Do I need a license for a crossbow for hunting? Do I need a permit for a crossbow according to the Russian law on weapons?

  • 26.04.2024

Those who want to buy a powerful crossbow often wonder: “Do I need a permit for it?” Indeed, crossbows are complex mechanisms with great power, capable of hitting targets at a serious distance, which can be used both by those who like to show off their accuracy and dexterity at the shooting range, and by avid hunters to obtain new trophies: birds, small and large game (beavers, wild boars, ducks, wood grouse, deer, etc.).

In Russia, there is a restriction on the use of crossbows whose shoulder tension exceeds a certain value.

Models with shoulder tension up to 20 kg. Such crossbows will be an excellent weapon for outdoor enthusiasts. They can be used at parties held outdoors or indoors (must meet safety requirements). Adults and children will be happy to feel the indescribable spirit of romance that small arms conceal, while showing how accurately they shoot. As a rule, this is a recurve crossbow; the price for devices in this category is quite affordable.

Models with shoulder tension from 20 to 55 kg. A more powerful weapon, suitable not only for recreational target shooting, but also for hunting small animals. Not only the power increases, but also the firing range – up to 70 meters. No auxiliary devices are used to tension the bowstring. The most popular crossbows in this segment are Leopard, Scorpio, and Excalibur.

Models with shoulder tension over 50 kg. Powerful crossbows with high penetration ability, used by sophisticated hunters to hunt large animals. Special auxiliary devices help the shooter tighten the bowstring.

In Russia, the use of crossbows with a tension force of up to 43 kg is officially permitted. Shops and private sellers offering to purchase more powerful weapons will most likely arouse distrust in a thoughtful person: after all, such an offer is illegal.

It should also be said that according to Article 6 of the Federal Law “On Weapons” (dated December 13, 1996), the storage and use of small arms classified as cold throwing weapons is prohibited outside sports facilities.

So, when purchasing a crossbow for sports training, friendly competitions and fun outdoor activities, you should remember: the tension force of the arms should not exceed 43 kg. In this case, a crossbow permit is not required. Also, we must not forget: hunting with small arms is prohibited in the Russian Federation, so they can only be used for shooting at objects.

Legislation - Bows and Crossbows permitted in Russia

Confirmation of legal ownership, forensic examination and certification of compliance of bows and crossbows of any design with the established requirements of Russian legislation and regulations is a function of the state. The implementer (seller) and the manufacturer of bows and crossbows must ensure compliance with the rules of circulation of throwing weapons in Russia for the models sold and produced. For this reason, the manufacturer and seller of bows and crossbows is required to accompany the goods being sold with documents valid at the time of sale, confirming the legality of ownership of this bow or crossbow, as well as the buyer’s good faith before the law in the further use of this bow or crossbow. All documents issued in a given state confirming the legality of ownership, storage and transportation of bows and crossbows are valid within the jurisdiction of that state.

Forensic requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the technical characteristics of civilian and service weapons, as well as cartridges for them

I. General provisions

1. These Forensic Requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the technical characteristics of civilian and service weapons, as well as cartridges for them, establish mandatory special technical parameters of civilian, service weapons, and cartridges for them, produced on the territory of the Russian Federation and imported into its territory.

2. The Forensic Requirements use the basic concepts and terms defined by the Federal Law of December 13, 1996 N 150-FZ “On Weapons”.

VIII. Throwing weapons

38. Civilian throwing weapons include bows (universal sports and hunting) and crossbows (universal sports and hunting and match sports), intended for sports and hunting.

39. The main criterion for classifying bows by type is the arc strength, which for universal sporting and hunting bows has a value of more than 27 kgf (60 Lbs).

40. The main criterion for classifying crossbows by type is the force of the arc(s), which for universal sport-hunting and match crossbows has a value of more than 43 kgf (95 Lbs).

Documents confirming the legality of the origin of a bow or crossbow and compliance with the requirements of this bow or crossbow, confirming that it is not classified as prohibited without registration in the licensing system of the state, are an extract (certified copy) from the results of a forensic examination for this or a similar sample of a serial bow or crossbow, as well as an individual certified certificate (certified copy or extract) of compliance of this bow or crossbow with a sample that has passed a forensic examination and is permitted by the Rosstandart system for circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation.

When purchasing bows and crossbows from many sellers in Russia and the CIS without these documents, and also without having them with you when wearing them, you can very easily find yourself in a situation where the bow or crossbow is confiscated for forensic examination and the corresponding criminal or administrative case is initiated. signs of committing a crime in the illegal carrying, storage or use of bladed (throwing) weapons. Until the results of such an examination are received, a corresponding case, including a criminal one, may be opened against you, and the bow or crossbow will be confiscated.

Very often, scammers attach other people’s certificates with inappropriate or non-existent nomenclature to the goods being sold, certify them with unauthorized visas and seals, and also correct photocopies of certificates, creating the appearance of the presence of legitimate documents. In this case, responsibility falls on the buyer, who will not be able to prove that he himself is not the initiator of falsification of documents. Moreover, in most cases it is impossible to determine whether a numberless bow or crossbow corresponds to the attached documents.

To confirm the legality of trade in bows and crossbows sold in Russia, INTERLOPER is the only one in Russia that issues specialized printed product passports, combined into personal instructions-descriptions, which are attached to the products sold. On the last and penultimate sheets of these descriptions there are sewn copies of the results of the forensic examination and the certificate of compliance of a particular product with the standards adopted in the Russian Federation, its serial numbers are indicated, and the seal corresponds to the registration of the official representative of the manufacturer of this bow or crossbow in Russia - Interloper. Interloper is authorized to confirm the origin of goods produced independently or sold by him as an official representative in Russia of world-famous archery and crossbow brands.

If you purchase our products from a dealer, these sheets must be certified with the seal and signature of the selling organization. These documents will allow you to prevent possible misunderstandings and unnecessary questions from authorized persons, so always keep the document in your bag along with the product you are purchasing. The export of products outside the Russian Federation is determined by the legislation of the country where you are traveling. You will be released from Russia with our documents, but there are countries where the import of these products is prohibited.

In order to correctly understand what is allowed, what is prohibited in edged and throwing weapons, and when entertainment and sport turns into a crime in accordance with current legislation, you need to read the requirements of the legislation in full at least once, because otherwise you risk violating it. You shouldn’t listen to people who don’t know much about it either.

However, this is not all you need to know. In fact, something does not become a melee weapon based on the hardness of the blade or its length, just as a crossbow or bow does not become a throwing weapon because of the weight of its shoulders.

A weapon (which has already ceased to be a device for other needs) becomes a melee (throwing) weapon only at the moment of its use as a weapon for the appropriate purpose, regardless of its qualitative membership in the category of weapon. This is a qualification. Therefore, not being a weapon in quality, a household kitchen or pocket knife will still be recognized as a bladed weapon if used as a means of attack, just as a kitchen rolling pin will be recognized as a bladed weapon with crushing (crushing) action. Similarly, used on a person intentionally or accidentally, even a crossbow for fun with a force of up to 20 kgf is clearly classified as a throwing weapon, although it is not one for its intended purpose and is permitted for unlicensed circulation.

If you haven’t used anything anywhere, then in terms of its quality, in order to be recognized as a weapon, let’s say, a bladed weapon must correspond to a large number of characteristics at the same time, the absence of any of which excludes the classification of inclusion, for example, it must have a blade hardness of more than 25 units (therefore souvenir sabers and swords are not weapons), must have a guard (therefore, red-hot knives without a guard are not edged weapons in quality), be of appropriate directness (therefore kukri are also not weapons), etc., and there are more than 20 signs to exclude. In throwing weapons, there is a classification of other kind, putting forward a whole chain of characteristics, including the configuration of this device. Therefore, even a children's crossbow with “combat” tips is a throwing weapon by definition, regardless of the tension force. But it becomes one at the moment of application, although much depends on your answer to the question itself about the purpose of combining these elements. Therefore, it is impossible to unambiguously classify what is a circular saw blade, what is a shuriken, and whether it is a throwing weapon before use. But having screwed a combat tip with blades onto a crossbow arrow, you need to imagine the answer to the question why you did this. If you answer it something like “for its intended use,” then this is called confessing to a crime.

In Russia, it is not prohibited to separately purchase pointed arrowheads, but it is prohibited to use them; It is not prohibited to purchase reinforced arms for bows and crossbows above the force of 27 kgf and 43 kgf, respectively, but combining them into one device with bows and crossbows is prohibited, and if sold in this form, then you generally become a weapons dealer, which significantly aggravates the crime ( if you sell a crossbow without shoulders and the shoulders separately, then this is not a crime at all, no matter what indicators the individual parts themselves have); It is not prohibited to buy equipment for bowfishing, but fishing in this way is prohibited in many regions, as is fishing under illumination, as bowfishers usually do; hunting with a bow and crossbow is not allowed, but you can buy equipment for it, just as you can hunt in enclosures under an agreement with the owner for his legally artificially bred livestock (and not for a wild animal released into an enclosure, which is illegal) - as the Hunting Rules apply only to officially designated hunting grounds and wild animals (within private property and to domestic livestock they do not apply, although there you may encounter laws on cruelty to animals).

However, for sporting purposes, persons who are officially athletes involved in this sport and are an official member of an officially registered organization that has the appropriate state accreditation, you can legally own crossbows in Russia with a force of up to 135 kgf, and if you have a permit for scientific or testing shooting and hunting with a bow and crossbow. However, these are rather exotic situations that are not accessible to everyone (there are many more exceptions besides these). However, the seller of goods does not have the right to demand the relevant documents from the consumer, so anyone can purchase components for both types of activities.

Currently, the legislator is considering amendments to the Hunting Rules, which could in the near future make universal crossbows up to 68 kgf hunting weapons according to the classification of the device itself and allow hunting with them, but even if this happens, there is no procedure for licensing such activities yet in the Russian Federation, that is, you will not be able to sell, buy, obtain permission, or store it legally after that anyway, if you officially call it a weapon - a hunting crossbow. If you don’t name it, then you can, for example.

If these are components for going hunting abroad, where such hunting and equipment are allowed in many countries, then no one is able to prohibit you from using such devices even without you having sports or hunting documents. But import into other countries must be understood in accordance with the legislation of these countries, because if you are allowed into America or France without questions, then in the overwhelming majority of our former Asian republics you even face imprisonment, since what is sold freely here - they are clearly recognized as weapons, and even for storage, not to mention import, there is significant responsibility.

Extract from the Forensic requirements for the examination of edged and throwing weapons for classes of freely traded products permitted in Russia (universal crossbows with a force of up to 68 kgf are included in the list below for information on the possible adoption of a new edition of the Law on Hunting):

“5.3 Pending the issuance of the relevant GOST in accordance with sections 226 and 227 of the “International Rules for 30- and 10-Match Crossbow Shooting Competitions” issued by the Technical Committee of the Match Crossbow Division of the International Crossbow Union (IAU), the following values ​​are established by these requirements basic parameters of field crossbows and arrows for them:

5.3.1 Field crossbows:

The greatest length of the aiming line. 720 mm
the greatest length of the namushnik. 60 mm
maximum length of the rear sight (including hood and eyepiece)...150 mm
greatest shoulder span. 900 mm
the greatest strength of the bow (string tension). 43 kg
the greatest working stroke of the bowstring. 300 mm
the largest mass of the crossbow (including additional equipment). 6.75 kg

5.3.2 Arrows for field crossbows:

Tip shape. oval
the greatest angle of bluntness (for conical tips). 60 degrees
the greatest over-caliber (the diameter of the tip exceeds the diameter of the arrow body). 2 mm
boom length:
smallest. 304 mm
greatest. 457 mm

5.4 Pending the issuance of the relevant GOST in accordance with sections 309 and 310 of the “International Rules for 30 and 10 Match Crossbow Shooting Competitions” issued by the Technical Committee of the Match Crossbow Division of the International Crossbow Union (IAU), these requirements establish the following basic values parameters of universal crossbows and arrows for them:

5.4.1 Universal (sporting and hunting) crossbows:

Largest shoulder span:
recurve bow. 914 mm
compound onion. 762 mm
greatest bow strength (string tension)..68 kg (tolerance +5%)
the largest mass of the crossbow (including sights). 4.5 kg

Note: The limb span of bows is measured with the string installed at the outer ends of the limbs for recurve bows or along the axes of eccentric blocks for compound bows.

5.4.2 Arrows for field crossbows:

Tip shape. oval
minimum tip weight. 8 g
boom length:
smallest. 355 mm
greatest. 610 mm

5.5 It is not allowed to install the following on sports crossbows:

Combined bows with moving parts having different elastic properties,
vertically positioned bows,
pneumatic and hydraulic devices (activators) for cocking bows,
corrective lenses on the crossbow body.

6. Crossbows for recreation and entertainment

6.1 Crossbows for recreation and entertainment in design may have an external resemblance to sports and sport-hunting crossbows, and also have a pistol-type design.

6.2 Before the publication of the relevant GOSTs, as a result of an analysis of the technical conditions for the manufacture of various samples of sports and forensic practice, these requirements establish the following values ​​​​of the main technical parameters of crossbows for recreation and entertainment, ensuring that they do not have combat properties:

6.2.1 Crossbows for recreation and entertainment:

Bow strength (string tension). no more than 20 kg
the largest mass of the crossbow (including sights). 3.5 kg

6.2.2 Arrows and crossbow bolts for recreational use:

Arrowhead shape. oval
the greatest mass of the projectile. 30 g

The design and technical characteristics (including weight) of a standard projectile for a specific type of crossbow for recreation and entertainment with a bow force of no more than 20 kg when testing the destructive properties by shooting at short distances (no more than 5 m) must prevent the tip from penetrating the target:

Dry pine board. to a depth of more than 8 mm
a special plastic target that imitates human muscle tissue. to a depth of more than 15 mm"

An attentive person will find in these requirements some discrepancy with the products available for free sale, however, I will emphasize this again - in order to be recognized as a weapon, it must first be used or have such an intention, in addition, the weapon must have a set of necessary properties immediately. However, in terms of hunting, there is a clause of the Requirements that clearly classifies hunting bows and crossbows, which reads:

“Specific samples of bladed and throwing weapons must be:

Designed to inflict serious bodily injuries dangerous to human life and health, defeat and finish off an animal (including sea animals or large fish), as well as for protection during its attack (hereinafter referred to as: to hit a target);
suitable for hitting a target, which is ensured by their design and properties.”

At the same time, if all this is intended only for training (or is kept in storage until traveling abroad), then this is in accordance with the classification:

1 Sports crossbows - hitting targets during sports training and competitions.

2 Crossbows for recreation and entertainment - target shooting during cultural events, training and on vacation.

Legislation is a complex concept for a non-specialist, so carry with you a description of the product with stamped statements and when answering questions, pay close attention to the terms in which you present all this.

Do I need a crossbow permit for hunting?

Hunters know very well that in order to go into the forest with a gun, they must obtain permission. This applies to any firearm, be it an old double-barreled shotgun inherited from a father or grandfather, or a modern carbine with expanded functionality. What about those who plan to engage in active hunting with a combat crossbow? Is it necessary to obtain permission to carry and use this weapon?

The nuances of purchasing a hunting crossbow

You can’t just buy a gun in a store or online store. This is a very complex procedure that requires compliance with a number of conditions. The purchase of a crossbow is made according to a simplified procedure. In order to become the owner of a throwing weapon, you will need a passport (subject to purchase in a store). Purchasing a crossbow for hunting in an online store will only require your confirmation of adulthood. Persons under eighteen years of age are prohibited from purchasing any weapons. This legal restriction is set by the state. It is necessary to improve the safety of operation of devices intended for hunting.

What certificates may be required?

It is unlikely that anyone will ask you for a certificate of conformity for a crossbow. But there are times when you can use it to protect yourself from a legal point of view. The fact is that some crossbows are considered cold throwing weapons. This depends on the tension force of the arms of the device. If it does not exceed 43 kg/s, everything is in order. Such a crossbow can be purchased legally and used legally. Trusted and reliable manufacturers accompany each device of this type with a certificate of conformity, which necessarily contains a mark on the conduct of a forensic examination. It must also indicate with what force the crossbow's arms are tensioned. If the indicator meets the established requirements, feel free to use the weapon for hunting. In this case, the supervisory authorities will not have any questions for you.

Do I need a permit to use a hunting crossbow?

Let's summarize the above:

  • You do not need a permit to use a crossbow for hunting.
  • Ask the seller for a certificate of conformity, which contains a mark on the forensic examination.
  • Pay attention to the fact that the tension force of the bowstring does not exceed the permissible limits according to the law of the Russian Federation.
  • It is worth noting that purchasing a hunting crossbow is an excellent opportunity to increase your endurance and physical abilities. This type of hunting requires a certain skill, which professional crossbowmen have honed over the years. Try it, you might like using throwing weapons more than firearms.

    Do you need a permit for a crossbow in Russia?

    Now there are many types of bladed weapons, one of the most popular is the crossbow. They come in plastic - for children; there are also hunting ones, which are very powerful, and the penetration power is sometimes not inferior to a bullet. A logical question arises about whether a crossbow and bow require a permit.

    Types of crossbows

    Crossbows can be toy crossbows, for recreation and entertainment, as well as for hunting small game, and the most powerful of them - for large animals. Their main criterion is the tension force. Well, with plastic toys, everything is clear: they are designed for children and cannot injure.

    Crossbows for recreation and entertainment

    Their strength should be no more than 20 kg. If this figure is higher, they already fall under another criterion. Such crossbows are used in target shooting, on vacation or for competitions. The range of such weapons is 25 m. These crossbows are pulled only by the force of their muscle mass, without devices that facilitate this process.

    Crossbows for hunting small game and birds

    Now let’s consider whether a permit is needed for a crossbow with a force of 20-55 kg. With such devices you can easily hunt small animals and birds. They are also pulled only by muscle force, although there are models that still have auxiliary devices for this. But this is rather an exception. The sighting range of an arrow fired from such a weapon is 70 m.

    Crossbows for large animals

    The most powerful devices have a tension force of over 55 kg. They are used for serious hunting, large game. Their range is around one hundred meters, and often much further. This is already a serious weapon with high penetrating power and arrow speed. To tension the bowstring, special devices are used, which come in different types. However, some shooters deliberately prefer to use only the strength of their muscles for tension.

    Throughout Russia, a crossbow requires a permit only if its tension force is more than 43 kg. Such devices are widely sold legally in our country. Naturally, there are sellers who can offer a more powerful crossbow, however, purchasing and owning one would be illegal.

    Basically, such weapons are smuggled illegally or in parts and sold under the counter to trusted people. There are also those who independently make such powerful crossbows, but again if their strength exceeds the permissible 43 kg, then it is illegal. As for bows, the draw weight should not exceed 27 kg. Such devices are called weapons-like products. Therefore, answering the question of whether a crossbow or bow requires a permit, we can say unequivocally: no, if the permissible limits are met.

    Who has the right to shoot more powerful bows and crossbows in Russia

    Now about more powerful crossbows and bows. To become the owner of such a serious device and use it, you need to have sports status. After all, such equipment is considered professional sports equipment, intended only for training or competitions. You can buy it if there is such a seller, but you just need to transport them disassembled. The police can make a claim only when they catch a person with a weapon assembled and ready to fire. But only athletes who have the appropriate document that confirms their status can legally shoot from crossbows with a draw weight of more than 43 kg.

    Carrying a powerful crossbow

    In addition, it is worth remembering that when selling a powerful crossbow assembly, you are a seller of weapons. And if you do it in parts, then everything is fine, there is no violation.

    How to prove that a crossbow is not a weapon

    A permit for a crossbow in Russia is not required, because it is not a weapon. However, how can you prove to law enforcement that its pulling force does not exceed 43 kg? The seller who sells crossbows must issue a certificate containing the serial number and all the characteristics of the device. And if you want to set up a target and shoot in the nearest park, you should always carry this document with you. Its presence will allow you to get rid of headaches with proof that the characteristics of the crossbow meet all legal standards.

    In addition to these questions, people often ask whether a pistol crossbow requires a permit. The answer is the same. If it does not exceed the permissible limit in the tension force, then you can safely shoot, naturally, at inanimate targets. And also, when you buy a crossbow, the seller must provide a certificate for the model you chose, and not a similar one. Only in this case there will be no claims against the owner of the crossbow.

    How to legally hunt with a crossbow in our country

    Now let's talk about crossbows for hunting. Do they need permission or not? As such, there is no hunting of animals with a crossbow in Russia, because it is prohibited by law. However, in practice this is not entirely true. Hunting with throwing weapons, such as a bow or crossbow, is prohibited. But if the tension force of the crossbow does not exceed 43 kg and all other characteristics stated in the certificate comply with the standard, then the device is not a throwing weapon. Therefore, you can hunt with it. After all, everything that is not prohibited by law is permitted.

    There are many inaccuracies in the bowhunting ban. For example, if you take a bow, then its tension should not be more than 27 kg. However, if we consider a compound bow, in which this indicator may be lower, but due to the blocks it fires an arrow with enormous force. Even an elephant can be easily hit with such a shot. The same thing happens if you take a crossbow with blocks and a force of 43 kg, which are officially allowed. Then the hitting power of the arrow will increase thanks to the same system. Therefore, the question of whether you need a permit for a crossbow, of course, disappears, because those specimens that are freely sold are all certified, and you can go hunting with them.

    Another flaw that opens up opportunities for the hunter

    Besides this, there is another inaccuracy. There are also projectile devices for injecting animals. They can be much more powerful than the established 43 and 27 kg. Based on this, we can say that it is allowed to shoot from more powerful devices, but not with arrows. In this case, from a legal point of view, there is no violation.

    What is a certified throwing weapon?

    Based on all that has been said, bows and crossbows are not weapons, but act as hunting devices. It turns out that they go along with traps and other devices for holding and catching animals and have a household purpose in accordance with GOST.

    Naturally, in addition to a bow or crossbow, when hunting you need to have all the relevant documents for hunting the animal. Required:

  • availability of a hunting license;
  • paper permitting hunting and, if necessary, a permit;
  • and, of course, a certificate for onions.
  • Next, we’ll look at whether you need a permit for a homemade crossbow

    With homemade devices, everything is more complicated. They need to be sent for examination, where the weapons are tested, and subsequently the experts pronounce their verdict. The created device needs to be sent to the State Economic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, where they will determine what characteristics the product has, in addition, it will undergo a forensic examination.

    In accordance with GOSTs, special conditions have been developed under which the weapon must have not only the appropriate bowstring tension, but also the prescribed weight of the arrows, their penetration to a certain depth and many other parameters. In addition, the degree of reliability of the hook is regulated so that the product is bladeless. This also applies to bows; the same parameters are measured in them. And also the curves of the shoulders with a taut and relaxed bowstring.

    Do crossbows and bows require a permit to set up a shooting range?

    For such entertainment establishments, GOST standards require even weaker tension. It should be no more than 20 kg. This is the main criterion by which it is determined whether a bow or crossbow is a toy for entertainment or a melee throwing weapon. In addition, the material from which the arrows are made is specified. They can be made of wood, composites, aluminum alloys, and they can also be combined if necessary.

    In addition, the arrows must be of a certain length. For crossbows - from 355 to 610 mm, and bows - from 400 to 1000 mm. The tip should be oval or conical. The way it is sharpened is also important; there are also strict limits here; its angle cannot exceed 60°, otherwise it can cause severe damage. The arrow shaft should be the same diameter as the tip, or a maximum of 2 mm thinner.

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Despite their apparent archaic nature, weapons such as a crossbow or bow are widely used for entertainment or sporting purposes, as well as for hunting. The procedure for their acquisition, circulation and storage is regulated by the Federal Law “On Weapons”. In this legislative act, a crossbow is classified as a cold throwing weapon. In addition, it contains the parameters that serve as the basis for obtaining appropriate permission to purchase and use this type of weapon.

Classification of crossbows

The main parameter that is decisive in justifying the need to purchase a license for a crossbow, the law stipulates the tension force of the arms. The greater the amount of tension the crossbow has on the arm, the more energy it will impart to the arrow. Accordingly, models with a higher tension value provide a longer arrow flight distance and greater penetration ability.

  • The tension force of the shoulder does not exceed 43 kgf. These models can be sold freely; no permits or licenses are required for their acquisition and use. Crossbows that meet these requirements are most often used for recreational purposes or for sports competitions. Low penetration power provides a sufficient level of security.
  • Shoulder tension force from 43 to 135 kgf. Models in this group are subject to the Weapons Law. Their acquisition, storage and use must be accompanied by mandatory licensing. They can be used for sporting competitions and hunting. Moreover, if crossbows belonging to the lower limit of the force range are used for hunting small animals or game, then powerful devices with a large value of arm tension can well be used for hunting large animals. Some models are equipped with special devices for tensioning the bowstring.
  • Shoulder tension force over 135 kgf. Models with these characteristics are not available for sale.

Andrey Shalygin: Hunting with a Bow and Crossbow in Russia is possible if you have all the necessary documents for a bow or crossbow that is not a weapon, and have also received hunting permits in the prescribed manner. We have already clarified all this in detail during a detailed analysis of the current legislation, considering individual nuances and positions of the parties in conversations with the Head of the Hunting Department of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources, Anton Bersenev. At the same time, Anton Evgenievich emphasized that the Hunting Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation objects to hunting with a crossbow, but with both hands supports hunting with a bow.

Today I would like to dwell on those specific documents that you should have on hand if you go hunting with a bow and crossbow. You should always have scanned copies of documents with you and at home in order to have a backup copy and be able to transfer them to some particularly interested person (of course, against signature in a previously prepared act of acceptance and transfer of documents drawn up by you, if this is not a police officer, or an act on the seizure of evidence signed by two witnesses, if it is the police - it is very sobering for the police and inspectors, their eyes immediately dim, and their zeal immediately disappears). I recommend that you immediately take the form of a Counter Statement about the unlawful actions of a police representative to the police department and indicate there that a similar statement will also be submitted to the Department of Internal Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As a rule, at this point all conversations stop altogether and control bodies disappear.

There are different cases. I’m going with an underwater gun, which in a case doesn’t differ much from the usual one, to Detsky Mir in Moscow in a large shopping center (on the case there are also inscriptions.. “fire”, etc.). The security guard asks me - what is this, a gun? - A gun, I say. - He nods his head, and I calmly move on... However, not all actors on the ground have a lack of desire for problems and x-ray vision.

Such a precedent could arise, for example, if suddenly(and this is theoretically possible) some kind of hunting inspector who does not know the current legislation (and this is a common thing) or a police officer accompanying him (which is also quite possible in rural areas, because they are hired into the police not with a legal education, but after the army ), suddenly, he decides that it’s better to draw up a protocol against you, or write a report, on the principle - we’ll figure it out, no matter what happens. DO NOT SEND original documents. They will always be lost maliciously, this is a total and widespread practice in our bodies, it has been verified. The original is presented only to the court and only for review so that the copy can be certified by the court clerk. Everything that can be lost will be lost - this is in the interests of the inspector.

Of course, they will give him a slap later, but in order to eliminate stupidity in the highest authority(and this is quite possible in the countryside, since things are also not very good with personnel there) - it is better not just to show the documents, but to voluntarily provide people with copies of all documents, so that if they wish, they can attach them to their notes, and at the same time not to bother you, and then you won’t have to go anywhere with them, but just give them copies - let them read them at their leisure, maybe they’ll gain some sense. In any case, this will help you avoid most of the unauthorized decisions of illiterate inspectors, and report to them that they at least did something.

What documents are needed for Bow and Crossbow Hunting in Russia

The first thing you should have is a Hunting Ticket

There is no single hunter's reference book as a publication in Russia, but there is a series of reference books with maps that are published by different organizations, for example, Rosohotrybolovdesign by Tina Rukavishnikova (publications since 2005 for different regions) - you can buy both from the widow of the famous knifemaker herself, and in large hunting stores. Tina has been collaborating with Garmin for many years, so you can expect that navigators will soon have a full version of everything together and without any books.

The second thing you must have is a Hunting Permit, and, if necessary, a permit (License, Permit), if it is a private (public, with a special regime, etc. hunting area)

Hunting Permit- this is a single state document that is valid for hunting in a strictly defined territory, which is publicly accessible hunting grounds, within strictly defined hunting periods, for the production of strictly defined hunting objects no more than or exactly how much is indicated and paid in accordance with the receipt for payment at the state tariff of this fee.

Come to the location of the authorized body of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation(local administration, hunting area, or whatever is established in the place where you are going to hunt), write or do not write an Application (there are also options depending on the availability of forms and the type of hunting object and region), they give you a receipt for paying the state fee, you pay, bring and SHOW the stub of the payment receipt (keeping it for yourself), and you will be given a Permit.

In connection with the entry into force of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Russia, PROHIBITED since 2013(amendments to the Hunting Rules have been introduced) indicate in the Permit the address of your permanent residence and stay, as well as the address of your work. At the same time, due to the absence in some cases of forms on the ground (new, old, some in general - which is a violation that contributes to the fraud of officials and administrations, keep in mind), you may still be issued an old-style Permit, which will have sections at the top to indicate place of residence and place of work - You should be given a dash there. Officials argue that all this is indicated in the Application, but not in the Permit, but so far they have agreed that the place of registration according to the passport can be indicated in the Application, but nothing can be written in the Permit.

This form seems to be new, which is already stated in the annotation below, but in contradiction with the annotation, the registration data is placed in the header of the document, and the annotation seems to allow the administration, with your approval, to indicate your data - this is outright fraud, illegal fraud, and you If you wish, you can appeal or simply not indicate the relevant data. The bureaucrats are even bigger swindlers than poachers, so you also need to talk to them in the language of the law - let them write the demand in writing signed by a specific person, and if they don’t write - record the whole conversation on video and greetings to the official will come right away. If you know how to put any of them at attention, you can very easily. In the column you can immediately write instead of the address - that its indication is prohibited by Russian law.

In some regions, they invented certain combined forms on which payment details are indicated along with the application and even a cash register receipt is stamped on the Application as if on a receipt; the Applications have payment details on them... In Russia, such a circus is common.

After writing the Application and paying the fee at the bank or post office, based on these documents and the availability of a Hunting Ticket, you will be issued a Permit.

This is an old-new form in which the place of work and registration should not be indicated, but officials really want what is prohibited. Just like poachers.

Seasonal permits for hunting a large number of different animals and birds There are tear-off coupons that you must close sequentially immediately after the hunt if you have written out a lot of everything and different things for yourself, arriving at the same place where you received the Permit within the time frame established by the local administration after a successful hunt for a large animal (usually 3 days).

Well, in the end you will receive some kind of Permission, it may be like this - a piece of paper, or it may be on a bluish form with watermarks, as it should be, since this is a strict reporting form. In some places, officials also falsify them, issuing double and triple ones on a color copier, even writing out frankly left-wing ones. Therefore, of course, they may be different (which will cease to be the rule over time), but you still ask your local friends how much it corresponds to local realities.

For a large number of small game and birds as a rule, this is not required (they will tell you everything when issuing the Permit, where as a rule they also write it in text) - let’s say you paid 100 rubles and go to your health before the expiration date. Various amendments regarding mandatory veterinary control are currently under consideration., when after harvesting on the same day you need to deliver the carcass to the special site of the local veterinarian for cutting and control, but I think that such stupidity will not work. The attached coupons to the Permit are closed one by one as animals and poultry are harvested, with a seal and signature on each coupon at the point of issue. Upon completion, the Permit is closed entirely, returning to the authority that issued it.

Vouchers (Licenses, Permits) from private owners, in special and experimental hunting grounds, on the hunting grounds of public organizations, departmental, parks, special zones, and all that stuff - it’s all so varied on paper that there’s simply not even a single sample to show , whoever wants, draws that way.

Their task is to justify marking up 10-20 times against the state price due to the services provided. And how they distribute these very services among expense items in order to evade taxes - this is something each swindler comes up with on his own in each specific case. You can tell tales as much as you like about why, against the state tariff of 3,000 - 4,000 rubles, the price for a trophy increases for a private owner to 40,000 - 200,000 rubles, but depending on the accounting department, it all floats as they want: huntsman services, accommodation, food, delivery, holding, mandatory rental of what is not needed, check-in in 24 hours, check-out in full 24 hours... cleaning, feeding... wounded animal, miss, number of shots, price of trophy, price per weight, per horns, per age... . horror.

Whatever you like or not, in Russia almost 70% (or even 90%) of the area of ​​trophy habitat
wild boar is on private hunting grounds, as is deer (depending on the region), as is everything else of any value. And even much higher in percentage. And there, no one is interested in what you hunt with, since for the established tariffs they will sell you anything, even with a bow, even with a crossbow, even with a spear or a knife. Moose just wander as they please as a migratory species, and that’s what they get mostly.

However, if you are with a bow or crossbow, then in ODU (public hunting grounds) and even more so in GOH (state hunting grounds) you may be asked strictly on occasion. Because the state price for animals and birds obliges them to treat the resource as their own, otherwise they will knock everything out for pennies. Therefore, in this case, representatives of the Hunting Department may resist hunting with a crossbow as a non-weapon, even if it is not prohibited by law. But when hunting with a bow, you can always appeal to the Head of the Hunting Department using the links above at the beginning of the article.

But on-site inspections are carried out not by the Hunting Department, but by Rosprirodnadzor, and so on. And their knowledge, as well as their personal position, may differ significantly from the Legislation. Therefore, everything must be done with the appropriate documents for bows and crossbows.

The third thing you must have is Documents for a Bow and (or) Crossbow that is not a Weapon

Everything that needs to be explained and shown in this regard is described in the video at the beginning of the article. Here in the text I will briefly list what you need to have both when going to the place of the Hunt, the Hunt itself, returning from it, and when transporting a bow or crossbow in public or private transport and conducting recreation, sports competitions or entertainment (please note, you need to have this , but not at all necessary, however, this is completely enough to unequivocally upset anyone who wants to and put them on their backs in any conversation about the legality of your actions):

Bow (Crossbow) setup and Specification List, User (Owners) Manual

Documents for the Bow and Crossbow and signs of their originality:

  1. Either-or - Quality Control Certificate, final quality control sheet, test sheet, control measurement tag of test data of a specific sample... (Bow-Crossbow Setup and Specification)- any of these documents, which is always included with a sample produced by a certified manufacturer, and which indicates the technical characteristics and serial number of this particular product sample and its name. This document confirms that this device of such and such a number and name was produced by such and such a manufacturer with certain technical characteristics (then you can use them to check the legality of import, certification, configuration of a bow or crossbow). This confirms that this bow and crossbow have a strictly defined tension force in this standard configuration, which has a specific name and serial number on the parts. As a rule, this is a printed tag in the form of a laminated piece of thick cardboard, filled in by hand by the manufacturer’s final test control body (in Russia with the seal of the quality control department).
  2. Original technical documentation from the manufacturer (User Manual), which is always supplied with the device and was presented to the forensic authorities of the Russian Federation during certification of the sample. These are descriptions with operating instructions, the appearance of the product and its equipment from the manufacturer. She can confirm, for example, whether it has not undergone either an examination in this form or a customs declaration. This protects you and society from criminals supplying weapons to Russia under the guise of fraudulent certification and deception of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This document confirms that this product was manufactured with exactly this name in such a configuration and such a device, with such operating requirements by the manufacturer itself.
  3. Official authentic translation of the original technical documentation into Russian (User's Guide or Instructions for Use), mandatory for the sale of foreign products in the Russian Federation. In Russia, official bodies do not consider documents in a foreign language. The judicial authorities want a notarized authentic translation, or a document provided by the manufacturer’s representative in Russia to GosKrimEkspertiza and mandatory for accompanying the product in the Russian Federation. These can be photocopies certified by the seller, or a printed brochure for a specific type of product. This document confirms that the exact device in the same configuration and with the same characteristics that was produced under this name by the manufacturer has been certified and sold in Russia.
  4. It should be noted here that both on the bow itself and on its shoulders, as well as on the crossbow itself and its shoulders, there must be unique serial numbers of parts, which are recorded in all the above documents, both by the manufacturer in the English version of the documentation, and by the seller in all versions of Russian-language documents when selling to a specific person, indicating the date and place of sale, full name and signature of the owner and seller, certified by the seal of the official seller. At the same time, on the arms of bows and crossbows there must be visible factory markings of the maximum tension force - up to 43 kgf on crossbow arms and 27 kgf on bow arms. This confirms that the manufacturer specially released this sample for Russia in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation and Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 1020. This allows you to avoid fraud by sellers of bows and crossbows, when a weakened prefabricated hodgepodge is fraudulently certified, but in fact they sell either a complete weapon or a do-it-yourself kit for assembling a weapon (see link in point 2). Products fraudulently imported into the territory of the Russian Federation and sold illegally do not have this.
  5. Three to Four documents that confirm the compliance of this bow or crossbow with the requirements of the Law on Weapons and passing the State Forensic Examination (Protocol, Act, Appendices to them), as well as the GOST Certificate of Conformity itself confirming that This particular sample complies with the Forensic requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the technical characteristics of civilian and service weapons in terms of recognition of this product as a product structurally similar to a throwing weapon(that is, simply a product similar to a weapon, but not a weapon). This is a certified copy of the GOST R Certificate on the certification of a specific name (for example, in general, HOYT, BEAR bows, BARNETT crossbows), as well as Appendix No. 1 to it with a list of names of specific products falling under the scope of this Certificate - a list of legally certified names of the model range and the total number of units of these products which are allowed to be imported into Russia for sale under this certificate. And Research protocol for compliance with forensic requirements (CrimExpertiza) a specific model with its photograph on it (this is also an Appendix to the Certificate), and also if necessary, an Information Sheet for the Criminal Examination Protocol, which looks the same as the Protocol itself, if the manufacturer released this model, which differs little from the original, later under a different name after certification of the base model (being also an annex to the certificate and protocol, it confirms that this particular variety falls under the scope of this certificate, and the data from its examination are practically inconclusive differ from the previously drawn up protocol for the entire series of similar products from this manufacturer, and are valid within the framework of the previously agreed upon general series of similar products imported into the territory of the Russian Federation).
  6. Documents under points 3 and 5 can be compiled together into one brochure independently produced by the official representative of the manufacturer or the manufacturer itself in Russia (In Russia and the CIS only Interloper does this), which is included in the product package and is intended, or as in the case of BEAR bows, for all devices produced by BEAR ARCHERY (everything is included inside for all models), or for each model separately, as is done for INTERLOPER crossbows, SAMICK bows, BARNETT crossbows, HOYT bows (perhaps later it will be collected in one book). This brochure also contains official manufacturer warranties (since INTERLOPER is their representative in Russia and provides these guarantees itself), the Lifetime Warranty network for BEAR Bows, etc., as well as data on the sale of a specific device to a specific buyer, indicating its technical characteristics.
  7. Well, of course, you should have, depending on the purchase option - sales receipt, or a waybill with a transfer certificate decoding the place, time of purchase, list of purchases and their cost. In particular, this is what confirms that you bought exactly what is written in the papers, you are the owner and it costs some money. This document allows you to determine who exactly sold this item and to whom, when and compare this with customs and certification documents in order to check whether previously issued documents are valid and whether their seller is legal. Also, these documents confirm your right to this product and the responsibility of third parties for its loss, theft, substitution, and so on (if suddenly you do not have all the documents above on hand, then the bow or crossbow allegedly seized for examination will then be sent to you without these documents possession and proof of value will not be claimed back in court and will not be compensated by payment in court, and local authorities really like to lose what they want to have - it has been checked everywhere and by everyone many times). In addition, these documents provide you with possible questions about customs clearance of transportation of these things across the borders of the CIS and insinuations about what it costs, new or old, and whether you need to pay a duty.
  8. Attention! Everything that is said above is valid only on the territory of the Russian Federation or in transit between its parts. The Ukrainian customs officer, just like the Kyrgyz one, doesn’t care about all these Russian certificates. They are only interested in their own people. Yes, from the point of view of Russian legislation, you are not a violator, but other countries have their own legislation. If when traveling to the USA you don’t have any problems at all and they don’t ask you anything, then when traveling to Ukraine they may confiscate your bow and crossbow and then you won’t return them (an official personal invitation from a sports federation in Ukrainian indicating the imported equipment is quite suitable for resolving issues, in extreme cases it must also be agreed upon with the local police department or customs service - they are reluctant to put a stamp, but they do), and when traveling to Kyrgyzstan you can not only be arrested, but also imprisoned (and there is no point in appealing to the law ). Belarus is more sane in this regard, but it is advisable to have an invitation and a contract (agreement) specifically for hunting with a bow and crossbow. In all doubtful cases, we disassemble the bow or crossbow for parts and never mention anywhere that we are carrying a bow or crossbow - these are all sorts of different parts for entertainment purposes. Underwater hunters carry their guns called fishing rods, devices for catching fish, God forbid they say that it is an underwater crossbow or a gun. Even the Russian national team travels like this, our customs regime is completely insane. I have this fishing rod - if you think that this is not a fishing rod, then justify it. So it's not a crossbow or a bow. Spare parts for entertainment, I’m taking a friend’s child as a gift. With a bow this is not a problem at all, with a crossbow you will have to disassemble and separate the guide - now it is just a set of pieces of plastic and an aluminum rail.

The GOST R Certificate with Appendices, all sheets of which are certified by the seller with a signature and seal, may contain: the actual Certificate for the manufacturer’s brand line, Appendix No. 1 on the conformity and affiliation of specific names of the product line with those certified under this certificate, Protocol of conformity of a specific product name from the list of Appendix No. 1 requirements of forensic examination, and an Information Sheet on the compliance of a separate new modification of such devices with the general Test Protocol of the head model. It all depends on what was originally declared for the series, how large the batch was allowed for import, how long the documents are valid, and how the manufacturer’s model range has changed. So if you have an Information Sheet, you need to have a Protocol. If you have a Protocol, then of course the sheet is no longer needed.

The only manufacturer and representative of the world's largest manufacturers of bows and crossbows in Russia and the CIS, which produces printed brochures that contain a FULL SET OF DOCUMENTS to accompany the product, is INTERLOPER.

This is the Sales Certificate and the Warranty and the Description and the Operation and Setup Instructions and the User's Guide, and it also contains all the necessary set of documents, Certificates of Conformity and forensic examination results. For BEAR ARCHERY bows and some SAMICK bows this is a single brochure for a number of models, for all other products there are individual books for now. The Baers also have it there LIFETIME WARRANTY and instructions for setting up and adjusting blocks of various designs.

For your own INTERLOPER crossbows, the certificate of sale is in the book before the Certificate; for BEAR bows it is on the first page of the brochure in a gray square. The documentation for SAMICK bows uses color photo printing and the Certificate documents are contained there in their original color form.

Of course, the entire set of documents must be certified by the seal and signature of the seller who is the official dealer or distributor of Interloper
indicating the sale and owner information.

Sales and cash receipts, as well as Specification tags removed from bows and crossbows, must be immediately stapled to such a brochure on the inside on the Certificate of Sale page, checking that the serial numbers of the products on all documents match.

What to do if they try to detain you for Hunting with a Bow and Crossbow or seize an allegedly illegal hunting weapon (device)

Applies only to those who have fulfilled all the above requirements, did not buy a bow and crossbow from scammers, and did not convert a bow and crossbow into weapons, and is also not a poacher (all these cases relate to the independent rescue of drowning people from the hands of the drowning people themselves). Documents are always stored in the bow or crossbow bag, in bags and cases produced by INTERLOPER there is a special internal pocket for this.

The first thing you should know is that the one who makes the accusations always proves and he must put forward them absolutely precisely formulating what exactly was violated and at what point of what legal norms. But you shouldn’t create a conflict situation by hiring a not very competent but irritable or greedy inspector “to show off.” You are the one who came into his area of ​​responsibility, so you just need to explain what you are doing here if he is interested.

If you have no prey, it is better not to say that you are hunting at all. Don't create difficulties yourself. You train, play role-playing games, prepare for a hunt in New Zealand, shoot a home video... whatever. You use a bow and crossbow for their intended purpose - for sport, recreation and entertainment. All. No prey - no hunting, and no conversation.

However, if you are with prey and the inspection makes some demands on you that Hunting is illegal. Show your Hunting Ticket and Hunting Permit. If this is not enough (it should be enough, but if suddenly it’s not) and a stupid question arises about hunting with a bow and crossbow - explain that it is legal, if you disagree, let them name in accordance with which clause of which Law it is illegal - there is no such clause if the bow or crossbow are not weapons. The Law and Rules speak only about Weapons. If they insist on drawing up a document (Protocol of the Act, etc.), let them indicate which point of what was specifically violated. There are no such points.

It is recommended to make two photocopies of all documents for a Bow or Crossbow, keep one of them at home, and have the second in the same bag with two documents attached - completed by you Certificate of acceptance and transfer of COPIES documents in duplicate in case a police representative intends to draw up some kind of Protocol against you, as well as Two forms of Applications to the Department of Internal Affairs(the counter and the one that you will take away in a copy with the seal of the Department of Internal Affairs about the acceptance of the application - a coupon is good, but not enough, ask for the Copy to be endorsed by the duty officer at the Department of Internal Affairs - this will be the basis on which to submit the Application to the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) in case he finds a scythe on a stone and on they will try to draw up some kind of Protocol on you for something (it doesn’t matter for what, even for poaching, even for weapons, even for violating the regime of the territory, since this is a general rule - when you buy compulsory motor liability insurance they give you a Protocol on an accident, well here too).

The originals and copies of the originals in the bag are stored in different plastic bags with a clip-lock. If necessary, show the originals to the person authorized to check (and since last year, the inspector has the right to check documents without the presence of a police officer), and if strictly required, you can transfer copies of documents according to the act, but this is already a seizure (even copies of documents, but still a seizure), which is done only with the preparation Protocol, Act in the presence of two disinterested witnesses and is carried out by a police representative who performs exactly this control function at his station during official hours (which is easy to check by calling the duty officer based on the documents presented to you and the named telephone number of the operational duty officer).

If you have presented ALL documents, there can be no legal grounds for your detention or seizure of a bow or crossbow (if you have formulated the main thesis that in accordance with the Law on Hunting and the Rules of Hunting - hunting with a bow and crossbow that is not a weapon is not prohibited, and you have a Hunting permit), but what if suddenly, based on clearly stated facts (I would like to hear such facts at least once from a qualified police officer), a police representative(only to the police) still doubted that he knew the Law on Hunting and the Rules of Hunting (and you know them if you read the articles on the links above), the bow or crossbow corresponds to the documents presented and insists on seizure for the purpose of verification - that’s where a Seizure Protocol with witnesses is drawn up, in which you must indicate what documents were presented to the policeman, and why you consider his actions illegal (as in the case of a car, he cannot conduct a personal search without witnesses, rummage through things with his own hands, interfere with video and audio recording and so on - then he will be tortured to make excuses all his life).

However, there is a small correction here. In order to send something for forensic examination, the Department of Internal Affairs must be initiated on some grounds under some Code within the framework of their jurisdiction (and if they have documents, they have no grounds for this). And here, if you are not very sure that your device meets the requirements of these documents, then it is best not to create further problems - quietly, unostentatiously, cut the string, thereby making it completely impossible to conduct any examination at all. No one is interested in what settings the bow and crossbow had there - because it is no longer possible to check anything in principle, and no one will seize a device for examination that is generally impossible to check, unless they want huge problems for themselves for abuse of authority and unprofessionalism. Of course, everything happens by accident, it happens that they were touched by something. But there are no grounds for confiscation at all, unless, of course, you killed a person, and the photo on the Protocol Appendix to the Certificate corresponds to what you have in your hands.

In general, all these issues represent a complex of legal conflicts, which can be resolved quite quickly and competently by either specialists or trained lawyers. And in order not to delve into this set of legal norms yourself, and if such a situation arises, to delegate the resolution of problems to specialists, it is best to purchase bows and crossbows from certified manufacturers and their representatives, where all documents correspond to the contents.

But it is best to also have LEGAL SUPPORT from professionals in resolving such issues. Currently, the INTERLOPER Legal Department is working on the issue of providing ongoing legal support to buyers of high-budget bows and crossbows, provided free of charge both by phone and on site, to official buyers who have an individual number
to provide support and consulting over the phone, including providing explanations to representatives of control and inspection authorities, sending them the necessary documents via communications, and so on (if you forgot or lost documents, the company will restore them and send them to the appropriate authorities). Including representation of the client’s interests in possible proceedings, including judicial ones, visits by a lawyer in case of illegal detention, assistance in objective forensic examination (you never know what someone will screw up, anything can happen), etc. The Company will announce the full list of offers to VIP clients in the near future.

You must have with you the Certificate, Attachments to the Certificate and Information Sheet handed over by the seller, also printed out “”. I also recommend putting a regular 50 kg electronic steelyard in the crossbow case, with which you can measure the tension force right in the field and demonstrate the indicators to the interested party. All these papers and devices will help in possible communication with police officers.

So they began, the promised “pitfalls”.

Any of our actions, including entertainment, are of no interest to anyone until the rights of other people begin to be violated. We are not even talking about causing any material damage - here everything will be clearly interpreted as an administrative offense with all that it entails. And under certain circumstances – even to criminal prosecution. But if the mothers walking with strollers in the park simply think that you have set up an impromptu shooting range too close to the paths, and they call the police, they will definitely find a way to put pressure on the okhalnik. And that’s right: children are our everything. If you wish and use a creative approach, your actions can be summarized under a bunch of articles. Moreover, shake your nerves with forensic examinations of the crossbow for compliance with the certificate, which you, of course, present to law enforcement officers.

Hence the conclusion: in order not to even accidentally “encroach on public order and public safety,” it is better to distance yourself from society, as in the bottom photo. (In anticipation of the question, I’ll report: it doesn’t depict the author of the article - I’m quite older, but there are bigger crossbows :))

Simply put, find a deserted place - an open wasteland, an abandoned quarry, a field, a large clearing. The latter can also be a mistake.

The fact is that most undeveloped areas outside the boundaries of populated areas are one way or another considered hunting grounds. Including, by the way, ordinary “collective farm” fields. And hunting legislation, like any other, is drawn up according to the principle “if there were a person, there would be an article.”

Being in the area with a weapon is equivalent to hunting. In this case - without a hunting ticket, permits and licenses, and not within the established time frame - to illegal hunting. It would seem that our crossbows are not weapons. But in this case, the law has the following clause (in bold):

6) hunting tools - firearms, pneumatic and cold steel classified as hunting weapons in accordance with Federal Law of December 13, 1996 N 150-FZ “On Weapons” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law “On Weapons”), as well as ammunition, traps And Other devices , devices, equipment used in hunting.

How is a crossbow or bow as an “other device” worse than, say, a rangefinder? Moreover, unlike the latter, which is designed to simply measure distances, they are intended specifically for shooting. There is also this nuance: if you throw an ordinary stick on the land and knock out a quail or kill a hare with a shovel, there will be a fact of illegal hunting. So the saying about “shooting rakes” did not appear out of nowhere.

Of course, a lot depends on our behavior and surroundings. Demonstratively placed targets, a folding table with spare parts and bolts, even “frivolous” clothing will play in our favor. But the appearance of a camouflaged crossbow archer in the hunting grounds, stalking with an allegedly predatory special forces :)) step from head to toe, will most likely end in drawing up a protocol and other related entertainment.

For legal compound bows, the possibility of such a transformation is usually blocked by the manufacturer/seller. Because the sale of throwing weapons is already a criminal offense. And not everyone will be able to even simply stretch a 70-pound recurve (if one can be found) to the correct position. But you can fall under the punishing hand of the law by simply screwing hunting tips to training arrows. In the photo on the left are legal sports, on the right are forbidden.

By themselves, apart from a crossbow, strong shoulders are not weapons (see “”). After installing them on the stock, it will turn into a forbidden throwing weapon, for which the “three geese”, widely known among the shooting public, shine - Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In the absence of a good (and expensive!) lawyer, a very sad ending to a fun “rest and entertainment” is possible - art. 223 “Illegal manufacture of weapons.”

Honestly, it's not worth it. Any more or less serious crossbow, and even more so a full-size “blocker” (“”), even with GOST shoulders, can work perfectly at classic hunting distances of up to 50 meters. At the same time freely stitching through steel sheets. This does not mean that in this version they can be used for serious purposes and tasks (see “”), but for recreation and amateur sporting events such devices are enough for the eyes. And a legal 60-pound compound bow outperforms the vast majority of legal crossbows.

If you are really interested in crossbow and archery hunting, although it is banned in Russia, now such an opportunity has arisen. But here you should keep in mind very serious financial and time costs. The hobby is not cheap, especially in the European part of the country and other densely populated regions. It is more for wealthy and easy-going people.

In accordance with Art. 1 of the Federal Law of December 13, 1996 No. 150-FZ “On Weapons”, weapons are devices and objects that are structurally designed to hit a living or other target, or to send signals. Civilian weapons include weapons intended for use by Russian citizens for self-defense, for sports and hunting. Weapons do not include products certified as household and industrial products, or sports equipment that is structurally similar to weapons. According to Art. 7 of this law, all models of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them produced on the territory of Russia, imported and exported from the territory of Russia, as well as products structurally similar to weapons are subject to mandatory certification.

As for sending by mail, in accordance with subclause 4.3 of clause 4 of Section I of Annex 2 to the Agreement, the import and export from the territory of the Customs Union in international mail of any types of weapons (their parts), cartridges for them (their parts), structurally similar to Products are prohibited for civilian and service weapons.

Taking into account the listed regulatory legal acts, as well as the provisions of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2010 No. 1567-r, the Federal Customs Service of Russia recommends to individuals and participants in foreign economic activity on the issues of classifying (non-classifying) imported goods, including those sent to MPO, as weapons or products structurally similar to weapons, as well as to obtain permits, contact the Department of Public Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Zhitnaya St., 16, Moscow, 119049).

In a word, well done guys from White Rus'! Somehow they manage to calmly and without conflict maneuver between the requirements of clumsy and often stupid legislation, combining them with the economic interests of hunting farms and without causing damage to the animal world. The last one is very important. After all, not only is crossbow and archery hunting in itself difficult and low in yield, but it is also aggravated by increased prices and draconian fines for wounded animals, plus the fee for picking it up by the huntsman.

Just recently, Russia and the Baltic states have followed the path of their neighbors. These are still very rare (and expensive!) shootings of captive animals. I don’t call it hunting, not because of the desire to somehow belittle this action - the enclosure is actually no different from ordinary lands, in terms of area it can be simply huge. Here again there is a legal subtlety: this kind of animal is not considered an object of hunting, otherwise it would be naked poaching, and even with the use of absolutely prohibited types of weapons. So we have to invent an Aesopian language. Although real archery hunting - there is a feeling - will still be allowed in the coming years.

Choosing a weapon for hunting

But, as we have seen, even now a person with an empty wallet and a drop of aventurine in his blood can easily hunt with arrow throwers. And here, finally, we come to the problem of choice - for now between a bow and a crossbow.

If you are a rifle hunter, mastering the latter will be a fairly simple task for you. Crossbow shooting techniques are practically no different from bullet shooting from a smooth-bore weapon, except for the lack of recoil and the roar of a shot. However, a beginner who has never shot anything at all will master a crossbow quite quickly after an individually measured amount of training. Oddly enough, girls do it even better, if you don’t take into account the physical exertion of cocking a bowstring or simply holding a fairly heavy weapon. The point, again, is comfort and, accordingly, the absence of the fear of being shot, which is typical for beginners.

Everything is much more fun with a bow. At least six months of regular training, preferably with a coach or an experienced archer, otherwise there is a possibility of meeting with an orthopedist. This is for a compound bow, a classic or traditional one will take years to master. In addition, blockers are much easier to tension and, even more so, to keep the bowstring cocked due to the release of force.

Financial aspects of crossbow and archery hunting

Well, the last point for today is money. It’s better to think about it before you dive headfirst into the addictive whirlpools of this sport. More details about the cost of various models of arrow throwers are discussed in the relevant articles on this site (““), but for now, again about general issues.

ATTENTION! In 2016, Russian Customs banned the shipment of bows, crossbows and ALL components to them for individuals. Therefore, all information related to their purchase on foreign global resources is for informational purposes only!

Crossbow price

So, more or less suitable for hunting (Taiwan, China, Russia):

— a full-size recurve crossbow plus additional, so-called “correct” arms – $600 (in the picture on the right - “Lancelot-225”);

- compact block - the same 500-600 bucks (shoulders are more expensive for it);

- full-size blocker - 700-800;

- a set of normal (USA) arrows at the rate of 10 dollars per piece (““);

- a set of more or less normal hunting tips - again, ten apiece, if excellent - then 40 USD;

A working optical sight and other necessary and not so necessary accessories are usually included in the kit.

If you're targeting crossbows made in the USA and Canada (TenPoint Vapor Pkg pictured left), at least double those amounts. The upper price limit is generally sky-high.

Clearly, you will need shields, targets, arrow catchers, etc.

Bow price

Here you will have to focus exclusively on American archery companies; our trio of countries producing budget arrow launchers from bows does not produce anything suitable.

The minimum price of a block working machine will again be about 600 American rubles. Additional shoulders are not needed, but a sight, shelf, release, etc. are. will have to be purchased separately. Moreover, cheap crafts are not allowed here. Arrows are also more expensive than crossbow arrows. But in general, it’s quite possible to keep it under $1,000 (including the bow itself).

As for classic and traditional bows, I would suggest purchasing one solely for the soul - hunting with it requires the highest level of training and remarkable physical strength.