In what year did volleyball appear? Volleyball history

  • 17.05.2024

Volleyball is a team sport that is very popular. Practicing this sport contributes to the development of many physical abilities: strength of the arms and shoulder girdle, jumping ability, reaction speed, coordination of movements in space and time.

Volleyball appeared in the USA in 1895. The founder of this game was Pastor William Morgan, a college teacher, who proposed calling the game “volleyball,” which translated from English is “flying ball” (from “ volley " - hit on the fly and " ball " - ball). IN In 1900, the first rules of volleyball appeared.

Beach volleyball (2 x 2) has become very popular in Western Europe; in recent years, European and world championships have been held in this beautiful sport, and it is included in the program of the Olympic Games.

Volleyball, which originated in 1895 in the USA, quickly became popular in different countries, especially on the European continent. Originally it was a game of entertainment. The ball was in the air for a long time, because... a large number of players in the team (8 - 10 people) and weak attacking technique did not allow the ball to fall onto the court for a long time. However, gradually methods of kicking the ball over the net began to appear, making it difficult for opponents to defend. This led to the identification of the main technical techniques: serve, pass, attack, block.

The tactics of the game also changed. If initially all tactics boiled down to the balanced placement of players on the court, then the increasing complexity of the game made coordinated group and team actions necessary. Volleyball became a collective game.

In 1947, the International Volleyball Federation was created(FIVB). The development of volleyball has accelerated. European and world championships began to be held, and the European Champions Cup was played. In 1964, volleyball was included in the Olympic Games program. Currently, more than 110 countries are members of the FIVB. Soviet athletes made a significant contribution to the development of world volleyball.

Volleyball in the USSR.

Volleyball appeared in our country in 1920–1921. in Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities of the Volga region. Since 1925, it has been actively developing in Ukraine and the Far East. An active promoter of sports volleyball was the Dynamo physical education and sports society, created in 1923 on the initiative of F. E. Dzerzhinsky. In 1925, the first official volleyball rules in our country were approved in Moscow, according to which the first competitions were soon held (in 1926). In the same year, the first intercity meeting was held between volleyball players from Moscow and Kharkov. And already in 1928 on I At the All-Union Spartakiad in Moscow, the All-Union Volleyball Championship among men's and women's teams was played for the first time. Meetings at the Spartakiad contributed to a unified interpretation of the rules of the competition and convinced of the need for collective team actions. After this, volleyball became a popular sport everywhere.

The introduction of volleyball in 1931–1932 contributed to attracting young people to play volleyball. GTO physical education complex, one of the objectives of which was to improve the overall physical fitness of those involved in sports. On this basis, the skills of volleyball players improved and the technical capabilities of players and teams expanded. A volleyball player becomes a sport in the full sense of the word. It was included in the programs of many major competitions. In 1932, the All-Union Volleyball Section was created, and since 1933, championships of the Soviet Union began to be held regularly.

Our volleyball players held their first international meetings in 1935 with teams from Afghanistan. Soviet athletes won two games.

Soon the world volleyball championships began to be held. Men's World Cups since 1949, and women's since 1952. It is interesting that already at the first World Championship, the USSR national team took first place, and the women's team in the same year took first place in the European Championship. Since that time, our athletes are still among the best on the world stage.

Already in 1964, volleyball was included in the program of the Olympic Games held in Tokyo. At these competitions, volleyball players from the USSR and volleyball players from Japan took gold.

Over the entire period of the Olympic Games (since volleyball entered the Olympic Games program), our volleyball players and volleyball players became Olympic champions seven times.

The popularity of volleyball in the world continued to grow. Championships of countries and continents were held. The question arose about including it in the program of the Summer Olympic Games. in 1957, the session of the International Olympic Committee decided to recognize volleyball as an Olympic sport. At subsequent Olympics, Soviet volleyball players and female volleyball players became champions three times. Our athletes also won at the 20th I I Olympic Games in Moscow.

The number of international competitions and tournaments has increased from year to year. Since 1965, the following sequence of events has been established: a volleyball tournament at the Olympic Games, next year the World Cup, then the World Championship, then the European Championship, and finally the Olympic Games again.

1991. World Championship. Final. USSR-Italy.

Which both adults and children play. In English, volleyball can be translated as “hitting the ball on the fly.” This game is played by two teams on a special site. What other rules and nuances are there in volleyball, who invented it and when, and much more - all this is discussed in the article.

Volleyball Basics

The English word volley means “flying” or “soaring”, and ball, as you know, means “ball”. During the game, competing teams try to throw the ball over the net to the opponent's side so that it hits the floor, or so that a member of the opposing team makes a mistake.

In an attack, no more than three touches of the ball by one team are allowed - after this it is necessary to throw the ball to the opponents.

Who, where and when invented volleyball?

William Morgan was the name of the man who invented volleyball in 1859. The history of its occurrence and its rules originate in the USA, Massachusetts, and the small town of Holyoke. It was here that the head of a Christian youth sports organization came up with the idea to create an interesting team ball game. At first it was called differently - “Mintonette”. From America the game came to Asia - Japan and China, and at the beginning of the 20th century it was already played in Europe.

The basis of the idea was a volleyball net: Morgan hung it in a vacant lot, at a height of about two meters, and gave his players the task of throwing the ball over the net. By the way, its role was then played by an ordinary bull bubble. The game acquired its “own” ball a little later. And the number of participants in the team could be absolutely any.

How did Mintonette become volleyball?

During the Young Christian Conference held in Springfield, it was decided to rename the game. Alfred Halsted proposed a new name. In his opinion, “flying ball,” which is how the English word volleyball can be translated, fits perfectly. After all, the ball, bouncing off the player’s hand, flies over the net, and there it meets the hand of another player, that is, it practically does not touch the ground.

The official rules of volleyball also appeared much later than its origins: at the end of the 19th century. According to them, the weight of the ball should have been exactly 340 grams, and the volleyball net should have been placed at a height of exactly 198 centimeters. The dimensions of the site were 7600 by 15100 centimeters. The only thing that remained free was the number of players. A point was then awarded to the player who threw the ball over the net after serving. The team that scored 21 points won the match.

Volleyball today

At the moment, volleyball is one of the most popular and favorite sports games. It is played both indoors and outdoors. The rules of volleyball are simple, the equipment required is also simple, which is why players of all ages love it so much. Today there is a single Volleyball Federation, which includes more than two hundred national federations. Without exaggeration, this is one of the most popular sports on the planet. And every person knows what volleyball is.

Modern rules of volleyball

The rules of 1897, promulgated by William Morgan, were quite simple. Today they have much more points, subtleties and nuances.

Team composition and position of players

In total, two teams take part in the game. Each volleyball team consists of six main players and up to six reserves. Thus, there should be a maximum of 12 people in total.

Before serving, the players are positioned throughout the court, in two broken rows of three people each. The front line players stand in front of the net, the other three stand behind. However, during the game, participants can be anywhere within their own area. There are certain player placement schemes.

If it is necessary to make a substitution, the reserve player replaces the main player. In this case, the latter can once again return to the game by making a reverse substitution. But only if at least one game was played with the participation of a substitute player.

Playing field and zones

On the playing field there is a playing area, as well as a free zone. Its shape should be strictly rectangular, with dimensions of 9 by 18 meters. Along the perimeter there is a free zone at least three meters wide.

The surface of each zone in volleyball must be flat and horizontal. To prevent players from getting injured during the match, it should not be slippery or have obstacles. If the game is played in the hall, the floor is painted in light colors. The marking lines should be contrasting and their width should be 5 cm.

Why are zones needed in volleyball and how many are there in total? According to the rules, six is ​​the number of players on one team. Moreover, they are not constantly in their zones, but move one place after each serve. In a more general sense, there are three zones: the service zone, the substitution zone and the front zone.

Number and duration of games

There can be either three or five parties. The game, accordingly, goes until 2 or 3 victories of one of the teams. Before the start, lots are drawn for the right to choose one side or another of the site. The referee in volleyball is responsible for this. The losing team toss for court selection may choose to serve. In each subsequent game, the players change both sides of the field and the order of serving.

The break between volleyball games lasts three minutes. However, before the decisive game, it lasts five minutes, after which lots are drawn again. Sometimes, after the second game, the break lasts up to ten minutes. But the game can be played without a break if one of the teams managed to win 8 points in the decisive game.

Ball delivery and hitting technique

A player from one of the teams serves the ball after the whistle. You cannot serve before the whistle - otherwise, the serve is replayed. There is a special place on the site for serving. The player stands on it, throws the ball and hits it to the opposite side of the field. If the serve is unsuccessful and the ball touches the floor, the serve is not counted. After a team wins the serve, players move clockwise.

Anyone who knows what volleyball is is probably familiar with hitting techniques. In principle, the ball in this game can be hit in any convenient way. Even touching the ball with any part of the body above the waist is considered a hit. If two members of the same team touch the ball at the same time, this touch is immediately equivalent to two hits. The next, third, blow must be made by any participant except these two. To pass the ball to the opponent, no more than 3 hits are given, and he must not touch the floor, otherwise it is considered a mistake.

Blocking and offside

There are special techniques in volleyball, such as blocking the ball. This is the name given to players attempting to interrupt an attack by the opposing team. Only participants located on the front line under the net can block the ball. Any touch with the hand, even an unsuccessful one, counts as a block.

A ball thrown beyond the court line is out of play. In this case, he must touch either the floor or some object outside the playing space. The team from which the ball went beyond the field line is deprived of service or loses a point.

How are points calculated?

The team that reaches a score of 15 points (provided that it has at least a two-point lead) wins the current game. If the score is tied, for example 14:14 or 15:15, the game continues until the next two points, and so on.

The team that wins two games out of three or three games out of five wins. The sequence of victories in the match does not matter.

How to learn to play? Tactics and techniques in volleyball

To become an experienced player, you need to carefully work out your serving technique, fix a certain position of your hands, and learn the optimal pattern of moving around the court. You can learn all this on your own, but it is better to enroll in a specialized section. Today they exist for both adults and children.

The key to a successful game is quick and effective interaction with the ball. The player touching the ball must do so actively and with lightning speed. Strength training helps a lot in improving physical performance.

Contrary to popular belief, defense in volleyball is no less important than attack. Only with coordinated work of the entire team and a well-built line of defense can you break the opponent’s attack and win the match.

By the way, we are talking not only about protecting your court from the ball, but also about protecting the players themselves. Volleyball must be played using special protective equipment for elbows and knees. These, as well as other nuances, are prescribed in the Volleyball Federation and must be strictly observed at official competitions.

Types of volleyball

There are several types of volleyball. Some of them even became Olympic sports. For example, beach volleyball. It is also called sand volleyball. It differs from the classic version in the smaller size of the playing field, as well as in the smaller number of players in the team.

A simpler type of volleyball is pioneerball. Beloved by beginners for its less strict rules. The ball in pioneer ball is allowed to be picked up, and the pass is carried out not by hitting, but by throwing. There are also park volleyball and mini-volleyball, a game played by players up to 14 years old.

Faustball is common in Germany - the ball is hit with a fist or forearm (from the German word faust, which translates as “fist”). Women's volleyball is also considered an official sport, played only by the fair sex.

Now you know what volleyball is, how and where it appeared, and how to play it. It is not difficult to learn this - both independently and in special volleyball sections. It is only important to have a good reaction, jump high and have developed muscles to successfully attack the ball. For this it is also good to engage in other sports. However, if you are a fan of volleyball and play it every day, all these qualities will definitely develop over time.

The birthplace of this, without a doubt, one of the most popular games, is the USA. In 1895, in the town of Holyoke, Massachusetts, YMCA physical education teacher William Morgan created a new game, significantly different from all previously existing ball games. The point of the game was to throw the ball between the players of two teams through a net stretched to a height of two meters. It was from this moment that the report began history of volleyball. The word volleyball translated from English means “flying ball”. This original name was coined by a Springfield College teacher, Dr. Alfred Halstead.

The year 1896 is marked in the history of volleyball by the fact that the first public game was held. A year later, the first rules of this game appear, initially consisting of ten points. In subsequent years, volleyball begins to triumphantly march around the world, gradually becoming popular in countries such as Canada, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Peru, Brazil, Mexico, Uruguay.

Held in 1913 at the Pan-Asian Games volleyball tournament Teams from China, Japan and the Philippines took part. By the beginning of the twentieth century, volleyball migrated to Europe. Since 1914, this game has come to England. then to France, where it gains enormous popularity. In the USSR, Czechoslovakia and Poland, volleyball began to develop in 1920. Throughout Europe, official championships are being organized and held between different countries for the first time.

As it spreads around the world have undergone numerous changes and improvements. Power serves appear in the game, a large assortment of deceptive strikes is introduced, passing techniques are increasingly improved, and defensive techniques change. All this makes the game more entertaining and dynamic.

In the United States of America, considered the birthplace of volleyball, the first official volleyball tournament was held in Brooklyn in 1922. During the same period, the Americans put forward a proposal to include volleyball in the program of the Olympic Games in France, but this initiative did not receive appropriate approval. The year 1934 in the history of volleyball is notable for the fact that this year a technical commission for volleyball was created. This decision is made in Stockholm, at a meeting of representatives of sports federations from different countries. The commission included representatives of thirteen European countries, four representatives of Asian countries and five representatives of countries of the American continent. This commission decided to take the American rules of volleyball as a basis. By the decision of the first volleyball congress, held in Paris in April 1947, the FIVB was created - the International Volleyball Federation, which exists to this day.

Volleyball (history of origin and development, rules)

Volleyball (English volleyball from volley - “to hit the ball from the air” (also translated as “flying”, “soaring”) and ball - “ball”) is a sport, a team sports game, during which two teams compete on a special site , divided by a net, trying to direct the ball to the opponent's side so that it lands on the opponent's court (finish to the floor), or a player of the defending team makes a mistake. At the same time, to organize an attack, players of one team are allowed no more than three touches of the ball in a row (in addition to touching the block).

The central body of volleyball as an international sport, which determines the set of rules FIVB (English) is the International Volleyball Federation. Volleyball has been part of the Olympic Games program since 1964.

There are numerous variations of volleyball that branch off from the main type - beach volleyball (an Olympic sport since 1996), mini-volleyball, pioneer ball, park volleyball (approved by the FIVB Congress in November 1998 in Tokyo).

William J. Morgan, a physical education teacher at the YMCA College in Holyoke (Massachusetts, USA), is considered the inventor of volleyball. On February 9, 1895, in the gym, he hung a tennis net at a height of 197 cm, and his students, including There were no restrictions on the court, they began to throw a basketball camera over it. Morgan called the new game "mintonette." In 1897, the first volleyball rules were published in the USA: court size 7.6 x 15.1 m (25 x 50 ft), net height 198 cm (6.5 ft), ball circumference 63.5-68.5 cm ( 25-27 inches) and weighing 340 g, the number of players on the court and touches of the ball was not regulated, a point was counted only with one’s own serve, if the serve was unsuccessful it could be repeated, up to 21 points were played in a game.

As the game developed, its rules, techniques and tactics were constantly improved. In 1922, the first national competitions were held - the YMCA championship was held in Brooklyn with the participation of 23 men's teams. In the same year, the Czechoslovak Basketball and Volleyball Federation was formed - the world's first volleyball sports organization. In the second half of the 1920s, national federations of Bulgaria, the USSR, the USA and Japan emerged. During the same period

Post-war history

After the end of the Second World War (1939-1945), international contacts began to expand. On April 18-20, 1947, the first congress of the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) was held in Paris with the participation of representatives from 14 countries: Belgium, Brazil, Hungary, Egypt, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, USA, Uruguay, France, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, which became the first official members of the FIVB. In 1949, the first world championship among men's teams took place in Prague. In 1951, at a congress in Marseille, the FIVB approved official international rules, and an arbitration commission and a commission to develop and improve the rules of the game were formed. Player substitutions and timeouts in games were allowed, and matches for both men's and women's teams began to be played in 5 games.

The first president of the FIVB was the French architect Paul Libault, who was subsequently re-elected to this post several times until 1984. In 1957, at the 53rd session of the International Olympic Committee, volleyball was declared an Olympic sport; At the 58th session, a decision was made to hold volleyball competitions among men's and women's teams at the Games of the XVIII Olympiad in Tokyo.

In international competitions of the 1960-1970s, the national teams of the USSR, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, and Japan achieved the greatest success. For women, right up to the 1980 Moscow Olympics, the rivalry between the Soviet and Japanese schools looked most significant - the USSR and Japanese national teams competed for gold medals in the first four Olympic tournaments and won two victories each. The national teams of Poland, East Germany, Romania, Czechoslovakia, North and South Korea also achieved some success. In 1978, the usual balance of power in women's volleyball was disrupted by the Cuban national team, which unexpectedly won the world championship held in the Soviet Union with a huge advantage over its opponents.

1980s. New rules

In 1984, Paul Libo was replaced as FIVB President by Dr. Ruben Acosta, a lawyer from Mexico. At the initiative of Ruben Acosta, numerous changes were made to the rules of the game, aimed at increasing the entertainment of competitions and the “telegenic” nature of volleyball associated with reducing the duration of matches. On the eve of the 1988 Olympic Games, the XXI FIVB Congress was held in Seoul, where changes were adopted in the regulations of the decisive fifth game: it began to be played according to the "rally point" or "tie-break" ("draw - point") system, in 1990- In those years, a “ceiling” of 17 points was also set for the first four games (that is, they could end with the opponents having a 1-point advantage with a score of 17:16.

The game has become more powerful and faster. Volleyball has increased the demands placed on the height and athletic training of athletes. If in the 1970s there might not have been a single player on the team taller than 2 meters, then since the 1990s everything has changed. In high-class teams below 195-200 cm, there is usually only a setter and a libero. New teams have been added to the list of the strongest - Brazil, USA, Cuba, Italy, the Netherlands, Yugoslavia

Since 1990, the World League began to be played - an annual cycle of competitions designed to increase the popularity of volleyball around the world. Since 1993, a similar competition has been held for women - the Grand Prix. Since the second half of the 1980s, the first truly professional league has been created in Italy, the organization of which becomes an example for national championships in other countries.

In 1985, the Volleyball Hall of Fame was opened in Holyoke, in which the names of the most outstanding players, coaches, teams, organizers, and judges are entered.

Current state

Since 2006, the FIVB has united 220 national volleyball federations, volleyball is one of the most popular sports on Earth. In August 2008, Chinese Wei Jizhong was elected as the new president of the FIVB. Volleyball is the most developed sport in countries such as Russia, Brazil, China, Italy, USA, Japan, and Poland. The current world champion among men is the Brazilian national team (2010), among women - the Russian national team (2010).

The FIVB management continues to work to improve volleyball rules. Some changes were made in 2009, and in the same year at the Club World Cup in Doha (this tournament was revived after a 17-year hiatus), the so-called “golden formula” was tested, according to which the host team must carry out its first attack strictly with back line. In practice, this innovation, which, according to the plan, should help equalize the capabilities of opponents and allow the ball to stay in the air longer, not only did not give the expected effect, but also led to a decrease in the entertainment value of the game, for which it was criticized by many players, coaches, specialists and volleyball fans and was no longer used.

Development of volleyball in the USSR and Russia

In the USSR, volleyball has been cultivated since the early 1920s. The official date of his birth in the Soviet country is considered to be July 28, 1923, when a match took place on Myasnitskaya Street between the teams of the Higher Art and Technical Workshops (VKHUTEMAS) and the State College of Cinematography. Representatives of the creative intelligentsia were indeed at the origins of volleyball in the USSR, but in a short period this game became mass entertainment for a wide range of people, and then turned into a modern and popular sport.

In January 1925, the Moscow Council of Physical Education developed the first official rules for volleyball competitions. In 1932, the All-Union Volleyball Section was created, which joined the FIVB in 1948, and was transformed into the USSR Volleyball Federation in 1959.

Since 1933, USSR championships have been held; volleyball was included in the program of all All-Union Spartakiads. The first international matches of Soviet volleyball players with athletes from Afghanistan date back to 1935, and in 1947 the volleyball team from the USSR took part in the first World Festival of Democratic Youth in Prague. Having entered the international arena, Soviet volleyball players immediately became the leaders of world volleyball - 1949 was marked by the victories of the USSR men's team at the World Championships and the women's team at the European Championships. The 1952 World Cup, held at Dynamo Stadium, was the first major international sporting competition organized by the Soviet Union.

In 1964 in Tokyo, the USSR men's team won the first Olympic volleyball tournament. She also won the Olympics in Mexico City (1968) and Moscow (1980). And the women's team won the title of Olympic champion four times (1968, 1972, 1980 and 1988).

Rules of the game

General rules

The game is played on a rectangular platform measuring 18x9 meters. The volleyball court is divided in the middle by a net. The height of the net for men is 2.43 m, for women - 2.24 m.

The game is played with a spherical ball with a circumference of 65-67 cm and weighing 260-280 g.

Each of the two teams can have up to 14 players, and 6 players can be on the field at any given time. The goal of the game is to hit the ball with an attacking blow to the floor, that is, to the playing surface of the opponent’s half of the court, or to force him to make a mistake.

The serve is performed by the player who, as a result of the last transition, moves from the second to the first zone. The serve is made from the service zone behind the back line of the playing court with the goal of landing the ball in the opponent's half or making the reception as difficult as possible. Before the player touches the ball when serving, no part of his body should touch the surface of the court (this is especially true for jump serves). In flight, the ball may touch the net, but must not touch the antennae or their mental extension upward. If the ball touches the surface of the playing court, the serving team scores a point. If the player who served broke the rules or sent the ball into touch, then the point is awarded to the receiving team. It is not allowed to block the ball when serving, interrupting its trajectory over the net. If the point is won by the team that served the ball, the same player continues to serve.

Receiving submission

Usually the players standing on the back line, that is, in the 5th, 6th, 1st zones, receive the ball. However, any player can accept the serve. Players of the receiving team are allowed to make three touches (you cannot touch the ball twice in a row) and, after the third touch, transfer the ball to the opponent’s half at most.

Defense (reception of attack)

Receiving an attacking blow differs from receiving a serve, since all 6 players on the court always participate in defense, some front line players block (sometimes all three), and everyone else plays defense. The goal of the defenders is to leave the ball in play and, if possible, bring it to the passer.

Typically, with a positive reception, the ball is received by the back line players (1st touch) and brought to the setter, the setter passes (2nd touch) the ball to the player to perform an attacking shot (3rd touch). On an attack shot, the ball must pass over the net, but in the space between the two antennas. In this case, the ball can hit the net, but should not touch the antennas or their mental extension upwards. Front line players can attack from anywhere on the court. Back line players must push off behind a special three-meter line before attacking. Only the libero is prohibited from attacking (that is, hitting the ball above the top line of the net).

There are attacking strikes: direct (along the way) and side, strikes with translation to the right (left) and deceptive strikes (discounts).


This is a playing technique in which the defending team prevents the ball from being transferred to its side when the opponent is attacking, by blocking its progress with any part of the body above the net, usually with the hands transferred to the opponent’s side within the rules. It is allowed to move your hands to the opponent's side when blocking to the extent that they do not interfere with the opponent before his attack or other game action.

Two of the 14 players (since 2009, previously only one libero out of 12 players) of a team can be appointed libero. Players of this role cannot participate in the attack, block or serve. The libero's uniform must be different from the rest of the players. It is allowed to replace the libero an unlimited number of times without informing the referee. Since the libero does not have the right to attack or block, he usually stays on the back line, changing position with players who are advantageous to keep on the front line, such as a middle blocker.


A volleyball game has no time limit and lasts up to 25 points. Moreover, if the advantage over the opponent has not reached 2 points, the game will continue until this happens. The match continues until one of the teams wins three games. In the fifth game (tie-break) the score goes up to 15 points. In each game, the coach of each team may ask for two timeouts of 30 seconds each. Additionally, in the first 4 games, technical timeouts are assigned when one of the teams reaches 8 and 16 points (60 seconds each). After the end of the first four games, as well as when one of the teams reaches 8 points in the fifth game, the teams change sides of the court. In each game, the coach has the right to make no more than 6 substitutions of field players (except for the libero).

Violations of the rules

When submitting

The player stepped onto the court.

The player threw and caught the ball.

After 8 seconds have passed after the referee's whistle, the ball is given to the opposing team.

Touching the antenna with the ball.

Completed the serve before the referee's whistle.

When drawing

More than three touches were made.

Touching the top edge of the net by a player performing an active game action.

The back line player's entry into the three-meter line during an attack.

Receiving error: double touching or holding the ball.

The antenna touches the ball upon impact.

Advance into the opponent's playing half.


Violation of the arrangement.

Unsportsmanlike behavior of one of the players or coaches.

Touching the top edge of the grid.

[Rule changes (2009)

At the XXXI FIVB Congress in Dubai, changes to the rules were approved, which came into force from the 2009 season. Now the team's roster for official international matches is 14 players, 2 of which are liberos.

The goal of the game is to serve the ball to the opponent's half so that it lands within the court or flies into touch from the hands of a player on the opposing team. Players from each team are allowed to make no more than three touches of the ball in their own half of the court (not counting touches on the block above the net).

There are many varieties of this game. Two of them - classical and beach volleyball - are included in the list of Olympic sports.

The rules of the classic were repeatedly changed in order to increase the entertainment value of this sport, especially for television audiences, as well as to reduce the duration of matches, which sometimes stretched for several hours, extremely tiring not only the players, but also the spectators. Currently, the rules are as follows: the game consists of five segments (games), the first four of which are played until any team reaches 25 points, and the final - until 15. The ball is allowed to touch with any part of the body.

Of course, to achieve results in serious competitions, you need not only good teamwork of the whole team, but also specific requirements: agility, jumping ability, developed arm muscles, without which you will not be able to hit the ball hard. In addition, volleyball athletes need to be tall to make it easier for them to jump over the net. In teams participating in international competitions, the majority of players are taller than 200 cm.

Sportsmen and women of the former USSR won many awards in volleyball at the World, European and Olympic Games. Their traditions were continued by Russian volleyball players and female volleyball players, who also repeatedly won competitions at the highest level.

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Sport is good

Before discussing the advantages and disadvantages of any sports, for example, volleyball, which are very popular on the planet, it is worth noting that sport is useful even in itself. And not only for those who do it daily and professionally, but also for those who treat their morning runs and “on Fridays” as usual. And even for those who prefer to get involved in sports, sitting comfortably on their own sofa or stadium stands, and call themselves a fan or a fan.

However, only those who win or lose themselves are considered real athletes. Who goes onto the basketball or volleyball court not only to straighten the net or wash the floor, but also to deliver an accurate hit or throw, give an opponent a blocked shot or just a block, win a real medal, receive a salary and a bonus. You can achieve this only in one case: start mastering basketball or volleyball, making a choice in favor of one sport or another, from early childhood.

According to experts, they spend more calories in the game than their sports colleagues. So, with a body weight of 50 kg, a basketball player loses 283 k/cal per hour, and - 191. And with a weight of 90 kg - 488 and 328, respectively.

Basketball: two hoops, two ends, and a ball in the middle

The name of the game is made up of two English words - basket and ball, basket and ball. The main goal is to take this ball, by passing and dribbling, move it from your own ring to someone else’s, and throw it into someone else’s basket. And by the final siren, score more points than the opposing team. Role in basketball - point guard, attacking guard, light and heavy forward, center.

The main advantages that can influence the choice of basketball as a sport that is worth playing: a very active and dynamic game, perfect for children who love to run and jump. Psychologists are sure that playing basketball helps develop collectivism and responsibility for an overall good result in teenagers.

Sports doctors also see a lot of positive things about indoor 5-on-5 ball play. In their opinion, basketball, thanks to constant movement, increases endurance in adolescents and strengthens not only the muscles and the entire musculoskeletal system, but also the cardiovascular system.

The obvious disadvantages include the fact that the matches take place exclusively indoors, and the game itself is quite dangerous. After all, in a limited space, 10 huge and physically very strong men are simultaneously running and fighting for the ball. However, women's basketball has recently become quite athletic and even cruel. “Turgenev’s young ladies” definitely have no place in it.

Volleyball: all attention to the ligaments

The name of the game, involving two teams of 6 people each, consists of the English words volley and ball. Translated, they mean volley and ball. Unlike basketball, and this is one of the undoubted advantages, it is allowed to play on the street or even on the beach. Moreover, in a simplified “2 by 2” format and even with less clothing.

Over time, outdoor volleyball became an independent sport. Having received its own name - beach volleyball, it even won the right to participate in the Summer Olympics along with its classic “brother”.

Instead of rings in volleyball there is a net, and the total number of players on the court is not 10, but 12. Role - setter (“ligament”) or passer, diagonal, blocker, first and second pace forward, libero.

The main advantage compared to basketball is considered to be greater safety. After all, there is almost no physical contact between players separated by a net, as well as serious injuries. But to a greater extent there is combination and variability, which greatly develops the mind, creativity and the ability to think. The undoubted advantages include jumping ability, which lasts longer than in basketball, and reaction.

In addition, volleyball can be played at a fairly advanced age, even without practically moving around a small court. Here, compared to basketball, athleticism and outstanding muscles are not so necessary. Health benefits: strengthening muscles and ligaments, stretching and flexibility, improving vision and coordination.

The disadvantages are a large number of falls and frequent injuries to fingers and hands, as well as some uniformity and monotony of game movements. Spectators and television don’t really like the often drawn out time of matches.


All modern sports are quite good and useful not only for adults, but also for children. Both for the notorious form and for the content. The main thing is that you need to do them with a “cool” head, wisely, listening not only to the coach, but also to your own body. Don’t forget to also rest, recover and warm up properly. And when choosing, try to focus on your own interests and physical characteristics, on the presence of specialized sports schools and good coaches in your hometown.

Volleyball and basketball can rightfully be considered the most dynamic team sports. The scoring is rapid, the combinations are lightning fast, the reaction, the speed of thought - everything is at the highest level. In conditions where every action, every fraction of a second counts, the additional advantage of home court is far from being an extra factor for success. Let's see who this factor helped achieve the desired dominance on the world sports arena.

The most significant are the Olympics and World Championships. In the men's part of these tournaments, absolute superiority is on the side of the American professionals from Dream Team. But if the main games of the four-year period witnessed the victory of the US team twice (1984 - Los Angeles, 1996 - Atlanta), then out of the 5 titles of the strongest men's team on the planet, not a single one was won on their floor. The national teams of Argentina, Brazil and Yugoslavia were the best at home world championships, each throwing a party for their fans once.
Women from the USA are also in the running for leadership in the total number of triumphs at planetary championships with a solid advantage, but the curious fact is that none of them were held at home. Accordingly, they do not fall under our criteria. But the US women's team fits very well into the story of the Olympics, where the girls joined their male compatriots on the top step of the podium. Let us recall that American coined “gold” was issued in Los Angeles and Atlanta with an interval of 12 years.

In volleyball, in addition to the formats mentioned above, there are tournaments within the World League for men and the World Grand Prix for women. Let's go in descending order according to the degree of importance of the event and see what happened at the Olympics and whether there were home successes.
Men ended up being stingy with such exploits. In volleyball history, only two entries from this category have been preserved. They belong to the national teams of the USSR in 1980 and the USA, which took gold medals at the next games in the same “city”.
However, in terms of such achievements everything is still meager. But it is gratifying to note that here, too, the Soviets did not remain aloof from the “golden holiday” at the Moscow Olympics: +1. But the second case was recorded not in the USA, but in Japan, and even earlier than the national anthem was played in honor of the winners from the USSR - in 1964.
The same two teams appear in our encyclopedic section on the World Championships, only in reverse order. Soviet volleyball players turned out to be the strongest in 1952, while Asian athletes celebrated their victory 15 years later. Representatives of the USSR also distinguished themselves among men. In the same 1952, and also a decade later, the volleyball players of our country won the main awards of the world championships; the national teams of Czechoslovakia and Poland won another title each in front of their stands - in 1966 and 2014, respectively.

And finally, about tournaments with a commercial touch. The World League for men has existed since 1991, and the first two draws ended on the floor of the Italian team, which became the triumphant final matches. A year later, the Brazilians won at home, a year later Italian volleyball players again enjoyed similar success, and in 1996, athletes from the Netherlands completed the series of home victories. So far no one else has managed to win their Final Six.
As for the women's volleyball World Grand Prix, the phenomenon we studied had to wait until last year. For the first time, American girls celebrated their victory on home court. In the final round, they won all 5 matches, losing only 2 sets to their opponents. The support of the stands thus helped the US team to become the winner of the World Grand Prix for the 6th time.