We hunt for grouse lek. Spring hunting for black grouse in mating areas Somehow the mowers are mating

  • 26.04.2024

One of the most amazing spring hunts is hunting for black grouse (*) in the spring on a lek from a hut (**). In addition to the opportunity to catch a gorgeous, handsome bird, the hunter also has the opportunity to see the beautiful performance that the roosters put on in the field while they find out who is stronger. While watching this action, the hunter receives unparalleled aesthetic pleasure from what is happening on the field. Hearing the clucking and muttering of roosters, dancing opposite each other, jumping over the grass, some hunters eventually come in the spring just to watch these dances and do not shoot grouse. Spring hunting for grouse on a lek in the central regions of the Russian Federation usually begins at the end of April, and in the north in the first half of May.

(*) The black grouse has a number of other names, black grouse (because the end of the tail diverges to the left and right and looks like a scythe), black grouse, polevik, polnik, polyukh, palnik (can live in the field where it fell), birch ( because it feeds on birch catkins).

(**) Spring grouse hunting is permitted only on a lek and using a hut.

  • Black grouse bird
  • Distinguishing a male from a female
  • Search for grouse current
  • We harvest black grouse on the lek.
  • Which cartridge should I use for black grouse?
  • Conclusion

Black grouse bird (brief description)

A medium-sized bird with a medium-sized head and a short beak. The male black grouse is larger than the female in length from 49 to 58 cm, weight from 1.0 to 1.4 kg. The female has a length of 40 to 45 cm and a weight of 0.7 to 1.0 kg. A common bird species from the pheasant family. Lives predominantly sedentary in the forest, forest-steppe zone.

Distinguishing a male from a female (photo)

Search for grouse current

In the month of March, at the beginning of the month, black grouse begin to fly from the trees to the ground; their tracks can be observed on the snow cover near the lek. But these signs may give the wrong location for the future lek. At this time, the black grouse make fords and sing their songs far from the current. When revealed, large patches of snow appear on the lek, and black grouse gather in their favorite place.

In order to find a grouse lek, it is necessary to explore the area where grouse have previously been seen on a lek. When inspecting the suspected location of the current, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of grouse droppings, and the presence of down and feathers is also very important, this is a consequence of roosters fighting among themselves. Now we need to determine the center of the current, how to do this? Where there is the most litter with down and feathers, this is the middle of the current. The current basically does not shift from year to year and is in one place. Except in cases where the current is completely destroyed or they are constantly disturbed in this place.

We harvest black grouse on the current

You need to find the right place for the hut. Do not forget about the place where we found the middle of the current and focus on it and set up a hut at a sure shot distance from this place. As a rule, experienced hunters place a hut on the mating area ahead of time so that the roosters get used to its presence. A prerequisite is to make the hut so that it blends in with the surrounding area. It is important that you cannot install a hut lined with spruce branches, if the area is only last year’s grass and sparse bushes, then such a hut will definitely scare away the birds and the current will move to another place.

To make a hut, last year's grass, which is on the drain, can be used. Cover the outer walls of the hut, which are made of poles, with this grass, leaving only small windows open for shooting. Lay the interior space of the hut on the ground with hay or foam that you brought with you, someone takes chairs, the most important thing is that the hunter should be spacious and comfortable in the hut. The entrance to the hut is made small on the opposite side of the mating area and is camouflaged with grass or hay.

Come to the hut in the dark so that you can leisurely settle in for the upcoming hunt. Already after dark, the black grouse roosters begin to flock to the current and you will hear it because... they will flap their wings noisily and after the meeting they begin to start their songs, chuff and mutter. Please note that in the morning at dawn it can be difficult to calculate the distance to the roosters and therefore you need to stick stakes into the ground in advance to determine the distance so that you can shoot for sure. There is no point in shooting black grouse that are further than such landmarks. The energetic action on the current lasts until sunrise. Then the birds fall silent. But with the first ray of sunshine, the current picks up speed again, and the fighting begins. This period is the right time to shoot a rooster, which at such a moment loses its caution.

You need to slowly stick the barrel of your gun out of the window of the hut, select a target and take aim when the black grouse does not move and fire a shot. In the case of an accurate shot, the rooster remains lying in place, and the current roosters fly away and the current stops, but after 15-20 minutes it resumes, despite the dead opponent lying down. If the black grouse flies away after the shot, then you need to see if it fell; if not, and it sat down near the lek, it is most likely wounded.

Record in your head the place where he sat down and then check this place after the hunt. All harvested roosters (*) can be collected only after mating has ended, preferably when all the birds have flown away. When shooting, you need to be careful not to hit the females; to do this, first inspect the current with binoculars because The female's plumage is not as bright as the male's and is closer to the terrain. Female black grouse arrive at the lek before sunrise and stay there until the end.

(*) The rate of production per hunter is stated in the permit.

The cartridge used for black grouse

The male black grouse has a strong muscular frame and is resistant to wounds, so the gun should have a sharp and accurate shot. Typically, a cartridge with shot No. 3 and No. 4 is used. There are hunters who use a cartridge for a long shot with shot No. 2.


No worries everyone! Not a pen!

The black grouse is a medium-sized bird. Males have black plumage with white undertail, as well as a “mirror” on the wings. Females have brown plumage with dark spots.

The peculiarity of the black grouse is that in the spring, during the mating season, these birds begin to gather in their favorite forest clearings and mating. At first there are few mating black grouse, three or four birds. But after a few days, a quite decent flock begins to gather on the lek in the morning. That's when the black grouse hunt begins.

Hunting for grouse in the spring is an exciting activity that is very popular and loved among hunters.

    Hunting for grouse in spring on a lek

    For hunters who hunt in the same places, the location of the bird is no secret. Old currents can remain in the same place for several years, moving very slightly to the side.

    Before the opening of the spring hunting season, the hunter visits the old den and, if necessary, moves the old hut to a new location. With new currents the situation is completely different.

    Changing their location is a common activity among birds. The current displacement in birds can occur by several meters, and it is also possible for a current to appear in a completely new place. Like perennials, new leks should be checked before hunting.

    If it remains in the old place, then it will be enough to adjust the location of the hut in the center of the current, and also update it a little. There are cases when, after one or two successful hunting seasons, the old current is not detected by spring.

    The main factors influencing this shift are:

    • anthropogenic influence;
    • long-term fluctuations in numbers;
    • changes in the surrounding area, in particular fires or overgrowth of the territory;
    • bird diseases.

    Search for a new grouse lek

    You should look for a new lek before the start of the hunting season, as this will require the construction of a new hut, which the birds must get used to.

    Finding a location can also take a long time for a hunter. Birds love open spaces– overgrown or clear fields, as well as forest edges. Black grouse can settle in swamps, clearings or large clearings.

    It is best to start your search long before dawn. Determining the direction of search is not difficult: black grouse “mumble” so that they can be heard many kilometers away. We need to move in this direction. After some distance, it is best to clarify the location of the current.

    It is possible to hear several bird locations at the same time. In this case, it is best to opt for a more promising one.

    Consider which of them will be easier for you to get to, where more birds migrate, as well as the availability of material for building a hut. Binoculars will be an indispensable assistant for this.

    Once the approximate location of the current has been assessed, you should begin to approach it as quietly and secretly as possible. You can get close to the current thanks to uneven terrain, trees and bushes.

    200-300 meters before the current, you should stop and check its center: next to a concentrated concentration of birds, mark a landmark using a tuft of tall grass, a hummock or grass. Afterwards, each hunter acts at his own discretion.

    If you have some time to spare, you can wait until the current ends and only then begin to approach it. If you don’t have such time, you should approach the place carefully, then scare away the birds and establish a center that is not so difficult to determine.

    Signs of finding birds It is in this place that there will be heaps of droppings and feathers, crushed and trampled grass.

    After this, you can start looking for a place for a hut. To do this, the characteristics of the environment must be taken into account. If there are bushes, then it is best to place the hut next to them, and do this on a small hill or in a dry place.

    You should also consider the side from which the sun rises. In the brightening sky at dawn, the outlines of birds are clearer and will be clearly visible.

    You should not install a hut very close to the center of the current, as this may frighten and alert the birds. They will simply simply move to the side.

    The most optimal location of the hut is at a distance of 20-30 from the center of the current.

    Types of hunters' shelters:

    • hut with a hole for feet - a small hole is dug, over which the hut is installed. You can hunt from such a hut while sitting;
    • hut without a foot pit - only the walls of the hut are installed.

    The hut should under no circumstances stand out from the surrounding area. For construction, only the building material that grows in this place is used.

    Technology for building a hut

    A frame is made from felled young trees, which are stuck into the ground with a pointed end.

    On each side of the hut, three or four trees are installed at a distance that is enough for one or two people. Another tree is laid on top of them, while vertically intertwining the tops of standing trees.

    The resulting frame is covered with branches and covered with grass from below. The branches are used to make a pillow that is lined inside the hut.

    This is necessary in order to so that the hunter does not freeze while tracking the bird at night. Such a natural pillow can today be replaced with special travel rugs, which are much warmer than grass and do not allow moisture to pass through.

    Openings should be left in the walls of the hut through which the grouse can be observed and the bird can be shot.

    Black grouse displaying begins at the first sign of dawn. You should come to the hut at night, and you should take into account the weather conditions. On a clear night, the black grouse will begin to display early, and on a cloudy sky a little later.

    Hunting rules

    Since it may be difficult to find a hut at night, during its construction some marks should be left or remember landmarks on the ground.

    You can also use a flashlight to search. As soon as we reach the hut, we take refuge in it along with a gun and cartridges No. 2 or No. 3. All this is done quickly and quietly with the flashlight off. Now all that remains is to wait for the right moment.

    Even in the dark, the main “current” arrives first. For some time, the bird will listen, and if it does not notice anything suspicious, it will begin to jump up and loudly flap its wings. This is how she calls all the other birds.

    The current bird should not be shot, as this may cause all the other birds to become frightened and move to the side. By dawn, a large number of black grouse will flock to the current.

    At first dawn, with the first clear outlines of birds, you should start shooting. You should start shooting at silent birds. A bird's passion for mating can lead to it coming close to the hut. But you shouldn’t shoot at such a bird, as you can only ruin the game. It is also not recommended to shoot a bird at a distance of more than forty meters.

    The optimal distance is determined using pre-placed markers. After the first successful shot, you should not immediately leave the hut.

    The frightened bird will eventually calm down and continue mating, which will allow it to catch several more birds. By nine o'clock in the morning the current begins to weaken and the birds fly away.

    Visiting the current too often is not advisable. In order for it to be preserved until next spring, it is recommended to visit it two or three times during the entire spring hunting period.

    Observations by hunters recently indicate that the black grouse has become a more timid bird, mating alone. Therefore, it is quite difficult to find a good current today.

    What else you need to take with you on a spring grouse hunt:

    • a warm sweater;
    • not a rustling warm jacket;
    • warm shoes on feet;
    • flashlight;
    • hot tea.

    Only patience and caution will help the hunter in catching black grouse, from which very tasty dishes can be prepared. And you will be able to please not only yourself, but also all your loved ones.
    Hunting for grouse in the spring from the approach is also used by many hunters, but is less interesting than hunting from a hut.

Black grouse begin to display in early spring. Usually, from mid-March, you can hear the characteristic murmur of grouse and see groups of kosher whales leading their mating “round dances” in the snow. But sometimes in a warm winter, signs of grouse lek are visible much earlier, somewhere from February 10-15. However, grouse currents gain the greatest strength in April, when the snow melts from the fields. Hot grouse fights go on all month, continue in May and end in the second half of the month.

Black grouse breed mainly in open places: meadows, forest clearings and forest edges, clearings, burnt areas, fields and winter crops. Finding a grouse lek is easy, because the “muttering” of the bird can be heard two to three kilometers away. The current site can be quite large, up to several tens of hectares. Therefore, the correct choice of location for the hut is one of the main conditions for successful hunting. I usually determine the center of the lek by grouse droppings or grouse feathers plucked during a fight. I set up the hut not far from such a place, about 20-30 meters away. It is believed that a hut on a lek needs to be built in advance, a few days before the hunt, so that the black grouse have time to get used to it. My more than 20 years of experience do not support this theory. Often in the evening on the eve of a hunt I had the opportunity to set up a hut on a current, and the very next morning I got grouse from it. The main condition is to make the hut so that it is inconspicuous, not conspicuous, and blends into the surrounding background.

If there are bushes, individual trees, etc. near the center of the lek, then they must be used as a basis for the hut. Black grouse get used to these objects, and a hut located nearby will not arouse suspicion. The hut must be built from materials available nearby and familiar to black grouse. So, if in a field with last year’s withered grass, surrounded by small aspens and sparse bushes, you put a hut thickly covered with spruce branches, then such a prominent “structure” will scare away the birds, and they will display at a distance, sometimes quite considerable.

Time and place of mating of black grouse

Black grouse breed mainly in open places: meadows, forest clearings and forest edges, clearings, burnt areas, fields and winter crops. Finding a grouse lek is easy, because the “muttering” of the bird can be heard two to three kilometers away.

The frame of the hut is usually made from bushes or young trees. Large branches or trunks 2-2.5 meters long, 3-5 cm thick are suitable. I sharpen the butts with an ax and drive them firmly into the ground, and tie the ends at the top with rope or twine. I make a hut in the shape of a haystack or haystack. Then I apply smaller ones to the branches of the frame, covering the bottom of the hut and its sides. The final stage is laying scraps of hay or straw on the walls. You can bring hay in bags with you or borrow it from standing stacks or haystacks. You can also use last year's old grass. You need to carefully cover all the walls of the hut with hay or grass, especially the lower part. Only small windows are left open - “loopholes” for shooting. The ground inside the hut is also generously covered with hay, so that sitting or lying in the hut is warm and comfortable. The entrance to the hut is made small and is usually located on the side opposite to the center of the current. The entrance is carefully masked with hay, even when hunting is not carried out from the hut. The hut should be spacious enough. Sometimes the hunter spends 4-5 hours in it, and such a long “sitting” should be comfortable.

Once a small and narrow hut cost me a knocked out tooth...Then I had to shoot the black grouse from the entrance, which, by the way, was not closed. The hut did not allow one to turn wide and take cover when shooting through the entrance hole. He shot, hiding behind one wall of the hut, and with one hand. After the shot, the black grouse tumbled on the ground, and a salty taste and hard fragments appeared in my mouth. It turned out that after the shot, my hand could not hold back the recoil of the gun, which was not pressed to my shoulder, and the upper locking lever of the IZH-27 tore my upper lip and knocked out a tooth. Since then, I have built a hut on a grouse trench that is spacious and roomy.

Recently, as a shelter on the current, I have been using a fishing tent made of green tarpaulin without a floor, which has windows on three sides and a folding aluminum frame. It is installed within 15-20 minutes, it is light (no more than 3-4 kg), and black grouse are not afraid of it. The tent blends well with the surrounding area; more than one black grouse has already been taken from it.

Before hunting, you need to come to the hut in advance, before the black grouse fly out to the lek, otherwise the frightened birds may not fly to the lek. According to my many years of observations, in mid-April black grouse arrive at the lek from 4.45 to 5.30 in the morning. Therefore, it is advisable to be in the hut at about half past five.

The main condition is to make the hut so that it is inconspicuous, not conspicuous, and blends into the surrounding background.

When hunting for black grouse, special attention should be paid to clothing. In April, night and morning frosts are frequent. The hunter's clothing should be as warm as possible, but at the same time spacious. It’s good to lay something on the “floor” of the hut on top of the hay. I use an old sheepskin coat. It is also necessary to insulate your feet. They freeze first, shoes should be warm and comfortable.

Poor visibility in the morning haze makes it difficult to determine the distance to game. Therefore, on current, it is recommended to stick clearly visible twigs into the ground in different places in advance at a distance of a long rifle shot (50-60 steps). Birds sitting further than these markers cannot be shot, otherwise there will be a miss or a wounded bird flying away.

Black grouse fly up to the lek while still in complete darkness and land on the ground with the audible flapping of their wings. After this they sit in silence for several minutes. After some time, one of the black grouse makes a loud hissing sound: “chufff-shhh!” The roosters sitting nearby respond to him with the same sounds. After several “chuffs” and jumps upward, the black grouse, the first to give a voice, begins to mutter. At the same time, he spreads his tail lyre widely and throws it over his back, exposing the white undertail feathers, clearly visible from a considerable distance.

Hunters call this black grouse a “lektor”. Under no circumstances should you shoot at him, since in the current he plays the role of leader and singer; after his death, the current usually stops.

After the first black grouse, other roosters gradually begin to display. Active mating games and displaying of black grouse continue almost until sunrise. 10-15 minutes before sunrise the black grouse fall silent. The break ends with the first rays of the sun. From this moment on, the lectern gains strength again; the roosters engage in furious fights, flying from place to place, running around the lectern. This is the best moment to shoot at a rooster that is clearly visible and not very careful at this time.

You need to slowly push the barrel of the gun through the window in the wall of the hut, carefully aim at the black grouse, trying to keep it motionless, and smoothly pull the trigger. If the shot is accurate, the rooster remains in place. If after the shot he flies away, you need to monitor him: did he stumble in flight or fall? If, after a shot, a seemingly unharmed black grouse lands near a lek, it is usually a wounded animal, you need to remember the landing site well and carefully examine it after the hunt.

During shooting, you need to make sure that the grouse does not fall under the shot. They usually arrive at the current shortly before sunrise and stay until it ends. The plumage camouflages the black grouse well against the background of withered grass or stubble; it is not as distinguishable as a rooster. Therefore, when observing black grouse from a hut, it is useful to use small, lightweight binoculars.

The black grouse is a bird that can withstand a wound. The gun must have a compact and sharp fire. When hunting from a hut, a single-barreled shotgun is preferred, which has a more compact fire than a double-barreled shotgun. Although I didn’t notice much difference in the battle between them. After all, shooting is carried out mainly at short and medium distances. It is very rare that you have to shoot at extreme (50-60 meters) distances. In recent years, I have been using a single-barrel five-shot MTs 21-12 on grouse. For shooting at short and medium distances (up to 30-35 meters), I use cartridges loaded with shot No. 3-4. For long-range shots, use cartridges filled with shot No. 2. It is advisable to shoot at the side of the bird, since shots into the dense crop or tail can cause a wounded bird. You need to pick up hunted black grouse after the current has completely ended, when all the black grouse have left the current. This is usually around 9.00-9.30 am. It is necessary to comply with shooting standards and not kill more than a fifth of the displaying roosters at the lek (i.e., out of five, one). Good leks (more than ten singing birds) are now rare, and I would recommend not shooting more than one grouse per spring on one lek.

In general, the culinary qualities of spring grouse meat are quite modest. It is better to prepare a stuffed animal from the harvested grouse that will remind you of the unforgettable moments of the April mystery of the grouse current!

Magazine "MasterRuzhie" No. 3 (120) March 2007
Alexander Povarenkov

Hunting for grouse on a lek in spring

Black grouse, or black grouse, is a widespread object of sport hunting in our country. This bird avoids settling in continuous forests, mature tree stands with high crown density. The best habitats for black grouse are deciduous and mixed forests; forest plantations alternating with clearings, clearings, clearings and fields. However, in some areas, for example in the Tomsk, Tyumen, Pskov regions, this bird is quite often found in large forests, living on the border of old birch forests and huge moss swamps.

The most common way of hunting is in the spring for male grouse on leks

The first signs of black grouse mating appear already at the end of February - beginning of March, when the length of the day increases significantly and the high-rising sun begins to warm up like spring. On a quiet and not too frosty morning, having pecked enough birch buds, black grouse, sitting in the trees, begin to mutter, fly to the snow, leaving characteristic features on it with their outstretched wings. However, birds will begin to flock to the mating area much later, when thawed patches appear. The peak of mating occurs in central Russia in the second or third ten days of April and the beginning of May.

Grouse leks are located in forest clearings and clearings, clearings, moss swamps and areas of fields that protrude like tongues into the depths of the forest. Finding a grouse lek is not very difficult, since the muttering of roosters can be heard at a distance of up to three kilometers, and the clucking - up to half a kilometer. The exact location of the current is determined by the down and feathers lying on the ground, as well as bird droppings. The blacklings gather at the lek in the evening and spend the night near it, and two hours before sunrise, still in complete darkness, they already fly to the lek. The first to arrive is the lekka - an old rooster, who seems to be circling on it, spreading his wings, and opens the lek ceremony. Roosters first display in trees standing near or in the midst of the current, and then fly to the ground. Each has its own area, tail, bowing and arching, and protects its own territory from the invasion of an opponent. With sunrise, black grouse fly to the lek and the mating becomes even more exciting. Roosters fight among themselves and sometimes so fiercely that, as they say, fluff and feathers fly.

They hunt lekking from a pre-made hut, which is arranged in such a way that there are no more than 20-30 steps to the lekking birds. For hunting, they choose a current overgrown with sparse bushes, clumps of birch and aspen undergrowth, and small fir trees, among which you can build a hide that is well camouflaged as the surrounding area. You cannot build a hut from spruce branches if there is not a single fir tree or juniper bush growing around - cautious birds will be afraid of it and move to the side. In an open place - arable land or swamp - it is better to make a hut in the fall, so that the black grouse are well accustomed to it before the peak of mating begins. In the spring, before hunting, the hide needs to be renewed. When building a hut, they camouflage its lower part especially well, so that a sharp-eyed mower does not notice a sitting hunter from the ground.

You need to arrive long before dawn. It’s even better to sit in the hut in the evening, so as not to scare away the birds roosting around you at night. Since you have to sit in the hut for a long time waiting for the current, the hut must be made comfortable and spacious enough to turn around without noise. April nights are still very cold, and you need to dress warmly; It is advisable to take a sheepskin coat and felt boots with you.

You should not shoot in the dark, when only vague white spots under the tails of displaying roosters are visible. In spring, especially on a clear morning, dawn comes quickly, and it is better to wait until the time when the sighting bar of the gun is clearly visible. In most cases, the shot scares the birds little, they only fall silent for a moment, and then the mating resumes and proceeds just as excitedly as before. At this time you can fire a second shot.

It is not recommended to leave the hut to collect dead birds, even if the permitted shooting quota has been met, before the end of the lek, since frightened orc whales will either stop visiting the lek or will lek far away from the hut.

Black grouse also display in the fall, in October, but the autumn display is far inferior in activity to the spring mating displays. In autumn, mating occurs in most cases not at the site of the spring mating, but at a considerable distance from it, and not exactly in the same place every day. Most often at this time, black grouse gather in the harvested grain fields, where they pick up fallen grain and mutter and chuff in between feeding. There are no fights between roosters like in the spring. They hunt from a hide, which is arranged in a windrow of abandoned straw. Since birds do not move, feed, and mating near the hiding place every day, the use of stuffed grouse, which are placed on the ground 30 meters from the hut, has a good effect. Birds that first landed on the field outside the shot fly up or move on foot to the hide.

Black grouse are shot in the spring and autumn season with cartridges loaded with shot No. 3 or 4.

The black grouse in Russia is one of the beautiful birds that is a desirable prey for hunters, as well as photography lovers. The grouse lek is a beautiful sight, you need to see it with your own eyes. If you meet the morning in a forest where grouse currents pass, the impressions of this will remain with you for the rest of your life. Photographers take pictures of black grouse mainly in the spring at the mating area. However, not all hunters and photographers know how to find a lek and in what places to look for a mower.

Typically, black grouse live in birch groves, on the edges of forests, in overgrown clearings, in river valleys, in sparse forests with berries, and in burnt areas. In those places where there are leks in swamps among tall forests, black grouse stay in the old forest, in clearings and swamps. Orcas do not take root in dark forests and move to other places.

In the fall, when the leaves fall, the orcas gather in flocks and live together all winter. With the onset of spring warmth, black grouse begin a completely different life. Large flocks created for winter begin to separate, males move away from females. At this time, having fed on birch buds, the orcas begin to mutter while on the tree branches. When it gets warmer, moose whales display even more actively, sitting on trees near the grouse lek. This time is called the beginning of the black grouse current. They descend down to the ground, where the main spectacle begins.

The peak of the current season occurs during the period when the first paths in the forest thaw and the fields open up from snow. For black grouse, the weather does not matter much, unlike wood grouse. At the height of the mating season, killer whales can conduct mating games in the cold and wind. But the most favorable weather for this is calm and cloudless.

It is not difficult to detect grouse leks. He independently notifies the nearby area about this. When grouse mutter, their sounds can be heard several kilometers away. If in a given area there are grouse in the spring in the spring, or broods of grouse in the summer or winter, then you can look for a grouse lek in this place. Local residents can help in this matter. The population now has a lot of technology. People drive through the forest, looking for grouse leks all day, listening to the voices of birds and marking different places. If you are sure that there may be a current in a certain place, you should look for it there. Finding a grouse lek in a known area is much faster than wandering through unfamiliar copses.

You should start searching for currents in March, on hard snow, when it gets warmer. At such a time in the morning at dawn, after feeding on birch catkins, the orcas begin to make sounds while in the trees. A black grouse sitting on a branch can be heard and even seen from afar. Starting in the morning, when the sun has risen, it is necessary to walk around the nearby territory and note in which places the orcas sing in the trees. The lek has not yet been created, and the black grouse sing one at a time. During such a period, you need to understand where in the area there are more whales that are in the trees.

If the male is alone, he is simply a solitary singer. If there are several of them, and they sing nearby, then a current source will be located nearby. It's good to have binoculars with you. It will help you to see the current of kosher whales from afar and to study the area of ​​the current without scaring the birds. Sometimes, when visibility is insufficient, when it is impossible to approach without making noise, it is better to climb a tree to accurately determine the location of the males’ mating.

Clean forest edges, meadows overgrown with bushes and trees, copses, arable lands, moss swamps, burnt areas and deforestation - in such areas, killer whales always hang out. The size of the current is usually small. At the beginning of mating games, males sing at dawn. At their peak, they begin their songs even in the dark, when the sun has not yet risen. At the height of this period, males may sing in the evening, but this spectacle is short-lived. It is not advisable to look for a lek in the evening; it is difficult and only scares the birds.

During such a hunt, the main task is to detect the middle of the current in order to correctly install the hut. In the first half of the flight, the birds are already descending from the trees to the ground, and traces of the scythes can be seen in the snow near the lekking site. But based on such signs, it is too early to draw conclusions about the location of the lek. During such a period, the scythes can make broods and sing songs far from the current. When large thawed patches appear on the lekking area, the orcas will gather in their favorite place.

It is very difficult to find out where the middle of the current is. It is necessary to inspect the area where the hunters saw the displaying males. The center of the current is most often located in an elevated place. Usually this is a flat place without bumps. During the inspection, you need to pay attention to the presence of droppings, feathers and fluff that remain after fights between the orcas. In the area where there are more feathers and droppings, there is the middle of the current. Leks are usually found in the same place every year, regardless of location. The center of the current can move slightly, but rarely completely changes its location. An exception may be destructive hunting or constant alarm of birds.

At some leking grounds, males begin to display next to the leking area, and not in the place itself. At first they are single males, then after dawn they move to the main place. It happens that the current is floating. Every day, killer whales can move around the mating area, and it is not possible to determine its center. The lek can become scattered, but when females visit it, the orcas gather in flocks in one place, where the main spectacle takes place, and fierce fights between the orcas occur.

Grouse appear on the lek at its height - this is mid-April. In the most active areas of the current, the grass is trampled down by the end of the month. Using these signs, you can find the middle of the current. Often, each male on the lek has his own place where he sings his song and protects it from his rivals. Young males do not have an individual place and are located on the edge of the lek. There is a statement regarding the presence of a kind of “lekking” at a lek—a male who appears here first and determines the pace of mating. Hunters say that it is incorrect to claim the presence of such a “current agent” in one number. Surely, there are several mature dominant males at the mating site who display the most active mating.

The peak of the current occurs on clear days. In April, when the evenings are warm, orcas can display in the evening. In March and the beginning of the next month, mating usually ends after the rising of the celestial body. In mid-April, when the current is in full swing, males can display until 10 a.m., but their activity decreases. If the males are not disturbed, they can stay on the lek or near it all day. The grouse currents end later than the capercaillie mating displays - at the end of May. Most often, adult males no longer sing by mid-May, but young individuals can still display until the end of May.

The current is large, sometimes reaching several hectares. Therefore, you need to choose the right place for the hut. Then we can talk about a successful hunt. The middle of the lek is determined by the feathers and droppings of the scythes that appeared after fights. The hut should be placed near this place. Usually, old hunters set up a hut on the mating ground in advance so that the males get used to it. But this is not always confirmed. Sometimes you can set up a hut just before the hunt and catch a killer whale in the morning. The main condition is to make the hut in such a way that it is not visible, to camouflage it with the external environment.

If there are bushes or trees near the middle of the current, they should be used as the base of the hut. The males get used to them; the nearby hut does not cause alarm. You need to make a hut from materials that are nearby, to which the mowers are accustomed. If you set up a hut in a field with withered grass and sparse bushes and cover it with spruce paws, this will scare away the birds, and they will fly away to continue mating.

Black grouse display mainly in open places: clearings, meadows, edges, and fields. It is easy to find; the muttering of males can be heard several kilometers away. The hut is usually made from young trees or bushes. Trunks or branches 2 meters long, about 5 cm thick, are suitable. One end is sharpened and driven into the ground. The ends at the top are tied with twine or rope. The hut is made in the form of a haystack or haystack. Next, small branches are applied to the branches of the frame, which cover the sides and bottom of the hut. The final stage is laying the pieces of hay on the walls. You can take it with you or use the stacks nearby.

You can use last year's grass. She needs to line the walls of the hut, leaving only small windows open for shooting. Inside the hut the ground is covered with hay for a comfortable stay in it. The entrance to the hut should be made small, on the opposite side to the current. It is camouflaged with hay, regardless of whether hunting is taking place at a given time or not. The hut should be spacious, since the hunter has to sit in it for several hours, this time spent should be comfortable.

A narrow and small hut will be uncomfortable. Instead of sheltering on a lek, you can use a fishing tent made of green tarpaulin, without a floor, with windows on three sides, and a folding frame made of duralumin. This type of tent can be set up quickly, it is lightweight and the orcas are not afraid of it. The tent is invisible on the ground; hunters have already shot many black grouse from such tents. You need to come to the hut early, when the black grouse have not yet appeared on the mating area. Otherwise, frightened birds will not fly to the current. Clothing when hunting is also of great importance. In April there are frosts in the morning and at night. Therefore, clothes should be warm and spacious. You can lay some fabric on top of the hay, or put clothes on it. Feet also need to be insulated, they are the first to freeze. Shoes should be comfortable and warm.

Poor visibility in the morning makes it difficult to calculate the distance to birds. Therefore, you need to stick branches into the ground in advance at a distance of a gun shot. There is no point in shooting at scythes located further than such branches; there will be a miss or a wounded bird. Black grouse appear on a lek in the dark and descend to the ground with the noisy flapping of their wings. Then the birds begin to mutter. Active games, the current lasts until sunrise. Then the birds fall silent. With the first rays, the current gains strength and fights begin. This is the right moment to shoot the streamer, which at such a moment has lost its caution.

It is necessary to slowly stick the barrel of the weapon out the window of the hut, take aim when the scythe is motionless, and shoot. If the shot was accurate, the bird remains in place. If she flew away, you need to see if she fell. If after this the black grouse sits near the current, it is a wounded bird. We need to remember this place and explore it after the hunt. When shooting, you need to make sure that females do not fall under the gun. They usually arrive at the lek before sunrise and sit until the end. The feathers camouflage the female on the grass or ground and are more difficult to see than the kosher. Therefore, when observing from a hut, it is better to use binoculars.

Black grouse is a tenacious bird. The gun must have a sharp and compact action. When hunting from a hut, it is better to use a single-barreled shotgun with a compact fire than a double-barreled shotgun. Usually shooting is carried out at medium and short distances. They rarely shoot at long distances. At such distances, shot No. 3 or No. 4 is usually used. For long-range shooting, cartridges with No. 2 shot are used. It is recommended to aim at the side of the grouse; shots at the tail or crop will only injure the bird.

It is necessary to pick up shot black grouse after the end of the mating period, when there are no birds. It is necessary to comply with shooting standards, not to kill more than a fifth of the killer whales. The breeding grounds now mainly consist of a dozen roosters, so there is an unspoken rule - do not kill more than one rooster in one breeding area in the spring. The culinary properties of spring rooster meat are low. It is better to make a stuffed animal out of the shot bird, which will remind you of the grouse mating that took place in April.