the shoulder blades;
  • with scoliosis;
  • during bronchitis.

Rarely does anyone miss an opportunity to improve their physical development. The presence of chronic diseases in the musculoskeletal system limits the possibility of strength loads and training on exercise machines.

If you want - despite degenerative changes in the spine - to show off the six-pack on your stomach, the cat exercise with abdominal pumping will help to pump them up.

Technique of movements:

  • When performing the starting position, you must strictly follow the rules: the knees should be clearly under the pelvis, and the palms should be slightly shifted towards them, but cover the projection of the shoulders;
  • In the initial position, the stomach is not relaxed, but tightened;
  • The pelvis tilts during rounding of the back not due to deflection in the lower back, but through contraction of the abdominal muscles;
  • The positions are not fixed, movements are performed abruptly.

In the “dog” position, you should try to stretch your head as far as possible and bend your back more. They don’t go to the elbows.

By performing the universal “cat” exercise using various methods, you can not only relieve lower back pain and ease muscle strain, but also restore the functionality of your back muscles and pump up your abs.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

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