Kapranova Olga Sergeevna: biography, career, personal life. Sports club "Olga Kapranova's School" The meaning of Olga's life

  • 17.05.2024

Olga Kapranova photography

- Yes. If I could go back a year, I would train differently. And then I was reluctant, because I was tired. She didn’t listen to coaches well and was picky. I thought there was no need to stay in the hall for a long time, I could do everything quickly and leave. But to do it right, you need to listen to the coaches. They told me: do this with a straight arm. I did it on a bent position. Because it was easier. Why didn’t you do everything right right away? Now I'm asking myself this question. It must have been difficult. Well, off we go. I thought that at the competition I would straighten my arm and everything would be fine. She straightened it and... dropped the clubs.

– Were you having a hard time?

– There was a thing... No one knew about what was going on in my soul, not even the person to whom I, let’s say, am not indifferent. But on the other hand, I recently read that there is no disappointment, there is only experience. I hope this lesson will serve me well. Thanks to the coaches for not abandoning me.

– You are called one of the most beautiful gymnasts of our time. Do you realize your uniqueness?

- Not good. Although Irina Aleksandrovna (Viner, head coach of the Russian national team - “NI”) often tells me about this. In the crowd, in ordinary life, people hardly understand that I have anything to do with a sport like rhythmic gymnastics. Everyone is surprised, but I, for example, feel quite awkward at discos...

– But do you know your strongest sides?

– For example, Alina Kabaeva can rotate a fouetté, keep her balance, and jump. My trump card is flexibility, and my weakest point is jumping.

Best of the day

– Until what age are you going to perform?

– I’m definitely not going to quit gymnastics before the Olympics in Beijing.

– What do you want most now, when the difficult time is hopefully behind you?

– Successfully combine sports with other aspects of life. Although sometimes I experience conflicting feelings. I come to the competition - it’s incredibly interesting. Adrenalin. But I find myself in a different atmosphere, and it draws me in.

– Personal experiences of athletes in sports close to art are only beneficial. Do you agree?

– When meaningfulness appears in the eyes, then girlish “kicking” really turns into art. When you try to express your state of mind with movement - pain or joy, then this is exactly what you get out of many, for example, ballerinas Galina Ulanova and Maya Plisetskaya. I also want people to cry, laugh and want to dance at my performances. Today - please, I will be like this, and tomorrow - I will be completely different.

– Doesn’t such close rivalry with Kabaeva and Vera Sesina bother you every day?

– On the contrary, Vera and I communicate very well.

– Can rivals be friends?

– My practice shows that they can. And let no one believe it. But outside of sports, for example, I don’t have girlfriends. And in general, when I was at school, I had no friends there. Because everyone thought I was very strange. Even the girls from the national team with whom I am friends still think so. We often spend weekends together, and so they, whom I consider my friends, tell me: “Ol, you are so strange. (Smiles.) If we knew you a little less, we wouldn’t communicate with you.”

– What interests you about studying at a social university, where you have studied for two years now?

– I like psychology more than other subjects. Most likely, I will defend my diploma in this specialty. At the same time, I decided to get a second education - I will study in absentia at the Lesgaft St. Petersburg University of Physical Education.

– With the knowledge of a psychologist, is it easier to survive in sports?

- Maybe. But for now I still rely more on the coach. Irina Aleksandrovna is both a psychologist and a trainer. All the gymnasts became self-sufficient next to her in every sense. And she literally reanimated me. She said: “Either leave and finish, or go forward. You are a five-time world champion. There must be self-love, Olya.” These words of hers, spoken a year ago, played a huge role in my life.

– What are you most afraid of? To fall ill with star fever again, not to live up to Wiener’s hopes, to lose again?..

– Lose the relationship. Because, in my opinion, apart from relationships between people, there are no other values ​​in the world.

Few Russian gymnasts can boast of a world champion title, and Olga Sergeevna Kapranova has won world competitions ten times. Since childhood, she went to different clubs, but a chance meeting led her to a rhythmic gymnastics studio. Now the gymnast is an Honored Master of Sports, a Judge of the international category, Olga Kapranova’s gymnastics school, where the athlete works as the head coach, trains a new generation of gymnasts.


Olga’s hometown is Moscow, where she was born on December 6, 1987. Dad Sergei Kapranov earned money by physical labor, mother was a chemist by training. Mom was closely involved in the development of her two daughters (elder sister Ekaterina). Olya was involved in swimming, but she was unable to win competitions. The girl was not accepted into the choreographic studio because the teachers did not like the girl’s physical characteristics. Ballroom dancing, music lessons - everything started with enthusiasm, but the passion quickly passed.

One day, two sisters, Olga and Ekaterina, were waiting with their mother for a bus at the bus stop. There was no transport, and the girls got carried away with various acrobatic exercises. A random passer-by, a young girl, noticed the young talents and suggested that her older sister, Katya, take up rhythmic gymnastics. It turned out to be Lena Nefedova, a gymnast and sports coach. Here again Olga was unlucky; she, the future champion, was simply ignored. But my mother set a condition: if the eldest daughter studies, then the youngest daughter should also attend a sports studio.

People start going to rhythmic gymnastics at four and even three years old. Olga’s seven-year age is generally considered unlucky for starting classes, since childhood plasticity is lost; sometimes coaches don’t even want to talk about starting a sports career at such a late age for gymnastics. Olga had a hard time - she was not thin, her stretch marks were not ideal. Ekaterina, who was more prepared thanks to better physical characteristics, did much better.

Her mother came to the aid of her youngest daughter - she helped do the splits, stretched the little athlete and soon surpassed her sister Katya in technique, who would also achieve considerable success - she would be a twice Russian champion and would work as a coach together with her younger sister.


In 2000, Irina Viner invited Olya to the Olympic training center. In 2002, Elena Nefedova passed the coaching baton to Vera Shatalina. The girl had a series of successes. She is part of the Russian team going to the world championship, which took place in 2003 in the capital of Hungary, Budapest, where she takes first place in the team.

In 2003, there were three stages of the World Cup - Baku (two bronze medals), Tashkent (three gold, one silver and one bronze medal) and Moscow (three bronze).

In 2005, Olya became the world champion in almost all disciplines at competitions that took place in the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku. At the Moscow European Championships she won one gold and two silver medals. Then there were two stages of the World Cup - Tashkent (one gold, one silver medal) and in Corbeil-Eson (bronze for the ribbon).

In 2006 there were also serious successes - a silver medal at the World Cup finals in the Japanese city of Mie, as well as two golds and two silvers - for participation in the O. Kostina memorial.

In 2007, the athlete received one gold, silver and bronze medal at the European Championships in Baku. Then there were the stages of the World Championship - the Greek Patras (three golds, silver, bronze), in Kyiv (gold, silver, bronze), in Ljubljana (silver and two bronzes), the Portimao stage (Portugal) brought a gold medal for hoop. Thanks to this set of victories, Olga is considered the best among Russian rhythmic gymnasts, and she is being prepared for the Beijing Olympics.

After the Olympics

The sports year began with the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. The games themselves were encouraging - Olga was considered the first in the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team, and was second in qualifying for the games. But these competitions are too competitive and unpredictable, since the athletes are ready to fight with all their might for victory. Unfortunately, there was no prize-winning place; Olga Kapranova was only fourth in the individual all-around. The fall behind third place was caused by failure in the most difficult discipline - exercises with clubs, where the gymnast must be a real juggler.

The athlete was so upset by the actual defeat in Beijing that she wanted to leave the sport. However, the coach of the Russian national team saw great potential in the athlete, considering Beijing an accident, which convinced her to continue performing, and gymnast Olga Kapranova was in the sport for almost another two years. Olga’s physical data in 2008 was height – 177 centimeters, weight – 57 kilograms.

In 2008 there were many successes - bronze at the Turin European Championship, many medals were brought by the Kiev, Maribor, Minsk, Portimao, Benidorm stages of the World Cup, and received a silver medal at the O. Kostina Memorial in Irkutsk.

The main event of 2009, the World Championships in the Japanese city of Ise (Mie Prefecture), was controversial - the individual disciplines went without awards, but she won gold in the team championship. The Baku European Championship also brought a gold medal. The World Cup stages took place in St. Petersburg, Kyiv, Maribor, Minsk, where there were prizes.

But it was felt that younger gymnasts were stepping on their heels, preventing them from reaching the highest steps of the podium. Only the World Cup stage in Maribor brought three gold medals; the main competitor, the new star Evgenia Kanaeva, did not come there. But still, there were a lot of medals, in 2009 the gymnast received about ten prizes, and the tenth World Champion medal.

In 2009, the gymnast stopped competing, but became a coach, first at training camps, then at her own sports school, where she works and runs together with her sister Ekaterina.

Work and personal life

Olga Kapranova's school first carried out its work in a sports club near Moscow. But two sisters, Olga Kapranova and Ekaterina Kapranova, were too successful and famous, and rhythmic gymnastics is too popular a sport, there is a great demand for it, so Moscow, Khimki, Odintsovo and Leningrad branches of the school were opened.

This is not just a private club, but professional studios where the trainers are athletes, choreographers, and teachers with significant experience and impressive success stories. Among the students there are already examples of champions of all-Russian and international scales. Children from three to ten years old are accepted, but there are also classes for adults who want to improve their skills and improve their physical abilities.

Personal life - Olga Kapranova, has not yet settled her family, she devotes all her energy to her young pupils, spends a lot of time managing her sports studios, and also takes part in training herself. She is also a graduate student majoring in psychology. He owns a Griffon dog, in general loves dogs very much, visits dog shelters, which he helps financially.

Lives in Zvenigorod, reads classics, embroiders, loves listening to music, riding horses, and cooking delicious food for his family. She devoted her childhood and youth to sports, now she wants to live a full and varied life, and she is doing this very well. Olga Kapranova has her own Instagram page, a VKontakte page and a VKontakte group dedicated to a sports club.

Olga was born in the Russian capital on December 6, 1987. She was the youngest in the family, the second daughter. The girls' mother was very closely involved in their development. Since childhood, Olya attended various clubs and sections. It was not possible to enter the choreographic studio - the teachers considered the girl’s physical characteristics not good enough for dancing. Swimming didn’t work out either - Olga didn’t even achieve slight success in this field. Music, ballet - a lot was tried, but nothing worked for the girl.

His Majesty Chance helped Olga get into the world of rhythmic gymnastics. It happened at a bus stop, where two girls, Katya and Olya Kapranov, who were bored while waiting for transport, were performing acrobatic acts. And a young woman, who turned out to be a sports coach, Elena Nefedova, passed by, and she was impressed by Ekaterina’s flexibility.

Moreover, Olga was almost left “overboard” again, since only her sister was invited to rhythmic gymnastics. But then the girls’ mother showed firmness, saying that either both daughters attend the sports studio, or both of them don’t study at all. The management made concessions, not even suspecting that Olya, with her rather mediocre physical characteristics, would become a celebrity who would shock the entire world of sports. Olga’s mother became her home, personal trainer, constantly working with the girl, motivating and supporting her. Ekaterina also achieved considerable success - she twice took the title of Russian champion.


In 2000, Olga Kapranova was invited to the Olympic training center, and in 2002, Nefedova was replaced as coach by the legendary Shatalina. In 2003, the girl took first place in the team competition at the world championship in Budapest.

And then began an amazing series of high-profile victories in the World Cup stages - two bronze medals in Baku, three gold, silver and bronze in Tashkent, three bronze in Moscow. Quite impressive successes, considering that the competition was international. And two years later, in 2005, Olga seriously improved her level and became the absolute world champion in almost all disciplines. In the future, her results only improved.

By the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Olga Sergeevna Kapranova was considered the best gymnast in Russia, but, as is usually the case with stars of this level, she was unable to perform in all the brilliance of her talent and took only fourth place in the all-around. She was so upset that she wanted to quit the sport completely. But her mother and coach convinced her to stay - failures happen, you need to move on. The girl stayed and made no mistake - over the next two years she took only gold and silver in many competitions. By the end of 2009, Olga, together with her sister Ekaterina, opened her own sports school in rhythmic gymnastics and left big-time sports.

Personal life

The Kapranovs' sports school has grown, becoming a real comprehensive center with many studios: choreographic, ballet, sports. World-famous teachers came here to teach. You can enroll in any studio of this school from the age of three; they also accept adults who want to gain sports skills, learn to dance, or try themselves in theater and ballet activities.

Olga lives in Zvenigorod, loves embroidering, reading and listening to the classics, and loves horse riding and cooking. The girl has not yet created her own family - she is too passionate about activities with her young students, and there is almost no time left for her personal life.

Ten-time World Champion, Honored Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics, International judge.

Higher education- Russian G State Social University, specialty"Special Psychology", University of Physical Education and Sports named after. Lesgafta, specialty"Rhythmic gymnastics coach", Moscow State University, bachelor's degree.

Member of the Council of Deputies of the city. Zvenigorod.

Head coach at the Sports Club "Olga Kapranova School"

Three-time Russian Champion, International Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics, International Judge

Education: higher - Russian State Social University, specialty "Management of Organizations", University of Physical Education and Sports named after. Lesgaft, specialty “Rhythmic gymnastics coach”.

General Director of the Sports Club "School of Olga Kapranova"

Graduate of the Moscow State Academy of Slavic Culture, department of choreography, Winner of the IV Festival of Contemporary Dance, Laureate of the First All-Russian Variety Artists Competition.

Choreographer of the Sports Club "Olga Kapranova School" since 2010. Works in the Petrovo-Dalneye department.

Master of Sports of the Soviet Union in rhythmic gymnastics, Student of the Honored Trainer of Russia Viner - Usmanova I.A.

Education: higher pedagogical education. Work experience: coach-choreographer of the Italian youth team (5 years), Olympic Training Center I. Viner - Usmanova (1 year). 1st category teacher

Coach of a group of gymnasts at the Sports Club "Olga Kapranova School" in Odintsovo since 2011, in the Tushino department since 2019.

Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics. Education: 2009-2013 - Uzbek State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports.
Trainer of the 1st category. Work experience: From 2007 to 2014, coach at the RSDYUSSHOR Academy (Republican Specialized Children and Youth Sports School of Olympic Reserve) in rhythmic gymnastics of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Elvira Nikolaevna’s pupil joined the Uzbekistan youth rhythmic gymnastics team.
In the Sports Club "Olga Kapranova School" she has been working with an older group in the Odintsovo, Petrovo-Dalneye branches since 2014, in the President branch since 2017.

Master of Sports of Russia in rhythmic gymnastics, bronze medalist of the International tournament in Spain, silver medalist of the international tournament in Italy (in the team event), winner of the All-Russian competitions, silver medalist of the Moscow Championship and the International tournament "Yoldyz" in group exercises.
Higher education. Russian State Social University, specialty physical education and sports management.
She has been working as a coach at the Sports Club "Olga Kapranova School" since 2014. Trainer of gymnast groups in the Odintsovo department.

Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics. Champion of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Graduate of the Uzbek State Institute of Physical Culture. Trainer of the 1st category. From 2005 to 2010, Anna Savova’s student fulfilled the CMS standard at the Republican Youth School of Higher Sports Skills. In 2010, she joined the RSDUSSHOR Academy (Republican Specialized Children and Youth Sports School Olympic reserve) as a coach of the Uzbekistan youth team in group exercises. She trained the team born in 1999. to participate in the Asian Junior Championships.

Master of Sports of Russia in rhythmic gymnastics. She was a member of the National Team of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and is the Champion of the Republic of Uzbekistan in certain types of all-around.

Education: higher education, specialty physical education (gymnastics) at the Uzbek State Institute of Physical Culture. She worked as a trainer and teacher at the Vympel Youth Sports School in the city of Kaluga.

Since 2015, he has been working at the Sports Club "Olga Kapranova School" as a coach in the Zvenigorod department.

Master of Sports of Russia in rhythmic gymnastics. Repeated winner of international rhythmic gymnastics tournaments.

Education: Velikoluksk State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports, majoring in rhythmic gymnastics. She worked as a rhythmic gymnastics coach at the Children's Youth Sports School of the Olympic Reserve.

Since 2015, she has been working as a group coach in the Zvenigorod branch of the Olga Kapranova School Sports Club.

Master of Sports of Russia in rhythmic gymnastics (2010), Prize-winner of the Moscow Championship in rhythmic gymnastics (2008-2009), Prize-winner of the Russian Championship in rhythmic gymnastics (2009), Prize-winner of the Russian University Championship in group exercises (2011 ).

Higher education. MSAFK full-time education 5 years, qualification: Specialist in physical culture and sports, specialization: Theory and methodology of the chosen sport (rhythmic gymnastics) 2015.

She has worked as a rhythmic gymnastics coach since 2011 at the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports in a group of gymnasts aged 4-9 years.

Since 2015, he has been working as a coach at the Sports Club "Olga Kapranova School" in Petrovo-Dalny with junior and senior groups and with group teams in the Zvenigorod branch.

Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics, Champion of the city of Ivanovo in the team competition, multiple winner and prize-winner of International and All-Russian competitions.

Experience as a coach - 4 years (trainings of ODSOO "Rus" in Crimea - stalls, choreography, apparatus and dances. Daria Olegovna's gymnasts participated in international tournaments: "Tournament for the prizes of Amina Zaripova" - 1st and 3rd places, competitions of ODSOO "Rus", “Young Gymnast”, “Avangard” “Yoldyz”, etc. Conducted annual training camps in Crimea.)

Since 2016, he has been working as a trainer at the Olga Kapranova School in the Petrovo-Dalneye department with two groups and in the Odintsovo department since 2018.

Education : higher - State educational institution of higher professional education, Ulyanovsk State University. Diploma with honors. Direction/specialty: folk art. Specialization: choreography.

Qualification: artistic director of a choreographic group. Teacher.

Since 2007, she worked as a choreographer at the Sports School for Rhythmic Gymnastics in Ulyanovsk; since 2009 - Physical education instructor, part-time choreographer at State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1378 in Moscow.

Since 2016, she has been working at the Sports Club “Olga Kapranova School” as a choreographer and dance teacher in the Zvenigorod department.

Education: incomplete higher education

Sports achievements: Master of Sports of Russia in rhythmic gymnastics

Work experience as a rhythmic gymnastics coach for 2 years.

Since 2015, she has worked at the Iskra Sports Club as an assistant rhythmic gymnastics coach.

Since 2017, he has been working as a coach at the Sports Club “Olga Kapranova School” in the Odintsovo branch.

Education: incomplete higher education Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism​, Faculty of Coaching

Sports achievements: Candidate for Master of Sports of Russia in rhythmic gymnastics, winner of international pop dance competitions (Rock and Roll direction).

Since 2017, she has been working as a choreography and pop dance teacher in Zvenigorod, at the Kavalergard sports complex and as a coach and dance lesson teacher at the Odintsovo branch of the Olga Kapranova School of Sports Club.

Candidate for Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics. Education: 2013 – 2017 - Kursk State University (Faculty of Physical Education and Sports) - teacher of physical education; 2017-2020 - NSU named after. Lesgafta (Faculty of Summer Olympic Sports, Department of Theory and Methodology of Gymnastics) - coach-teacher in rhythmic gymnastics. More than 4 years of experience working with children, category 2 judge.

Since 2017, she has worked as a coach at the Sports Club “Olga Kapranova’s School” in the Vsevolozhsk branch. Since 2018, she has been working as a coach at the Sports Club “Olga Kapranova School” in the Zvenigorod and Anosino branches with junior groups and a group team.

Master of Sports of Russia in rhythmic gymnastics (2010).


2010-2015 IME im. V.P. Goryachkin RGAU-MSHA named after. K.A. Timiryazev (former Moscow State Agrarian University named after V.P. Goryachkin), qualification: engineer (standardization and certification)

2011-2014 IME im. V.P. Goryachkin RGAU-MSHA named after. K.A. Timiryazev (formerly Moscow State Agrarian University named after V.P. Goryachkin). Language Training Center, qualification: translator in the field of professional communication (English)

2014-present Russian State Institute of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK). Direction of training: physical culture and sports, specialization: Theory and methodology of the chosen sport (rhythmic gymnastics)

5 years of experience as a rhythmic gymnastics coach

Since 2018, he has been working as a coach at the Sports Club "Olga Kapranova School" in the Northern Butovo branch.


Secondary specialized: St. Petersburg State University (college of physical education and sports, economics and technology). Faculty of Physical Education.

2016-present Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen: Department of Physical Education and Sports Work

Sports achievements: Candidate for Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics.

Work experience as a rhythmic gymnastics coach for 5 years.

Since 2018, she worked as a coach at the Sports Club “Olga Kapranova School” in the Northern Butovo branch.

Since 2019 he has been working as a coach at the Sports Club " School of Olga Kapranova" in the Odintsovo department with the younger group.

Education: incomplete higher education, Ulyanovsk State University, specialty physical education and sports.
Sports achievements: Candidate for Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics, participation in the international award of the year ulcityawards 2018, in the category athlete|coach of the year.
Qualification: work experience - 4 years as an assistant rhythmic gymnastics coach, choreographer at the Ulyanovsk Sports Club.
Since 2018, he has been working as a coach at the Sports Club "Olga Kapranova School" in the Odintsovo branch.