Who is Sasha Soldierova dating? “Sasha lived with me for several years... in my car”

  • 17.05.2024


Soldatova Alexandra Sergeevna

Russian Gymnast

Honored Master of Sports of Russia

    Alexandra Soldatova was born on June 1, 1998 in the city of Sterlitamak, Republic of Bashkortostan. She has been involved in rhythmic gymnastics since the age of five; her first coaches were Irina Viktorovna Kievets and Olga Nikolaevna Nazarova. Before joining the national team, she trained in Dmitrov under the guidance of Anna Vyacheslavovna Shumilova.

    It is famous for its flexibility, stretching and plasticity. In 2011, together with Evgenia Kanaeva and Daria Kondakova, she represented the Gazprom club at the AEON Cup World Club Championship in Japan, where she took first place in the team competition and in the all-around among juniors.

    In 2012, at the European Championships in Nizhny Novgorod, she became the best in the final of the ribbon exercise, and together with Diana Borisova, Yana Kudryavtseva and Yulia Sinitsina, she won the team all-around among juniors.

    At the beginning of the 2014 season, Soldatova was listed in the reserve squad of the Russian national team. Her debut as a senior took place at an international tournament held as part of the Grand Prix stage in Moscow, where she took third place in the all-around after Dina and Arina Averin. In March, at the first stage of the World Cup in Debrecen, Alexandra won gold in the all-around, ahead of the then current vice-world champion Anna Rizatdinova, and also became first in the finals of the exercises with clubs and ribbon, second - with the ball and third - with a hoop. She was also a winner at the World Cup.

    Participation in international tournaments was also successful for her. In April in Riga, at the Baltic Hoop competition, she took four gold medals out of a possible five, and, having made a mistake in an exercise with the ball, took fourth place. In July, at a tournament in Izmir, Soldatova won the all-around and ribbon exercise, as well as three silvers in other events. In August, she celebrated her victory in all types of the program at competitions in Brazil.

    At the 2014 Russian Championships, she confirmed her place in the team, taking third place in the individual all-around, behind Yana Kudryavtseva and Margarita Mamun, the leaders of the Russian team. In September, at the World Cup finals in Kazan, Alexandra competed in the all-around competition, scoring 70.700 points. After summing up the results of the competition, head coach Irina Viner announced that Soldatova, together with Kudryavtseva and Mamun, would represent the Russian team at the World Championships, held at the end of September 2014 in Izmir, Turkey. Soldatova competed in the team all-around, performing two exercises - with a ball and a hoop - and received scores of 17.675 and 18.050, respectively. Based on the results of the competition, Alexandra Soldatova, Yana Kudryavtseva and Margarita Mamun became world champions in the team.

    At the first start of the season in 2015, at the Grand Prix stage in Moscow, Soldatova took fourth place in the individual all-around. After qualifying for the ball and clubs final, she placed first in the ball final with a score of 18.200.

    She took part in all stages of the World Cup: in Lisbon, Bucharest, Pesaro, Tashkent, Budapest, Sofia. At the World Cup finals in Kazan, she became a bronze medalist in the all-around, and at performances in certain events, replacing Yana Kudryavtseva, who withdrew from the competition due to injury, won silver in all exercises.

    At the 2015 World Championships, Alexandra won gold in the team competition and two silvers for exercises with hoop and clubs.

    In the 2016 Olympic season, the first international start for the gymnast was the Grand Prix tournament in Moscow, where she won the all-around, qualified for three finals in individual events and won gold for the hoop and ball and silver for the ribbon. At the second stage of the Grand Prix in Thieu, Alexandra became second in the all-around and won silver and two golds in the finals of individual events.

    At the first stage of the World Cup in Espoo, she again became first in the all-around. Her results in the finals of individual events: hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon. The second stage in Lisbon was marked by victory in the all-around and exercises with a hoop and ball; in the exercise with clubs - “bronze”, with the ribbon - “silver”. Alexandra won four more silver medals each at the stages in Tashkent and Minsk. At the seventh stage of the World Cup in Guadalajara, she became a winner in all types of the program: “gold” for the ball, “silver” for the all-around, hoop and clubs, “bronze” for the ribbon; on the ninth in Kazan she won bronze in the all-around and silver in the clubs exercise.

    At the Aeon Cup World Club Championships in Japan, she won a bronze medal in the individual all-around and a gold medal in the team all-around. At the Grand Prix in Moscow 2017, Alexandra took 2nd place in the all-around, and also took gold in the ball exercise.

    Having missed the Grand Prix stages in Kyiv and Thiais, Alexandra competed in Marbella, winning gold medals in all types of the program. Her next start was the World Cup in Pesaro, where she became the champion in the all-around and the hoop exercise final, as well as the silver medalist in the ball and ribbon exercise final. Then, at the stage in Baku, she won four more medals: one gold (ball) and three silver (all-around, hoop, clubs). At competitions in Minsk, she again won the all-around, becoming a silver medalist in the hoop exercise.

    At the first European Championship after the Olympics, the Russian team was represented by Soldatova and the Averin sisters. They became champions in the team championship. Alexandra qualified for three finals and became a silver medalist twice, hoop and ball. In the final of the ribbon exercise, she took fourth place. Due to a previous injury. She did not have time to fully recover before the World Championships, which took place in the fall of 2017.

    At the World Championships on September 13, 2018 in Sofia, Alexandra recovered from a broken leg and won a gold medal in exercises with a ribbon. In the team competition with Dina and Arina Averin, having scored a total of 161.325 exercises, they won, becoming world champions again.

You know, I’m flattered if strangers think I’m beautiful and capable. It’s difficult to judge yourself from the outside. I won’t argue, such reviews are pleasant, but I, for example, cannot call myself a beauty. According to external data, I am rather pretty (laughs).

- How would you characterize yourself?

She said about being pretty, I also think that I am kind, sympathetic and purposeful, and if you take gymnastics as well, then I will add perseverance to all of the above.

“You don’t become champions without perseverance, hard work and patience.” Your coach Anna Dyachenko said that there was a time when you and she drove from Dmitrov by car to Novogorsk every morning and you slept in the back seat. This is true?

Yes. I didn’t start living and training in Novogorsk right away; I had to leave Dmitrov early in the morning to get to Novogorsk on time. Anna Vyacheslavovna put me in the back seat, I had a pillow there, I fell asleep along the way and woke up already at the entrance to the gate of the base. But it's okay, these are minor things. If you want to achieve something, you will have to deny yourself a lot and be patient.

- Sasha, why rhythmic gymnastics? This is love at first sight?

No. It turned out really funny. In Sterlitamak, where I’m from, my mother brought... my brother to the rhythmic gymnastics section to sign up. We simply didn’t know then that gymnastics can be different - sports and artistic. We were told that where they wanted to send my brother, everything was only for girls, then my mother was not at a loss and said: “I have a girl too, take it!” I don’t remember my first training sessions; I was little; the awareness of gymnastics came to me only when I was already in third grade.

- You have excellent physical data for gymnastics, I can assume that everything worked out the first time?

Far from it. I agree that I have flexibility, stretch, and good feet, but, for example, I lack dexterity. Dina and Arina Averina, in terms of working with the subject, are stronger than me, they are like that by nature.

- Which subject is more difficult for you?

I can’t say that some are more difficult and some are easier. I'm still at the stage of perfecting my skills and comprehending something new.

- Explain?

I perceive training and competitions as new steps. Every time I try to discover something new for myself and hone the things I have already mastered until they become automatic. You need to grow from lesson to lesson, from start to start, then there will be progress.

- To get into the Russian national team, you have come a long way. Sterlitamak - Dmitrov - Novogorsk.

They also forgot Pushkino! From Sterlitamak my family moved to Pushkino, from there I ended up in Dmitrov, where I waited with bated breath... for me to be sent back to Pushkino. First training, second, week, second, third, and then they told me: “You stay here!” My emotion was lightning fast, but meager: “Yes. Good!” I’ll say right away that I didn’t experience any longing for my mother and family, as many girls do at the age of 12. I calmly accepted the fact that I would live separately from my parents and without their care. She was independent!

- First meeting with your coach Anna Dyachenko. Did you expect to fall under her care?

I didn’t expect it, but from the first day we had a wonderful duet. From the first day, I caught her every remark. The girls and I even competed to see who would stand closest to her during training, who would be the first to ask about something, who would write or call her. She is wonderful in every way!

- Sasha, how did you get to the training camp with Irina Viner?

It didn’t happen to me that I somehow unexpectedly saw Irina Alexandrovna at a training session or she unexpectedly came to the gym, and there I was. She knows who trains with her. We came to the training camp, I saw how Irina Aleksandrovna worked with other gymnasts, how she communicated. Then, when she became part of the Russian national team, she began to pay more attention to me and, naturally, there was more communication. Irina Aleksandrovna is a strict and very attentive mentor.

- You have been part of the Russian national team for several years now. At the moment, what competitions do you remember most?

This is the World Championship in Izmir, where I became the team champion. This was my first serious start at this level and immediately with gold. In general, it is wrong to single out any competitions; I have already said that each tournament for me is a new step in growth. Every start, even if it was successful, still makes you think about what else can be done and where you can improve. I will only note that it is always more difficult to perform in Russia. My responsibility to my fans increases many times over. In this regard, the Moscow stage of the Grand Prix is ​​the most exciting, not only is it your native country, a full house, but also the first start of the season!

- Do you have a dream?

Naturally, I really want an Olympic medal, I strive for this, and I also want to leave my mark on sports history, like Alina Kabaeva, whose smile every sports fan probably knows and remembers. I want to stand on a par with such gymnasts as Zhenya Kanaeva, Irina Chashchina, Dasha Kondakova. I want them not to forget about me.

- I know that if it weren’t for gymnastics, you would have wanted to become a veterinarian and, probably, would have left your mark in this profession?

I think yes. I love animals very much and as a child I really wanted to be an Aibolit. I once had a cat, but now, alas, I can’t have one. You know, if I had a choice where to spend a free day, I would definitely prefer outdoor recreation to cinema, restaurants, clubs, museums and exhibitions. A walk through the forest is amazing! I love being in nature.

- If you had the opportunity to choose an animal, who would you choose?

For everyone. And dogs, and cats, and birds, and rodents (smiles).

Just recently I was thinking about this, but there is no secret to success or a specific formula yet. I only know that nothing comes without work and hard training, even if you have talent and good physical characteristics. I would like to wish, although no, not even wish, but strongly recommend that you trust the coach more. The mentor will not give bad advice and will always tell you where and how best to do it. I was convinced of this myself. When Irina Aleksandrovna told me that I had to turn not 2, but 4 turns, and then 5, I was horrified and thought: “How is this even possible?” Despite my skeptical thoughts, I went and did it, and two hours later... and I was already making 5 turns! A coach sometimes knows our abilities better than you yourself. And of course, I really want to wish the gymnasts from Spartak great luck and bright victories.

18-year-old Alexandra Soldatova is considered one of the most beautiful athletes in the world and it’s hard to argue with that. Sasha has model parameters: height - 175 centimeters, slender figure, long hair, white-toothed smile, and therefore it is not surprising that she attracts everyone's attention. But external beauty is far from Sasha’s main trump card. Add to the above the fact that she is an excellent gymnast. Lightweight, flexible, technical, very responsible.

You know, I’m flattered if strangers think I’m beautiful and capable. It’s difficult to judge yourself from the outside. I won’t argue, such reviews are pleasant, but I, for example, cannot call myself a beauty. According to external data, I am rather pretty (laughs).

- How would you characterize yourself?

She said about being pretty, I also think that I am kind, sympathetic and purposeful, and if you take gymnastics as well, then I will add perseverance to all of the above.

“You don’t become champions without perseverance, hard work and patience.” Your coach Anna Dyachenko said that there was a time when you and she drove from Dmitrov by car to Novogorsk every morning and you slept in the back seat. This is true?

Yes. I didn’t start living and training in Novogorsk right away; I had to leave Dmitrov early in the morning to get to Novogorsk on time. Anna Vyacheslavovna put me in the back seat, I had a pillow there, I fell asleep along the way and woke up already at the entrance to the gate of the base. But it's okay, these are minor things. If you want to achieve something, you will have to deny yourself a lot and be patient.

- Sasha, why rhythmic gymnastics? This is love at first sight?

No. It turned out really funny. In Sterlitamak, where I’m from, my mother brought... my brother to the rhythmic gymnastics section to sign up. We simply didn’t know then that gymnastics can be different - sports and artistic. We were told that where they wanted to send my brother, everything was only for girls, then my mother was not at a loss and said: “I have a girl too, take it!” I don’t remember my first training sessions; I was little; the awareness of gymnastics came to me only when I was already in third grade.

- You have excellent physical data for gymnastics, I can assume that everything worked out the first time?

Far from it. I agree that I have flexibility, stretch, and good feet, but, for example, I lack dexterity. Dina and Arina Averina, in terms of working with the subject, are stronger than me, they are like that by nature.

- Which subject is more difficult for you?

I can’t say that some are more difficult and some are easier. I'm still at the stage of perfecting my skills and comprehending something new.

- Explain?

I perceive training and competitions as new steps. Every time I try to discover something new for myself and hone the things I have already mastered until they become automatic. You need to grow from lesson to lesson, from start to start, then there will be progress.

- To get into the Russian national team, you have come a long way. Sterlitamak - Dmitrov - Novogorsk.

They also forgot Pushkino! From Sterlitamak my family moved to Pushkino, from there I ended up in Dmitrov, where I waited with bated breath... for me to be sent back to Pushkino. First training, second, week, second, third, and then they told me: “You stay here!” My emotion was lightning fast, but meager: “Yes. Good!” I’ll say right away that I didn’t experience any longing for my mother and family, as many girls do at the age of 12. I calmly accepted the fact that I would live separately from my parents and without their care. She was independent!

- First meeting with your coach Anna Dyachenko. Did you expect to fall under her care?

I didn’t expect it, but from the first day we had a wonderful duet. From the first day, I caught her every remark. The girls and I even competed to see who would stand closest to her during training, who would be the first to ask about something, who would write or call her. She is wonderful in every way!

- Sasha, how did you get to the training camp with Irina Viner?

It didn’t happen to me that I somehow unexpectedly saw Irina Alexandrovna at a training session or she unexpectedly came to the gym, and there I was. She knows who trains with her. We came to the training camp, I saw how Irina Aleksandrovna worked with other gymnasts, how she communicated. Then, when she became part of the Russian national team, she began to pay more attention to me and, naturally, there was more communication. Irina Aleksandrovna is a strict and very attentive mentor.

- You have been part of the Russian national team for several years now. At the moment, what competitions do you remember most?

This is the World Championship in Izmir, where I became the team champion. This was my first serious start at this level and immediately with gold. In general, it is wrong to single out any competitions; I have already said that each tournament for me is a new step in growth. Every start, even if it was successful, still makes you think about what else can be done and where you can improve. I will only note that it is always more difficult to perform in Russia. My responsibility to my fans increases many times over. In this regard, the Moscow stage of the Grand Prix is ​​the most exciting, not only is it your native country, a full house, but also the first start of the season!

- Do you have a dream?

Naturally, I really want an Olympic medal, I strive for this, and I also want to leave my mark on sports history, like Alina Kabaeva, whose smile every sports fan probably knows and remembers. I want to stand on a par with such gymnasts as Zhenya Kanaeva, Irina Chashchina, Dasha Kondakova. I want them not to forget about me.

- I know that if it weren’t for gymnastics, you would have wanted to become a veterinarian and, probably, would have left your mark in this profession?

I think yes. I love animals very much and as a child I really wanted to be an Aibolit. I once had a cat, but now, alas, I can’t have one. You know, if I had a choice where to spend a free day, I would definitely prefer outdoor recreation to cinema, restaurants, clubs, museums and exhibitions. A walk through the forest is amazing! I love being in nature.

- If you had the opportunity to choose an animal, who would you choose?

For everyone. And dogs, and cats, and birds, and rodents (smiles).

Just recently I was thinking about this, but there is no secret to success or a specific formula yet. I only know that nothing comes without work and hard training, even if you have talent and good physical characteristics. I would like to wish young gymnasts, although no, not even wish, but strongly recommend that they trust their coach more. The mentor will not give bad advice and will always tell you where and how best to do it. I was convinced of this myself. When Irina Aleksandrovna told me that I had to turn not 2, but 4 turns, and then 5, I was horrified and thought: “How is this even possible?” Despite my skeptical thoughts, I went and did it, and two hours later... and I was already making 5 turns! A coach sometimes knows our abilities better than you yourself. And of course, I really want to wish the gymnasts from Spartak great luck and bright victories.

Four-time world champion in rhythmic gymnastics Alexandra Soldatova, in an interview with OKR-TV, spoke about her successes, doubts and new goals in sports and life.


When I was little, I almost never cried. When the coach shouted at me, I always thought: “If you don’t wait, I won’t pay.” In a word, flint. Now for some reason I cry more often, but mostly from happiness. I can just look at the medal, and memories immediately pop up in my head - everything I went through, all the moments when I wanted to give up everything and leave. From an overabundance of emotions I begin to cry.


To be honest, I don’t remember the first feelings of the meeting very well. At that time I was not interested in the Olympics, the World Championships, Kabaeva, Kanaeva... I didn’t know anything or anyone at all. I just trained because I liked it. They told me what to do, and I did it. She was always the first to arrive and the last to leave. When I first saw Anna Vyacheslavovna, I didn’t even know who she was. Over time, I began to realize what a good coach and person he really was and was waiting for her arrival. For me it has always been a holiday.

– Russian athlete, member of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team. Repeated champion of Russian and international championships in rhythmic gymnastics. At the age of twenty, she achieved amazing results in sports, thanks to determination, hyper-responsibility and a character tempered from childhood. Gymnast Alexandra Soldatova is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful gymnasts of our time.

First steps in rhythmic gymnastics

Russian athlete Alexandra Soldatova was born on June 1, 1998 in Sterlitamak, Republic of Bashkortostan. The athlete’s biography surprises with its spontaneity, because Soldatova even got into gymnastics by accident. How old was Sasha when she started rhythmic gymnastics? Then the future champion was only 5 years old: her parents decided to enroll the young athlete’s older brother in gymnastics, but they did not know about the difference between artistic and rhythmic gymnastics. As a result, it turned out that only a girl could be accepted. Thus began the thorny path of the still very young Sasha in sports, with which she connected her entire future life.

Afterwards, the Soldatov family moved from Sterlitamak to the city of Pushkino (Moscow region). In the Moscow region, Olga Nikolaevna Nazarova became Alexandra Soldatova’s first coach. Her family never put pressure on the future champion and always supported her in everything. The girl made the decision about a sports career herself, which helped her purposefully follow the intended path.

At the age of 12, the athlete is noticed and invited to train by Anna Vyacheslavovna Shumilova. To do this, the gymnast had to leave her home and move to a boarding school in the city of Dmitrov. According to the recollections of Sasha’s parents, at this age Alexandra was already serious and reasonable. She decided to go under the tutelage of coach Shumilova, which began a new page in her life.

Sasha Soldatova showed great promise and was invited to train at the national team’s training center in Novogorsk. However, she did not have the right to reside in Novogorsk before joining the national team.

Anna Shumilova says about this period of her life: “Sasha lived in my car for several years.”

The coach and the young athlete left Dmitrov early in the morning, spent 4-5 hours on the road and returned late in the evening. This brought the future champion and coach very close.

Alexandra Soldatova’s first serious success in rhythmic gymnastics occurred in 2012. Among juniors, the young gymnast took first place in the team all-around, performing with ribbon, at the European Championships.

Sports career of Alexandra Soldatova during the 2014-2015 season

For Alexandra Soldatova, 2014 was marked by joining the reserve team of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team. This year was prosperous for the gymnast: at the championship in Brazil she earned 5 gold medals. A little later, at a competition in the Russian Federation, the athlete took third place, which earned herself a place in the national team. In the fall of 2014, the young and inexperienced Alexandra represented Russia at the World Championships in Turkey. At this moment, her native coach Shumilova was on maternity leave and could not support the athlete. Shumilova was replaced by the head coach of the Russian national team, Irina Viner. As a result of this championship, Soldatova became the world champion in the team, which aroused the admiration of the public and the praise of the coaches.

She is especially famous for her grace and stretch.

The year 2015 for Soldatova was remembered for even more high-profile performances. For an exercise with a sword at the Moscow Grand Prix, Alexandra receives another gold. After which the athlete participates in all World Cup competitions, including the World Cup in Kazan, and from each stage, except Budapest, the champion returns with medals. At the World Championships in Germany, the gymnast received gold in the team competition, and also became a silver medalist for her performance with the ball and won silver for her performance with clubs.

Victories of Alexandra Soldatova in the 2016-2017 season

The 2016 season brings Soldatova new victories. At the beginning of 2016, Alexandra won the all-around at the first stage of the Grand Prix in Moscow, and also earned three more medals. At the second stage, Alexandra wins two more “highest standard” awards, and also becomes a silver medalist in the finals of the hoop exercises. At the World Cup in Finland, he wins the all-around and 3 more awards. The second stage of the World Cup took place in Portugal, Alexandra brought two awards. At the same time, Alexandra brought four “silver” pieces from Uzbekistan and Belarus. At the Spanish Cup, Soldatova became a winner in all types of exercises.

In 2017, Soldatova conquers more and more heights in rhythmic gymnastics. At the Grand Prix in Russia, Alexandra takes the second step of the podium. Performing in Spain, he earns victory in all types of performances. The World Cup in Italy was marked for Soldatova with the highest level in the all-around, a championship in the hoop exercise final, and two more silver medals. In Pisaro, the athlete took first place performing with a ribbon. At the Super Cup in Azerbaijan, Alexandra won 4 awards: first place in the ball routine and 3 silver awards: for all-around and for exercises with hoop and clubs.

Today Alexandra Soldatova is no longer a young gymnast, but an accomplished adult athlete. Alexandra's new exercises amaze the imagination with their elegance and professionalism. The coaching team and the athlete herself have done a great job that the whole country can be proud of. Everyone expects new performances and new victories from Alexandra.

Personal life

In numerous interviews, Alexandra is asked: how did you achieve such success in sports? And every time the athlete says that there is no secret recipe for success. You just need to work and improve every day.

Yes, innate physical characteristics such as plasticity, stretching and flexibility helped the athlete. The gymnast’s height is 170 cm, while her weight stopped at 44 kg. But there are many more girls with such data than we think, and Alexandra was just one of many. However, today she is already beating the world’s leading athletes and is constantly improving her skills. This happened thanks to the athlete’s iron character and her personal qualities. All her life she differed from her peers in her sense of responsibility, exceptional hard work and determination. Many of Alexandra’s acquaintances believe that she has only one drawback, which in the future may well become her advantage. This disadvantage is the constant analysis of all the trainer’s settings.

If the athlete had not connected her life with sports, she would have connected it with animals.

Due to her nomadic lifestyle, Sasha cannot afford to buy a pet, however, according to her, if there was such an opportunity, she would collect animals of all kinds. When asked what profession she is interested in, besides a sports career, Sasha answers without hesitation: “I would become a veterinarian...”

In addition to her love for animals, Alexandra is distinguished by her attraction to nature; her favorite pastime is walking in the forest. And if there is no longer enough time or energy for walks, then she happily spends her free minute reading literature.

Alexandra Soldatova is considered one of the most beautiful gymnasts of our time.

The athlete has 350 thousand followers on her Instagram account. According to Sasha, she does not set a goal to get as many likes as possible, she simply talks about what she understands and what she sincerely loves.

The competition in the rhythmic gymnastics team is very strong, but gymnastics is a personal sport and everything depends only on how you work out your program. It was thanks to this that Alexandra developed very warm, friendly relations with her rivals Margarita Mamun and Yana Kudryavtseva in the national team.

The athlete plans to enroll in St. Petersburg State University in the near future. Lesgaft and get a higher education. Alexandra also dreams of having just a little free time to attend a driving school and get a license.

There are many rumors about the athlete’s personal life. Photos of Alexandra spending time with her boyfriend have appeared in the press and news more than once. However, in fact, this is a ruse and it turned out that the paparazzi simply photographed her next to a friend at the “right moment.”

In the future, Alexandra dreams of earning even more awards. The secret of Alexandra Soldatova’s success lies in hard work, determination and, last but not least, absolute trust in the coach. The athlete has been improving all her life. Now Soldatova does not stop there, but continues to work to achieve maximum results.